Friday, February 19, 2016

In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to “Return to Jewish Roots” By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Hundreds of Polish Christians and Jews march in solidarity with Israel in Warsaw. (Photo: Edward Ćwierz/ Facebook)

In Unlikely Story of Redemption, Polish Church Calls for Christianity to “Return to Jewish Roots”

“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The LORD has done great things for them.’” 
Psalms 126:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Last month, Breaking Israel News published a story about a pro-Israel rally in Warsaw, Poland. The ongoing story behind that rally is even more amazing, revealing a an inspirational story of how Polish Christians’ love for Israel grew out of the ashes of the Holocaust.
The story begins with Edward Ćwierz, who helped found the Cenacle Church of Kielce in south central Poland in 1992. He is also a senior pastor of their sister-church, the Cenacle Tent of David in Warsaw, which organized the “March of Support for Israel” on January 10th. The march, intended to show support in the face of rising European anti-Semitism, was well-attended, with hundreds of Christians coming from all over Poland to show their support for Israel.
Ćwierz told Breaking Israel News that such a gathering would have been unheard of ten years ago, making him optimistic about the changing relations between Jews and Christians in Poland.
“We have seen enormous positive changes over the last 25 years. We have a growing movement, especially in the communities of evangelical Christians, in the direction of a return to the Jewish roots of Christianity. It is a process, but its effects are visible,” he said.
Ćwierz became actively interested in Israel in 2003. He and some of his followers began to visit Israel on regular basis, not as tourists, but to pray for the Jewish Nation and to bless it. Ćwierz explained, “This was the time when we received a revelation that God still loves Israel and that His covenant with them is eternally alive. We also believe there are many promises to Israel that have yet to be fulfilled.”
Their church sees Israel as part of the Messianic process.”We are at a strategic moment in history,”  Ćwierz said. “God is restoring Israel, gathering it back to its land, setting the stage for the coming of the Messiah to Israel.”
Their connection with the Jewish people was further strengthened in 2007 when they began meeting with Israeli youth delegations. The meetings were inspired by a desire to confront the city of Kielce’s tragic history with the Jews. Before World War II, almost one-third of the 23,000 residents were Jewish. During the Holocaust, almost all of the Jews from Kielce died in the Treblinka death camp.
The Victory of Zionism in the Modern Age
After the war, about 200 Jews returned to Kielce to rebuild their lives. In July, 1946, a pogrom occurred in which 42 Jews were killed, sparking a migration of Jews from Poland. The March of the Living, a Holocaust educational program which brings Jewish people from all over the world to Poland, visits the city on its trips.
Meeting students on the March of the Living has had a profound effect on the pastor and his congregation. “Faced with young people at the cemetery, we feel the urge to say we are sorry for the pogroms and anti-Semitism, but we also feel a need to express our support and love for Israel,” he told Breaking Israel News.
In a strange twist of fate and a powerful fixing of an historic evil,  the friends they visit when they go to Israel are Holocaust survivors and their children.  “Meeting these people is always a big blessing for both sides,” Ćwierz said, “and our circle of friends is constantly growing.”
Much of Ćwierz’s connection to the Jews is driven and shaped by Poland’s history with the Jews. “God is giving our nation a second chance, a chance to stand with Israel better than we did in the past. We want to seize this historical opportunity to change ways of death into the ways of life,” he shared.
The miraculous coming together of Jews and Christians in Kielce is not without its detractors. Their pro-Israel rally, though successful, became a target for hatred. The church’s Facebook page and Youtube channel received so many anti-Semitic entries that they had to close down the comments.
This has not deterred them from moving forward. On 27th of February, the church will host a conference called “Israel and the Nations”.  Ćwierz also regularly teaches in churches all over Poland on the subject of Israel. In 2014, he published a book entitled “Poland-Israel, a Second Chance from God”.   July 3, 2016 is the 70th anniversary of the Kielce pogrom, and he is organizing a “March of Life for Israel” through the streets of the city, inviting his friends from Israel and Germany.
Ćwierz is quick to point out that guilt is not their primary motivation. Rather, the Bible is his group’s true source of love for Israel: “Our inspiration is not historical anti-Semitism. It is the love which God has for Israel, which we find in the Bible.
“We want to tell the truth about the past and express our support for Israel and to oppose all forms of contemporary anti-Semitism,” Ćwierz  said. “My dream is to see thousands of Poles express public support for Israel.”
He added, “May God bless you and your country with peace!”

