Monday, March 14, 2016

How Long Until Arabs and Muslims Rule, Britannia? By Dr. Phyllis Chesler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

How Long Until Arabs and Muslims Rule, Britannia?

England: Shakespeare’s heroic fairy realm; the world of Blake, Milton, Keats, Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf.
England: The country of William Wilberforce, who successfully fought to abolish the slave trade; the land of the bravest suffrage movement anywhere; Churchill’s own country–that fair and glorious Kingdom is still there but it is also fraying, fading away.
I’ve just returned from a visit to this storied Isle. I saw the most sublime production of “The Tempest” at The Sam Wanamaker/Globe Theater; a wondrous  production of “As You LIke It” at the National Theater; and a riveting performance of Bellini’s opera about the Druid priestess, “Norma,” at the Coliseum. Every seat was filled by Brits of all ages. High Culture still lives on there–and yet, London is no longer as I first encountered it in 1961 or again, in 1969, or even in 1989.
Now, all London only dares whisper about the Arab and Muslim takeover of their city. Nearly every single luxury hotel is owned by the Sultan of Brunei, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia as is the historic department store Harrods. (Dodi Al-Fayed’s father, an Egyptian, bought it long ago when he envisioned his son marrying Princess Diana, the mother of the future King of England).
The best townhouses on Park Lane, in Hyde Park, Belgravia, Mayfair, and Knightsbridge now belong to Arab Embassies, oil-rich sheiks, and the occasional Russian oligarch.
Londoners who still “take tea” in the lobbies of the grand hotels, tell me in soft, resigned voices that “this is how it is and there is nothing that can be done about it. Speak out and you will fall into immediate disfavor.”
I know several exceptionally gallant, truth-telling thinkers and writers in London who are now blacklisted, censored, their powers curtailed. They dared tell the truth about how biased against America and Israel the British media and professoriate are–and how irrationally they favor both Islam and Islamism.
However, as one life-long Londoner pointed out to me: “Harrods, which is also owned by Arabs, (al-Fayed sold it to Qatar), loses business nine months of the year and only survives because Arabs come on shopping expeditions in the summer to escape the desert heat.” London’s Fortum and Mason’s, the most luxurious store in the world, now has its first stand-alone satellite store in Dubai.
A limousine driver tells me that he routinely picks up exceedingly short fur coats that cost $65,000.00 for Arab women and that “once, a Saudi Prince left 3 million pounds in the boot (trunk) of my car. He completely forgot about it.”
A professor from Oxford comes down to visit me. She tells me about the “Asian (Pakistani) grooming gangs” in Oxford and about how 378 very young Caucasian infidel girls were pimped out by these gangs in Oxford alone.
“Finally, after many years, the pimps were arrested and sentenced and the failure of the police to stop them was excoriated in open court. The English Defense League mounted a brave, civil rights protest right in front of the police station. The police cordoned them off, surrounded them with barking dogs and a line of police officers who let no one near enough to hear what they had to say. And then they loosed the Anti-Fascist League against them who came rushing down the street, hollering “Nazi, fascist scum.”
As Orwell understood, not all speech is equal.
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The streets are filled with women in heavy hijab, in Niqab, (face masks), and in black, burqa-like body bags. As I have written many times before: I have no quarrel with head coverings but suggest that the West must draw the line at face masks and sensory deprivation isolation chambers which burqas truly are. These “covered” women are flying the flag of Jihad, of a barbaric version of patriarchy–which is now increasingly ensconced within Britain’s gates.
The West’s dependence on Big Oil together with its own blind commitment to cultural sensitivity, an allegedly anti-racist tolerance for the barbarian “other,” and fearfulness about the consequences of speaking out–have together brought this about.
Some say that just as England once colonized the Middle East, the Indian sub-continent, Central Asia, and the Far East that now, the favor is being returned; the Islamic world is giving the colonizing Mother Country a taste of its own well deserved medicine.
Tragically, this means that infidel women are sexual prey; that their rape, sexual harassment, and sexual slavery is being done quite openly, publicly–just as it is done in the Muslim world.
It means that the luxury hotels all offer a “halal” option; that certain British government offices are run as Sharia enterprises.
The British nationalists and the Islamists agree on one thing and one thing only: That the Jews are the greatest oppressors and conspirators in the world; that “Palestine” is the most oppressed (non-) country in the whole wide world; and that this must be screamed out loud in the mosques, on the streets, in the media, and in the universities. Please read Carol Gould and Melanie Phillips for starters if you have not already done so.
Recently, I wrote about a British documentary made possible by the hard work of a Turkish-born nun, Sister Hatune Dogan. She opened every door for the British filmmakers, gentled the sex slaves whom she and her networks had rescued from ISIS and translated their words for the filmmaker.
Despite all promises to the contrary, Sister Hatune and her foundation were completely dropped from the film. When I finally got the producer on the phone, she admitted to me that “the film could not afford to be associated with such a racist Islamophobe, that it would ruin their chances for recognition and prizes”–and when I questioned her further, she quickly began yelling, then screaming after which she hung up on me in breathtaking fashion.
Yes, there is some “fight back.” Britain has the power to return Muslim girls whose families have kidnapped them to Pakistan for forced marriages–that’s if they can find them. Just as I was leaving, I read that a couple were arrested at Heathrow Airport for having taken their eight year old girl back to Somalia to have her genitals mutilated; doing so, is against the law.
Will Britain, will all Europe, fight to remain Western countries? Or, hoisted on their own petard of political correctness, will they simply become vassal states of Islam?
To be or not to be–that is the question.
Reprinted with author’s permission from Israel National News

