Friday, October 7, 2016

Bordering on the Absurd - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

Bordering on the Absurd

Friday, October 07, 2016 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
Amidst the ongoing conflict over land allegedly occupied by Israel, what is the truth and why is there so much confusion? The Bible is quite clear about it: the Jews were promised this land (significantly more than they presently occupy) thousands of years ago (Genesis 17.8). But even on a political level, Israel has every right to this much fought-over real estate. It’s just that politicians have agendas, along with short memories.
Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, at the United Nations, has called for a Palestinian state based on the borders proposed in the 1947 UN Partition Plan[1] – borders they rejected outright themselves at the time. So how is it likely to satisfy them now? Their real problem – then and now – is the existence of a Jewish state.
The 1947 UN plan recommended the land being divided to create independent Jewish and Arab states existing alongside one another. Even this was a betrayal of Jewish aspirations, for they had originally (through the 1920 Treaty of San Remo, which has never been superseded) been promised a much larger area including the land now known as Jordan.
But in a compromise designed to appease the wrath of dissenting Arabs, Britain imposed a ‘two-state solution’ by granting the region east of the Jordan River to the Arabs. It duly became known as Jordan. But memories are short, and there was soon talk of a further ‘two-state solution’.
Nevertheless, the Jews accepted the UN offer despite the fact that it represented only a fraction of the territory originally promised them. Yet the Arabs rejected it, and are still seen by many as the victims.
Now Abbas calls on the UN to declare 2017 “the international year to end the Israeli occupation of our land and our people.”[2]
But since when did it belong to the Palestinians, who did not exist as a people in 1947? In fact Jews from the region were more likely to be known as Palestinians then.
Following the War of Independence in 1948, Jordan (not the PA) illegally took control of Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem. But when threatened with annihilation by surrounding Arab countries in 1967, Israel won an astounding victory in just six days and duly captured this disputed territory, which was certainly never ‘Palestinian’.
Now Abbas is claiming that Jewish settlements in these territories are an obstacle to peace.[3]
But as Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu put it, the conflict is not about settlements. “If the Arabs had said yes to a Jewish state in 1947, there would be no war, no refugees, no conflict. And when they finally say yes to a Jewish state, we’ll be able to end this conflict once and for all.”[4]
Or as he told the UN, the core of the conflict is the “persistent Palestinian refusal to recognize the Jewish state within any boundary.”[5]
As to the PA’s demand that a Palestinian state be free of Jews, Mr Netanyahu described that as “ethnic cleansing”, adding that “the concept of ethnic cleansing for peace is absurd”.[6]
Even U.S. President Barak Obama has got himself in a muddle over this, referring to Israel’s persistence in occupying “Palestinian land”, which is patently not the case, even in international law.[7]
Meanwhile the Israeli leader invited his PA counterpart to address the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, and told him: “You have a choice to make. You can continue to stoke hatred, as you did today (at the UN), or you can confront hatred and work with me today.”[8]
However, Bibi was uncharacteristically upbeat about the future. Citing growing relationships with countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and even among Arab nations, he predicted that delegates would soon get calls from their leaders with a short message: “The war against Israel at the UN has ended.”[9]
But he was scathing about the General Assembly bias displayed last year when they passed 20 resolutions against his democratic state versus just three for the rest of the world where human rights violations abound.[10]
Britain was also taken to task by the PA president in his address at the UN for issuing the so-called Balfour Declaration in 1917, which promised to do all it could to create a homeland in Palestine (as the region was then known) for the Jewish people.[11]
In fact Abbas has threatened to sue Britain over this declaration, which he claimed had reaped catastrophe, misery and injustice for his people.
But Mr Netanyahu countered that if he went ahead with such an action, “he should also sue Cyrus the Great for letting the Jews come back to Israel to rebuild the Temple, and organize a class action suit against Abraham for buying a parcel of land in Hebron”.[12]
We must pray for greater understanding – amongst politicians, writers and clergymen – of the principle that blessing the Jews is the key to individual and national prosperity (Genesis 12.3). Palestinians and other enemies of Israel would save their beleaguered people so much heartache, poverty and strife if only they would buy into this principle – so well understood and practiced by the biblical Ruth.
As a Moabite, Ruth was seen as a ‘foreigner’, yet she blessed her Jewish mother-in-law Naomi in staying by her side for her return to Judah (not Palestine) after losing her husband and sons. As Boaz put it, she had left her father, mother and homeland to come and live with a people she did not know. And his prayer for her was: “May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” (Ruth 1.11f)
As with Ruth, who came from present-day Jordan, most Palestinian leaders are also foreigners from various Arab lands in the region (for example, PLO founder Yasser Arafat was Egyptian). The idea of Palestinian nationality was a political invention of recent times to provide an excuse for driving out the Jews. But we praise God for the growing number of Arabs and Palestinians who are being reconciled with their Jewish brothers through the atoning death of Jesus on a cross outside Jerusalem.
Pray that eyes will continue to be opened to the wondrous truth expounded by St Paul in his letter to the Gentile Ephesians, reminding them that they were once “separated from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility…” (Ephesians 2.12–14)

