Monday, May 23, 2016

You’ll Never Guess How Signs of Messianic Days are Manifesting in Modern Technology By Rivkah Lambert Adler - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


You’ll Never Guess How Signs of Messianic Days are Manifesting in Modern Technology

“And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech.” Genesis 11:1 (The Israel Bible™)
“This wearable uses translation technology to allow two people to speak different languages but still clearly understand each other,” Andrew Ochoa, Founder and CEO of Waverly Labs, which produces the device, explains in the video,

The Tower of Babel (Photo:
The Tower of Babel (Photo:

Upon watching this technology in action, it’s natural that the curse of the Tower of Babel would occur to the Bible-minded.
Originally, all humans spoke a single language and were easily able to understand one another.
And the whole earth was of one language and of one speechGenesis 11:1
A later verse in Genesis chapter 11 describes how God dispersed the people all over the earth and gave them different languages. He did so in order to disrupt their plan to build a high tower from which to wage war against God Himself.
Therefore was the name of it called Bavel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth; and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earthGenesis 11:9
There is a prophecy about the restoration of a single human language at the End of Days. The prophecy comes from the Book of Zephaniah, a prophet whose central theme is the events surrounding the world’s final judgement, sometimes known as The Great Day of the Lord. Zephaniah is one of the 12 minor prophets believed to have prophesied around the time of Jeremiah, who wrote the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations.
Zephaniah prophesied that, after the final judgement, God will restore a safa b’rurah, a single pure language, to all people remaining on earth.  
For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language that they may all call upon the name of the LORD to serve Him with one consent. Zephaniah 3:9
In a comment on Genesis 11:1, The Israel Bible teaches that “Jewish tradition maintains that the “pure language” (safa b’rurah) that Zephaniah promises is the language of Hebrew and that in future times the world will begin to learn Hebrew, the language of Creation.”
Rabbi Alon Anava, a former Jewish atheist who came close to God and became an Orthodox rabbi after he had a near-death experience, speaks to audiences all over the world about the imminent Redemption. He told Breaking Israel News, “I see a beautiful connection that this device is another siman, another sign, that Moshiach (Messiah) is extremely close, that the Nations will be back, united as one, and will be able, with the Jews, to serve Hashem (God) as a unity together and not be separated from each other and obviously not be separated from Hashem.
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“I see a very big connection. I see how Hashem is throwing us hints, constantly, through technology, and through anything, that the geula (redemption) is coming. The signs of the geula [are] being manifested into the world in the language of technology.”
In his comments to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Anava compared GPS technology, which uses “satellites in space that track us and see where we’re going and guide us” to “the concept of having Hashem above us, guiding us and watching us and overseeing us.
“So we see that constantly, in the last 20 years, the knowledge of Hashem and the signs of Moshiach are manifesting in technology, so we can start relating to what’s going to happen when Moshiach comes. Every couple of months, a new invention comes to show us that the geula is coming.
“What we need to learn from that is that we really have to get with the program and understand that with every day that passes, we’re getting one day closer to the geula. Hashem is basically preparing the ground so we can relate with Godly concepts, and so that we can see with our own eyes. The world is even evolving to a different dimension.
“Hashem is telling us and the rest of the world, ‘Get ready. Moshiach is coming. I’m going to fix the world. The world is going to go back to its original state, which is called Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden).’”
Waverly Labs plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign to help manufacture the translation device, currently named “The Pilot”. According to information shared with Breaking Israel News, the software for the device will initially include “European-based Romance and Germanic languages, followed by other world languages, including Slavic, Semitic, Hindi and East Asian.”

Franklin Graham: God's Hand Is Being Removed From This Nation - CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same."