Hiker finds 2,000-year-old gold coin in northern Israel - THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

A 2,000-year-old coin featuring a portrait of the emperor 'Deified Augustus.' (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
A 2,000-year-old coin featuring a portrait of the emperor 'Deified Augustus.' (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)

Hiker finds 2,000-year-old gold coin in northern Israel

Only one other example of token honoring Emperor Augustus known to exist; finder turns it over to Antiques Authority
 March 14, 2016  TIMES OF ISRAEL

A hiker recently found a 2,000-year-old Roman gold coin of which there is only known to be one other example, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Monday.
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The coin carries an image of the Emperor Augustus, founder of the Roman Empire, who ruled from 27 BCE until his death in 14 CE, and was minted by Emperor Trajan in 107 CE.
Only the British Museum in London has another coin like it, which, until the recent discovery, was thought to be the only one in the world.
Laurie Rimon, of Kibbutz Kfar Blum, was hiking with friends in the eastern Galilee in the north of country when the group arrived at an archaeological site. Rimon saw something shiny lying on the ground in the grass and, after picking it up, realized she was holding an ancient gold coin. The group contacted the IAA, which quickly sent a representative out to the location.
Laurie Rimon with a 2,000 year old coin she found while out hiking. (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
Laurie Rimon with a 2,000-year-old coin she found whilef hiking. (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
Danny Syon, a senior numismatist at the IAA, explained that Trajan ordered coins struck with images of previous Roman emperors to honor their memory.
“On the reverse we have the symbols of the Roman legions next to the name of the ruler Trajan, and on the obverse – instead of an image of the emperor Trajan, as was usually the case, there is the portrait of the emperor ‘Augustus Deified,’ Syon said. “This coin is part of a series of coins minted by Trajan as a tribute to the emperors that preceded him.”
“It was not easy parting with the coin,” Rimon admitted. “After all, it is not every day one discovers such an amazing object, but I hope I will see it displayed in a museum in the near future.”
Nir Distelfeld, an inspector with the IAA Unit for the Prevention of Antiquities Robbery, praised Rimon for turning over the coin.
“This is an extraordinarily remarkable and surprising discovery. I believe that soon, thanks to Laurie, the public will be able to enjoy this rare find.”
The IAA plans to reward Rimon’s honesty by presenting her with an official certificate in appreciation of her good citizenship.
Distelfeld urged members of the public who find ancient artifacts to contact the IAA immediately and arrange for a representative to meet them in the field so that the site of the find can be excavated.
“That way we can also gather the relevant archaeological and contextual information from the site,” he noted.
Symbols of the Roman legions next to the name of the ruler Trajan on a 2,000 year old gold coin found in northern Israel. (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
Symbols of the Roman legions next to the name of the ruler Trajan on a 2,000 year old gold coin found in northern Israel. (Samuel Magal, courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority)
According to Donald T. Ariel, head curator of the coin department at the IAA, “The coin may reflect the presence of the Roman army in the region some 2,000 years ago – possibly in the context of activity against Bar Kochba supporters in the Galilee – but it is very difficult to determine that on the basis of a single coin.”
Bar Kochba led an ultimately doomed Jewish rebellion against Roman rule in the land of Israel during 132-136 CE.
“Historical sources describing the period note that some Roman soldiers were paid a high salary of three gold coins, the equivalent of 75 silver coins, each payday. Because of their high monetary value soldiers were unable to purchase goods in the market with gold coins, as the merchants could not provide change for them,” Ariel said.
“While the bronze and silver coins of Emperor Trajan are common in the country, his gold coins are extremely rare,” he continued. “So far, only two other gold coins of this emperor have been registered in the State Treasures, one from Givat Shaul near Jerusalem, and the other from the Kiryat Gat region and the details on both of them are different to those that appear on the rare coin that Laurie found.”
Trajan was emperor from 98 CE until his death in 117 CE. During his reign the empire reached its greatest size and he sponsored construction projects whose remains can be seen to this day.