RISEN Official Trailer - In Theaters Feb 2016

Official Trailer 
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Witness one of the most important events in human history through the eyes of a nonbeliever. Risen is a depiction of events surrounding Christ's missing body after his crucifixion.

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Cast: Tom Felton, Cliff Curtis, Joseph Fiennes

The Young Messiah Trailer [2016 HD]

The Young Messiah Trailer [2016 HD]

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Happiest Hebrew Month of the Year ✡ "The Month of Adar" - ISRAEL365

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the days that the enemies of the Yehudim [Jews] hoped to have rule over them; whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Yehudim ruled over them that hated them.


וּבִשְׁנֵים עָשָׂר חֹדֶשׁ הוּא חֹדֶשׁ אֲדָר בִּשְׁלוֹשָׁה עָשָׂר יוֹם בּוֹ אֲשֶׁר הִגִּיעַ דְּבַר הַמֶּלֶךְ וְדָתוֹ לְהֵעָשׂוֹת בַּיּוֹם אֲשֶׁר שִׂבְּרוּ אֹיְבֵי הַיְּהוּדִים לִשְׁלוֹט בָּהֶם וְנַהֲפוֹךְ הוּא אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁלְטוּ הַיְּהוּדִים הֵמָּה בְּשֹׂנְאֵיהֶם

אֶסְתֵּר ט:א

u-vish-naym a-sar kho-desh hu kho-desh a-dar bi-sh'-lo-sha a-sar yom bo a-sher hi-gee-a d'-var ha-me-lekh v'-da-to l'-hay-a-sot ba-yom a-sher shib-ru o-y'-vay ha-y'-hu-deem lish-lot ba-hem v'-na-ha-fokh hu a-sher yish-l'-tu v'-na-ha-fokh hu a-sher yish-l'-tu ha-y'-hu-deem hay-ma b'-son-ay-hem

Shabbat Inspiration

Get ready to be happy because the Hebrew month of Adar is the most joyous month of the year, filled with hidden blessings. Soon we celebrate the festival of Purim, when the evil Haman of ancient Persia sought to destroy the Jewish people, but the Almighty saved the Jews in a complete turnaround. The month that Haman set aside for grief and mourning was transformed into a month of rejoicing and celebration. But there's even more to look forward to! After Adar comes Nissan, the month of Passover and our redemption, when God delivered the Children of Israel from slavery to become a people to Him, with the greatest miracles and wonders ever seen. We've stocked the Israel365 Store with all your Purim & Passover needs and are giving 10% off to celebrate the wonderful upcoming holidays.

Beautiful Music Video:
The Faces of Israel

These are the faces of Israel! Would you expect Israelis to look scared or worried all the time? No way! They consistently rate high in international happiness surveys, but you've got to see it to believe it.

Christian Financial Advisors
to Share Biblical Investing Wisdom

This week, some 950 Christian financial professionals will be gathering in Florida for a unique conference to discuss the investment wisdom contained in the Bible.

Nano Style Ten Commandments Pendant and Chain

This exquisite necklace displays the Ten Commandments with Hebrew letters and English writing, inscribed in 24 karat gold. The finely detailed miniature writing is legible and can be seen with the special magnifying glass which is included with purchase. The golden Ten Commandments are mounted on an Onyx gemstone and encircled in a 15 x 21 mm .925 sterling silver frame. Also included is an 18 inch (45 cm) .925 sterling silver necklace. It comes in a gift box and is a perfect and unique gift for any special occasion. Key ring magnifying glass included!

Today's Israel Photo

The "Fire and Water Fountain" is a Tel Aviv landmark in the center of Dizengoff Square. Dedicated in 1986, the fountain is a kinetic sculpture, the work of the Israeli artist Yaacov Agam.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Mary Nordlof of Sweden. Todah rabah!

