Thursday, February 11, 2016

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - The U.S. Navy Saved the Jews of the Holy Land 100 Years Ago

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

U.S. Navy receipt for emergency aid supplies destined for the Jews of Palestine from the Joint Distribution Committee 100 years ago, February 21, 1916. According to the JDC file, the supplies included matzot for Passover. (JDC Archives)

Posted: 10 Feb 2016 

We have written previously how the United States Government rallied to save the Jews of the Holy Land from famine and expulsion by the Turkish army during World War I.  But we are now adding an important historic document from that episode showing the vital involvement of American Jewry and the United States Navy exactly 100 years ago.

At the start of the war, Jewish men were forcibly conscripted into the Turkish Army, a devastating locust plague ravaged the land in 1915, Turkish troops were looting supplies in preparation for their attack on the Suez Canal, charitable funds from European Jewish communities for the Jews of Palestine were cut off, and plans were being drawn up by the Turks to expel the Jews from the land.  The United States Ambassador to Turkey, Henry Morgenthau, warned American Jewish leaders of the danger to the Jews of the Holy Land and appealed to them for funds. 

The forced conscription and looting of  Jerusalem homes. (1914, Ottoman Imperial Archives)

The American government had not yet entered the war and U.S. aid could still get through. But to ensure that the money and supplies would not be stolen by rapacious Turkish officials, the U.S. secretary of state approved the use of American warships for the deliveries. Thirteen U.S. ships were used for the deliveries and for providing passage to Jews expelled from the land by the Turks.

More information and photographs on this historic episode will appear in the forthcoming book, 
American Interests in the Holy Land, Revealed in Early Photographs by Lenny Ben-David.

THE GOD OF STRATEGY - Morris E. Ruddick SIGN (Strategic Intercession Global Network)


