Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Visiting Israel Is No Longer Just a Dream—Make It a Reality. - EXPLOREISRAEL.COM CHARISMA NEWS

Visiting Israel Is No Longer Just a Dream—Make It a Reality.

It's the land of the Bible and the cradle of humanity. It's the trip of a lifetime—imagine walking in the footsteps of the prophets, standing in the spot where King David once stood and looking out on views redolent with thousands of years of sacrifice.
Travelers to Israel can be stymied by many obstacles. Flights, accommodations, travel details like organizing tours and attractions in a strange country and, of course, cost, are all potential obstacles that make the dream of traveling to Israel intimidating. The team at ExploreIsrael.com is passionate about Israel and sharing the land they love. They know Israel, and will help you get there.
One of the unique things that sets ExploreIsrael.com apart is that they are a hybrid company, a mix of online convenience with live, personal service. Their site is a fast, technologically sophisticated booking site where you can make your own travel arrangements, much like Expedia. But the added dimension to their site is that all they do is Israel. Which means really know their way around the country and how to get there. They will hook you up with the very best fares on flights to Israel and hotel stays, because they are on top of the industry.
Beyond that, there is a treasure trove of information about Israel on their site. The site is visually stunning. You will get lost exploring all the many things to do and see in the Holy Land as well as reading their fantastic blogs. The site will help you plan your itinerary, organize your bucket list, and tell you where to get the very best falafel.
ExploreIsrael.com invites you to discover the holiest place on Earth—a place of history, prophecy, faith and sacrifice. But they don't want you to limit yourself. Along with the sacred spaces, modern Israel is a place with cities and beaches, deserts and forests. You can go jeeping to the Ramon Crater, float on top of the Dead Sea, and do some parasailing in Eilat. The possibilities are literally endless. It's overwhelming—and that's why you need them.
Check out the site here: exploreisrael.com/israel-holy-land-trips.
You may know that you want to visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Garden Tomb, Nazareth, the Jordan River and some of the "classic" tourist spots. Here are a few other ideas from ExploreIsrael.com:
Photo: The Western Wall Tunnels
The Western Wall Tunnels - The Western Wall is the No. 1 tourist site in all of Israel and the center of constant 24/7 prayer. Aside from making a pilgrimage to the site, don't forget to take a trip through the tunnels. They excavation runs underground along the wall so you will actually be standing on what was street level 2,000 years ago. In the tunnels you will bear witness to all the civilizations that attempted—and ultimately failed—to conquer the Holy Land.
Photo: The Jesus Trail
The Jesus Trail - Starting in Nazareth and ending in Capernaum, this trail takes you through 65 km of easy to moderate terrain that follows the footsteps of the Bible. Along the way there are holy places, archaeological sites and historical landmarks. There are also shops, inns and cafes along the way for weary hikers to take a load off. Most people try to do 10 km a day, but if you only have a limited time in Israel, you can just do one portion of the trail.
Photo: The Friends of Zion Heritage Museum
The Friends of Zion Heritage Museum - This technologically cutting-edge museum is an hugely engaging interactive display on the contributions of the Christian community to the establishment of the State of Israel. It's a moving and edifying experience. Some people profiled here are well known—like Queen Victoria. And some are lesser known, such as Clay Lowdermilk. Never heard of Mr. Lowdermilk? Check out the museum and find out who he is and what he did for Israel.
Photo: City of David Segway Tour
City of David Segway Tour - This is the coolest way to do some urban sightseeing. The segway tours take you through the city of David in a fun and modern way. Great tour guides will show you this most ancient parts of the Old City. You will glide through ancient paths and past stunning vistas. You'll learn and have fun at the same time.
Photo: Nahal Perat - Wadi Qelt
Nahal Perat - Wadi Qelt - One of the most popular hikes in Israel combines archaeology, the Bible (Prat is the biblical Perat mentioned in the book of Jeremiah), and adventure. There are great swimming holes and ruins of the oldest discovered synagogue in Israel, originally built by the Hasmonean Kings. There is also a monastery still inhabited by Greek monks with visiting hours.
Photo: The Blind Museum
The Blind Museum - Check out the award winning exhibit "Dialogue in the Dark" that is part of the Children's Museum in Holon. Don't be mislead though—this exhibit is only open to age 9 and older. The Exhibit allows people to experience the world of the blind and introduces people to the rich sensory world within. It will forever change your perceptions and attitudes on disability.
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Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Israeli's Message to Orlando: 'We Weep With You' - JONATHAN FELDSTEIN CHARISMA NEWS

Israeli police forensic experts work at the scene after an explosion tore through a bus in Jerusalem in what an Israeli official said was a bombing in April.