“Thank You for Sharing Your History With Me”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
The Bible I read is a testimony to your faithfulness, as scribes and scholars. Thank your for sharing your history with me. Michael J. Melum

As a South Africa Christian I love Israel, I often pray for the peace, security or protection and peace of Israel. We are also doing this as the church.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Do Not Despise Small Beginnings – An Incredible True Story That You May Find Hard To Believe - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

Michael Snyder

Posted: 18 Feb 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE

It has been said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  Well, I would like to share a little bit of my journey with you, and hopefully this will inspire someone out there.  We live in a day and age when you don’t have to be a celebrity to make a difference.  

I know this is true because ten years ago I was about as anonymous as you could possibly get.  I was newly married and working as a lawyer in the heart of Washington D.C. not too far from the White House.  That may sound glamorous to you, but it definitely was not.  Approximately one out of every 12 residents of D.C. is a lawyer according to some estimates, and so they are a dime a dozen.  And my work was about as meaningless as you could get.  If there was a lawyer version of a toilet scrubber, that would have been me.  Nobody knew who I was, and nobody cared who I was.  I was having no real measurable impact on the world around me, but I wanted to.  I just didn’t know how.

In 2008, I started to look into something called blogging.  I learned that there were more than a million blogs already on the Internet by that time, and so I had no idea why anyone would possibly want to read anything that I had to say, but I decided to try it.  I began with a few free Blogger blogs, and my readership in those days could have been measured with a magnifying glass.

But I stuck with it.

And that is one of the keys to success in any area of life.  So many people give up if they don’t have immediate success.  And that is so sad, because all “overnight success stories” had to start somewhere. So do not despise small beginnings – they can ultimately lead to something great.

Eventually my readership began to grow, and the real turning point for me came when I left the legal world at the end of 2009 and started The Economic Collapse Blog.  Of course that had very humble beginnings as well.  The first month the site was live I only had about 4,800 pageviews.  But that was a whole lot more than I had before.

Very early on I decided that I was going to try to put out the highest quality articles that I could possibly write, and people really responded to that.  They knew that they weren’t getting straight answers about the economy from the mainstream media, and they were seeking out alternative sources of information.  We have seen the “alternative media” absolutely explode in recent years, and I am proud to be part of that revolution.

In early 2010, my wife and I decided to take a leap and move across the country to a little town outside of Seattle, Washington.  We didn’t really have much money, so it was kind of a crazy thing to do.  But we felt called to do it, so by faith we packed up our lives and moved all the way across the continent.  We figured that I could make a little money writing and she could make a little money painting furniture and we could figure out a way to survive somehow.

We spent a little over a year out near Seattle, and during that time The Economic Collapse Blog started to grow by leaps and bounds.  We also had other websites such as End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News that were really starting to grow as well, and so we felt secure enough to seek out a more permanent home.  That was always the plan anyway, because we wanted to get away from the large population centers.

God eventually led us to a wonderful home in the mountains in a very isolated part of the northwest United States.  And my wife and I both agree that this is the best place that either of us have ever lived.  We absolutely love the peace and quiet, and the view that we have across the valley is priceless.  I could have very easily sat up on that mountain living a very quiet life for the rest of my days and been very happy.

But God had other things in mind for us.  When we moved up there, we believed that God was instructing us to prepare for what He wanted us to do.  So we studied, and we prayed and we kept working on our websites.  And then we studied, and we prayed and we worked some more.  We never knew what kinds of doors God was going to open up for us.  By faith we just tried to do what we believed that He was instructing us to do.

And of course many of you already know about the amazing doors that God has been opening up for us over the past few years.  He is doing things that I never even would have imagined asking Him to do.

The reason why I am sharing all of this is to say that if someone like me can be used to make a difference, so can you.

If a completely anonymous Washington D.C. lawyer can move to the mountains in the middle of nowhere and be used to touch millions of lives all over the planet, that just shows that all things are possible with God.

