Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hispanic Evangelicals Emerging as New Powerhouse of Israel Support - JNS BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Hispanic Evangelicals Emerging as New Powerhouse of Israel Support

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3 (The Israel Bible™)
By Rafael Medoff/JNS.org
WASHINGTON – When Hispanic-American pastors from around the country met in the nation’s capital last week, the main issue on their agenda was not immigration or health care – it was Israel.
The pastors represented evangelical congregations from Connecticut to Oklahoma. This rapidly-growing portion of the U.S. Latino electorate could have a significant impact on American policy toward Israel in the years ahead.
The mobilization in Washington was the work of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition (HILC), an arm of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, which represents 40,118 Hispanic evangelical congregations across the country.
HILC president Pastor Mario Bramnick told JNS.org the purpose of the all-day gathering was to “pray together, to consult with our Israeli and Jewish friends, and to strategize practical ways to help the Jewish state.”
Building bridges
An estimated 160 pastors took part in a morning session Oct. 5 at the Israeli Embassy, where they met privately with Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer. Bramnick, the spiritual leader of the New Wine Ministries Church in Cooper City, Florida, said they discussed “ways to engage the Hispanic-American community and build bridges between Hispanic Americans and Israel.” He said, “[Israeli] Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu and Amb. Dermer clearly understand the importance of reaching out to Hispanics.”
In the afternoon, several dozen of the pastors and other Hispanic evangelical activists held strategy sessions at a hotel in suburban Silver Spring, Maryland.

Pastor Mario Bramnick, head of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition. (Pictigar.com)
Pastor Mario Bramnick, head of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition. (Pictigar.com)

Among the speakers was Pastor Ruben Mendez, of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. He focused his remarks on the importance of encouraging pastors to become educated about Israel by visiting “and witnessing for themselves the great miracles that God has wrought, just as the Bible promised.”
Bramnick then discussed the HILC’s recent political action initiatives, saying that Christians have a moral obligation to serve as “Daniels, Josephs, and Esthers,” by speaking out for Israel. He cited the HILC’s opposition to the Iran nuclear deal, its successful lobbying to strengthen the Israel plank of the Republican Party’s platform, and its campaigns against Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) efforts in Florida and California.
Bramnick told JNS.org he and his followers “strongly condemn” the recent resolutions adopted by mainline Protestant denominations, such as the Lutherans and the Presbyterians, calling for divestment from Israel and a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel.
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Bramnick sees a connection between those denominations’ liberal positions on social issues and their turn against Israel. “Just as they have strayed from what the Bible says about family and social matters, so too are they disregarding what God says about the Land of Israel belonging to the Jewish people,” Bramnick said. “Once you reject God’s word on some issues, it’s only a matter of time before you do the same on other issues.”
Jesse Rojo, of the Philos Project, which educates young Hispanics about the Middle East, said that “some young Latinos are confused about Israel as a result of what they hear from the media or on campus.” Nonetheless, he added, “young Hispanics are naturally predisposed to being pro-Israel, because you can’t read the Bible and not see that God wants us to support Israel.”
Several Jewish organizations are working closely with the Hispanic pro-Israel activists.  Among the speakers at the strategy session were Betty Ehrenberg, executive director of the World Jewish Congress-North America; Jorge Diener, Hadassah’s director of special projects, and Sammy Eppel of B’nai B’rith-Venezuela, who co-chairs the Latin America division of the Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism.
Growing political power
Demographic trends suggest that Hispanic evangelicals will enjoy increasing political and social influence in the years ahead. According to Bramnick, that bodes well for Israel, “because the number of Hispanic evangelical voters is growing quickly, and for many of them, Israel is an important issue on Election Day.”
Evangelical Protestants are the largest single bloc of Christians in the United States, about 26 percent of the national population. Catholics make up 21 percent, and mainline Protestants constitute approximately 14 percent. While the evangelicals have maintained their percentage of the population in recent years, the number of mainline Protestants has been decreasing.
Among evangelicals, Hispanics are the largest ethnic minority group. About 11 percent of evangelicals are Latino and 6 percent are African-American. By comparison, among mainline Protestants, only 6 percent are Hispanic and 3 percent are black. Evangelicals as a whole are becoming more ethnically diverse: 24 percent of evangelicals were members of ethnic minorities in 2014, up from 19 percent in 2007.
Although the majority of Hispanic Americans are Catholic, their numbers have been diminishing rapidly. In 2010, 67 percent of U.S. Latinos were Catholic, but by 2013 that slid to 55 percent. By contrast, Protestants – most of them evangelicals – were just 12 percent of America’s Hispanics in 2010, but reached 22 percent by 2013, according to the Pew Research Center, which tracks and analyzes religious trends in the U.S.
Hispanic adults are an increasingly potent force in American politics. California has the largest percentage of Latinos–more than one-third of its residents–which in presidential races almost always backs the Democrat candidate. But a number of presidential battleground states also have significant Latino populations. In Arizona, they constitute 21.5 percent of eligible voters. In Nevada, 17 percent, in Florida, 18 percent and in Colorado 14.5 percent.