  1. Bridges for Peace, September 23 2016  ↩
  2. United with Israel, September 23 2016  ↩
  3. Arutz–7/Jerusalem News Network, September 11 2016  ↩
  4. United with Israel, September 25 2016  ↩
  5. United with Israel, September 23 2016  ↩
  6. Arutz–7/JNN, September 11 2016  ↩
  7. Obama told the UN: “Surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land.” (Arutz–7, JNN September 27 2016)  ↩
  8. Bridges for Peace, September 23 2016  ↩
  9. Jerusalem Post/JNN, September 24 2016  ↩
  10. JNN, September 24 2016  ↩
  11. Bridges for Peace, September 23 2016  ↩
  12. Jerusalem Post/JNN, September 24 2016  ↩

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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US threatens Israel over building homes in Samaria - WORLD ISRAEL NEWS

Barack Obama

The Obama administration on Wednesday issued unusually sharp criticism of Israel and strongly condemned its recent decision to advance a plan that would build some 100 housing units in the Shiloh area in Samaria, a compensation for Israeli families who are soon to lose their homes following a court ruling that their homes must be demolished because they were mistakenly built on privately owned Arab land.
The plan also includes optional plans for another 200 housing units and an industrial zone.
In a statement authored by Deputy Department Spokesperson Mark Toner, the administration voiced opposition to the move that would “create a significant new settlement deep in the West Bank,” an erroneous statement because Shiloh has existed for decades.
The move would “further damage the prospects for a two state solution,” Washington asserted. Israel has long maintained that Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria are not an obstacle to peace, and that a demand to remove all Jews from a future Palestinian state is a racist demand which amount to ethnic cleansing.
The administration further claimed that “this approval contradicts previous public statements by the Government of Israel that it had no intention of creating new settlements. And this settlement’s location deep in the West Bank, far closer to Jordan than Israel, would link a string of outposts that effectively divide the West Bank and make the possibility of a viable Palestinian state more remote.”
The new construction “is deeply troubling,” especially in the wake of the recently signed Israel-US military assistance pact, the statement added.
The statement also pointed out that “it is disheartening that while Israel and the world mourned thepassing of President Shimon Peres, and leaders from the US and other nations prepared to honor one of the great champions of peace, plans were advanced that would seriously undermine the prospects for the two state solution that he so passionately supported.”
Responding to these words, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely explained that Israel’s current democratically elected government does not feel obligated by Peres’ legacy and has chosen another course of policy.
Israelis “must ultimately decide between expanding settlements and preserving the possibility of a peaceful two state solution,” the statement said. “Proceeding with this new settlement is another step towards cementing a one-state reality of perpetual occupation that is fundamentally inconsistent with Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state.”
The statement concluded with a vailed threat that “such moves will only draw condemnation from the international community, distance Israel from many of its partners, and further call into question Israel’s commitment to achieving a negotiated peace.”
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the US had received public assurances from the Israeli government that contradicted the announcement to build in Samaria.
“I guess, when we’re talking about how good friends treat one another, that’s a source of serious concern as well,” he said.The Israeli foreign ministry said the units approved do not constitute a “new settlement.” It said the new housing would be built on state-owned land in an existing community and would not change its boundaries or geographic footprint. It explained that the construction is necessary to relocate Israeli residents from another area who must leave their homes due to the court order.