Of course not everyone has a talent for writing.  But we all have some way to make a difference.  Individually, each one of us in limited, but collectively we can make a massive difference in this world if we are willing to work together.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be a rock star someday, but to this day I still don’t have any musical talent.  However, there are people out there with amazing gifts in that area, and I often find myself in awe of their talents.

Other people can make a different in other areas.  What some people are about to do with YouTube videos absolutely amazes me.  Others write gripping novels or host amazing radio shows.  And yet others organize street protests or get heavily involved in local politics.

We all have different gifts and abilities, and we all have ways that we can make a difference.
Part of my message is to warn people about the incredibly hard times that are coming, but part of my message is also to give hope to people so that they can come through those hard times.

You may choose to curse the darkness when it comes, but I plan on lighting a candle. No matter how bad things get, I will not bend, I will not break and I will not fear.  It is when times are the darkest that the greatest heroes are needed, and we need people that are going to be willing to face the great challenges that are coming with tremendous strength and courage.

Even in the midst of all of the chaos and all of the darkness, my wife and I believe that the greatest chapters of our lives are still ahead of us.

And we invite you to work with us to make a difference.  God took the broken pieces of my life and turned them into a beautiful thing, and He can do the same thing for you. No matter how hard things may seem right now, please do not give up.

It’s not over.

In fact, your future is only just beginning, and all things are possible.

Franklin Graham: Danger Signs Are Everywhere - TAYLOR BERGLUND CHARISMA NEWS


Franklin Graham: Danger Signs Are Everywhere

Photo: Turkey being shelled is just one of many danger signs in the world. (Reuters)
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Franklin Graham is not endorsing any presidential candidates, but he found time during his Decision America tour to comment on the state of the country.
Graham wrote on Facebook: "Is the world imploding? While the United States is focused on its own politics, the world is unraveling. The danger signals are everywhere. Beheadings, rapes, murders, bombings are taking place every day across North Africa through the Middle East, all the way to the borders of India. The U.S. military is deploying fighter aircraft to Finland to counter Russia's moves in that region; China is deploying missiles on an artificial island they have built in the south China sea over the objections of the international community; and North Korea has successfully test fired a long-range missile that has the potential of eventually reaching America with a nuclear bomb. A few days ago, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said we have slid back into a 'Cold War.' There's a global epidemic of political and economic instability. All you have to do is look at the headlines and realize that the only hope for the world in which we live is Almighty God. It is imperative that we remember to pray for all 'those in authority' as God has commanded in His Word (1 Tim. 2:1-3).
"One day He is going to wipe the slate clean and 'create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind' (Is. 65:17). For those who have trusted His Son Jesus Christ by faith, there is an eternal future with Him to look forward to.
"Jesus left us words of reassurance and hope, 'Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me... I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also' (John 14:1-3)."
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

In Israel, US Jewish Leaders Study 'Timely, Realistic, Frightening' Middle East - MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN/JNS.ORG CHARISMA NEWS

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses visiting leaders from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations at the Inbal hotel in Jerusalem on Feb. 14, 2016.