5 Biggest Temple Stories of Year Prove Third Temple is Closer Than Ever as Yom Kippur Approaches - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

5 Biggest Temple Stories of Year Prove Third Temple is Closer Than Ever as Yom Kippur Approaches

“Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto Hashem.” Leviticus 23:27 (The Israel Bible™)
While today, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, means long hours of intense prayer, the modern holiday service is really a stand-in for Biblical sacrifices performed by the High Priest as he entered the Holy of Holies in the Temple in order to beg forgiveness for the Jewish people. While the Temple was standing, thousands would gather to witness the holy offerings and pray for atonement. Though the Temple was not built this year, many significant events have brought us closer than ever before to its prophesied rebuilding, and all over the world, Jews are praying that this time next year, the Yom Kippur service will take place in the Third Temple!

1. Sanhedrin Appoints High Priest in Preparation for Third Temple

Rabbi Baruch Kahane, shown here offering the Omer (barley) sacrifice to God in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, has been appointed as High Priest by the nascent Sanhedrin. (Photo: Abba Richman)
In preparation for the High Holidays, the nascent Sanhedrin selected Rabbi Meir Kahane in August to perform the function of the High Priest, should the need arise. Rabbi Kahane has led many reenactments of the Temple Service, and is prepared to perform the service. If a Yom Kippur service is performed on the Temple Mount this year, Rabbi Kahane will not be acting alone. The Temple Institute has initiated a registry of Kohanim (priests) and an institute to educate them, bringing us closer than ever to actualizing our 2,000-year-old dream.

2. Lost Stone From High Priest’s Prophetic Breastplate Thought Found After Incredible Journey

Illustrative (Shutterstock)
In a remarkable journey that took 1,100 years, a sardonyx was rediscovered in September that many experts believe is actually from the High Priest’s breastplate. The engraving of a Hebrew letter ‘bet’ floats below the surface and has baffled scientists, who have no idea how the engraving came to be. The stone was acquired in Jerusalem in 1189 by a French Templar Knight and was passed down from generation to generation. It has finally resurfaced, and a group of businessmen is working to bring it back home to Jerusalem.

3. Second Temple “Reappears” in the Western Wall Plaza [PHOTOS]

Virtual reality depiction of the Holy Temple. (Video screenshot)
A new attraction at the Kotel Plaza has Temple-minded tourists going wild. A project from The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation and ArchTour opened September 19, recreating the Second Temple in a virtual reality 3-D experience. The virtual tour begins in the Old City marketplace, entering the Temple courtyard through the southern gate, and brings the visitor right into the Temple, where he witnesses the Temple service, up-close and firsthand.
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4. Sanhedrin Revives 2,000-Year-Old Blessing for Counting of Jubilee Year

Fireworks seen over the Temple Mount and the Old City of Jerusalem. (Nati Shohat/Flash90)
The nascent Sanhedrin jump-started the Torah commandment of counting the 50-year Jubilee cycle as Rosh Hashana went out last year. Not only did this give Jews an opportunity to perform an additional Torah mitzvah, but it officially marked the third arrival of the Jews in the Promised Land. The Sanhedrin counted the first year in a closed room with only a few people to witness it. This year, this special Torah commandment was performed by thousands of Jews, as they marked the second year of the 50-year cycle with its proper blessing, not heard for over 2,000 years.

