Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: Why do I say 7% to 10% of the world’s Muslims are Radicals?

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Why do I say 7% to 10% of the world’s Muslims are Radicals? Here’s why.

by joelcrosenberg
On Sunday, I made the following assertion during an interview on the Fox News Channel:
"There’s no question that the vast majority of Muslims — 1.6 billion Muslims in the world — are not violent. They’re not dangerous. They’re not a threat. But all the polling shows that between 7% and 10%, roughly, of the Islamic world does believe in suicide bombings, does support the Islamic State’s violence, does support al Qaeda. So this is a problem because in a world of 1.6 billion Muslims, that’s upwards of 160 million people who could be recruited and drawn into violence in the United States or around the world."
A number of you have asked for the data behind such an assertion. So let me explain the sources I've used over the years to develop a rough estimate of the number of Muslims that could reasonably be considered "Radicals." Let's start with data from 2007. Then we'll look at more recent data gathered between 2013 and 2015.
How Many Radicals Are There? (Gallup Data From 2007)
In 2008, authors John Esposito and Dalia Mogahed published a book titled, Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think. Esposito was a professor of Islamic studies at Georgetown University and founding director of the school’s Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Mogahed, herself was a devout Muslim, and was executive director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies. (I cited their work in a non-fiction book I wrote in 2009, Inside The Revolution, about trends in the Islamic world.)
As Esposito and Mogahed stated in their introduction, “This book is the product of a mammoth, multiyear Gallup research study. Between 2001 and 2007, Gallup conducted tens of thousands of hour-long, face-to-face interviews with residents of more than 35 nations that are predominantly Muslim or have substantial Muslim populations. . . . In totality, we surveyed a sample representing more than 90 percent of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims, making this the largest, most comprehensive study of contemporary Muslims ever done.”
What these two scholars discovered was fascinating, and sobering.
First, the good news. After asking scores of different questions to test attitudes and intentions, the Gallup poll revealed that upwards of 93 percent of Muslims worldwide in 2007 fit Esposito and Mogahed’s definition of a “moderate”—that is, peaceable, nonviolent, and traditionally religious but unlikely to pose a threat to Western security interests. In Egypt, for example, 94 percent of Muslims said they would like to have a constitution that would guarantee “allowing all citizens to express their opinion on the political, social, and economic issues of the day.” In Iran, 93 percent said they wanted such personal and political freedom, as did 90 percent of Muslims in Indonesia, the world’s largest Islamic country. In Turkey, 93 percent of Muslims believed women should have the right to vote, as do 89 percent of Muslims in Iran and 90 percent in Bangladesh. Nine in ten Muslims in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Lebanon believed that women should have the same legal rights as men. All very good news, indeed.
Now the bad news. While the overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide were moderates in 2007, about 7 percent at the time would have been classified as Radicals. That is, they were supportive of anti-American and anti-Western terrorism, believed it is fully justified, and thus were sympathetic of and potentially helpful to violent Islamic extremists. This constituted the pool from which current Radical jihadists are recruiting future jihadists, and thus they pose a serious threat to Western security interests.
“According to the Gallup poll, 7 percent of [Muslim] respondents think that the 9/11 attacks were ‘completely’ justified and view the United States unfavorably,” Esposito and Mogahed concluded. “By focusing on the 7 percent, whom we’ll call ‘the politically radicalized,’ we are not saying that all in this group commit acts of violence. However, those with extremist views are a potential source for recruitment or support for terrorist groups. . . . They are also more likely to view other civilian attacks as justifiable.”
At first glance, 7 percent may seem like a relatively small number. But the implications of such results are staggering. Seven percent of 1.3 billion Muslims equals 91 million people. It may comfort people to know that the vast majority of the world’s Muslims are peaceful people. But how comforting is it to know that 91 million Muslims are “politically radicalized”? After all, were these 91 million people to form their own country—the Islamic Republic of Radicalstan, say—they would represent the twelfth largest country on the planet, having twice the population of Spain, nearly three times the population of Canada, almost ten times the population of Sweden, and more than twelve times the population of Israel.
Extensive polling also found that the Radicals were not necessarily more religious than moderate Muslims; nor did they necessarily attend mosque more frequently or read the Qur’an more often. They were simply differently religious. That is, they were fully devoted to a radicalized interpretation of the Qur’an, such as the theologies taught by the Ayatollah Khomeini, Sayyid Qutb, and Osama bin Laden.
Moreover, these Radicals did not tend to be poor, uneducated, unsophisticated people living in some hovel somewhere, though there are certainly Radicals who come from impoverished backgrounds. According to the Gallup poll data, the typical profile of a Radical in 2007 was young, male, smart, college-educated, financially well-off, technologically literate, highly mobile, deeply determined, and thus incredibly dangerous. According to the study:
  • 49 percent of political Radicals are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine.
  • 62 percent are male, while 37 percent are female.
  • 67 percent have secondary education or higher.
  • 65 percent say they have average or above-average income.
As I noted in Inside The Revolution, not all scholars agreed in 2007 with the Gallup data that only 7 percent of Muslims were Radicals. Other research suggested the 7 percent figure may have actually been too low. According to a 2007 Pew Research Center poll, 28 percent of Egyptian Muslims said they believed suicide bombings against civilian targets were sometimes or often justified; 17 percent of Turkish Muslims agreed, along with 10 percent of Indonesian Muslims, 14 percent of Pakistani Muslims, 29 percent of Jordanian Muslims, and 46 percent of Nigerian Muslims. (See Andrew Kohut, “Muslims in America: Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream,” Pew Research Center, May 22, 2007,http://pewresearch.org/assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf, accessed June 24, 2008.)
How Many Radicals Are There? (Current Polling Data From Pew Research)
Where are we now, nearly a decade after the sweeping Gallup study?
Second, looking closely at more recent data in recent years, I'm less comfortable saying only 7% of the Muslim world would be considered Radicals and now believe the figure is more likely between 7% and 10%. This still shows the vast majority of Muslims are not a threat to us. But, of course, 10% of 1.6 billion is a staggeringly large number of people from which the Radicals can recruit.
Here are some of the data I've been looking at:
  • Lebanon -- 0% support for ISIS
  • Israeli Arabs -- 1%
  • Jordan -- 3%
  • Indonesia (256 million people, 87% of whom are Muslims) -- 4%
  • Palestinians -- 6%
  • Turkey (80 million people, 99% Muslim) -- 8%
  • Pakistan (200 million people, 96% Muslim) -- 9%
  • Malaysia (30 million people, 61% Muslim) -- 11%
  • Nigeria (181 million, 50% are Muslims) -- 14%
While this Pew study did not look at every Muslim country, the data are helpful. They corroborate the premise that the vast majority of Muslims do not support ISIS. However, they also reveal that overall, roughly 7% to 10% of Muslims do, in fact, have a favorable view of the violent -- even genocidal -- theology, strategy and tactics of the Islamic State. In some specific countries, support for ISIS is even higher than the median.
The key finding was that after all the violence inflicted on the world since the mid-1990s -- and perhaps especially after all the Muslims that have been killed by al Qaeda in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere, Muslim support for the al Qaeda terror movement has been dropping.
  • "In our 2013 poll, a median of only 13% among Muslims across the 11-countries surveyed had a favorable view of al Qaeda," reported the Pew Research team.
  • "The highest support was in the Palestinian territories, where 35% of Muslims had a favorable view of al Qaeda. But elsewhere, less than a quarter of Muslims held a positive opinion of the extremist organization. Support was lowest in Lebanon, where only 1% of Muslims had a favorable impression of al Qaeda."
  • "Support for al Qaeda among Muslims plummeted most dramatically in Nigeria, by 40 percentage points, during the 2010 to 2013 time period, probably as a result of increased terrorist activity by al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram," notes Pew.
  • "In Jordan, [support for al Qaeda] fell by 21 points among Muslims during the same time period."
Note: while Pew finds that an average of 13% of Muslims worldwide supported al Qaeda in 2013, it seems likely that three years later that percentage has continued to drop and may be closer to 10% or 11% today.
  • In Indonesia -- again, the world's largest Islamic country -- Muslim support for suicide bombings against civilians dropped from 15% to 9%.
  • In Pakistan, support for suicide bombings dropped from 41% to just 3%.
  • In Lebanon, support for suicide bombings dropped from 74% to 29%.
  • In Jordan, support for suicide bombings dropped from 57% to 15%.
  • In Nigeria, support for suicide bombings dropped from 34% to 19%.
"For the most part, support for suicide bombing is not correlated with devoutness," observed the Pew researchers. "Generally, Muslims who say they pray five times per day are no more likely to support targeting civilians to protect Islam than those who pray less often. The only exception is the Palestinian territories, where 66% of Muslims who pray five times per day say suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified versus 49% of those who pray less than five times per day."
The bottom line is that is right and fair and accurate to say that the vast majority of Muslims are not violent, not dangerous and do not pose a threat to the national security of the United States or our primary allies.
But the data are also clear that roughly 7% to 10% of the world's Muslim population do hold Radical theological, eschatological, ideological and political beliefs that cause them to support the murderous vision, strategies and tactics of the Islamic State, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. This represents upwards of 160 million people. Not all will become suicide bombers or join violent jihadist movements. But this is the pool from which the followers of Radical Islam are recruiting.
It is, therefore, critically important that American and other world leaders closely study the theology and eschatology that is motivating this minority of the Muslim world to support the killing of civilians.
If we refuse to properly study and define our enemies, we will never be able to defeat them. And if our leaders continue to misunderstand the nature and threat of the evil we face, they will continue to be blindsided by future attacks.