World's Oldest Man, 112, Survived Auschwitz and Lives in Israel By Ahuva Balofsky - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: Haaretz)

World's Oldest Man, 112, Survived Auschwitz and Lives in Israel

“And the LORD said: ‘My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for that he also is flesh; therefore shall his days be a hundred and twenty years.’” Genesis 6:3 (The Israel Bible™)
When God set down His ideal age limit in the Bible at 120, he may have had this man in mind: Holocaust survivor Yisrael Kristal of Haifa has been recognized as the oldest man alive today by the Guinness Book of World Records, reported Ynet.
Kristal, 112, was born in Poland in 1903. He was a married father of two when the Holocaust began. His children succumbed to illness in the Lodz Ghetto and his wife perished during a death march to Auschwitz, but Kristal survived making chocolates and other sweets for the Nazis.
Following the war, Kristal met Bat-Sheva, another survivor whose family had perished, and the two married, moving to Israel in 1950. They had three children, one of whom died in infancy.
Today, Kristal is a grandfather of nine and great-grandfather of many more.
According to the paper, Kristal received Guinness’s recognition with restraint. His daughter, Shulamit Kuperstoch, noted this is in keeping with his character.
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“He’s a man who knows what it means to be on top and what it means to barely exist,” she explained. “For a man who lost his entire family in the Holocaust, his proportions are different.”
Kristal attributes his longevity to God.
“My father is a religious man who observes the commandments and prays every morning,” said Kuperstoch. “In my opinion, what has kept him going all these years is optimism. When something bad happens, he always says, ‘It could have been worse.’”
Kristal celebrates his 113th birthday in September. He attained the distinction of being the oldest man alive when a Japanese supercentenarian of the same age passed away earlier this year. Kristal’s family spent the past two months gathering documentation to prove their father’s claim.
Should he reach 116, Kristal will earn the record for oldest man in modern recorded history. The Bible identifies Methuselah, at 969, as the oldest individual to ever have lived (Genesis 5:27).

The Gift of the Spirit Fewer Want to Exercise - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Few people these days want to exercise the gift of repentance.
Few people these days want to exercise the gift of repentance. (Flickr )

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit, a new podcast from Charisma. Listen at