“Israel remains committed to a solution of two states for two peoples, in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the Jewish state of Israel,” the ministry said in a statement. “The real obstacle to peace is not the settlements — a final status issue that can and must be resolved in negotiations between the parties — but the persistent Palestinian rejection of a Jewish state in any boundaries.”
The Obama administration regularly condemns Israel for its presence in Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, areas Israel maintains are their legitimate heartland and state capital.
Reporting on the incident, Israeli media found it incredulous that the US focused its foreign policy efforts on 100 housing units in Israel, while there were so many important issues around the globe to address.
By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What This Hillary Clinton Aide (Huma Abedin) Said Has Jews Furious - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's longtime aide, Huma Abedin, made a disparaging comment about the Jewish community in an email exchange recently obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. (Reuters photo)

What This Hillary Clinton Aide (Huma Abedin) Said Has Jews Furious

While sorting through the volumes of emails provided by the Department of State as a result of its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, the Daily Caller News Foundation came across a troubling chain of communication involving Hillary Clinton's longtime aide, Huma Abedin.
In a new report Thursday morning, the Daily Caller said the email demonstrated hostility toward the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and Jews in general. The daughter of fundamentalist Muslim parents who ran the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs referred to AIPAC attendees as "that crowd" in the email.
Huma Abedin, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's closest aide, urged former President Bill Clinton in 2009 to reject a speaking invitation before the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC), asking his assistant in an email, do "u really want to consider sending him into that crowd?"
Abedin's comment about "that crowd" has sparked anger and consternation among Jewish and non-Jewish leaders who consider it hostile to Jews and to the State of Israel. Her comments are raising uncomfortable questions about Abedin's past and her family's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
"Appalling" is how Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, described the email, adding that it, "shows hostility toward Jews and Israel in light of the fact that 'that crowd' gives huge ovations to White House speakers."
Klein pointed to the Abedin family's ties to a radical Islamic group, saying, "it makes me think about the allegations about her parents and other family members who were associated with the Muslim Brotherhood."
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ISIS Fighting End-of-Days Battle in Dabiq to Bring Muslim Messiah - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS


ISIS Fighting End-of-Days Battle in Dabiq to Bring Muslim Messiah

“Therefore son of man prophesy and say unto Gog: Thus saith the Lord GOD: In that day when My people Yisrael dwelleth safely shalt thou not know it?” Ezekiel 38:14 (The Israel Bible™)
While God’s judgement of the world hangs in balance during the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, a battle is being fought in a small, dusty town in Syria that ISIS and many of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims believe will usher in Mahdi, the Islamic concept of Messiah.
ISIS believes Mahdi will come after the final apocalyptic battle between “Rome” (or America, in its modern incarnation) and Islam is fought in Dabiq, Syria. Though the current has little strategic military importance and the outcome seems certain, as a small group of ISIS fighters face off against American-led troops, the Koran prophesies that this battle, win or lose, will set off a process resulting in all infidels choosing between conversion and death.
One expert sees this battle as a catalyst setting off intensified ISIS terror attacks around the world in an attempt by the Islamic State to fulfill the prophecy.