Franklin Graham: God's Hand Is Being Removed From This Nation

Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same." (Courtesy)

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Evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Christians to vote this election year, even if "it's for the lesser of two evils."
Graham spoke to a crowd on the steps of the capitol in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was the 24th stop, nearly the halfway mark of his 50-capitol Decision America Tour.
"I have no hope for the Democrat Party ... I have no hope for the Republican Party," Graham told the more than 3,000 people at the event, the Lincoln Journal Star reported. "The only hope for our nation today is Almighty God. The most important thing we can do as Christians is pray. It is our only hope."
Graham says believers should vote for candidates who at least consider their concerns. He says bringing God back into politics is an absolute necessity.
Between 1,000 and 8,000 people have met Graham at each stop on the tour, the purpose of which is to encourage Christians to pray and stand up for their faith.
"We are more concerned about political correctness than about God's truth and righteousness," he continued. "America is being stripped of its biblical heritage and God-inspired foundations.
Graham said secularism and communism "are one and the same."
"Secularism is godless. Secularism is taking over our country. Every level of government is secular. It has crept in and taken root," he said.
"The people who do this call themselves 'progressives.' Look at what they stand for and believe. They want to make us a godless country and a godless society," he continued. "If we take God out, He will leave. He blessed us more than any nation on Earth, but his hand is being removed, and the only thing we can do is pray ... and go vote." 
Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.
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A L E X  L E V I N

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Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Go in Peace!" - ISRAEL365

And Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace! We have sworn both of us in the name of the Lord, saying, 'May the Lord be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants forever.' "

וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוֹנָתָן לְדָוִד לֵךְ לְשָׁלוֹם אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּעְנוּ שְׁנֵינוּ אֲנַחְנוּ בְּשֵׁם יְ-הֹוָה לֵאמֹר יְ-הֹוָה יִהְיֶה | בֵּינִי וּבֵינֶךָ וּבֵין זַרְעִי וּבֵין זַרְעֲךָ עַד עוֹלָם

שמאול א כ:מב

va-yo-mer yo-na-tan l'-da-vid laykh l'-sha-lom a-sher nish-ba-nu sh'-nay-nu a-nakh-nu b'-shaym a-do-nai lay-mor a-doe-nai yi-h'-ye bay-nee u-va-ne-kha u-vayn zar-ee u-vayn zar-a-kha ad o-lam

Today's Israel Inspiration

Although the biblical Jonathan was extremely righteous, and a true friend of David, Scripture finds fault in the way he sent David on his way without food. Fleeing from King Saul, David traveled in hunger to the city of Nov, where he desperately requested provisions. From Jonathan's mistake, we are taught to always send off guests with enough food for their journey. Colel Chabad, Israel's oldest continuous charity since 1788, is devoted to providing food and sustenance to Israel's most destitute citizens.

Hebrew Music Monday:
The Peacemaker

Enjoy this classic Hebrew song "Oseh Shalom" ("He Who Makes Peace"), an all-time favorite and so easy to sing along to!

Biblical Insight into Poverty Until the Coming of Messiah

A staggering 50,000 Israeli families were assisted this Passover by Colel Chabad, making it clear that the war on poverty in the Holy Land will be fought "until the coming of the Messiah."

From horn to shofar:
How to create one of the most emotive instruments

The shofar is one of the most inspiring instruments. Used in synagogues during the Days of Awe, the shofar will be blown to herald the coming of the Messiah. Did you know that it used to take about 3 months to turn an animal's horn into a shofar? With today's technology, the process is much quicker. Watch and see how the shofar is made.
Shop Shofars »

Today's Israel Photo

Children run through the quaint alleyways of the Old City of Jerusalem, fulfilling the words of Zechariah (8:5): "And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing."

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“I Am So Grateful to Be Learning”

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Shalom. I am Peta Nikolao watching and reading Israel365 from American Samoa, an island in the South Pacific. I enjoy reading about Israel. We pray for peace of Israel during Our family prayers everyday . May the Almighty God of Peace shield Israel with love and harmony.- Elisapeta NI Sunia

Thank  you very much for your wonderful emails. I am so grateful to be learning. The more I learn the less I realize I know! I was born in Kenya, East Africa in 1936. Then British and Christian. We all went to really good Christian Schools -  they were the only ones! We now live in America where our daughters are. I have a brother who still lives in Kenya, and praise God we are going back in Nov/Dec to see him and one or two old friends who also didn't have to leave. Yours sincerely, Mary Rooken-Smith
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Shocking Prophecies About America's Future - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Shocking Prophecies About America's Future - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Lillie Knauls
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2999 | Aired on May 21, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now As The Crust Of The Earth Becomes Increasingly Unstable - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Volcano Erupting 2 - Public Domain

Posted: 22 May 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Have you noticed that our planet has begun to shake, rattle and roll?  Over the past few days we have seen major volcanic eruptions in Costa Rica and Indonesia, and according to Volcano Discovery 40 volcanoes around the planet are erupting right now as you read this article.  