Israeli's Message to Orlando: 'We Weep With You'

Israeli police forensic experts work at the scene after an explosion tore through a bus in Jerusalem in what an Israeli official said was a bombing in April. (Amar Awad/Reuters )

Standing With Israel
Recently I visited with Christian friends from Orlando in Jerusalem. We connected some time ago and became immediate friends, sharing our respective faiths, reverence for God and love for Israel. They are frequent visitors, know Israel well and we are in touch often.
We've been planning an Israel solidarity event together and spent some time discussing details of date, timing, format and how to involve both Jews and Christians. We also spoke about our respective families, ministries and current events in Israel and the US.
The week they left, our respective communities were jarred with the awareness that we share much more in common than we would like. The Tel Aviv and Orlando terror attacks were unwanted wakeup calls.
Some nonsensical people commented after the Tel Aviv attack—leaving four dead and dozens wounded—that it was due to the "occupation."  This is absurd and provides a justification that any perceived wrong of Muslim extremist sensibilities (whether in Tel Aviv recently, or Paris a year and a half ago) is somehow OK or to be expected. I am still looking for that absurd justification for the Orlando terror attack. Maybe Mickey Mouse is nefariously occupying the Bat Cave.
Later, I was interviewed by a journalist who is delving into the root of what motivates Christian support for Israel. I explained that there were many factors but, simply, it is rooted in the biblical obligation to bless Israel. The fact that as this phenomena has grown in parallel to the rebirth and revival of Israel, fulfilling biblical prophecy, coupled with threats against Jews and Christians and overall western (but not exclusively) civilization, underscores the imperative for solidarity. It is a blessing indeed and exactly what God wants, that the two parallel but interrelated phenomena of the upsurge in Christians blessing Israel and increased solidarity between Jews and Christians has expanded, and continues to do so.
Unfortunately, the Tel Aviv terror attack and the Orlando attack underscore that need all the more. 
After Orlando, my son and I were talking and he asked why it was that nobody stopped it. How could it be that nobody inside the club attempted to disarm the terrorist? Why was it that there was nobody armed inside? How was it that fear overcame bravery?
From an Israeli perspective, as horrible as terror attacks are when they happen here, and they happen too often, at least we know that in most cases, the terrorist will be stopped and killed or captured in short order. My son didn't understand what seemed like an impotent response inside, coupled with what seemed like an unprepared police response outside, allowing the terrorist to go on and on, posting to Facebook, and taunting emergency services with calls to 911.
But know this, people of Orlando: We know the heartache of loss. We weep with you.
Security camera footage of the Tel Aviv attack showed one of the miraculous occurrences, tremendous bravery and selflessness amid the shooting. While restaurant patrons scurried for the exit and to take cover, an unarmed man rushed the one of the terrorists and knocked a gun from his hand. Doing so gave patrons more time to flee, and certainly saved more lives. 
I don't own a gun, but I always think of getting one. One of the motivating factors to do so is a terror attack that took place in Jerusalem in 2008. A Palestinian Arab terrorist, using the tractor that he was driving freely through Jerusalem for work, attacked and tried to overturn a school bus filled with kids. That summer, there were a few such attacks where terrorists used their construction equipment as weapons. At this one, an armed bystander climbed atop the tractor and shot the terrorist, disabling him and preventing any further harm to the children, or anyone else.
Honestly, I'd love to be in a situation where I am able to stop a terrorist like that, and hope that if put to the test, armed or not, I'd respond with similar bravery and selflessness.
Back to Orlando, a few years ago I was checking into the Orlando airport for a domestic U.S. flight. I have become accustomed to the long lines and delays as the TSA undertakes at least perfunctory precautions to prevent a terrorist from getting onto or near a plane. I remember going through security and being told I had been selected for a random additional security screening.
I let the TSA staff do what they needed to do, but told them I came from Israel, and not are they only wasting time stopping me randomly, but they are stopping someone from the one Middle Eastern country they can trust and which understands security precautions. I was polite, but told them firmly that they need to be profiling the terrorists, not stopping people randomly.
And it seems that if the FBI or others had taken the threat more seriously and profiled or investigated the terrorist in Orlando more thoroughly, they could have stopped him. Of course, critics will charge that profiling is not PC. But if it's between PC and survival, I pick survival.
A friend posted something on his social media in the wake of Orlando that was especially poignant and to which I replied. We got into a chat about it and he said how the U.S. has to learn so much more from Israel about how to respond to terrorist threats and prevent attacks. I replied that we are meant to be light unto the nations, but I don't think this is what God had in mind.
However, to the extent that in this way we can be, because of the common threat, the common enemy, and the necessary solidarity especially between Jews and Christians, I pray to the same extent that the world is threatened by Islamic terror as a common enemy, that if we can be a light unto the nations in this way too, so be it.
Among the theme parks in Orlando is The Holy Land Experience, owned by TBN. I've driven past but never been inside. I understand it portrays a sample of biblical life in Israel including a replica of the Temple and the traveling tabernacle. While people dressed as Roman soldiers mingle through the park, one thing I suspect it does not include is a sense of the many challenges to being a Jew that began with Abraham, continued in the Land, in exile and slavery in Egypt, and during and long after our return, subsequent exiles, and still today. 
One thing I have learned about living in Israel is that while God promised the Jewish people the Land of Israel as a timeless inheritance, He never promised that it would be easy or without its challenges. We live with and accept it, and no matter the challenges, we will overcome them because He continues to grant us His protection. 
I pray that God will change the hearts of the terrorists who are the enemies of Jews and Christians so that, together, we may worship Him according to our traditions, and continue to build on the growing trend of solidarity, not because of fear but because of simple biblical imperative. 
Jonathan Feldstein was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. Throughout his life and career, he has been blessed by the calling to fellowship with Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel. He writes a regular column for charismanews.com's Standing With Israel. He can be reached at firstpersonisrael@gmail.com.
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European Banks Have Their Worst Two Day Stretch EVER As The Global Financial Crisis Intensifies - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Stock Exchange Trading Floor - Public Domain