joelcrosenberg | June 21, 2016 at 3:00 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL: http://wp.me/piWZ7-57i

Southern Baptist Convention Passes Anti-BDS Resolution by JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Southern Baptist Convention Passes Anti-BDS Resolution

“For Tzion’s sake will I not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her triumph go forth as brightness, and her salvation as a torch that burneth. Isaiah 62:1 (The Israel Bible™)
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) adopted a resolution reaffirming the church’s support and prayers for Israel as well as condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
The resolution declared that the BDS movement “seeks to isolate the nation of Israel economically and socially,” while also expressing concern about the “ongoing anti-Israel activities in this country within certain university campuses, academic and professional associations, and popular culture.”
“We support the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign state and reject any activities that attack that right by promoting economic, cultural, and academic boycotts against Israel,” the SBC resolution said, adding that “at this critical time when dangerous forces are mounting up against the nation of Israel, we recommit ourselves to pray for God’s peace to rule in Jerusalem and for the salvation of Israel.”
Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, a non-profit that promotes religious freedom and family issues, stressed the importance of the resolution’s timing.
“There has never been a more important time for Christians to support Israel and its right to exist as a sovereign nation,” he said.
NO to BDS and YES to Israel
Staver, a member of the SBC Resolutions Committee, added that he is “pleased that this year’s Southern Baptist Convention took a stand in support of Israel and in opposition to the BDS movement. Frankly, with Israel as a world leader in technological and medical inventions, it is foolish to boycott Israel.”
SBC’s move comes amid a debate among its Christian counterparts in mainline Protestant churches over whether to adopt resolutions supporting the BDS movement.
During the past several years, a number of leading mainline Protestant churches—including the United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church, and most recently the United Methodist Church—have considered or voted on pro-BDS resolutions.
SBC, which is the country’s largest Protestant denomination with an estimated 15.3 million members, recently held its an annual meeting of church delegates in St. Louis.

Ex-Witch Reveals: Is It a Spiritual Attack or Demonic Oppression? - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Ex-Witch Reveals: Is It a Spiritual Attack or Demonic Oppression?