Dabiq, Syria (Google Maps)
Dabiq, Syria (Google Maps)

ISIS believes quite strongly that the primary eschatological battle between the Muslims and the Christian forces will be fought there,” Dr. Timothy Furnish, an international media commentator and author on radical Islam, explained to Breaking Israel News. “They have been trying to goad the West, primarily the US, into inserting ground forces at that locale.”
Dr. Furnish cited a hadith (Islamic teaching attributed to Mohammed) which states that the “Last Hour would not come” until a vastly superior Roman army composed of “the best soldiers of the people of the earth at that time” came to battle Islam in Dabiq.
Islam’s vision of Messiah is the resurrection of a Muslim Jesus, who will convert all Christians to Islam. Those who do not convert will be killed.
Dabiq is a small Syrian town with a population of 3,000, about 10 miles from the border with Turkey. Rebel troops, including 300 US Special Forces, are currently moving to take the town back from ISIS. Fighting has been fierce and casualties are already high on both sides. Despite its relative unimportance, Islamic State has been focusing all of its efforts on the city.
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The battle began on Monday, when the Free Syrian Army – Syrian rebel forces supported by America and Turkey – captured Turkman Bareh, four miles east of Dabiq. The anti-ISIS forces predicted they would capture Dabiq within 48 hours, but their advance slowed after they encountered extensively mined areas, mortars, and explosive devices in their path. Fighting was reported to be especially fierce as ISIS reinforcements poured into the region.
ISIS has put great effort into attracting American attention to the backwater of Dabiq, naming its online propaganda magazine after the town of Muslim armageddon. The magazine’s front cover quotes former terrorist leader and killer Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who proclaimed in 2004, “The spark has been lit here in Iraq, and its heat will continue to intensify – by Allah’s permission – until it burns the crusader armies in Dabiq.”

The first issue of ISIS' English-language magazine, Dabiq. (Wikimedia Commons)
The first issue of ISIS’ English-language magazine, Dabiq. (Wikimedia Commons)

The small town was prominently featured in a video of Mohammed Emwazi, a British citizen dubbed “Jihadi John“, who joined ISIS and murdered five Western hostages in 2014. He taunted American viewers with the severed head of American aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig, a former US Army Ranger, at his feet.
“Here we are, burying the first American Crusader in Dabiq, eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,” Emwazi said in the video.
Their efforts to attract America’s attention seems to have succeeded, as the US-led coalition brings “the best soldiers of the people of the earth” directly to Dabiq. Nonetheless, it is not holding onto the city or even winning the battle that is significant to ISIS, but the fact of the battle itself.
Dr. Mordechai Kedaran Israeli scholar of Arabic literature and a lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, believes that ISIS will not relinquish its twisted version of Messiah, even if it is defeated in the prophesied Battle of Dabiq.
“No doubt, Dabiq carries a very heavy Islamic meaning,” Dr. Kedar told Breaking Israel News. “I think that the Islamic State will not turn Dabiq into a fight for eternity, and will withdraw eventually from Dabiq as well as from other parts of Syria.”
But Dr. Khedar believes an ISIS defeat in Dabiq will be even more catastrophic for the West than an ISIS victory.
“They will claim that the war on Dabiq can be carried out in the streets of Paris, London, Berlin, Washington DC and Jerusalem,” Dr. Kedar warned. “Meanwhile we can see a war between Russia and the US on Syria. Put simply, Gog and Magog.”



Maoz Israel Ministries Report

Monthly Report: October 2016
Elul - Tishrei 5776
Open in PDF
1016 - Hillary Clinton

By Shira Sorko-Ram

(Excerpts from The Islamic Strategy to Conquer America)

There are titanic shifts taking place in Washington D.C. Under the watch of President Barack Obama, a flock of Muslim aides and advisors have been welcomed into the White House. They have surely had a strong influence in the Muslim-leaning policies the president has initiated in the last eight years. One might hope the next president, whoever that may be, would not have this heavy bent toward Islam.

Wrong. There is a strong chance there will even be greater Islamic influence impacting the White House with the next administration. Why? Because although the New York Times doesn’t know this, nor does CNN, ABC or NBC, Islamists have a single ultimate goal, an all-consuming and focused mission to the world - to conquer all nations for Allah and to establish his Sharia law.

Devout Muslims deeply believe they will bring world peace to the globe by converting the entire human race to Islam. Their explicit mission can be found in thousands, no hundreds of thousands of documents. In countless video clips you can witness Islamic clerics, authors and scholars preaching their gospel. From the mouths of multiplied hundreds of Jihadist militias, gangs and armies, they promise terror and death to the infidels - all who refuse to convert to Islam.

