Tuesday, November 3, 2015

One Unadulterated Report - Tsvi Sadan, ISRAEL TODAY

One Unadulterated Report

Tuesday, November 03, 2015 |  Tsvi Sadan

Any professional report on the present manifestation of the Palestinian jihad is heard or seen only after editorial work that in many cases seriously distorts reality. 
At times this is simply a result of sloppy journalism. Most common, however, are reports deliberately slanted to serve political agendas. In either case, the result is a product that should be treated with a healthy measure of suspicion.
Amateur reports from those actually experiencing the violence demonstrate the stark difference between the real and the imagined. A Facebook report written on October 27 by Eyal Eshkol, a reserve IDF soldier, could serve as a showcase for this situation. 
The following is an excerpt of Eshkol's report that, clumsy as it may be, vividly conveys a sense of actual reality, rather than the synthetic "reality" produced by agenda-driven reports.
"The last mission for this morning was allowing Palestinian workers to enter their olive groves … in return not one but two explosive devices made from big propane gas tanks were waiting for us … Understand what this means – the terrorists who placed these explosive devices knew very well that we will not open the gate … they knew there is a big chance that someone from their village might trigger it unintentionally … thus ruining the olive harvest for dozens of their compatriots. You ask what one is doing about it? Are you assuming we told them they were screwed and should go home? No – we allowed them, their equipment and their children to pass through another gate."
"The situation is pretty shitty. Really. And may get worse before getting any better. Listen carefully to what I am telling you: the reserve soldiers that are taking care of you are giving their soul, but the true heroes are the army and Border Patrol soldiers constantly in danger, working around the clock, guys who are getting stabbed while helping a terrorist only to go on fighting without anyone knowing about it. And in the midst of all of that I am trying to rescue two horses held in abhorring conditions in Abu Tor [southeast Jerusalem]."
With this description of what's really going on, the writer remarks how proud he is to have the privilege of serving at such a time, of ensuring that Israelis are in good hands. He concludes with a call to show love for our soldiers who are keeping us safe. This kind of report and attitude, as the writer himself is well aware, is not heard on Israeli news channels, let alone foreign ones.
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What You Need to Know About Media Bias and Isaiah's Prophecies - LARRY TOMCZAK CHARISMA NEWS

Republicans called out the media bias during the CBNC debate.

Republicans called out the media bias during the CBNC debate. (Reuters)