Posted: 27 Jun 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Over the last two trading days, European banks have lost 23 percent of their value.  Let that number sink it for a bit.  In just a two day stretch, nearly a quarter of the value of all European banks has been wiped out.  I warned you that the Brexit vote “could change everything“, and that is precisely what has happened. 

Meanwhile, the Dow was down another 260 points on Monday as U.S. markets continue to be shaken as well.  Overall, approximately three trillion dollars of global stock market wealth has been lost over the last two trading days.  That is an all-time record, and any doubt that we have entered a new global financial crisis has now been completely eliminated.
But of course the biggest news on Monday was what happened to European banks.  The Brexit vote has caused financial carnage for those institutions unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  Just check out this chart from Zero Hedge

European Banking Crash - Zero Hedge

I knew that things would be bad if the UK voted to leave the European Union, but I didn’t know that they would be this bad.

Prior to all of this, a whole bunch of “too big to fail” banks all over Europe were already in the process of imploding, and now this chaotic financial environment may push several of them into full-blown collapse mode simultaneously.  Just consider the following commentary from Wolf Richter
Healthy big banks would get over Brexit and the political turmoil it is spawning, particularly non-UK banks. But there are no healthy big banks in Europe. And non-UK banks are crashing just as hard, and some harder. This is about a banking crisis morphing into a financial crisis.
These bank stocks got crushed on Friday. And they got crushed again today. Italian banks have been reduced to penny stocks. Spanish banks are getting closer. Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest bank, and still partially owned by the German government as a consequence of the last bailout, is well on the way.
One institution that I have been warning about for months is German banking giant Deutsche Bank.  On Monday, their stock fell another 5.77 percent to a fresh all-time closing low of 13.87.  I have been convinced that Deutsche Bank is going to zero for a long time, but these days it seems in quite a hurry to get there.

Of course Deutsche Bank is far from alone.  The following are other “too big to fail” European banks that have lost at least one-fifth of their value over the past two trading days…

-Royal Bank of Scotland
-Lloyds Banking Group
-Credit Suisse
-BNP Paribas
-Societe Generale
-Intesa SanPaolo
-Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
-Banco Santander

This is what a full-blown financial crisis looks like, and U.S. banks have been getting hit very hard too
The Brexit contagion is spreading as USD liquidity and counterparty risk in the interconnected global financial system has reached US banks with Goldman at 3 year lows and BofA and Citi plunging over 12%. This happens just two days after the Fed released its latest stress test results finding that none of the 33 banks tested would need additional capital in case of a “severe” financial crisis. That conclusion may be tested soon.
Meanwhile, the British pound continues to get absolutely pummeled.  As I write this, the GBP/USD is down to 1.32, and some are now warning that the British pound may hit parity with the U.S. dollar by the end of the year.