Terrorism is, of course, one of the main Islamic tools to bring their "peace" to the world. But terrorism is certainly not the only weapon of choice. The Muslim Brotherhood prefers to use diplomacy, money, education, persuasion and elections to conquer the Western world. At least in the beginning. They look for weak spots to replace the democratic fabric with their Sharia worldview.

Their methods? Use education. Indoctrinate naïve students. Give scholarships to educate future professors. Donate large sums of money to universities. Use intimidation to keep the media scared and silent. Repeat endlessly that Islam is a religion of peace. Use lawyers and lobbyists to threaten legal action against critics of their religion. Shout "Islamophobia!" Repeat endlessly that Muslims are the victims of Western abuse and hatred. Contribute large sums to charities of people with influence. Mosques? Build! Build! Build! And always remember: few weapons are more potent than deception.

There are a thousand ways to promote the Islamic agenda. And its leaders are using them with great proficiency.


So let’s talk about a very special case. Huma Abedin.

Huma Abedin has been the inseparable assistant to Hillary Clinton for 20 years. If Clinton becomes the next president, then undoubtedly this 40 year-old aide will enjoy one of the most influential positions in the United States. But who is Huma?

The Abedins moved to Saudi Arabia when Huma was two years old. All her formative years were spent in a world more extreme in its Islamic expression than any other nation in the world. Neither she, nor her sister or even her mother would have been able to drive a car in that country. Huma would not have been allowed to leave the house without a family member.

Her Indian-born father and Pakistaniborn mother were themselves steeped in “Wahabbi” Islamic theology, and therefore jumped at the invitation to use their talents to spread Islamic doctrine. Huma’s parents were Islamic scholars. Until today Huma’s mother works tirelessly in many different organizations to spread Sharia throughout the world, especially in Western countries. (; link:

At 18 years old, the Saudi-raised young woman came back to the U.S. and enrolled in George Washington University in 1994, which had a very active Muslim Students Association (MSA). By 1997, she was on the MSA Executive Board as the Head of Social Committee.

Muslim Students Association’s Executive Board of 1997 lists Huma Abedin as head of Social Committee.
Huma served from 1997-1999, while at the same time working for Hillary Clinton.


Trustee report of the Islamic Trust of the pro-sharia
Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies in Britain lists
Dr. Abdullah Omar Naseef as Chairman of the Board.
Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi was also a Board trustee until 2006.
Huma’s brother, Hassan Abedin is listed as fellow of the Board.

So what’s the problem? There’s a huge problem. Most groups affiliated with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood actually grew out of MSA.

Even more disturbing, in 2001 the Muslim chaplain of the George Washington Muslim Students Association chapter in which Huma Abedin previously served on its executive board was none other than Anwar al-Awlaki, the now notorious al- Qaeda figure who was mentoring some of the 9/11 hijackers.(; lnk:

The plain facts reveal the Muslim Students Association has played a key role in the Muslim Brotherhood-led Islamic Movement in North America. So if there are lengthy and well-documented investigative reports with original sources so easily available for all to see, why doesn’t the mainstream media take the time to make even a cursory search? Answer: Islamists know how to fight back. And fight they do. When anyone questions Islamic goals or methods, they simply cry “religious persecution” or “Islamophobia!” That is enough to keep virtually all the liberal press at bay.


Think about this: The only groups of people who are truly aware of the dangers of Islam’s theology are born-again Christians, Messianic Jews and Israelis. The first two understand that Islam is an evil false religion that would willingly slaughter, if possible, every person who refuses to convert to Islam. The Israeli people understand the deadly goals of this religion because Islamic leaders remind Israelis daily of their determination to destroy the Jewish state.

But what about Americans in general? With each passing year, Christianity and Judaism have become less important to a majority of its citizens. Without that Biblical compass, Americans are being blind-sided by the ambitions of Islam.

