Thursday, June 9, 2016

EBT Card Outage?: It Is 8 Days Into June And Many Americans Are STILL Waiting For Food Stamp Money - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Supermarket Bananas - Public Domain

Posted: 08 Jun 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Widespread reports continue to pour in from all over the nation of “glitches” with the food stamp system.  It is eight days into the month and large numbers of people still have not received their benefits, and in other instances it is being reported that EBT cards are simply not working correctly.  

So what in the world is going on here?  On there are scores of reports of problems with the EBT system from people all over the nation.  Could this simply be another example of government incompetence, or is something else at work here?

I had heard some rumblings about this over the past few days, but I had not really taken them seriously until I read an article from highly respected author Ray Gano
It interesting over the weekend I got several emails telling me about cell phones being down, internet being down, and get this, EBT cards not working and having no money associated to them.
This is a concern because when the US Government has payment failures, then there is possibly something happening that the press is not telling you about.
Now, we know that computers have problems and that states, counties and cities run on computers. But what is interesting is that since the beginning of 2016, The US government has had over 2,700 reports on showing that they have been late loading the money onto these EBT cards.
Folks, we are now going on 8 days where the Government has not paid the EBT payments so that people have food.
So I went over to myself, and I was stunned to see that reports of EBT outages continue to pour in every hour.  Here are just a few of the recent comments that have been left by people that are still waiting for their food stamp benefits for June…

Heidi Lynn: I was supposed to get mine on the 5th and still nothing. Even ebt NJ site says $0 as well as my EBT card says $0. I’m on disability. I forgot to add I tried calling NJ Board of Services and was on hold for over an hour. I had to hang up to take dog out, etc. Does anyone know what’s going on yet?

Ann Wilson: Now that it’s been a whole week since I was supposed to get my June benefits, and haven’t, I’m planning on going to my Illinois FCRC office. I hope they will be able to fix this difficulty.

Jenn Johnson: I always get mine on time. I was due to get mine today June 7th and nothing. I am from kentucky. Why is there nothing on the news about this?

Jarrett Manhart: Havnt received mine either. They are never late. And my fone is off so i cant call em. Im on Wi-Fi down the street from me.

Sunny Nicole Jones: I haven’t gotten mine either! I’m glad it’s not just me though because then I would really be worried!

But when I went to confirm these widespread outages with articles from the mainstream media, I came up empty.

Either the mainstream media does not know what is going on yet, or it is being ignored.
If you have not gotten your EBT benefits for this month yet or you know someone that is in that position, please feel free to let me know.  I want to get to the bottom of this.  There are people all over the nation that are reporting problems with the food stamp system, but nobody seems to know exactly how widespread this issue is just yet.

Today there are well over 40 million Americans on food stamps, and a lot of them would start rioting tomorrow if you told them that their food stamp cards were being turned off permanently.

EBT cards are the modern equivalent of the bread lines of the 1930s.  Instead of having to wait in long lines for food, the government just zaps money on to EBT cards each month, and those that are hurting are able to get something to eat.

But down in Venezuela, extremely long food lines are a daily reality for much of the population right now.  The following comes from the Daily Mail
Venezuela was once South America’s richest nation, but a fall in oil prices combined with other economic problems has led to desperate citizens taking drastic measures.
Nearly half of Venezuelans say they can no longer afford to eat three meals a day, according to a recent poll by the local firm Venebarometro. The poll surveyed 1,200 adults at their homes during the first week of April and had a margin of error of plus or minus of about two percentage points
Those who can, cross the border into Colombia to buy, bring back and then use or sell food and other basic commodities.
Could you imagine not being able to provide three meals a day for your family any longer?
Close to half the population of Venezuela is already in that position, and the economic collapse down there grows worse with each passing day.

Most Americans just assume that nothing like that could ever happen here.

Most Americans just assume that the government will always have plenty of money to give out.

As I mentioned above, there are well over 40 million Americans that receive EBT benefits.
However, when you factor in all government programs, more than 100 million Americans get some form of money or benefits from the federal government each month.

So what would happen someday if suddenly the spigot was turned off?

What would those 100 million people do?

How would they survive?

Hopefully this current EBT outage is just a temporary technical glitch, and hopefully the government will get it fixed in short order.

But someday there will be a major crisis that will cause food stamp benefits to be cut off either permanently or for an extended period of time.

When that day arrives, what will that do to our communities?

Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below…
*About the author: Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled “The Rapture Verdict” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on*

Four Patrons Shot Dead at Point Blank Some in the Back in Tel Aviv - Israel Today

Four Patrons Shot Dead at Point Blank Some in the Back

Thursday, June 09, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
In a late night shooting at the popular Sarona market in the heart of Tel Aviv, 2 terrorists committed a shooting spree against patrons that were out to enjoy themselves.
4 patrons of the popular restaurant Max Brenner were killed in cold blood on Wednesday night, while another 16 injured were treated in Tel Aviv hospitals. Of the 5 victims still hospitalized, one is in serious condition and the rest in various conditions.
The Sarona Market complex is adjacent to the IDF Headquarters and the offices of the Israel Ministry of Defense.

Scene of the terror attack in the aftermath of the shooting.
The terrorists, dressed in suits, joined patrons dining in the restaurant, ordered food and without warning pulled out improvised semi-automatic weapons and started shooting in all directions.
The terrorists fled the scene, one of them still armed, in the direction of Carlebach street. One was neutralized next to the Cinemateque cinema and the cinema was evacuated, while police and security forces started a search for the second terrorist.
A short while later the second terrorist was arrested. The suspects are cousins and residents of the Judean village of Yatta, south of Hevron. They are being interrogated by Israel Police and the Shabak - Israel General Security Services.
In the meantime celebrations broke out in East Jerusalem, Gaza strip, and West Bank upon hearing of the news of the terror attack. In Yatta, the home village of the muderers, a spontaneous march took place with fireworks being set off and candies were handed out to passersby in celebration.
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Examples of How the World Downplays Tel Aviv Terror Attack - Israel Today Staff

Examples of How the World Downplays Tel Aviv Terror Attack

Thursday, June 09, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The CNN headlines reported on the terror attack and remarked that Two "terrorists" were arrested. The tabloid resorted to referring to the perpetrators of the attack as "terrorists" in inverted commas. The fact that, at the time of reporting, 3 people had been murdered in the attack was relegated to small print below one of the photographs.
The BBC headlines simply called the terror attack "Tel Aviv Shooting". At least they did include that 3 people had been killed in the "shooting incident" but left the interpretation of the "shooting incident" open to the interpretation of their readers.
Sky News headlines correctly called the attack a "Mass Shooting In Tel Aviv" and once again the description that it was "a harsh terror attack" was kept to the fine print below one of the photographs.
The Guardian headlines simply referred to the murderous attack as "Three Dead in Tel Aviv Market Shooting". The report went on to report that the "two shooters were shot and disarmed by police" without any mention that it was a terror attack.

Screenshot of The Guardian headlines
Many of the other mainstream tabloids headlines downplayed the severity and perpetrators of the murderous terror a ttack in Tel Aviv!
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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

4 Promises That Will Carry You Through Any Crisis - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Don't let adversity steal your hope.
Don't let adversity steal your hope. (iStock photo )