5. For First Time EVER, Undeniable Evidence of Jewish Temple Discovered [PHOTOS]

Collection of Herodian floor tiles believed to be part of the Second Temple complex. (Temple Mount Sifting Project/Zachi Dvira)
A group of archaeologists and volunteers pieced together spectacular marble tiles from the Second Temple courtyard, giving incontrovertible proof that the Temple Mount was home to the Jewish Temples. The tiles were found in piles of refuse taken from the Temple Mount during illegal construction by the Waqf (Muslim Authority). A group of archaeologists and volunteers dedicated themselves to saving the irreplaceable artifacts endangered by the intentionally reckless actions of the Waqf. In September, they completed the painstaking process of piecing together the tile fragments. The result: a glimpse of the glory that once was the Temple.

Woman Says God Raised Her From the Dead to Reach Muslims - STEVE REES/ASSIST NEWS SERVICE CHARISMA NEWS

Hearing voices of doctors in search of a cadaver, Sabina says she sat up on the frigid metal surface below her body. (Helena Tuscano/Flickr/CC)

Woman Says God Raised Her From the Dead to Reach Muslims

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

After lying naked and cold in a morgue for two days, Sabina says she saw herself hopelessly stuck at the bottom of a deep well.
Surrounded by corpses covered with linen sheets, Sabina says she had a vision of a tree growing at the top of the well. From its trunk, a branch moved toward her as she lay on a hospital gurney. Close enough to reach, the branch changed into flesh as Sabina says she heard the words, "If you grab onto my hand, I will bring you back to life."
Taking hold of it with her cold, lifeless hand, Sabina says she woke to find her body covered from the neck down with a white sheet like other corpses around her.
Hearing voices of doctors in search of a cadaver, Sabina says she sat up on the frigid metal surface below her body.
"I'm alive. Don't worry," she shouted as doctors entered the morgue a second time after running out scared moments before.
Offering Sabina water, food and clothes, the medical staff arranged to transport her to a university research hospital in Moscow, Russia, where she had traveled to visit a son imprisoned on trumped up charges.
Baffled hospital personnel refused to officially or publicly comment after Sabina spent two days in a coma and two more in the morgue.
Returning to Central Asia, Sabina says she surprised family members on her first Sunday morning at home by leaving early, telling her stunned daughters: "There's somewhere I have to go."
A Pentecostal church in a largely Islamic community was Sabina's destination. Inside, she professed faith in Jesus Christ, leaving behind her Muslim faith.
Since then, Sabina says her six daughters and another son (the other died inside a Russian prison where he suffered injuries and brain damage) became Christians and entered full-time ministry or, at least, are studying the Bible.
At 63 years of age, Sabina says she saw her 92-year-old mother and a niece come to faith in Jesus last year, demonstrating that entire household salvation exists even among Muslims. It was two of Sabina's daughters who led their grandmother and cousin to the Lord.
In a big surprise, Sabina's oldest daughter recently came to know Jesus as well. Until the summer of 2016, she was vehemently opposed to the gospel and even having a Bible in her home.
Sabina shares her life-from-the-dead experience and testimony of conversion from Islam to Christianity in her native language within the Central Asian country she calls home.
Sabina says a spiritual vision brought her back from the dead and another vision—this one by her future son-in-law—drew him to the country where he now ministers with Sabina's daughter as full-time missionaries.
Family members agreed to share their testimonies of Christian faith with conditions that real names, ministry title and precise locations in the Middle East and Central Asia were not be published.
Sabina's son-in-law, Jamal, a Westerner who spent time in the Middle East as a young boy, had a vision the same year his future mother-in-law walked out of the morgue and into a Pentecostal church.