However, those of us who do care must face the facts - the Muslim Students Association with hundreds of chapters across America is the most effective tool for da’wah - Islamic proselytizing (or evangelism if you will) to Islam - within the American Muslim Brotherhood movement.(; link:

MSA has gained legitimacy on American campuses as a benevolent collegiate faith club; through conferences and events, publications, website and other activities, MSA has disseminated and promoted militant Islamic ideologies on college and universities throughout America. (Ibid.)

One of Islam’s oft-repeated and most current strategies is to use all of the many Islamic institutions in the U.S. for its most immediate goal: to prevent Muslims in the United States from assimilating into American culture. The MSA is the vanguard organization for this task.

Terrorism expert Patrick Poole told CBN News his investigation of the organization reveals that the Muslim Students Association has been a virtual terror factory. "Time after time after time again,” said Poole, “we see these terrorists - and not just fringe members: these are MSA leaders, MSA presidents, MSA national presidents - who've been implicated, charged and convicted in terrorist plots."(; link:

In 2008, the New York Times was still brave enough to describe a bit of the origins of the Muslim Students Association in the 1960s and 70s, describing their chapters as “basically little slices of Saudi Arabia.” Saudi rulers’ main condition for their donations to MSA: Don’t criticize Saudi Arabia. (; link:

Their goals have not changed. But now a more polished, gentler version has been created for a wider 21st century audience.

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By Shira Sorko-Ram
1016 - Hillary Clinton Visits Dar El-hekma Womens College
Hillary Clinton visits Dar El-Hekma Womens College in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Huma Abedin’s mother,
Saleha Mahmoud Abedin,(wearing glasses) in hijab is the Co-Founder and now the Assistant Dean of the College.

Living under Sharia law was completely natural for Huma. Her family moved to Saudi Arabia in 1978, after her father, Dr. Syed Zainul Abedin, was recruited by Abdullah Omar Naseef, a wealthy Saudi and his long-time colleague. Naseef commissioned Dr. Abedin to co-found with him a new outreach called the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA). Its focus would be to countries where Muslims were a minority, i.e. the West.

Months later, Dr. Abedin launched the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs (JMMA), again under the patronage of Naseef. The Journal became a family affair. When Dr. Abedin died in 1993, Huma’s mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin (aka Saleha Mahmood) became the editor of the JMMA.

One of Dr. Syed Abedin’s works was a publication titled Muslim Minorities in the West. Here is a sample reading from that book:

Islam is the religion of the whole world; sent by Allah through Muhammad to both races, the Jinn (demons) and Ins (mankind). It is a religion for all humanity as commanded by the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s correct path. This promise was confirmed since Islam did spread throughout the earth and multitudes streamed to it.(; link:


A year after Dr. Abedin’s death, Saleha and family returned to the U.S. and Saleha continued her work as the new editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Within two years of living in the U.S., Huma received the chance of a lifetime: to serve First Lady Hillary Clinton in the White House. With two years under her belt at George Washington University, she was hired as an intern at 19 years old.

The Clintons, having spent much time enlisting donors from oil-rich Saudi Arabia for their Clinton Foundation and with many friends and connections there, most likely felt very comfortable and even fortunate to find a young lady, born in the U.S. and yet who had spent almost all of her young life in Saudi Arabia. She was a great candidate to serve Hillary Clinton.

In 1996, the same year Huma went to work for Clinton, she became the assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs of which her mother was now editor-in-chief.

From that time through at least 2008, the Abedin family - Huma, her brother Hassan, and sister Heba A. Khalid - were responsible for editorial production of what can only be called a pro-Jihadist journal.


Huma worked for at least twelve years serving on the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) editorial board together with her father’s benefactor, Abdullah Omar Naseef. The time coincided with the years Huma was also serving as a White House intern, and then as assistant during and after Clinton's Senate campaigns, and finally as Clinton's traveling chief of staff during her 2008 presidential campaign.


A short background check: During his long career, Naseef is best known for being the President of the Muslim World Congress (MWC). He was also Vice President of the Saudi Shura Council - an advisory board to the Monarchy - and President of King Abdul Azziz University, at which Osama bin-Laden studied in the late 1970’s.

