Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Prophecy: When the Gadites Rise the Goliaths Will Fall - Jennifer LeClaire

Let the lions roar!
Let the lions roar! (Flickr )
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
"When the Gadites rise the Goliaths will fall." I heard the Holy Spirit speak those words Tuesday night after I hung up from our Appeal to Heaven prayer call.
We're praying out the prophecies over the nation and we were praying out a prophetic word Tim Sheets released, part of which read: "As Esther, they will rewrite them by My statutes. Governors of the culture will now come forth. Remnant warriors will now emerge who have the heart of David, the wisdom of Solomon and the tenacity of Paul."
While I was praying through that part of the prophecy, the Holy Spirit started showing me the Gadites. I began to pray for the mighty warring Gadites to rise and take out the Goliaths. Again, when I hung up I heard the Holy Spirit say, "When the Gadites rise the Goliaths will fall."
Who Are the Gadites?
The Gadites came from the tribe of Dan. Gad was the seventh son of Jacob. His name means "troop." The Bible describes the Gadites as "men able to bear shield and sword, to shoot with a bow, and who were skillful in battle, who went to war" (1 Chr. 5:18). When Jacob blessed his 12 sons before he died, he prophesied, "Gad—a raiding troop shall raid him, but he shall raid at their heels and assault them [victoriously] (Gen. 49:19, AMP). In other words, it looked like Gad had lost the fight but he made a comeback. Isn't that what it looks like in America even now?
We find another mention of the Gadites in 1 Chronicles 12:7-9: "From the Gadites mighty men of valor, men of the war battalion, who could handle shield and sword, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and who were as swift as the gazelles on the mountains, separated themselves for David in the stronghold in the wilderness" (MEV). Remember, it was the Gadites who stood on the side of righteousness with David amid Absalom's great rebellion. It's the Gadites that will stand strong amid the Great Falling Away we're seeing in the church even now.
Matthew Henry's Commentary describes the Gadites this way: "They were able-bodied men, men of incredible swiftness, not to fly from, but to fly upon, the enemy, and to pursue the scattered forces. In this they were as swift as the roes upon the mountains, so that no man could escape from them; and yet they had faces like the faces of lions, so that no man could out-fight them. They were disciplined men, trained up to military exercises; they could handle shield and buckler, use both offensive and defensive weapons ... They were daring men, that could break through the greatest difficulties. What enemies those were that they met with in the valleys, when they had passed Jordan, does not appear; but they put them to flight with their lion-like faces, and pursued them with matchless fury ..."

Goliath Must Fall

The Gadites had faces like lions. I like that. It means the fierceness and boldness showed on their faces, intimidating their enemies. Proverbs 28:1 says, "The wicked flee when no man pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion."
How bold is a lion? They aren't called the king of the jungle for nothing. The Bible calls the lion "strongest among beasts" (see Prov. 30:29-30). Amos asked, "The lion has roared; who will not fear?" (Amos 3:8) You can hear a lion roar from miles and miles away. And Peter warns us to, "Be sober and watchful, because your adversary the devil walks around as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). Of course, Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (see Rev. 5:5).
Goliath, on the other hand, was just an uncircumcised Philistine. Unlike the Gadites, Goliath was not in covenant with God. Goliath could not claim the promises of God. Goliath may look big—and he is—but he is no match for the Gadites. In your life and in this nation, Goliaths have risen up to war against us. But take heart. When the Gadites rise, the Goliaths will fall. Rise up now, bold as a lion, and decree and declare your victory over Goliath. Stand for truth amid the rebellion! It's time to roar! Decree and declare that the Goliaths attacking this nation will fall, in Jesus' name!
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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With Repulsive Planned Parenthood Revelations, Can We Defund the Abortion Industry Now?

With Repulsive Planned Parenthood Revelations, Can We Defund the Abortion Industry Now?

The time has come to defund Planned Parenthood.
The time has come to defund Planned Parenthood. (Flickr)
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Many pro-life advocates saw last week's abortion industry scandal involving a top Planned Parenthood official who was recorded casually talking over dinner about the sale of unborn babies' body parts as a chance to expose the gruesome business of abortion.
Among them was GOP Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, who told Breitbart News that, if elected, he would vow to defund the abortion giant, stating, "Planned Parenthood has proven to be a repulsive, revolting, stomach-churning enterprise that should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Destroying innocent human life and harvesting human organs is beyond barbaric—it is unimaginably immoral, grotesque, and evil."
Southern Evangelical Seminary (SES) President Dr. Richard Land says the outrage is warranted, since for far too long—Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand 42 years ago—Americans have turned a blind eye to the sickening underbelly of abortion that steals so much from American families. The video, he says, and its disgustingly matter-of-fact language, graphically illustrates that abortion providers have a low regard for human life as they so casually talk about the crushing of tiny hearts and lungs.   
"One more year cannot pass when we sit by as a nation and wait for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade," Land said. "Nearly sixty million babies aborted—never to live up to their full, God-given potential—is a shameful page in our history. While the pro-life movement is making great strides and tireless work is being done, Americans must become more passionate about this shameful and guilty mark on our landscape. This repulsive video exposing the evils of abortion giant Planned Parenthood might just be the catalyst this country needs. Will this be the year we finally secure the legal protections of humanity and citizenship for our unborn citizens?"
Over recent years, more Americans have been forced into conversations about the evils of abortion, Land added, especially with the much-publicized charges against, and subsequent 2013 guilty verdict of, abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell and his "House of Horrors" in the Philadelphia area.
"Both the blood curdling stories of Dr. Gosnell's 'House of Horrors' abortion clinic and the casual, emotionless tone used by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, then Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, illustrate the extent to which wholesale abortion on demand is desensitizing our whole society concerning the sacredness of every human life, from conception to natural death and at all points in between."
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By His Stripes We Are Healed - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Click above on "Display Images below" to see photos                     July, 2015