"God called me to (the Middle East) in 2000 when I had a vision of myself preaching the gospel on the steps of a mosque," says Jamal who, as a youngster, disliked the country where he ministers today with his wife, Aisha.
They met at a world missions meeting in 2006 and married afterward, discovering that Jamal's spiritual vision corresponded with Aisha's heart for people in the same Islamic country in the Middle East, despite her upbringing in Central Asia.
Jamal and Aisha find that Sabina's death and resurrection story provides an open door for them to talk about Jesus with their Muslim friends and neighbors because it's emotional and powerful.
"The first day I was a university student, a classmate in our online group asked me if my wife was Muslim.
"I shared my mother-in-law's story briefly and, as a result of their openness to it, the students' interest in the gospel made it easier for me to share two days later with a group of about 30 Muslims," says Jamal.
Before Jamal married Aisha, he ministered to his best friend, a Muslim, by telling him a simple gospel message. Upon sharing Jesus' love for him, Jamal says his friend began to have dreams and visions and, within a month, he gave his heart to the Savior.
"When we prayed together he began to weep," says Jamal. "After settling himself, he told me, 'Jamal, I just saw Jesus again. This time he had His arms open wide, welcoming me home,'"
The next day, Jamal's friend was in tears again because his Muslim wife threatened divorce from her husband for his conversion from Islam.
After praying for his wife, both of them were baptized three months later.
More recently, Jamal and Aisha have been reading the Bible with Abdul, who they've known for several years. When they shared the gospel with Abdul, he ended the relationship.
"He texted me recently, asking if we could get together, so Aisha and I had Abdul and his wife over.
"During the course of the evening, Abdul pulled me aside and said, 'Jesus really did die on the cross, didn't he?'" says Jamal.
Abdul is now sharing Jesus with his co-workers, one of whom is interested in reading the Bible with the group Jamal and Aisha lead.
"Just recently, we got to go over to Abdul's house and pray over it," Jamal says.
Besides a vision in 2000, Jamal says his call to the Middle East was confirmed in 2003 when he heard God speak to him at a conference, indicating which missions group to partner with.
"I had never heard the name before, so I was kind of puzzled when I heard God's words.
"Five minutes later, the main speaker introduced himself and the organization's name I had just heard God speak.
"I literally went to the back of the room that night and applied for (the organization's) training school," says Jamal.
Two of Aisha's sisters and their husbands are part of the same global missions' organization to which she and Jamal belong. It encourages Bible studies among friends and neighbors in homes or churches planted by indigenous leaders.
The vision is based on the apostle Paul's words in Romans 15:20: "So I have strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, so that I should not build on another man's foundation."
Jamal and Aisha are team leaders of seven adults and five children. The team has formed two house churches in another province, and over the summer of 2016, it planted seven churches among unreached and unengaged people.
Some team members, including Aisha, are ministering to Syrian refugees, which total almost 1 million registered and unregistered people in just one of the Middle Eastern countries hosting them, making it impossible to reach everybody without help from established churches.
"Last year, we adopted an entire refugee camp before winter set in because many babies and toddlers die from the cold. We raised enough money to pay for heat and insulation in their tents," Jamal says.
Aisha requests prayer for her work with Syrian refugees, other partners to join them, unrest in the Middle East, the love of Jesus to be revealed to friends and neighbors, university ministry, travel and health for five children of team members, two of whom belong to her and Jamal. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Operation Rescue: Trump is Still the Best Choice on Election Day - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Operation Rescue continues to support Donald Trump as the pro-life candidate in the 2016 president election. (Reuters photo)