What You Need to Know About Media Bias and Isaiah's Prophecies

A "Cruz" missile exploded at last week's Republican debate on CNBC's most-watched program in 30 years. While maintaining a right spirit, may all of us follow the example of Senator Ted Cruz who reached the tipping point and decided to speak out regarding ongoing and escalating media bias towards conservatives and traditional values.
In case you missed it, let me replay what occurred as incompetent and mean-spirited moderators displayed their arrogance and received the pushback and humiliation they richly deserved. May this episode be a "first shot over the bow" in exposing what is so obvious to many of us and yet masses remain ignorant of how pervasive this unfairness is in the media today.
Our unashamedly born-again brother said the following: "The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media. This is not a cage match. And if you look at the questions—'Donald Trump are you a comic book villain?' 'Ben Carson, can you do math?' 'John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?' 'Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?' 'Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?' How about talking about the substantive issues that people care about? The contrast is with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, 'Which of you is more handsome and wise?' Let me be clear: The men and women on the stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate!"
His words emboldened the other candidates who also spoke up when they had their turn.
Rubio addressed ever-present media bias. Governor Christie called out the moderators for raising a stupid question about fantasy football ... "Wait a second, we have $19 trillion in debt, people out of work, we have ISIS and al Qaida attacking us and we're talking about fantasy football? Can we stop?!"
A reporter for USA TODAY, Rem Rieder, stated afterwords GOP accusations that "the media is deeply infected with liberal bias" and "often the attacks on the media are nonsense." Yet this time things were so blatant even he admitted there's truth to the claim.
May God use this experience to awaken scores to mainstream media's meanness and manipulation today. Last week's debate simply validated this fact as the clever moderators fired questions which were condescending, cruel and contentious. With a few exceptions, we no longer have historic, objective journalism in America. It's gone!
Journalism's icon, Ted Koppel, who was anchor of Nightline for decades stated recently in TIME Magazine we've entered a different era. In the interview he expressed that we are seeing "the end of neutral news."
He was asked, "Could a show like the old Nightline exist today?"  "Apparently not" he responded.
CBS legendary anchorman, Dan Rather, has a movie in theaters presently titled Truth dealing with an episode in his past journalistic career. Let's face the fact that we are now living in a time prophesied in Isaiah 59:14, "So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, and honesty cannot enter."
Understanding How We Arrived Here
The Bible teaches us in 1 John 5:19 that Satan illegally controls this present world and rules this kingdom of darkness. For hundreds of years, our beloved nation enjoyed a blessed reprieve from many aspects of Satan's reign because of the prevailing influence of the gospel and our Judeo-Christian foundations.
In the past few decades America has drifted rapidly away from our heritage as a predominantly Christian nation. While millions of us authentic Christians do our best to be salt and light and serve as a bulwark against the flood tide of evil, we are unfortunately losing ground. We pray and fast and believe for another spiritual awakening that can turn the tide but the meltdown continues.
The "prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience" (Eph. 2:1-2), exerts real diabolical power through the airways. Since Jesus labeled Satan a "liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44), those who are not under the loving Lordship of Jesus Christ are being influenced to do his bidding. Therefore, lies and deception permeate our culture in alarming ways with political leaders and personnel in media advancing his diabolical schemes.
Liberal ideas and anti-biblical values are increasingly dominant in our society. Why? Those who carry strong influence in our culture are those in academia, Hollywood and the media (Taylor Swift alone has over 50 million followers on Instagram!) Studies prove that these three spheres of influence are dominated by liberals.
  • Voting records reveal those in the media are overwhelmingly liberal.
  • Research concerning those in newspapers and print media reveals almost 9000 donors identify as "liberal" while 1750 donors "conservative."
  • Over 80 percent of educators in our top colleges and universities identify themselves as liberals or progressives. This is what it means to be "cool" or "hip" as a modern-day, politically correct professor. 
  • The vast overwhelming number of celebrities in Hollywood and pop culture are clearly not conservative Bible-believing Christians. It's considered a "kiss of death" to come out as a conservative Christian living for Jesus Christ in Hollywood (although we thank God for those few who do!).