Ephesians 6:12 reveals the reality for all believers: that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and the rulers of darkness within the world.  
Often, their war plans remain invisible to the naked eye, and believers are left to deduce they are under spiritual warfare.  
But the types of warfare vary: Is it demonic oppression or a spiritual attack? Ex-witch Beth explains more on her blog: 
Attack:  1) to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with; 2) to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against; 3) to blame or abuse violently or bitterly; 4) to direct unfavorable criticism against; criticize severely; argue with strongly; 5) to try to destroy, especially with verbal abuse.
Does that sound familiar to you? The devil is our enemy, and he is the accuser and the father of lies. He tries to destroy us in an aggressive way, and uses blame, criticism and verbal abuse as part of his attacks.  
Oppression: 1) the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner; 2) an act or instance of oppressing or subjecting to cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; 3) the state of being oppressed; 4) the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc. 
What do you do if you're being held hostage? Watch the video to see. 
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Syrian Groups Furious Over Israeli Food Aid - Israel Today Staff

Syrian Groups Furious Over Israeli Food Aid

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The various different groups fighting in Syria’s bloody civil war were all pointing accusatory fingers at one another last week over photo evidence of Israeli food aid reaching some of the rebel factions.
Bags of Israeli rice and flour were shown near road signs in the Qunietra region on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.
The pictures sparked a war of words on social media.
“It is a disgrace to be receiving food from the Zionist Entity which has stolen the Golan,” wrote one jihadist group.
Pages linked to the Syrian regime insisted the photos were evidence that rebel groups are cooperating with the hated Israeli enemy.
According to the pan-Arab newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi, the food is provided to some of the more moderate rebel groups that make up the Free Syrian Army, which regularly brings its wounded and other victims to the Golan border to receive medical aid from the Israelis.
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Why Lecrae Could Be This Generation's Next Billy Graham - CBN News

Why Lecrae Could Be this Generation's Next Billy Graham
Christian rap artist Lecrae is speaking out on why many do not trust the Church today and what can be done to restore Americans' moral foundation.
In a recent conversation with talk show host Eric Metaxas, Lecrae said church values are fading in America because Christians have become just a shell of "morality and religion and rules."
He also said the Church has been silent on critical issues facing the nation for far too long.
"The Church has been absent as far as race and justice for three decades. We're like: 'We haven't seen you since MLK!'" Lecrae said.
Once a drug dealer, the Christian rap artist's message reaches across racial divides and is especially attracting the youth. 
"What I bring is unique; no one else brings to the table what I am," Lecrae said in a profile published by The Washington Post last week. "That's how I look at myself - a clear voice in the middle of it all." 
Lecrae is attracting certain evangelicals because of his "middle-of-the-road" position on hot button issues. After the Ferguson riots, Lecrae helped create a truce between a cop and protesters near his Atlanta home, the Post reported. 
Some have compared Lecrae to a new kind of Billy Graham, an evangelist whose message could impact an entire generation.
"This generation doesn't have a Billy Graham," said LaDawn Johnson, a sociologist at Biola University, an evangelical school outside Los Angeles. 
Johnson says that there is no longer a significant evangelical leader people look to.
"Lecrae is in a position where he could definitely for many people be that voice and be that model," she said. 
According to the Barna Group and other Christian expert groups, Millennials from 18 to 30 years old are leaving the Church in huge numbers and are not returning. 
A separate study also reveals the younger generation is primarily attracted to what is authenitic and relevant.
For many, Lecrae appears to fit that description. 

Beautiful Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "Those Who Love His Name" - ISRAEL365

For God will save Zion, and build the cities of Judah ... and those who love His name shall dwell in it.

כִּי אֱ-לֹהִים יוֹשִׁיעַ צִיּוֹן וְיִבְנֶה עָרֵי יְהוּדָה ... וְאֹהֲבֵי שְׁמוֹ יִשְׁכְּנוּ בָהּ

תהילים סט:לו

kee e-lo-heem yo-shee-a tzee-on v'-yiv-ne a-ray y'-hu-da ... v'-o-ha-vay
sh'-mo yish-k'-nu va

Today's Israel Inspiration

Get ready for an amazing Hebrew lesson from today's verse! The Hebrew word "ahava" - אהבה- which means 'love,' has at its root the word 'hav' - 'to give.'  From the holy language we glean that the more we give, the more we grow to love the recipient of our giving. Colel Chabad, Israel's oldest continuous charity, has been giving much needed love and support to Israel's poorest citizens since 1788. Partner with Colel Chabad to feed needy orphans, widows and Holocaust survivors throughout the Land of Israel.