The charismatic world is known for embracing the gifts of the Spirit. Who doesn't like to get a prophetic word? See a miracle, sign or wonder? Receive a healing? Discern a spirit? Flow in words of knowledge and words of wisdom? Pray in tongues and hear the interpretation?
I love to operate in the gifts of the Spirit and watch others step into that stream. It's refreshing—and it's the sign of a healthy congregation. Where the Spirit of the Lord is given liberty—when we get out of the way and let Him have His way—He will often manifest His gifts in our midst. Of course, the greatest gift of all is His presence. Ultimately, that's all we need.
But there is a gift of the Spirit fewer seem to want to exercise in this hour. It's not one of the nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12, but it's a gift from the Spirit of God just the same. It's the gift of repentance.
Listen to Jennifer's podcast on this topic: The Spiritual Gift Every Believer Can Exercise.
With hypergrace movement—a wave of teaching that stresses the grace of God while de-emphasizing or negating the need to confess sins and repent—gaining momentum, there's a disturbing trend to approach boldly the throne of grace to find grace while ignoring the need for an ever-flowing river of mercy.
The 1 John 1:8 Reality
The truth is, we have all fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). In fact, we all fall short of the glory of God every day. That's why we need a Savior, and that's why we are charged with working out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12).
Father doesn't expect us to achieve 100 percent obedience while we are living in these fleshly tents. We will only reach perfection in our resurrected, glorified bodies. But He does expect us to tap into His grace to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us (Heb. 12:1); to run to Him instead of away from Him when we sin; to wage war on our flesh and spirits tempting us away from His heart; to seek and receive His forgiveness, grace and mercy when we miss the mark (1 John 1:9); and to press toward the mark of the prize (Phil. 3:14). We can't do that if we are not willing to repent.
1 John 1:8 tells us, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." John also tells us, "Whoever has been born of God does not practice sin, for His seed remains in him. And he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God" (1 John 3:9). Hebrews 13:5 assures us Jesus will never leave us or forsake us, but hiding unrepentant sin in our lives causes us to miss out on deeper intimacy with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We may hide it from others, but we're not hiding it from Him.
A Lifestyle of Repentance
We like to pray 2 Chronicles 7:14, "If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
That's a strategic prayer. I believe the church needs to repent. But I also believe if we're not individually walking in a lifestyle of repentance—if we're not exercising this gift of the Spirit of God—it hinders corporate repentance. Again, God doesn't expect us to walk in perfection. He knew every single sin you'd commit before He saved you. But let's remember Israel lost a war against its enemy because there was sin in the camp (Josh. 7). We must not tolerate sin in our lives, or families—or anywhere. Where we see a brother or sister in sin, we need to pray and, if we're in relationship, kindly approach them unto Galatians 6:1 restoration.
I am praying that a spirit of repentance is poured over the church in this hour as false prophets continue rising, as apostles merchandise the saints, as sexual immorality and financial impropriety runs rampant and all manner of wicked sin is coming to light in the church. But it starts with each one of us. If we aren't willing to repent on a personal level—to exercise this spiritual gift—we cannot decry the conditions in the church or in society. Let's all model the way. 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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When the Lights Go Out (Day 2) - Dr. William Forstchen on The Jim Bakker Show

Professor at Montreat College in Montreat, NC

Watch here: When the Lights Go Out (Day 2) - Dr. William Forstchen on The Jim Bakker Show

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Dr. William Forstchen

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2950 | Aired on March 11, 2016

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How Liberals Hinder Israel's Christian Population - Jonathan Elkhoury ISRAEL TODAY

How Liberals Hinder Israel's Christian Population

Monday, March 14, 2016 |  Jonathan Elkhoury  ISRAEL TODAY
Israeli Christians want to integrate with Jewish society and serve the State of Israel, but are being hindered by the liberal Left.
The full article appears in the March 2016 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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Former ISIS Captive: 'My People Are Forgotten and Alone' - CBN News

Former ISIS Captive: 'My People Are Forgotten and Alone'

A prominent Catholic priest in Iraq, who had been held captive by ISIS for nine days, told reporters this week that his people are indeed suffering genocide at the hands of the Islamic terror group.
"I'm here to tell you that my people -- they feel that we are forgotten and alone," Father Douglas al-Bazi, a prominent Chaldean Catholic priest, testified at the National Press Club. "And I am here to tell the Americans the first right step should be taken is to call it a genocide."
Al-Bazi addressed reporters during a press conference announcing the release of a new report backing up his claims.
The Knights of Columbus and In Defense of Christians released a 280-page report that contained significant information not available before.
That report includes "the most comprehensive information to date on Christians who have been killed, kidnapped, raped, sold into slavery, driven from their homes, and dispossessed, as well as on churches that have been destroyed," according to a news release.
The report also includes "interviews with witnesses to the atrocities that were collected during a Knights of Columbus fact-finding mission to Iraq last month."
"Genocide is a polite word,"  Al-Bazi said. "Can you figure another word actually to be a fit to what happened to my people?"
Al-Bazi said ISIS held him for nine days, beat him, and smashed his teeth with a hammer. His tormentors also used the hammer to break his nose and back.
"I still keep my shirt when they kidnapped me," Al-Bazi shared, holding up his bloodstained shirt. "Still, I look to my blood every day and I remember: this is what happened to my people every day. I'm lucky; I still look to my blood and remember what about my people -- they don't have any more chance."
Al-Bazi said he also had a pistol held to his head and went without water for four days.
Eventually he left his Baghdad home for safety in the Kurdish North. He now runs the Mar Elia Church, which shelters more than 112 displaced Iraqi families.
The U.S. State Department has a congressionally mandated deadline of March 17 to determine if ISIS is committing genocide against Christians and other minority groups.
To view the report from the Knights of Columbus and In Defense of Christians, click here.
To sign a petition urging Secretary of State John Kerry and America to "end its silence about the ongoing genocide against Christians and other minority groups in Iraq and Syria," click here.