The primary reason behind the explosion of conservative talk radio is people became increasingly frustrated and fed up with the liberal bias in the media and an alternative was found. Thirty years ago there were approximately 125 talk radio programs, almost all of them conservative-based. Currently there are over 2000 talk radio programs in America and the overwhelming majority are conservative in content.
Current Examples of Blatant Media Bias
Here's the deal: We cannot live in denial regarding the critical condition of American journalism today. Fairness and objectivity are basically gone. There is a pretense of journalism presented amidst the liberal monopoly on the media. The vast majority of the media today contorts, conceals and counterfeits the truth. Partisan politics rules the day and we have to be discerning while looking for alternatives that bring forth a measure of truth.
Besides the recent Republican debate, how many of us have lamented the fact that President Obama and Hillary Clinton seem to get a pass or positive spin from the media no matter what they do?
Watching the recent Senate hearings on Benghazi with Hillary Clinton left many people's heads spinning after reading news reports the next day. Actual evidence exposing lies, gross negligence and incompetence was twisted by the majority of the media to convey a triumphant performance by Mrs. Clinton!
Likewise, her recent debate performance was hailed as "brilliant!"
Imagine what would have happened if they'd asked her tough questions:
  • Mrs. Clinton you told your family and the Libyan president that this was a terrorist attack and yet you conveyed to everyone else that it was some type of spontaneous video protest. Four patriotic Americans lost their lives even as they begged repeatedly for help. Are you lying about this?
  • How about the Clinton foundation and your megamillion book advance and all the money you raked in, yet you told people you left the White House almost broke?
  • When you repeatedly speak of a "war on women," what about the multiple women with whom your husband was sexually immoral and you led the charge to destroy them and their reputations? How about the lives of unborn women and recent Planned Parenthood harvesting of their body parts?"
Ain't gonna' happen!
My favorite columnist, Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal said, "A generation ago, a person so encrusted in a reputation for scandal would not be considered a possible presidential contender. She would be ineligible ... Now she is inevitable!"
The other female running for president is conservative Carly Fiorina who basically gets a hit job in TIME Magazine. Next to a very unflattering picture is an article beginning with someone angrily yelling, "Stop spreading falsehoods!" two times. When referring to her expose' of Planned Parenthood, the article talks of regulars at her events carrying banners saying "CarLIE FIBorina!"  
Additional quotes are: "She's not running on the truth" and "In the face of overwhelming evidence that her public statements are not accurate ..."  
Fair and balanced, huh?
Where is the media coverage when Senator Harry Reid lied unashamedly stating that Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. Later he dismissed it nonchalantly as no big deal. Or how about last week when a CNN commentator, Sally Kohn, tried to push gun control by saying that "10,000 kids are killed by guns every year." The truth is that in 2014, 1,085 under 18 lost their lives (many were crime-related).
The mainstream media's meanness and manipulation has tried in the past to destroy the reputations of patriotic Americans like Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney and others.
Now it targets primarily the current crop of Republican contenders for the presidency. Did you read USA TODAY this past Saturday and its three-quarter page expose' of Republican candidates Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and others in a strained attempt to find something erroneous in what they supposedly said?
Why is it that so many people today are looking to "outsider" candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson?
I am persuaded that individuals are desperate for the truth and these individuals are viewed as giving it to us unvarnished and straight from the hip. Whether it's the economy or immigration or ISIS or whatever the issue, scores of Americans are sick and tired of political correctness and manipulation by politicians and the press.
May patriotic Americans in increasing numbers follow the bold action of Senator Ted Cruz in refusing manipulation and capitulation to the biased media in our generation. Thank God for those faithful, conservative talk show hosts; the men and women of integrity behind the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal; and, many of the brave Fox news commentators living morally and heralding the truth.
Harvard University, founded in 1692 to train ministers to proclaim the truth of God's Word, had this motto on its original seal, "Truth for Christ and the Church." May God help us to reclaim this motto in our day as His ambassadors as we pray and work towards another spiritual awakening to transform our land. 