Medabrim LogoPlease click above to view the newest video from the Yeshua Project.  The L-rd is truly moving in our midst and although "we all like sheep have gone astray and each of us has turned to his own way," we, the Jewish people, at last, are turning to our Messiah!

Two days ago we posted a similar video in Hebrew on Facebook.  In less than a day we had more than 15,000 Israelis viewing the videos.  We're up to 35,000 views at the time of this writing.  It's a new day in Israel!
Please join us in getting the word out to Israelis.  We have found that for every $100 dollars we spend on advertising in social media (Facebook, Youtube, etc.) another 530 Israelis will click on the videos and view them.  Thank you for your love, prayers and support!
כלנו כצאן תעינו איש לדרכו פנינו ויהוה הפגיע בו את עון כלנו
Eiffel TowerPraise the L-rd for the approximately 80 French speaking fishermen who agreed to share our "Supernatural or Just Remarkable" booklets and Aliyah flyers with French Jews.  Some of these precious believers had never heard of Aliyah before so it was truly awesome to see them catch the vision and say "Now we understand and we want to help!"  

Floor etchingWe went to the streets again and spoke with many French Jews about Aliyah.  Unlike our winter visit to Paris, the hearts of the Jewish people were not so open.  Many knew that they should make Aliyah but it's been so quiet lately so perhaps it will be ok. When we saw this nazi sign etched in the floor of the building we stayed in, we knew that things were not so quiet and ok...

Hyper Cacher MarketAt the Hyper Cacher Supermarket where the massacre occurred this past January, we were able to encourage many Jews to come home.  The owner, who already made Aliyah, welcomed us with much enthusiasm!

St Louis wedding 1What a joy to sing at a Jewish wedding and then share Messiah with the beautiful bride!  We've already seen the fruit of this journey in that one dear French family whom we stayed with has already returned to Israel to seek housing and work...   
Testimonies from French fishermen:
"In Paris we've given out the brochures among Jewish people and we'll need more for sure!  We already had good contacts and we were surprised to hear that many are thinking about Aliyah!"

"One day in Strasbourg I took my bicycle and placed your brochures in mailboxes where plates on doors had Jewish names; in total about 50 were distributed that day - Hallelujah!"

It's so clear with all that's happening in the world now that time is short.  And while we could certainly complain about how the enemy is working over-time to destroy the sanctity of marriage and bring about the Iranian deception, we choose instead to focus on sharing the only Good News there is - Yeshua is L-rd!  May He give all of us more and more divine appointments to share His love with precious souls who are in desperate need of His salvation!

Speaking of divine appointments, we had many, praise G-d!  While hiking in the Alps, a woman from China joined us.  A few years ago when she viewed the Jesus film, she wept but no one was there to tell her more.  She came very close to receiving Yeshua so we challenged her to ask the L-rd to reveal Himself to her, which she agreed to do.  *  At the Louvre Art Museum, we shared with a Jewish lawyer from New York City.  *  A young Korean couple who are searching for truth but not religion, repeatedly remarked that they were drawn to what we were saying about Yeshua.  Again we asked them to ask Yeshua to reveal Himself and they agreed.
We're planning a journey along Gulf Coast states this November so thank you for prayerfully considering us coming to minister in worship, Word and testimonies. We'd love to hear from you soon and hopefully see many of you then!
It's great to be home!

Since returning home, we continue to see divine favor and open hearts.  We met two Israeli campers and when I shared that I'm a Messianic Jew, one young man asked, "Is there another Messiah coming after Yeshua?"  I answered, "There's only one Messiah and Yeshua is the one who will return."  So he asked if Yeshua is our Redeemer and I replied yes.  Later I brought a booklet and CD to the camp site.  When the first young man showed the booklet to some other campers, they excitedly exclaimed that they were speaking about this very subject all day so they were grateful to receive the booklet and hear the CD - Hallelujah!
LSE Asian group

Come to our home in the beautiful Galilee for worship, Israeli folk dancing and hear how the L-rd is moving in Israel today.  Enjoy dinner from our balcony with its beautiful view of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), Golan and Jordan Valley!
Worship CD's from Israel with songs in Hebrew, English and some German and Spanish!
 Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover
We are so grateful for your love, prayers and support as we reach the lost with the love of our Messiah!  Please keep our sons and their wives in prayer as they also share Messiah.  And since the attacks have been heavy lately, thank you for praying for the restoration of our three prodigal daughters.   
Todah rabah - thank you so much!