(c) Morris E. Ruddick
"Then David gave Solomon the plans for all that he had by the Spirit. 'All this,' said David, 'the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans.'" 1 Chronicles 28: 11,12,19
One of the greatest virtues of God's game-changers has been the ability to respond to current developments in a manner that resets the course of the future.
When David was made King and brought all Israel together, the clan of Issachar served as his special advisors. Their gift was in understanding the times in order to know what should be done. They were the planners and forecasters. They evaluated and they made predictions.
The tribe of Issachar served as the observers of the dynamics and trends tied to the events of the day. Together with the prophetic insights and David's abilities to discern the heart and intentions of the Lord, the result combined as a gift to the community. The opening scripture then describes how David captured in writing these matters he got from the Lord for the next generation. All together, they combined as the elements forming the strategies shaping Israel's future.
The Components
So it is that in this time of global turbulence, we see the unfolding of the restoration of the components of this cooperative effort between the Lord and those who are called by His name. The Lord is the God of strategy.
It includes the restoration of the anointing of Issachar to discern the times and advance change. It combines shrewd evaluation with prediction, but is ultimately driven by the prophetic. It manifests with the actions of game-changers.
When out of balance it represents analysis that results in interim, albeit man-made efforts. When properly enshrouded in the prophetic it becomes revelation that predestines the future ordained by God.
This grasp of anticipating the future, which merges forecasting and the prophetic into God's plans for the future, is a vital differentiating factor between God's game-changers and those whose impact of leadership may simply be less than global in nature. It is encased by a big-picture outlook that triggers the application of the diversity of gifts to spawn the type of change that challenges the status quo.
The Gifts
Throughout the history of God's people, the Lord has given gifts to men. These gifts have combined natural "gifts" or abilities with spiritual ones. For the game-changers, more often than not, they've been applied during times of duress, enhancing their dependency on God. The application then, guided by the God of strategy, eclipsed by the prophetic, has been the catalyst for paving the direction of societal change.
It represents the discipline of the process in reaching for God in concert with the action needed to implement God's prophetic strategies. It defines the heroes of faith. In viewing the primary feats of the heroes of faith, we observe a progression of strategy.
Abraham began the legacy by his sensitivity to God and radically obeying God's voice. He honored God with his willingness to get out of the box by leaving everything familiar to him. He established the community model for God's people to live in self-sufficiency, as a people of God. Isaac's response to God amid a time of famine unveiled the secret of God's economy. He supernaturally prospered through God, gaining the respect of the regional power-brokers observing him.
Joseph demonstrated how stewardship and an identity and faith in God can influence and release God's authority to harness the spiritual climate and resources of a pagan society. Joseph then managed the largest wealth transfer the world had ever seen.
Moses outlined the framework for the Abrahamic model to inoculate God's own from the subtle wickedness of the world and become a society of the righteous, living for God. David demonstrated the leadership response to God's guidance and then shaped a society of diverse factions into a Kingdom of God's people, that would prompt awe for God and His people from all those around them.
Each involved strategies that changed the course of events for the people of God. Jesus then raised the bar to the challenge of strategy and opened the gates to the authority that governs cultures, economies and seats of power. In so doing He set up the Kingdom standard for applying righteous power in a corrupt world.
The Uniqueness
For each it involved understanding the times and knowing what to do, not as an analytical precept, but as a strategy discerned and acted on from the heart of God.
When game-changers such as these go into action, the change begins with a shift in the spiritual climate. In each instance spiritual climate change came as a result of the response of God's people interacting with and obeying Him. The implementation of God's strategies then influences a mix of the cultural, the economic and of power. Technology-advances factor in as accelerators to the change. The status quo is both the blind-spot and the resistance in the application of God's strategies for change.
However, beyond the role of the game-changing heroes of faith, there is another way to look at the impact of the God of strategy. It is the change brought about by the community of those known by His name. God's heart has always sought for it to be His people who would respond to His path of strategy, becoming as a light on a hill.
If we fast-forward to the book of Revelation, in between the lines is the story of the people of God, together with the angelic hosts experiencing this pathway of oneness with Him. It is God's strategy triggering the final face-off with and death-throes of the forces of darkness and its minions.
The Tripping Point
What has made the heroes of faith stand out from the crowd has been their ability to determine and act on the tipping points rather than the tripping points. They have been the ones unconstrained by the spiritual myopia that has plagued far too many. 
Today, one of greatest challenges and sources of confusion is the Body's grasp of the prophetic. Despite God's intention of the prophetic being the tipping point, instead it too often has become wrought with clutter and short-sighted prognostications.
The prophetic is not an analysis or consensus. It is the heart of God acted on that comprises the strategy of God. More often than not, it comes to the forefront in the midst of times of turmoil. It is the foundation for God's unfolding will that reshapes the economic, cultural and power factors driving the course of events in the world.
However, with the shift materializing that changes the spiritual climate, the factors that should be the tipping point instead become the tripping point: namely the dimensions of the cultural, the economic and of power. In other words, there has been a tendency to major in the minor things and miss the focus that ought to be given to major, big-picture things.
Within the cultural is one's worldview. Across Christendom today there is a subtle skewing of doctrinal precepts interpreted through the prism of a Western worldview. This blended perspective not only dilutes the power of God, but impedes the change intended within the cultural setting.
Within the economic setting is much the same thing. Success and money create a blinding to the realities of the economic infrastructures that hinders the change needed to be acted on in those infrastructures. This Western "overshadowing" is evidenced even in Israel. It influences believers on all corners of the globe.
It is the same in seats of power. As the changes in the world's framework accelerates the manifestation of the age-old challenge to God and His people is again rearing its head. The power shift underway is being driven by distorted views of cultural or economic models that may have shaped past exploits. This myopia and confusion has penetrated the ranks of God's people, impeding the amassing of the prayers and the move of God needed to precipitate the real shift of power and God's strategy. 
The root snares among the community of faith have long been and continue to be the desire to be like everyone else. Among the leaders in Jesus' day, it was the idols in their minds that came with the seduction of power. For God's people both the identity and the strategy must be in and from God.
The Tipping Point
The need is for what makes the Lord to be the God of strategy in the cultural, the economic and power structures. The call is for those known by His name, in humility, crying out to Him for the hunger that will bring forth His presence and intervention. Israel is the focal point, with the people of God seeking His face with the right focus.
In both 1948 and 1967, the crucible of the shift in the spiritual climate has manifested with war in Israel, accompanied by significant moves of God in the Body. These dynamics have changed the equilibrium of the equation. These are a part of the birth pangs.
Yet the carry-through to the tipping point ushering in the strategy impacting the cultural, economic and that of power requires more. This is where the way of the Kingdom, Jesus' central earthly message, combined with maturity in the prophetic becomes critical to God's way of strategy. It is where the premise of "he who loves his life will lose it, but he who hates his life will gain it" becomes significant.
Times of revival or renewal in the Lord are not driven by seeking ideals or their conception of solutions, but rather the One who creates the ideals and solutions. When we abandon our comfort zones and precepts, it demands a humility and commitment to His pathways. This humility and unreserved commitment to the God of strategy opens the gates and paves the way for the new thing God seeks to release among us.
"Yet once more, in a little while, I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land. I will shake the nations, so that they will come with the wealth of the nations and fill this house with glory." Haggai 2:6-7
It is the simple things that confound the wise. A wall-hanger in my office states: "Seek not after ministry, but after the fruits of a disciplined life." When combined with the words of Jesus, "seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these other things will be added," it incorporates the pathway needed for God's strategy of change.
We have reached a climax in which the change needed will only come from the God of strategy. God's change will shake up the status quo. It will bring restoration of His ancient paths and release the power that raised Jesus from the dead. It will trigger the mantle dormant within the covenant descendents of Abraham.
"What will their acceptance be, but life from the dead." Romans 11:15
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" "Leadership by Anointing;" and "Mantle of Fire," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from, and
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2016 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization

Some of World's Oldest Biblical Artifacts on Display in Cuba - CBN News

Some of World's Oldest Biblical Artifacts on Display in Cuba


Cuba now hosts a collection of some of the rarest biblical texts and manuscripts in the world.
For the first time since the United States and Cuba restored their diplomatic relations, a cathedral in Santiago displays one of the largest private collections of ancient biblical artifacts.
The collection which contains historical biblical texts, manuscripts, and art is on display in Cuba until March 13.
The artifacts are pieces from the Museum of the Bible Collection, an organization that encourages people around the world to engage the Bible through exhibits containing authentic biblical artifacts.
The exhibit has given Cuba's 11.2 million residents unique access to interact with the Bible up close and through the eyes of their own culture.
The Cuba exhibit entitled La Biblia: The Way of God in the Way of Man is a unique exploration of ancient biblical history and the Bible's relevance in the Caribbean nation's culture. The Cubans who attend the free exhibit view special artifacts from the Museum Collection, along with biblically themed art from Cuban artists.
Attendees will view a prized painting from Cuban priest Jesús Rivera of Bartolomé de las Casas. The priest is especially important to the nation's history because of his celebrated devotion to human rights activism and the abolition of Caribbean slaves of the Spanish Empire.
The exhibit also displays ancient biblical texts on papyrus, a replica of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the first Bible in the Spanish language.
David Trobisch, the collection director for Museum of the Bible said, "More than 30,000 peopple visited a similar exhibit in Havana in 2014, and we are thrilled to return to this vibrant country to share access to such a diverse collection of rare biblical artifacts with other Cubans."
In 2014, thousands of Cubans came to Havana's main cathedral to see a collection of Bible manuscripts and artifacts from the Green collection. CBN News Latin America correspondent Stan Jeter had this report.
"Museum of the Bible's vision is to invite all people to engage with the Bible," Trobisch added.
The Museum of the Bible is advancing its vision to bring unity through the Bible by bringing pieces of the Cuba exhibit to the United States in 2017.
Next year many of the same artifacts from the Cuba exhibit will be on display in the 430,000-square-foot, $400 million museum on the Bible in Washington.
The Museum of the Bible plans to continue bringing the Bible and ancient biblical texts to people and nations around the world.

Why You Need to Add Israel to Your Top 10 Prayer List Right Now - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

It is vital Christians lift Israel up in prayer.

Why You Need to Add Israel to Your Top 10 Prayer List Right Now

It is vital Christians lift Israel up in prayer. (Reuters)