One of the reasons why I expect the British pound to continue to tumble is because the global elite have to show the British people that they made the wrong decision, and they need to scare off any other countries that would consider holding similar votes.

So it was no surprise that the elite had two of their major credit rating agencies downgrade the UK on Monday
Two major rating agencies downgraded the United Kingdom’s credit rating on Monday.
S&P Global Ratings lowered the UK to AA from AAA, with a “negative” outlook. And, Fitch cut its rating to AA from AA+, with a negative outlook as well.
And as I mentioned yesterday, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs have already projected that the UK economy is heading into recession.

As much economic and financial pain as possible will be inflicted upon the British people, and meanwhile they will be bombarded by mainstream news stories telling them that they made a stupid decision.

Hopefully the British people will stand strong and will not give in to the pressure. But of course it isn’t just the British people that will be feeling the pain.  The Brexit vote has sent shockwaves all over the planet, and global investors are losing tremendous amounts of money.  For instance, here in the United States approximately 1.3 trillion dollars of stock market wealth has been wiped out so far…
Brexit isn’t just a European problem after all. The United Kingdom’s decision to quit the European Union is costing U.S. investors a pretty penny.
U.S.-based companies in the broad Russell 3000, including online advertising company Alphabet (GOOGL), software maker Microsoft (MSFT) and global bank JPMorgan Chase (JPM), have suffered a collective loss of $1.3 trillion since Friday’s shocker from the United Kingdom, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  It is very rare for global financial markets to crash for three days in a row, but it could happen.  More likely, however, is that we will see some kind of temporary bounce as long as some really negative event doesn’t hit the news.

But let there be no doubt about what has just happened.  The collapse of Lehman Brothers was the “trigger event” that really accelerated the crisis of 2008, and now it appears as though the Brexit vote will be the “trigger event” that greatly accelerates the crisis of 2016.
Global investors had already lost trillions over the past 12 months, and a full-blown financial implosion was going to happen no matter how the vote turned out, but thanks to British voters the fun and games have arrived early.

Unfortunately, only a very small fraction of the population understands just how bad things are going to get in the months ahead…

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) The U.S. Navy Evacuated 6,000 Jews from Jaffa in 1914/1915

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 27 Jun 2016 

The book is moving forward, so we cannot publish new pictures and essays at this time.

But, here are two never-before-seen pictures from the book showing Jews boarding and disembarking from the USS Tennessee after their expulsion by the Turks in 1915. 

Stay tuned for information on the book's publication.

Jewish refugees boarding and registering in Jaffa.

Jewish refugees disembarking in Alexandria Egypt.

"It never crossed my mind to leave my passengers" - Flight Captain Michel Bacos - Israel Today

"It never crossed my mind to leave my passengers" - Flight Captain Michel Bacos

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
On July 27 1976, an Air France Airbus A300, flight 139, flying out of Athens and carrying 248 passengers and 12 crew ended up at Entebbe airport in Uganda instead of its intended destination of Paris. The plane had been hijacked by pro-Palestinian terrorists and its captain, Michel Bacos, found himself facing a moral dilemma of life and death proportions.
Now aged 92, Bacos recounts his story vividly. One thing particularly stands out in his mind. It was the moment when the two Palestinian and two Germans hijackers divided the hostages into two groups — Israeli nationals and Jews to one side, non-Jews to the other.
It was at this moment that one holocaust survivor amongst the hostages showed her concentration camp number tattooed on her arm and said to one of the German hijackers, "your handling of us is identical to that of the Nazis". He responded that he was not a Nazi but an idealist against imperialist Israel leading an expansionist war against her neighbors.
"I knew precisely what fascism was all about and what separation meant. I wasn’t going to leave my passengers to their fate, even though I was told I could leave. Not for a moment", Bacos said.
"While I was being held hostage, I called the crew together and said: "We have to remain with the passengers until the end — that is our duty". Every member of my crew agreed with me no matter what. It had to do with basic values of decency and human behaviour. It was, put simply, the right thing to do."
He recalls, "I remember when one of the German terrorists said to me: 'If any army from any country tries to save you, you can rest assured that we will hear them first and we will kill every last one of you'."
The 100 hostages were heavily guarded under difficult circumstances for a long week. Many suffered from diarrhea and vomiting and the 75-year-old Jewess Dora Bloch, whose father was the co-founder of the Israeli city of Rishon LeZion, was hospitalized in Kampala after collapsing. The day after the liberation of the hostages by the Israeli commando force she was murdered in her hospital bed by the Ugandan army.
"It was 11.30 pm when I heard machine gun fire. When the fighting broke out he could have shot us. Twenty seconds later he was dead, shot by Israeli commandos", said Bacos.
Although there were three fatalities among the hostages, Operation Jonathan - named after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's older brother, the only IDF force killed in the raid - is considered to be the most successful and most daring rescue ever carried out.