Larry Tomczak is a best-selling author of eight books with 43 years of trusted ministry experience. He is a cultural commentator whose weekly articles appear on sites reaching 26 million monthly. He is a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. Connect and view short video commentaries at larrytomczak.com.
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Jonathan Cahn: We Don't Understand What God Does at All Times - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Jonathan Cahn: We Don't Understand What God Does at All Times


Believers don't always understand why God is following a certain course or asking us for a specific task, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn says.  
We need to trust God, despite what appearances lead us to believe. Take, for example, Abraham.  
God asked him to give up his son, and Abraham agreed. The father of Israel could have refused.  
"But he trusted," Cahn says. "And once he did, (God) said, 'No, Abraham, that was just a test. That's not what I wanted, I wanted to see your heart, I wanted to see you stand." 
Watch the video above to see how we can apply it to our lives. 
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!

Evangelical Christian tour groups keep coming to Israel - Joel Rosenberg

Some of The Joshua Fund tour group on the Golan Heights, visiting the Syrian-Israeli border.

Some of The Joshua Fund tour group on the Golan Heights, visiting the Syrian-Israeli border.

Evangelical Christian tour groups keep coming to Israel, despite new wave of terrorism. Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg  Nov. 3, 2015
(Jerusalem, Israel) -- It's been a very challenging Fall here. We're experiencing a wave of terrorism that's been encouraged and incited by Palestinian leaders. It's making big headlines and raising concerns that a "Third Intifada" may be erupting.
Since then, at least 153 Israelis have been wounded, and 11 Israelis have been killed.
Yet, remarkably, Evangelical Christians from all over the world are continuing to come to tour the country and bless Israel, and for this I am deeply grateful.
  • Nearly 200 Evangelicals just spent nearly two weeks here in the Land with The Joshua Fund on our "Prayer & Vision Tour," and we only had a handful of cancellations, despite the violence. [Please scroll through our "Epicenter Team" page on Facebook or through my Twitter account over the past two weeks to see lots of pictures from our tour.]
  • Nearly 150 Evangelicals are here right now with Tony Perkins and Gen. Jerry Boykin on the Family Research Council's first-ever tour of Israel. Indeed, I've had the joy of spending the last several days touring with them, addressing these folks on the Southern Steps of the Temple Mount and on the Mount of Olives, and answering their many questions.
  • Today and tomorrow, Tony and I will join Dr. Jerry Johnson, president of NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) and a group of high-ranking Israeli and European government and business leaders for the Jerusalem Leaders Summit.
It's been enormously encouraging to the Israeli people, the tourism industry, and government leaders to see Christians continuing to come to show our love and solidarity. As the world increasingly turns against Israel at the U.N. and in other international forums, Israelis often feel very much alone. But the steadfast love of Bible-believing Christians is very moving and unexpected here. Especially now.
Thank you -- all of you -- for your faithful prayers for restored calm and security. Please keep praying.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • Pray for the Lord to comfort and heal all those who have been wounded.
  • Pray for what the Bible calls "peace that passes all comprehension" for the families and friends of those who have been killed.
  • Pray for the Lord to comfort and heal the deep emotional wounds of Palestinian families whose loved ones have turned into terrorists have been captured or killed as they have attacked Israeli citizens.
  • Pray for security forces to have favor and success in stopping terror attacks and restoring the rule of law. The good news is that Israeli security forces have learned over the years how to stop terrorist suicide bombing attacks. They have also created the Iron Dome system to neutralize the impact of rocket attacks by Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza. The bad news is that the terrorists have resorted to using kitchen knives, meat cleavers, broken bottles and cars to attack Israeli civilians, police officers and border guards.
  • Pray that the Lord restrains those who want to do evil, thwarts their plots, and brings them to justice -- and that the Lord would dramatically change the hearts of Palestinian leaders who are inciting young people to attack and kill Jews.
  • Pray for wisdom for Israeli leaders to know exactly how to handle the situation, while also showing compassion towards Israeli Arabs who are citizens of the Jewish State, and compassion on Palestinian Arabs who are not terrorists and are suffering even further because of the actions of evil doers.
  • Pray that the Lord would knit together the hearts of Jewish and Arab followers of Jesus Christ, that we would not let the current violence and tensions divide us, but rather unite us in love, in prayer for the nation and region, and in humble service towards one another.
  • Pray above all that the Holy Spirit would dramatically and supernaturally open the eyes of the lost and the spiritually blind to the truth that Jesus is the Christ foretold in the ancient Biblical prophecies and that only by faith in His death and resurrection can any of us have true divine forgiveness of our sins, peace with God, and hope in this increasingly dark world.
In the days ahead, I hope to share with you more about the Joshua Fund tour. It was a very special time of Bible teaching, prayer, worship, caring for the poor, meeting with Jewish and Arab pastors and ministry leaders, and seeing amazing Biblical sites.
In the days ahead, I also plan to share with you more about the roots of the current violence, about the rumors sweeping through the Palestinian community that Israel is about to destroy the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the Third Temple, and the pattern of incitement to violence that we are seeing among far too many Palestinian political and religious leaders.
But for now, I just want to reiterate my heartfelt thanks to all the Christians who are continuing to come to Israel to show the Lord Jesus' love for Jews and Arabs, thank Christians around the world who are praying for us here, and to ask you all to keep praying. That's the most important thing you can do, and Lord knows we need your prayers as much as we ever did. It's not just a physical war underway in this region, it's a white-hot spiritual war, as well. So thank you, and God bless you.
joelcrosenberg | November 3, 2015 at 11:03 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/piWZ7-3nK

VIDEO: Do You Support Israel? - ISRAEL TODAY

VIDEO: Do You Support Israel?