RH CH VeniceBlessings in Yeshua's love,  
Richard & Carolyn Hyde

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Israel:  PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220
USA:  PO Box 461546 * San Antonio, TX  78246
Canada: FIRST CENTURY FOUNDATIONS  Canadian charitable tax # 10780-1771-RR0001Box 234 * Milton, ON * L9T 4N9 * Canada 1-877-628-2800  www.firstcenturyfoundations.com
Germany: Hilfswerk für Israel e. V. Nehren
Stuttgarter Straße 57  * 71735 Eberdingen
Volksbank Mössingen  *  BLZ 641 619 56  *  Konto-Nummer 31 089 003
Switzerland:  Migros Bank Riehen
Account #507.423.61 * IBAN CH87 0840 1000 0507 4236 1
Clearing # 8401 * SWIFT * BIC MIGRCHZZ80A * Account Owner: Ingrid Mueller

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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 

Catholic Professor: Time's Ripe for a Prolife Deal

Catholic Professor: Time's Ripe for a Prolife Deal

The Senate is likely to take up a bill in September that would ban most abortions of unborn babies 20 weeks or older, according to The Washington Examiner. A full Senate vote would likely come in October.
The news comes amid growing outrage over a video showing a Planned Parenhood executive shopping aborted baby parts.
"America should not be giving one penny to an organization that trafficks in baby parts," Rev. Pat Mahoney, with the Christian Defense Coalition, said.
"Planned Parenthood's practice of brutally dismembering young and defenseless human beings is outrageous and atrocious enough. And these new revelations seal the deal," James Conrad, with Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, said.
So where do most Americans stand when it comes to abortion?
CBN's Paul Strand recently spoke with Charles Camosy, a Catholic professor who says that most people dislike abortions - but few want them all banned. He believes this fact could mean there are new chances to work out real compromise that could lead to fewer abortions.

Watch: Catholic Professor Interview on CBN News

Fmr Israeli Envoy's Candid Book Ruffles US Feathers - Michael Oren

Fmr Israeli Envoy's Candid Book Ruffles US Feathers

WASHINGTON -- Over the past six years, as the relationship between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu deteriorated, former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren wrote a book that has some in the Obama administration crying foul.
Entitled, Ally: My Journey across the American-Israeli Divide, the book provides an insider's look into the relationship between the two allies.
"On one hand, the relationship has never been better," Oren told CBN News. "Support for Israel in this country is at an all-time high."
"We have a certain difficult and complex relationship with this administration because the president had a worldview, the worldview included very open support for the Palestinian cause, an open attempt to reconcile with Iran, and Iran wants to destroy us so there's already a problem," he explained.
'It's a Bad Deal'
The book's release coincided with U.S.-led negotiations on Iran's nuclear weapons program and what many believe is its goal to build a nuclear bomb.
"The deal on the table now, which enables Iran to keep all of its nuclear infrastructure, its centrifuges, its facilities, that doesn't include research and development, they could make more advanced machinery that would enrich uranium even faster," Oren said. "It doesn't include the missiles; it's not linked to Iran's behavior. Iran is the world's largest sponsor of state terrorism."
"If the agreement is not attached or linked in any way to a change in Iran's behavior, then it's a bad deal and it endangers my country," he continued. "But beyond that it will endanger America and people have to internalize that."
"But understand, they have missiles, and those missiles will be able to reach this studio in a matter of years," Oren warned. "And those missiles have one purpose and one purpose only and that is to carry a nuclear warhead."   
Many wonder whether the damage wrought U.S.-Israeli relations be repaired.
"One of the most cardinal things that we can do is restore these two principles that are called "no daylight" and "no surprises," Oren told CBN News. "No daylight means we can disagree on all sorts of things -- and two countries, even allies, will disagree."
"But it's very important that we don't have our disagreements out in front of the world because our enemies, our common enemies, will interpret that as weakness and they'll use it against us," he said.
Oren is now serving as a member of the Israeli Knesset, where to process of legislating is markedly different than in the U.S.
"We have a different political culture in the Knesset. We yell and scream, something you'd never think of doing in Congress," he explained. "People don't curse one another, but I think if the seats weren't screwed down people would be throwing them."
"All this is happening a two-hour drive from ISIS, the distance between where we are sitting and Philadelphia," Oren noted. "And the other extraordinary thing is I'm probably the only person in the room that thinks this is extraordinary because everyone thinks it's the most normal thing in the world."
Oren's Greatest Accomplishment
Oren says his greatest accomplishment, his greatest joy, is having Israeli grandchildren.
"I just think that I'm the luckiest man going to be alive in history at this moment," he told CBN News. "And to come to this country, Israel, and to start with nothing - I came with a backpack."
"And back then it was, 40 years ago, it was like the Wild West and to build a family and to look at these two Israeli grandchildren, it's my greatest accomplishment in life," he concluded.