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Monday, June 27, 2016

Tim Tebow Show Promotes Biblical Principle of Giving - CBN News

Tim Tebow Show Promotes Biblical Principle of Giving
CBN News 06-26-2016
A new reality TV show on Fox starring former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is highlighting the Biblical principle that it is better to give than to receive.

"Home Free" debuted for its second season on June 16th, and unlike its first year, this season is encouraging competitors to win a home for a hero.

Each contestant races down Homefree Blvd, building homes from the foundation until the entire 11 lot neighborhood is filled with new houses for their heroes. The last contestants in the competition win a grand prize of dream home of their own.

Each contestant is there for a hero who has made a significant impact in their life, and now they want to give back to them.

"It's a great principle and it's something that I try to live as much as I can," Tebow told The Christian Post. "I think that in trying to be able to show America that it is a blessing to give and you do get more by giving than you do by just trying to take take take."

The series emphasizes the principle of serving and placing other's needs above your own.

""Having the mindset of just serving other people is important," he continued. "Sometimes it doesn't always makes sense because people are like, 'Well, how am I just going to receive?' Well, receiving comes in a lot of different ways, whether that's receiving peace and fulfillment or purpose or calling, there's so many different things. Or it's just by receiving joy by making a difference in someone else's life, but I think the Bible says that for a reason and I believe it."

Tebow partners with home improvement expert Mike Holmes to encourage contestant to fight through the competition.

It's a story of sacrifice, as viewers learn the heartfelt stories of why the contestants are trying so hard for their heroes.

One contestant joined the competition to build a home for her brother who raised her. Another contestant joined to build a home for a person that saved his life while he was in Afghanistan.

"I think for me it was very uplifting," Tebow said. "They don't even necessarily look at themselves like heroes and to be able to meet all of them and hear their stories was awesome."

We Just Witnessed The Greatest One Day Global Stock Market Loss In World History - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Money Burning - Public Domain

Posted: 26 Jun 2016 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

More stock market wealth was lost on Friday than on any other day in world history.  As you will see below, global investors lost two trillion dollars on the day following the Brexit vote.  And remember, this is on top of the trillions that global investors have already lost over the past 12 months.

It is important to understand that the Brexit vote was not the beginning of a new crisis – it has simply accelerated a global financial crisis that started last year and that was already in the process of unfolding.  As I noted on Friday, we have been waiting for “the next Lehman Brothers moment” that would really unleash fear and panic globally, and now we have it.  The next six months should be absolutely fascinating to watch.

According to CNBC, the total amount of money lost on global stock markets on Friday surpassed anything that we had ever seen before, and that includes the darkest days of the financial crisis of 2008…
Worldwide markets hemorrhaged more than $2 trillion in paper wealth on Friday, according to data from S&P Global, the worst on record. For context, that figure eclipsed the whipsaw trading sessions of the 2008 financial crisis, according to S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt.
The prior one day sell-off record was $1.9 trillion back in September of 2008, Silverblatt noted. According to S&P’s Broad Market Index, combined market capitalization is currently worth nearly $42 trillion.
And of course many of the wealthiest individuals on the planet got absolutely hammered.  According to Bloomberg, the 400 richest people in the world lost a total of $127.4 billion dollars on Friday
The world’s 400 richest people lost $127.4 billion Friday as global equity markets reeled from the news that British voters elected to leave the European Union. The billionaires lost 3.2 percent of their total net worth, bringing the combined sum to $3.9 trillion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. The biggest decline belonged to Europe’s richest person, Amancio Ortega, who lost more than $6 billion, while nine others dropped more than $1 billion, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, the wealthiest person in the U.K.
Could you imagine losing a billion dollars on a single day?