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Praying for Israel should be in every Christian's top 10 most important prayer items, said Eliyahu Ben-Haim, chairman of the Intercessors for Israel (IFI) in Jerusalem.
"You don't have to have Israel as your No. 1 burden. The Lord gives people all sorts of burdens, but it should be in your top 10 list, somewhere, even if it's No. 10," Ben-Haim told CBN News.
It's important to pray for Israel, he said, because it's "God's proclamation to the world that the Word of God, the Bible, is true, and it's God's proclamation to the world that Yeshua (Jesus) is returning ... maybe even soon."
Praying for Israel, he said, is at the center of the Bible.
"It is actually even more talked about in the Bible than the Lord Himself, and what was His title on the cross? 'This is Yeshua, King of the Jews,'" he noted.
More than 200 intercessors from some 40 nations gathered in Jerusalem recently for the annual IFI conference to pray for Israel, the Jewish people, the nations and the fulfillment of God's Word.
This year's conference theme was taken from Isaiah 59: "Truth Is Fallen in the Streets."
According to the conference brochure, the "two most flagrant examples of 'truth fallen in the streets' are the 'evil' Iranian nuclear deal signed last summer and the U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year 'that homosexual marriage was a right given under' the U.S. constitution.
"We are witnessing not just the destruction of justice, righteousness and truth, but the rapid decline of Western civilization as we have known it for the past 2,000 years," Ben-Haim wrote.
Ben Haim said at IFI they pray according to 1 Timothy, which commands Christians to pray for those in authority. Political leaders are the shepherds of a nation, he said.
"If we aren't praying for our government, we have no right to complain," he said.
Regarding Iran, it's a "world-class threat to everyone," he said.
They're working toward obtaining a nuclear bomb and ushering in the reign of the Mahdi, a false messiah, who according to Islamic tradition is "supposed to return when either a third of the world has died and at a time of enormous violence and chaos."
"The Muslims have always said they're going to defeat Israel because we love life and they love death," he said. "In Isaiah 28, even though it was spoken to the people of Israel, the Lord's talking about people who made a covenant with death, and that is Islam."
Ben-Haim also referred to current wave of Palestinian terrorism against Israel, called by some the "knife intifadah" (or uprising).
"These people are going out not just to kill, they're going out expecting to die," he said.
But there's hope.
"Isaiah 28 ends with God's promise that His flood will overcome this covenant with death, even as Yeshua has already done that Himself on the cross," he said.
"I would just encourage people to pray. Pray what you read in the Scriptures," Ben-Haim said. "God is working out His Word in this country (Israel) in a very obvious and startling manner, and He's not coming back to New York or Moscow or Charlotte. He's coming back to Jerusalem. We should have a focus on this country and on this city."
(IFI provides updates and scriptural prayer points year round on its website.)
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WATCH: American Jewish Leader Urges Mass Aliyah to Israel - RON CANTOR/MESSIAH’S MANDATE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

WATCH: American Jewish Leader Urges Mass Aliyah to Israel

I think it is safe to say that when large numbers of American Jews, particularly non-orthodox, secular Jews, make Aliyah (move to Israel), the end is near. For most American Jews the idea of living in Israel is laughable. But what this one leader in the video below rightly identifies is that Israel is becoming the only safe haven for the Jewish people.
Indeed our father Theodore Herzl became a Zionist only when he saw unbridled anti-Semitism against a French officer who was banished to Devil's Island. Herzl concluded 40 years before the Holocaust that the only safe place for the Jewish people would be our own country.
Jeremiah spoke of two ways the Jewish people would come home.
"But now I will send for many fishermen," declares the Lord, "and they will catch them. After that I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them down on every mountain and hill and from the crevices of the rocks."

Fisherman are those like Herzl and this women in the video below, pleading with Jews to come home to Israel. Fisherman pull. However, if that doesn't work the hunter's, the anti-Semites, will drive the Jewish people back to Israel. As horrible as radical Islam is, God will use it to bring the Jewish people home.
The promise clear and is coming to pass before our eyes.
"Do not fear, for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west; I will say to the north, "Give them up," and to the south, "Do not keep them back. Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth" (Isaiah 43:5-6, MEV).
"I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries wherever I have driven them and bring them again to their folds, and they shall be fruitful and increase. I will also set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they will fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor will they be missing, says the Lord. The days are coming, says the Lord, that I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the earth. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely. And this is the name by which he will be called: The Lord Our Righteousness" (Jer. 23:3-6, MEV).
Ron Cantor is the lead pastor of Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv, a Hebrew-speaking outreach to Israelis. He is also the author of Identity TheftLeave me Alone—I'm Jewish and his newest book coming out this spring, The Jerusalem Secret, a novel about the first Jewish believers. Ron blogs at messiahsmandate.orgFor the original article, visit
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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Published on Nov 17, 2015
About The JWRP

"Inspire a woman, you inspire a family. Inspire enough families, you inspire a community. Inspire enough communities, you can change the world."If you wanted to have the greatest influence on the direction of the Jewish people, whom should you target? The Jewish mother, that’s who.

In 2008, eight Jewish women from different walks of life, affiliations, observance, and ages began a powerful dialogue. They agreed that it was time to empower and inspire women with the rich beauty of their Jewish heritage, and the JWRP was born.

The JWRP seeks to inspire women to transform themselves, transform their families, their communities, and the world. Our flagship program is Momentum, an eight-day journey through Israel. Momentum is more than a tour of Israel; it is an opportunity to deeply explore ourselves. Thousands of women from 19 different countries have already experienced this life-changing trip, paying only their own airfare, and returning home with the best gift of all—a deep, eternal connection to Israel, a profound kinship with each other, and a heart filled with Jewish values.