Meanwhile, earthquakes continue to shake the globe with alarming regularity.  Just last week, Ecuador was hit by a magnitude 6.7 earthquake and a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in rapid succession.  Overall, there have been more than 3,000 earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or greater within the past month globally.  So yes, I write constantly about the rapidly accelerating deterioration of our financial system, but the coming “collapse” is not just about money.  I am convinced that we are entering a “perfect storm” in which a confluence of factors will absolutely cripple society and bring about changes that most of us would not even dare to imagine right now.

Let’s talk about the volcanic eruptions that we have seen in recent days.  The eruption down in Costa Rica took authorities completely by surprise, and a thick layer of dust and ash is coating vehicles and buildings 30 miles away in the capital city of San Jose
A volcano has erupted in central Costa Rica, belching smoke and ash up to 3,000m (9,840ft) into the air.
Hundreds of people have gone to hospital, complaining of breathing difficulties and skin problems.
Some schools were shut and some flights into the country cancelled or diverted.
People in the capital San Jose, about 45km (30 miles) west of the Turrialba volcano, said layers of ash had coated buildings and cars and there was a fierce smell of sulphur.
Leading up to this eruption, there were “swarms of small earthquakes” in the vicinity of the volcano, but scientists assured the public that these earthquake swarms were “not signs of an imminent eruption.”

Keep that in mind, because later in the article I am going to show you something.
But first let us talk about the other major eruption that is happening right now.  Down in Indonesia, Mount Sinabung has violently erupted, and this is causing all sorts of chaos
The death toll from a volcanic eruption in western Indonesia has climbed to six, an official said Sunday, with fears more could have been trapped by the hot ash.
Three people also remain in a critical condition after Mount Sinabung, a highly-active volcano on Sumatra island, unleashed a series of fresh eruptions on Saturday afternoon, disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said.
“Nine people were struck by the hot clouds. Six died, and three others remain critical with burns,” he said, adding the injured had been taken to hospital.
According to one report, “torrents of lava” are pouring out of the volcano, and this is just one example of how volcanoes that were once considered to be “inactive” are coming to life all over the world.  In fact, prior to 2010 Mount Sinabung had been dormant for about 400 years.

Meanwhile, there is “unprecedented” activity at Iceland’s very dangerous Baroabunga volcano.  This one is not erupting quite yet, but we definitely want to keep an eye on it, because a major eruption there would have serious implications for Europe.

To finish this article, I would like to provide an update to a piece that I posted last week on End of the American Dream.  Just prior to the eruption of the Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica, there were significant earthquake swarms in the vicinity of the volcano.  Well, the exact same thing is happening at three major volcanoes in the United States right now.

I would like to share three images with you that come from Google Earth via the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network.  This first image shows the earthquake activity that has taken place in the area around Mt. St. Helens in recent days.  Over the past month there have been 95 earthquakes in the region, and most of them have been centered right along the core of the volcano…

Mt. St. Helens Today

This next image shows what has been happening at Mt. Rainier.  Those that follow my work closely already know that I consider it to be the most dangerous mountain in America and that I believe that a major eruption of the volcano is coming in the not too distant future.  There have been 36 earthquakes at Mt. Rainier over the past month, and once again most of them have occurred right along the core of the volcano…

Mt. Rainier Today

Mt. Hood is also a very dangerous volcano.  There have been 126 earthquakes in the vicinity of Mt. Hood in recent days, and in this image you can see that the earthquakes have been centered very tightly on a spot on the south face of the mountain.  This is alarming because it was also the south side of Mt. St. Helens that violently erupted back in 1980…

Mt. Hood Today

When there are major volcanic eruptions or major earthquakes in other parts of the globe, many Americans don’t seem to care too much because they don’t think that this rise in global seismic activity is any sort of a threat to them personally.

But the truth is that the entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, and virtually every other section of the Ring of Fire is roaring to life these days.
At some point, there will be historic earthquakes on the west coast.

At some point, there will be historic volcanic eruptions on the west coast.

Scientists assure us that these things are inevitable.

So let us certainly hope for the best, but putting our heads in the sand and pretending that these dangers do not exist is not going to help matters one bit.

Get prepared while you still can, because at some point time will run out.

*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*