The bottom line - and a most troubling issue for the Abedin family - is the well documented fact that Abdullah Omar Naseef is a senior Muslim Brotherhood leadership figure and Saudi royal family insider with direct connections to financial entities implicated in pre-9/11 funding of al-Qaeda.

So here we have Naseef, for many years the patron and close associate of all the Abedin family, while Chairman of the Muslim World Congress and also General Secretary of the Muslim World League. On its own website, the Muslim World League declares it “is engaged in propagating the religion of Islam…employs all means that are not at variance with the Sharia (Islamic law) to further its aims.” (; link:

Although it describes itself a non-government organization, the Muslim World League is an effective arm of the Saudi Arabian government. (; link:

And it is no secret that despite years of promises, U.S. officials say Saudi Arabia continues to look the other way at wealthy individuals identified as quietly sending millions of dollars to al-Qaeda.
“If I could somehow snap my fingers and cut off the funding from one country, it would be Saudi Arabia,” Stuart Levey, the under secretary of the Treasury in charge of tracking terror financing, told ABC News. (Ibid.)

Naseef also founded the Rabita Trust in 1988. The United States State Department designated Rabita Trust as an al-Qaeda terrorist-financing front on September 23, 2001. (; link:

In a U.S. information report on efforts to address “Islamic Extremism,” U.S. officials testified that the Muslim World League has been linked to supporting Islamic terrorist organizations globally and the organization has a long history of anti-Semitism.(; link:

And Naseef was top man at the MWL, while working with the Abedins!

What does the American government think about all these Islamic organizations and their activities? The U.S. admits there is a dissemination of “outreach materials” which promote the growth of religious extremism globally. However, the U.S. continues, “It is difficult to determine the extent to which donors are aware of the ultimate disposition of the funds provided.”(Ibid.)

Can you see how helpless the U.S. government is in facing the extremist Islamic machine?
1016 - Editorial Board Of Journal Of Muslim Minority Affairs
Editorial Board of Journal Of Muslim Minority Affairs. This Volume 16 from 1996 lists Huma Abedin
as Assistant Editor on the pro-Sharia Journal. 1996 is the year that she also began working
for Hillary Clinton. Her mother, Saleha S. Mahmoud (Abedin) is editor and her brother Hassan Abedin
is a book review editor. Abdullah Omar Naseem is on the Advisory Editorial Board. Huma served on the journal from 1996-2008.


One question will certainly arise in the minds of many readers concerning Huma Abedin: If she is a devout Muslim, believing the Islamic theology that she and her Islamic parents distribute, how could she have married a non-Muslim, in fact a Jew, Anthony Weiner?

How could she have traveled to Saudi Arabia with Hillary Clinton to visit her mother’s college, while living a completely different lifestyle? How could Huma who had been the assistant editor of the extreme pro-Sharia Journal escape the chagrin and indignation of her family and their associates?

Huma’s lifestyle would normally humiliate a devout Islamic family. Yet her mother has never said one critical word against her daughter’s behavior. She was received at the Islamic Dar el- Hekma Women’s college in Saudi Arabia where her mother is assistant dean, with decorum and honor. How can this be?

In a nutshell, Sharia permits deceit when it promotes and expands Islam.

Walid Shoebat explains that few Westerners are familiar with the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood revival of the doctrine of Muruna, which literally means “stealth” or “flexibility.” Muruna allows Muslims to sow division and confusion in the Western world.

Muruna is accomplished by permitting behavior normally so shunned by Sharia that Westerners logically assume that they are seeing a more moderate version of Islam when such prohibitions are suddenly permitted. Westerners' eyes are, in fact, deceiving them.

Muruna theology goes like this:

When evil and harm conflict as necessities demand, we must then choose the least of the two evils or harms. This is what the experts in jurisprudence decided … if interests and harms/evils conflict, or benefits conflict with evils, what is then to be decided is to review each benefit and each harm and its consequences, so the minor evils are forgiven for the sake of the greater long-term benefit. The evil is also accepted even if that evil is extreme and normally considered deplorable. (; link:

Of course, all of her lifestyle “evil” is forgiven if Huma is practicing Muruna for the sake of expanding influence of Islam in America.
1016 - Current Board Of Institute Of Muslim Minority Affairs
Current Board Of Institute Of Muslim Minority Affairs Lists Huma’s Mother
Saleha S. Mahmoud (Abedin) As Editor, Her Brother Hassan Abedin As Associate Editor And Her Sister
Heba A. Khalid As Assistant Editor.


When Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and four conservative congressmen wrote to the State Department in June 2012, warning that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the highest levels of the Obama administration, she included research on Huma Abedin. But virtually all political figures and mainstream media went into high gear against Bachmann’s claims. Even high-profile Republicans berated Bachmann for her “unwarranted and unfounded attack” on Abedin.

Bachmann took her documented information to congressmen, senators and the intelligence agencies. To no avail. Because of the extreme negative media coverage, she bowed out of the 2014 elections. (; link:

But over two hundred thousand people signed a petition to the White House demanding it declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. Here is the exact response to “We the People Petition” from the White House.

We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence.” (; link:

So, in the United States, the Muslim Brotherhood is not designated as a terrorist organization. Britain, Israel, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and for now, Saudi Arabia are among the nations that have declared the Brotherhood a terrorist organization.

But in typical Islamic pushback for American consumption, Shadi Hamid, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution responds, "The Brotherhood is not, factually speaking, a terrorist group." Said Hamid, "The fact that some, especially in Congress, would suggest otherwise is evidence of the low quality of our foreign policy discourse." (; link:

So Muslim Brotherhood members are free to come and go in the U.S., and many have actually become government advisors.

The result is that in the Middle East, the United States is clearly seen as a fading power with little influence over current events. Ironically, the Arab nations in the Middle East are so concerned over Iran’s rising power and soon-to-be nuclear power through the help and guidance of the U.S, that several Muslim nations are moving closer to military cooperation with Israel than ever before. Russia and Iran are filling the hole that the U.S. has left.

Michelle Bachmann’s warnings were loud and clear: “During Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, and while Abedin was Clinton’s closest aide, U.S. policy shifted to active support of the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt (which was ultimately overturned by the Egyptian public and the army), including billions of dollars in military equipment and cash to fund the Brotherhood takeover,” she declared.

Bachmann pointed out that the Saudis also have given $25 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation over the years.

“It is reasonable to ask what level of influence Huma Abedin had on Hillary Clinton to bring about that policy pivot,” Bachmann said. (; link:

There is most definitely a veil over America’s eyes. If the mainstream media were honest, they could simply go to the primary sources easily available and debate or discount them. All large media enterprises have Arabic translators who could confirm or deny these Islamic documents. Yet we are all witnesses that there is virtually 100% silence.

Think of it. If just one of these connections were true and could be proven, the public should know about it. But the press is systematically suppressing the information by threatening to tar and feather whoever dares to expose this information nationally.

Huma Abedin is Clinton’s longest serving and, by all accounts, most loyal aide. The contradictions are hard to reconcile. Until recently these articles in the Journal of Muslim Minorities Association which Huma Abedin as assistant editor to her mother, helped choose, edit and publish, have remained under wraps. And even now, few Americans are aware of Huma’s “other jobs.”

But ignoring Islam puts the United States at great peril. In Andrew McCarthy’s book The Grand Jihad, he repeats what every citizen who wants to live free must know: The mission of Islam is “to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.

“This is to be accomplished by infiltration, education, appointments and elections. They plan to supplant the American Constitutional Democracy by Islamic Law. Their plan is sabotage, to gradually eat away from within, abrading both the system and the will to preserve it.” (; link:

Gatestone Institute asks: “Being that for decades, Huma and members of her immediate family have been closely associated with individuals among the top ranks of Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda financial support organizations, and the Saudi royal family, how is it that they have given Huma Abedin security clearance and responsibilities to advise the Secretary on Middle East policy and politics? These affiliations must raise serious questions about her suitability to be so near the Seat of Power in the United States.” (; link:

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A drone just flew from Israel's north to south and this is what it captured - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

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