Tuesday, November 03, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Hananya Naftali, a Messianic Jewish soldier serving in the IDF, has put out another YouTube video featuring Christians from around the world who proudly support Israel.
In the opening of the video (below) Naftali notes that while most people in the world hate Israel, the vast majority of them never even visited the Jewish state before forming their hostile opinion.
Instead, far too many people have allowed a biased media to wholly turn them against Israel, and that goes for a large percentage of Christians, too.
In an effort to counter this, and to bring some much needed encouragement to fellow Israelis, Naftali asked his own YouTube viewers to send in short clips saying who they are, where they’re from, and why they love and support Israel.
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Jim Bakker Show: Rediscovered Prophecies with John Shorey

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British Actress Helen Mirren: The best thing about Israel is Israelis

British Actress: The best thing about Israel is Israelis

AP photo
JERUSALEM, Israel -- British actress Helen Mirren warmed the hearts of many at the 29th Israel Film Festival in Los Angeles when she said the best thing about Israel is Israelis.
The 70-year-old award-winning actress received IFF’s Career Achievement Award while American screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, 54, received the Film and Television Achievement Award.
Mirren said a visit to Israel early in her career was “one of the building blocks that have made me into the actress that I am, doing the kind of work I do, that I seek to do and the way in which I seek to do it.”
“Likewise, I was thinking about the building blocks that made Israel the great country that it is and the courage and the commitment of those early people working on the kibbutz that I was lucky enough in those days to meet and work alongside briefly,” Mirren said.
“I love Israel. I think it’s a great, great country,” she continued. “I think that through all the difficulties and all the pain that Israel has suffered in the past and will in the future, the great thing that Israel has is Israelis, and they will guide it through.”
Among her many accomplishments, Mirren won best actress at the 2007 Academy Awards for her performance as Queen Elizabeth.
Sorkin, 54, has also enjoyed many successes as a Hollywood screenwriter. He’s been nominated at this year’s Academy Award for the screenplay for “Steve Jobs.”
“It couldn’t be more important to support Israel,” Sorkin said at the ceremonies.