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
I've spent the past week sitting by my father's bed in a hospital in Georgia. He fell while doing yard work (no 89-year-old man should be trimming weeds) and he hit his head on the concrete walkway behind his house. He has a fractured rib, 12 stitches in the back of his head and two bruises on his brain.
After a week, he still has no idea where he is.
On Monday, he said my name. On Tuesday, when I asked him the name of his church, he answered correctly. But when a nurse asked him who I was, he told her I was his grandson.
We don't know what the next day holds for my dad, or the next month. Hundreds of people are praying for his healing, and there are signs that his motor skills and brain function are slowly coming back online. But whether he pulls out of this and goes back to driving his car, or whether he ends up in months of rehab, or if he dies, I've had to face the reality that we all get old, life is terribly fragile and death is inevitable.
We don't do a good job preparing people for death and dying. I never had a class on it in school. We rarely even talk about it in church until someone has a funeral. It's easy to develop a notion that life goes on and that we will never get old.
Yet the Bible doesn't dance around the topic of death. In Genesis, the word "death," "die" or "died" appear 68 times. It reminds us: "And Adam died," "And Abraham died," "And Isaac died." One entire chapter, Genesis 23, is devoted to the death and burial of Sarah. On and on it goes, like the somber toll of a bell. Death is a cold, dreary specter that is an undeniable part of our existence on this side of eternity.
King David talked about walking "in the valley of the shadow of death" (Ps. 23:4a). He could write those words because he faced life-and-death crisis regularly. Only those who have lost a loved one or cared for a sick person know how tangible that shadow of death really is. It weighs on us like a thick fog. It makes us feel lost and alone.
I have felt that fog this past week. I felt it when I had to restrain my dad from pulling out his IV tube. I felt it when I asked him a simple question and got a blank stare. I felt it when I heard another patient in the hospital scream in pain.
Yet David was sustained in that dark season. He was not overcome. He wrote: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me" (v. 4). We have the promise of His presence no matter what is going on around us.
If you are walking through the valley right now because of a death, an accident, a serious medical condition, a financial crisis, the loss of a job or any other tragedy, stand on God's immovable promises and let His words bring security to your soul. These four promises have meant the most to me during the past seven days:
Nahum 1:7 says, "The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him."
"God is good, all the time," has become a religious cliché. But it is a powerful truth if you let the words sink in. When we walk through dark times we are tempted to doubt God's goodness. Don't let the devil accuse God of abandoning you; run into the Lord's strong arms and let Him remind you of His faithful care.
John 16:33 says, "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."
It does not matter what the world throws at you. Jesus said we would face trials and tests, but those words are followed by a comma, not a period. He calls us to face our difficulties with faith. He has already overcome every possible problem we could face. Knowing this will give you supernatural peace.
Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
When we face a crisis, our first reaction is to worry. But the antidote to worry is prayer. Share your fears and anxious thoughts with Jesus and let His peace override them. His peace will shield you from the darkness of despair.
John 11:25-26 says, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die." This is the ultimate source of all our joy.
Death is not final when the person who dies is a Christian. Jesus removed the sting of death; it has been swallowed up in Christ's ultimate victory. Don't let death or the threat of death steal your hope.
Let God's promises guide you like signal lights through your dark valley. The future is bright on the other side.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
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"Bless All Your Handiwork" ✡ Discover an Underground Spring from the Great Flood - ISRAEL365

The Lord shall open for you His storehouse of goodness, the heavens, to provide precipitation for your Land in its time, and to bless all your handiwork.

יִפְתַּח יְ-הוָה לְךָ אֶת אוֹצָרוֹ הַטּוֹב אֶת הַשָּׁמַיִם לָתֵת מְטַר אַרְצְךָ בְּעִתּוֹ וּלְבָרֵךְ אֵת כָּל מַעֲשֵׂה יָדֶךָ

דברים כח:יב

yif-takh a-do-nai l'-kha et o-tza-ro ha-tov et ha-sha-ma-yim la-tayt m'-tar ar-tz'-kha b'-i-to u-l'-va-raykh et kol ma-a-say ya-de-kha

Today's Israel Inspiration

Moses tells the Children of Israel that as soon as they enter the Land, they should assemble and read from these beautiful blessings in the Torah, as a reminder of all thegood that will come upon the Land when we fulfill God's commandments. Now you can get a gorgeous necklace representing God's blessings on "all the handiwork" of the Land, on sale for 20% off!

Beautiful Music Video: O Jerusalem If I Forget You

Sit back and enjoy this beautiful English song of love for Jerusalem. Featuring gorgeous scenes of the whole Land of Israel.

What is the Last Secret to Be Revealed Before the Messiah?

An Israeli rabbi is working to bring back an essential element of the Temple service, the return of which was predicted by a great Jewish sage to be the last step before the Messiah.

Today's Israel Photo

Cherry season in northern Israel by Zev Rothkoff. Mount Hermon is seen reflected in a natural water reservoir called Birkat Ram ("high pool"). According to the Talmud, Birkat Ram was one of three underground springs in Israel that opened up during the Flood of Noah.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Igor Farberov showed the ancient port of the city of Jaffa, out of which modern day Tel Aviv has grown. The Old Jaffa Port is where Jonah set off in the Biblical story of Jonah and the whale.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Charles Armstrong of El Paso, Texas. Todah rabah!

“I Look Forward to Seeing Pictures in the Land”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

I really enjoyed the Ein Gedi video today. Needing to rest and be still and the video really ministered to me. I did not get to see Ein Gedi when I was in Israel so this was a wonderful treat. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your emails. I have kept the one with the video of the young man singing Psalm 23. I look forward to seeing pictures taken in the Land. My heart is there and so are my prayers.- Sharon Norris

Shalom. Many thanks for interesting articles and God bless. Niel
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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