We work in partnership with a wide spectrum of community organizations, from Jewish outreach centers to Federations. Our partners recruit the women, staff the buses and continue the journey through continually evolving follow-up programming that keeps the inspiration going and helps to create bonds that extend not only to communities, but globally.

One of the most exciting results of our trips was the impact on families. We started hearing from our participants: “My husband has to see this and hear this!” We also heard from our partnering organizations, and finally, from the husbands themselves: “We are behind our wives, we don’t understand, please do a trip for us!” So we responded with Momentum opportunities for men, which have quickly become one of our greatest follow-up programs, helping to lift the family together.

About The JWRP

"Love your neighbor as yourself" - Israel Today

"Love your neighbor as yourself"

Thursday, February 11, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Love your neighbor as yourself!

Who of us would like to be pampered once in a while? Who of us would like to feel loved? Who of us would like to feel special?
The answers to all three questions are....
Me, me & me!
And if we learn to love ourselves, it will become intuitive to love our neighbors as well.
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With all our heart and all our soul, we want to make you feel special and loved!
We are offering a 25% store-wide discount especially for you!
Offer valid until Sunday February 14th, 2016

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Key to Eternal Joy - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

Watch here: The Key to Eternal Joy - Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

The Key to Eternal Joy
Rick Joyner
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rick shares about working everyday to do something that brings God delight. 

Jerusalem Mayor: Whoever Thinks Jerusalem Can Be Divided is Delusional By Michael Bachner - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat seen during the "Likudiada", a gathering of Likud party members and supporters in the southern Israeli city of Eilat, on January 29, 2016. (Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Jerusalem Mayor: Whoever Thinks Jerusalem Can Be Divided is Delusional

“Our feet are standing within thy gates, O Jerusalem; Jerusalem, that art builded as a city that is compact together.” (Psalms 122:2-3)
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat strongly criticized Israeli Opposition Chairman Isaac Herzog’s plan to concede sovereignty over eastern Jerusalem as presented at the 13th annual Jerusalem Conference.
“The plan will divide, split and fragment Jerusalem,” said Barkat on Tuesday, February 9. “It will build more and more fences and walls in the heart of the city and cut into its flesh. It is a game of hide and seek, pretending that the problem will go away if we don’t look at it.”
Barkat continued to express his strong objections to Herzog’s plan. “The idea that we should withdraw from parts of Jerusalem is a dangerous, slippery slope,” he told the audience. “It starts with giving up our sovereignty over villages in eastern Jerusalem, continues with concessions in the Old City, and ends with giving up sovereignty over the Western Wall.”
“Whoever thinks Jerusalem can be divided is delusional,” Barkat added. “Daily life, employment, and trade in the city traverses both its west and its east. Jerusalemites from all parts of the city work and live together in hotels, restaurants, and hospitals.”
Both Barkat and Herzog spoke at the 13th annual Jerusalem Conference, organized by Arutz Sheva, a network affiliated with the religious conservative right wing. The conference tackles political, economic, social, and religious issues in Israel and is held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Jerusalem.
Do you agree the Jewish people have a Biblical right to Jerusalem?
Herzog had defended his plan as approved by the Labor party in a speech at the conference on Monday, February 8. “The Labor party made an important decision yesterday. We should complete the construction of the fence and let the Palestinians govern themselves. On the other hand, we should have the army remain in the areas we vacate and not repeat the mistake we made in the disengagement from Gaza.”
Herzog said his plan included maintaining control of the major blocs of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria: “Zionism will be victorious when the world acknowledges the blocs as part of Israel, including the Etzion bloc, to which I am personally connected.”
However, the plan would see Israel withdraw from Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem. “If we don’t wake up now, we will find ourselves facing a binational state named ‘Israstine,’” said the Labor party chairman. “When we pray for Jerusalem, we don’t mean the 13 Arab villages surrounding it.”
Mayor Barkat has recently joined Netanyahu’s Likud party and has been rumored to be planning to lead the party in the future.
Barkat presented his own plan in response: “The right way to deal with the challenges we face is to strengthen the city as a whole. We must emphasize what unifies us, narrow gaps that have grown over generations, deal harshly with terror while cooperating with moderate factions, and run a thriving, open, and secure city under Israeli sovereignty,” he said.