It's Your Awakening: How Revival Depends on You - Paul Strand, CBN News

It's Your Awakening: How Revival Depends on You

CBN News  Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Paul Strand

CBN News Washington Sr. Correspondent
As senior correspondent in CBN's Washington, D.C., bureau, Paul Strand has covered a variety of political and social issues, with an emphasis on defense, justice, and Congress.  Follow Paul on Twitter @PaulStrandCBN and "like" him atFacebook.com/PaulStrandCBN.
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. -- God's shown up during powerful spiritual awakenings in America's past centuries. Many believe without another such awakening, the country could slide into a long, dark decline. But Christians who want a national revival have to realize they have a part to play first.
Christian leaders and authors who've been speaking and writing about a possible Third Great Awakening say it can't happen till believers one by one get desperate, get praying and get their own hearts revived first.
Charisma Magazine Senior Editor Jennifer LeClaire writes about all this in her book, The Next Great Move of God.
"Will we use our faith? Will we pray? What will we do? I believe God is watching and I think the decisions we are making in this period are just vital," LeClaire told CBN News.
It's not something she just writes about, but actively pursues.  She joins with a number of other Christians eager for revival in a Pompano Beach, Florida, prayer room several times a week.
Time to Get Desperate
LeClaire said she's certain God wants to move, but says, "We know that He's waiting on His people who are called by His name to humble themselves, repent, turn from their wicked ways."
Eddie Hyatt, a historian and pastor, has written about what it takes to ignite a Third Great Awakening in his book, America's Revival Heritage.
"This is a very critical time and God's people in America need to fall on their knees, fall on their face and cry out to God," Hyatt stated.
Popular preacher Dutch Sheets travels to all 50 states and told CBN News he finds these desperate believers everywhere he goes.
"There's nowhere I go where I don't find a core of believers that are passionate, serious, desperate, understanding our true condition," he said. "You have to be blind not to know that America's in real trouble. But they are going after this thing in prayer. And that's where it always starts."
LeClaire agreed, saying, "When you want to see a nation transformed, it does, it starts with us. So we ask the Lord, 'Show us Your glory, show us Your power. Lord, if there's something in us that is in Your way, help us to get it out of Your way. We want to go full-on for You. We want to make an impact in our generation for You.  We want to do this for You.  Help us.' God loves those prayers." 
Invasion from Heaven
Hyatt added, "We don't need a religious meeting that's been worked up from below.   We need an invasion from heaven where God comes down and heaven invades earth. And God comes down and touches people's lives."
In his book, An Appeal to Heaven, Sheets talks in-depth about God prodding him over the last two decades to pursue a Third Great Awakening.   While depravity is obviously rising in the nation, Sheets said as he prays for revival, he's come to a certainty sin won't stop God from moving.
"I'm not asking based on our merits. I'm asking based on the fact that God loves to save," he said. "While evil increases, so does the grace of God. And there can be both happening at the same time."
Hyatt has studied how Colonial-era Christians, like Preacher Jonathan Edwards, were moved mightily by the Holy Spirit to pray long and hard for revival before the First Great Awakening swept over the colonies in the mid-1700s.
Hyatt quoted Edwards, saying, "'When God purposes to do a thing in the earth, He first sets His people praying for the very thing that He intends to do.'"
"Give Me New England or Let Me Die"
And Edwards himself was the perfect example.
"I read that before he presented his message, 'Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,' he had been praying for 18 hours," Hyatt said. "And he'd been crying out to God, 'God, give me New England or let me die.'"
But Hyatt and Sheets pointed out that America, before and during its birth, was much more aware that God is real and active.
The nation went into the Revolutionary War flying a flag that said "Appeal to Heaven," a phrase popular political philosopher John Locke used.
"What Locke said was 'When there is no other way, there's nothing you can do humanly speaking, you still can appeal to heaven,'" Sheets explained. "And George Washington grabbed this, put it on a flag."
It was a nation in which even a doubter in organized religion like Ben Franklin stood up during the deadlocked Constitutional Convention of 1787 and declared the need to humbly ask God to move.
Hyatt describes the moment in his latest book, The Faith and Vision of Benjamin Franklin.
"He stands up and exhorts them and calls them to prayer," Hyatt said of Franklin challenging the delegates. "And he quotes from Scripture."
Sheets picked up the story from there, describing what Franklin said. "'Look, I've been around a long time. And if there's one thing I've learned it's that there's a God in heaven who rules over the affairs of men and nations. And if a sparrow can't fall to the ground without Him knowing about it, how can a nation be born without God being a part of it? And I suggest we call upon Him.'"
Hyatt said, "According to those who were present, there was a spirit of reconciliation that seemed to come upon the gathering. They went back together and they hammered out the American Constitution."
God Can Do It Again
All three authors believe it's important for Christians to recall and retell such stories so all realize the God who powerfully moved in earlier awakenings can do it again now.
"When we testify to what God has done in the past, it not only builds our faith, but I believe it causes Him to move on that again," LeClaire explained. "We're putting Him in remembrance of what He did. We're giving Him glory. And it shows that we have faith that He can do it again."
Hyatt said, "At particular times in this nation's history when it's faced great crises, God has preserved this nation by visiting us with great spiritual awakenings."
And LeClaire said every Christian can be a catalyst to keep this great American story going.
"Begin by looking around and seeing where God would have you," she advised. "He'll show you if you'll pray. Inserting yourself in the story gives you ownership of it. It causes you to grab hold and be determined to do your part to see this Awakening come full bore."
Hyatt's hopeful because he sees God moving.
"He is now stirring His people and putting that desire in their hearts for the very thing that He intends to do," he said.
Don't Cripple Your Own Awakening
But LeClaire insisted every concerned believer must first throw off the sins and entanglements that cripple their own awakening.
"What are you thinking about the most? What are you talking about the most?" she asked.  "How do you spend your time?  How do you spend your money?  Are you sitting in front of the TV for 140 hours a month like the rest of America, according to one study?"
"Are you in your church?" she continued. "Are you evangelizing? Are you making an impact in your sphere of influence? What's most important to you? If God doesn't fit somewhere in those questions and answers, then you need revival."
LeClaire read CBN News a prayer featured in her book, The Next Great Move of God, and written by Voice of Destiny radio host Larry Sparks.
She quoted, "'Holy Spirit, come. I want to experience Your Presence and power like never before. I don't want just a touch or a visitation or a season of revival. I want to live like Jesus said I could live. Open my eyes. Show me areas in my church, my life and my family that need to be transformed.'"
LeClaire also pointed out it's important for Christians not to inadvertently derail a national revival by criticizing it to death.