Fall in Love With Israel All
Over Again

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu shares every single reason he falls in love with the Jewish state each and every day.

An Unusual Grocery Store
in Israel

Colel Market looks like any other supermarket. The aisles are lined with products and there are cashiers where customers pay for their purchases. The differences are much more subtle.

Find out why this Seven Species Soap can save you
from dry skin.

Wheat soap is filled with nutrients and antioxidants which prevent scarring as well as moisturize. A product made with the wheat of the land of Israel, it's guaranteed to give your skin a healthier feel. Buy Seven Species Soaps and find out for yourself.


Israel Photo Trivia

Do you know where to find the Ahava ("Love") statue in today’s photo byYehoshua HaleviSend me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Mary Mae Joseph of Ontario, Canada. Todah rabah!

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God has put this love for Israel on my heart, knowing all along I had so much to learn about you. Thank you for teaching me :) As I am learning, it's your hearts I see. So so beautiful to me. It's remind me of when God said, the nations would be blessed through you. Indeed they are! God is with you. Keep Shining His Light, I Love you, Kathryn from Minnesota

Thank you very much Rabbi for these wonderful daily messages and information about our lovely Israel. You and Israel are in my prayer List. Blessings,-  Nigatu Chaffo
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Anne Graham Lotz on The Jim Bakker Show (Day 1)

Watch here: Anne Graham Lotz on The Jim Bakker Show (Day 1)

Anne Graham Lotz
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3020 | Aired on June 21, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

Orlando Pastor Offers Prophetic Word After Pulse Massacre: It's Happening - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

A woman mourns as she sits on the ground and takes part in a vigil for the Pulse night club victims following last week's shooting in Orlando, Florida.

Orlando Pastor Offers Prophetic Word After Pulse Massacre: It's Happening

A woman mourns as she sits on the ground and takes part in a vigil for the Pulse night club victims following last week's shooting in Orlando, Florida. (REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)
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After multiple tragedies in the greater Orlando area, pastor and musician William McDowell issued a prophetic word via Instagram.  
I know most of you will not understand what in the world I'm talking about. As a resident of Orlando and a pastor in Orlando with a prophetic edge I feel like standing on top of the biggest thing I can with the loudest megaphone and shouting this as loud as I can!!! IT'S HAPPENING!!!!!!Those with a spiritual awareness will know exactly what I am talking about! If you do you'll know exactly what and how to pray! That's all I can say for now. I'm encouraged to see that intercessors, prophetic voices and those who are sensitive are beginning to sense out there what we have been seeing here in our city since the beginning of 2016! It's happening! Everything is connected! I'll stop now but I'm full and it's hard to stay completely silent! There is a word from the Lord about all of this! 
Many followers agreed with McDowell, who leads worship at Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando. 
One follower posted: "I spoke about this in choir rehearsal tonight... Recognize the spirit in the land... Then PRAY!" 
Another wrote: "Yes pastor!!! The Time and season now to pray and fast. We as the church must wake up now and understand what's happening in the Spiritual realm. What happened in Orlando this past week with 3 major tragic (sic) was a sign. People in the world wouldn't understand. We must spread the gospel more than ever now..." 
Late last week, prophetic voice Barbara Yoder said Orlando was under attack because the enemy was granted a "legal entry point." 
And this week, Charisma Senior Editor Jennifer LeClaire issued a similar word:  
Make no mistake, I am not suggesting that the events in Orlando are God's judgment. That's an ignorant and unfortunate assumption some people who call themselves Christians are making. I am only suggesting this: When we tolerate Jezebel—when we tolerate immorality and idolatry and the occult—we open a door for the enemy that God is not obliged to shut. Orlando is not the only city in America tolerating Jezebel. The church in America needs to repent and close the door on any agreement with this spirit right now.
Was an antichrist spirit attacking Orlando? I believe so. Was witchcraft involved? Likely, given the Bible's revelation on Jezebel and her witchcrafts (2 Kings 9:22). Discerning spirits is ultimately not a difficult task. Raising up governmental intercessors who understand how to legislate in the Spirit and use the keys of the kingdom to bind and loose (Matt. 18:18) is the greater challenge. But we can commit to doing it.
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