In Israel, US Jewish Leaders Study 'Timely, Realistic, Frightening' Middle East

Photo: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses visiting leaders from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations at the Inbal hotel in Jerusalem on Feb. 14, 2016. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)
"Timely, realistic and frightening" were the words that William Daroff, senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington Office of the Jewish Federations of North America, used to describe reports about the Middle East security situation. 
Speaking on the second day of the leadership mission of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Daroff's remarks came after an hour-long session focused on Iran after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, and just before another hour-long panel discussion on "the Middle East volcano."
The 42nd annual Israel mission for the Conference of Presidents, an umbrella body representing 50 U.S. Jewish organizations, kicked off Feb. 14 as the group of more than 100 delegates was welcomed with a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 
The meeting minutes and panel discussions reflected the current gloom-and-doom picture of the region.
"Syria will leave us with two bad options: We will have either Daesh (Islamic State) or Iran on our border," said Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon on Feb. 15.
"I don't think Israel has lost. I think the world has lost," Member of Knesset Yair Lapid, the Yesh Atid party's leader, said regarding Iran.
The Middle East has always been a region wrought with contradictions, but the conference highlighted how in the realm of security, Middle East experts are now unsure what is truth and what is façade, if what will happen tomorrow will be indicative of what will happen in 10 years, and if those we assume are our enemies might just be our friends (or vice versa).
Take the Iran deal. Dr. Emily B. Landau, senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), quoted IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot as saying at the INSS conference last month that the Iran deal entails both opportunities and dangers. Landau said both are true. 
"We are working on different timelines; there is a five-year timeline and there is a 15-year timeline," she explained. "On the five-year timelines, yes, this is a strategic turning point because [Eizenkot] believes the threat has been delayed. ... Iran will be focused on upholding the deal to get the economic and diplomatic benefits of the deal."
But nothing has changed in terms of Iran's strategic goals, and in 15 years Iran will likely have nuclear weapons, which translates into a nuclear Middle East, according to Landau.
"Delaying a threat is not taking care of a threat," she said.
Here's the next dichotomy: Conference experts said that while they feel the JCPOA has stunted the immediate growth of Iran's nuclear program, the deal has empowered Iran in other ways. The reintegration of Iran into the world economic system has led to a real change in Iranian behavior, said Michael Segall, senior analyst for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs think tank. He said Iran has moved from covert operations in the Middle East to overt operations.
"No one is trying to hide behind secrecy anymore," said Segall. "We see Iran going from being perceived as part of the problem in the Middle East to part of the solution."
But Segall said that is only a perception and that Iran remains a very dangerous threat for Israel. While Iran partners with Russia to keep in power Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who the Americans were confident would be out of office a few years ago, the Islamic Republic is simultaneously training and bolstering the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah. Even if Hezbollah is beaten down and banged up by its participation in the Syrian civil war, Segall said that ultimately, "Hezbollah will come out strong and experienced in fighting. Hezbollah will be even more threatening in the future."
How could the United States let this happen? Delusion? Ignorance? Innocence? It is likely a combination of all of the above, according to what Dr. Michael Doran, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute think tank, told the Conference of the Presidents. There lies the next contradiction: a world superpower entrapped by what Doran called "fantasy."
"The president (Barack Obama) doesn't understand Iran the way we do," said Doran. "The president represents a trend in the U.S. national security elite, which sees Iran as a natural ally of the U.S. This is a strongly held secret opinion. They don't like to advertise it because it is unpopular politically."
Doran said this false belief is widely held—not only by Democrats but by Republicans too. He said President Obama has convinced himself that in the end, Iran and the U.S. have the same interest of defeating Islamic State and that Iran doesn't really want to destroy Israel. 
"That is what Iran tells the U.S. behind closed doors. ... I don't believe it for a second," said Doran. 
In the meantime, according to Segall, the U.S. has lost its place in the game—and it lost it in August 2013 when Obama's "chemical redlines were crossed" by failing to push through military action against Syria following Assad's use of chemical weapons. Russia has moved in to fill the American void.
"We all know the end result," Segall said.
In Israel, the U.S. seems to be losing its foothold too. In January, one Israeli poll named Russian President Vladimir Putin as its "person of the year" for 2015. Putin, whose country in 2015 was considered by international analysts to have surpassed North Korea as the United States's greatest adversary, was the clear winner of the Jerusalem Post poll, with almost 30 percent of the vote. 
Netanyahu told the Conference of Presidents, "We live in an era where there are two parallel but contradictory trends regarding the State of Israel." On the one hand, Israel faces ongoing diplomatic hostility from longtime friends, including from the European Union and its member countries. On the other hand, nontraditional partners like India, China, Japan, Russia, and African and Latin American nations are warming up to Israel.
"The first reason is the concern with the spread of militant Islam, which has become a global plague and the terrorism that it produces," said Netanyahu. "And countries want to have, to benefit from Israel's experience, our intelligence. I mean military intelligence, special service intelligence, operational experience. They want to partake of that experience to help defend themselves."
The old Middle East is gone, said Segall, and we don't really know what the end result of the shifting dynamics will be.
Avi Issacharoff, the Middle East correspondent for the Times of Israel, added, "The new Middle East is not about black and white. It's about 50 shades of gray."
For the original article, visit
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