"Every move of God looks different, so this next great move of God that's emerging even now is going to look different than the charismatic movement or the Jesus movement," LeClaire explained. 
"We need to discern, but we also need to not attack and criticize and judge," she continued. "We need to all just be very in tune with the Holy Spirit.  And if we stay in tune with Him, we'll recognize it when it's really Him."

LeClaire encouraged believers not to sit on the sidelines, waiting for and hoping there will be a Third Great Awakening, but to remember a core truth: Revival begins with you.

Hagee: Stakes Couldn't Be Higher for Israel, America - Erick Stakelbeck CBN News

John Hagee - San Antonio, TX

Hagee: Stakes Couldn't Be Higher for Israel, America 

Thousands of believers recently met in San Antonio to voice their support for Israel.

Over the past month, Palestinian terrorists have carried out a wave of deadly attacks against Israeli men, women and children.

Meanwhile, Iranian forces advance in Syria near Israel's doorstep, and they now have the Russian bear in their corner.

While enemies of Israel may be on the move, so are its friends. Thousands turned out in force deep in the heart of Texas to stand with Israel and the Jewish people.

This is the 34th consecutive year that Pastor John Hagee has held "A Night to Honor Israel" at Cornerstone Church. And this year, with the Iran nuclear deal at the forefront, the stakes could not be higher for Israel and America.

"Iran will use a nuclear bomb against Israel and they will use it against America," Pastor Hagee told CBN News. "And America is helping make it happen -- and every American should be outraged by this incident."

Sen. Tim Scott. R-S.C., echoed Hagee's strong criticism of the Iran nuclear deal.

"In year five of the deal, the arms embargo is lifted. In year eight, they get ballistic missiles. And in year 10, they have a straight path to a nuclear weapon. That is not a deal," Scott said.
Hagee also slammed Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas for his incitement of what's being called a "Palestinian stabbing intifada" that has so far claimed the lives of at least 10 Israelis.

"What should America do to send a message to the Palestinians and Mr. Abbas, the president?" Hagee asked. "Shut off all foreign aid to the Palestinians immediately and permanently. Send a letter to them and to the Iranians saying that any attack on Israel would be an attack on the United States of America."

While the message about the gathering threats was sobering, the event was anything but downbeat. It was a celebration and acknowledgement of God's eternal covenant with Israel and the Jewish people.

"It's an opportunity for Jews and Christians to come together in solidarity and focus not on those things that divide us but what we share," Christians United for Israel Director David Brog told CBN News.

Sen. Scott said the Old Testament has a clear message for America regarding Israel.

"A part of the plan that God has for this amazing nation can be found in Psalms 122:6, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And those who do shall prosper," the senator said.

John Hagee Ministries closed the night to honor Israel by awarding $3.2 million in donations to Israeli and Jewish charities, plus an ambulance. Over the years, the ministry has raised some $95 million for Israel.

Watch report: John Hagee & Tim Scott