I am sure that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are not shivering in their boots quite yet, but what if the markets keep on bleeding like they did in 2008?

On the other hand, globalist magnate George Soros made a ton of money on Friday because he had positioned himself for a Brexit ahead of time.  The following comes from the London Independent
The billionaire who predicted Brexit would bring about “Black Friday” and a crisis for the finances of ordinary people appears to have profited hugely from the UK’s surprise exit from the EU.
George Soros is widely known as the man who “broke” the Bank of England in 1992, when he bet against the pound and made a reported £1.5bn.
Although the exact amount Mr Soros has gained after Brexit is not known, public filings show he doubled his bets earlier this year that stocks would fall.
So what will happen on Monday when the markets reopen?

Personally, I don’t think that it will be as bad as Friday.

But I could be wrong.

In early trading, Dow futures, S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures are all down
Dow futures fell by 90 points in early trading, while S&P 500 futures slipped 11 points, and NASDAQ futures dipped 24 points. Gold futures rose, in a reflection of sustained demand for safe-haven assets.
And at this moment, the British pound is getting absolutely crushed.  It is down to 1.33, and I would expect to see it fall a lot lower in the weeks and months to come.


Well, the truth is that now that the British people have voted to leave the EU, the globalists have to make it as painful as possible on them in order to send a warning to other nations that may consider leaving.  I think that a recent article by W. Ben Hunt explained this very well…
What’s next? From a game theory perspective, the EU and ECB need to crush the UK. It’s like the Greek debt negotiations … it was never about Greece, it was always about sending a signal that dissent and departure will not be tolerated to the countries that matter to the survival of the Eurozone (France, Italy, maybe Spain). Now they (and by “they” I mean the status quo politicians throughout the EU, not just Germany) are going to send that same signal to the same countries by hurting the UK any way they can, creating a Narrative that it’s economic death to leave the EU, much less the Eurozone. It’s not spite. It’s purely rational. It’s the smart move.
The elite need a crisis now in order to show everyone that globalism is the answer and not the problem.  If the British people were allowed to thrive once they walked away, that would only encourage more countries to go down the exact same path.  This is something that the elite are determined to avoid.

The Brexit vote has barely sunk in, and Bank of America and Goldman Sachs are already projecting a recession for the United Kingdom.  Sadly, I believe that this is what we will see happen.

But it won’t just be the British that suffer.

On Friday, European banking stocks had their worst day ever.  In particular, Deutsche Bank fell an astounding 17.49 percent to an all-time record closing low of 14.72.  I have warned repeatedly about the implosion of Deutsche Bank, and this crisis could be the catalyst for it.
In addition, I have repeatedly warned about the slow-motion meltdown that is happening in Japan.  On Friday, Japanese stocks lost 1286 points, and the yen surged in the exact opposite direction that the government is trying to send it…
Tokyo, we have a problem.
Last week, market tumult stemming from the U.K.’s vote to quit the European Union drove the British pound to its weakest levels in three decades.
Yet it also sent investors flocking to traditional safe haven assets like the U.S. dollar, gold and the yen, the latter surging against every major currency as the results of Brexit became clear: Dollar/yen spiked from a Thursdayhigh near 107 to a two-year low near 99.
Just like in 2008, there will be days when global markets will be green.  When that happens, it will not mean that the crisis is over.

If you follow my work closely, then you know that it is imperative to look at the bigger picture.  Over the past 12 months, there have been some very nice market rallies around the world, but investors have still lost trillions of dollars overall.

What happens on any one particular day is not the story.  Rather, the key is to focus on the long-term trends.

And without a doubt, this Brexit vote could be “the tipping point” that greatly accelerates our ongoing woes…
“Brexit is the biggest global monetary shock since 2008,” said David Beckworth, a scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, in a blog post on Friday. “This could be the tipping point that turns the existing global slowdown of 2016 into a global recession.”
We were already dealing with a new global economic crisis without the Brexit vote.  But what this does is it introduces an element of panic and fear that had been missing up until this current time.

And markets do not like panic and fear very much.  In general, markets tend to go up when things are calm and predictable, and they tend to go down when chaos reigns.

Unfortunately, I believe that we are going to see quite a bit more chaos for the rest of 2016, and the trillions that were lost on Friday may turn out to be just the tip of the iceberg.