Operation Rescue: Trump is Still the Best Choice on Election Day

Following Sunday's second presidential debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton, Operation Rescue issued the following statement.
Despite the gutter-level attempt by the Clinton campaign and its cohorts to smear Republican candidate Donald Trump hours before the debate, last night's town hall discussion delineated clear differences across a broad spectrum of issues that make Trump the best choice on Election Day.
"Trump hit it out of the park last night in exposing Hillary Clinton's radical leftist positions that will further contribute to the decline of America," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who has endorsed the Trump/Pence ticket.
"But the most important matter to those of us who work to save lives from abortion was his emphasis of his intended Supreme Court picks. Trump promises to select strong conservative pro-life nominees to the nation's highest court, while Clinton vows to pick judicial activists that will support and expand abortion while dismantling the very fabric of American society."
The news media and establishment Republicans went on the attack against Trump after an 11-year old recording was released showing Trump engaged in "locker-room" talk that was demeaning to women. Trump immediately apologized for that "foolish" language both before and during the debate.
However, what went unspoken during last night's debate is Clinton's partnership with Planned Parenthood, which is perhaps the largest abuser of women in the U.S.
Operation Rescue has documentation to prove that Planned Parenthood and the rest of the Abortion Cartel, which are unilaterally supported and promoted by Clinton, exploits and hurts women several ways, including:
Failure to report sex abuse in minors, thus protecting child rapists so they can continue their abuse.
Employing abortionists who engage in sexual misconduct, including child porn and even rape.
Engaging in substandard conditions and practices that put the lives and health of women at risk. Such appalling practices include failure on a broad scale to properly sterilize surgical instruments or provide staff that is qualified to conduct medical tasks.
"It is clear that the biggest abusers of women are Hillary Clinton's friends in the Abortion Cartel. If she is elected, women will suffer even more," said Cheryl Sullenger, Senior Vice President of Operation Rescue. "And that is not to mention the accusations of sexual misconduct against her husband, Bill, that Hillary helped cover up, or the fact that she would support tax-funding of abortion on an unprecedented scale."
"For me, the choice on November 8 is clear. The Trump/Pence ticket will act to protect innocent lives, while Clinton will work to destroy them," said Newman. "Please join us in voting for Donald Trump for President, for the sake of innocent babies and the sake of our nation."
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah and Modern Judaism - Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE

I am writing to you from JFK airport in New York (10 days ago) as Rosh Hashanah comes to a close. I was supposed to fly to San Diego and give one message and get home to Israel before Rosh Hashanah, but then I was invited to Orlando to promote our new show on God.tv, “Out of Zion.” I really didn’t want to go, but Elana said, “If you go, you can fly through Richmond on the way back and spend Rosh Hashanah with the girls.”

Chabad Richmond

And that is what I did. What a great day it was to be with my parents, my sister and my daughters. We went to the Orthodox Jewish synagogue with my parents. This was not the Conservative synagogue in which I grew up, but the far stricter, “Chabad” stream. And this synagogue has a special place in my heart. The rabbi’s father was the rabbi when I was a kid. After I came to faith in Yeshua, my parents asked me to meet with him, and we did, weekly. His goal was to convince me that Yeshua was not the Messiah and that I should simply become an Orthodox Jew.
Yankl Kranz (in the picture) was a dear, sweet man with good hopes for Richmond. He used to drive a huge ‘bookmobile’ trying to get Jewish kids to read Jewish books. It was a library on wheels. We really enjoyed each other. He died young and his son, Yossel, took over for him. Yossel and I have a bit in common. We are both American Jews, rabbis of sort, and we both married beautiful Israelis. He is a fantastic communicator and unlike in Orthodox Judaism in Israel, he doesn’t put guilt trips on the more secular Jews, but seeks to draw them in at whatever level they are willing to enter.

Theological Divide

However, despite the similarities there is a great theological divide. Though his sermon was well written and quite humorous, his basic point, as we were beginning the High Holy days—days where our sin is highlighted and we seek forgiveness—was not “Repent”. But the opposite. “You are far more righteous than you think. Don’t say I don’t keep kosher, say, I keep kosher most of the time. Don’t say, I don’t keep the Sabbath, but say, I keep the Sabbath most of the day." He does not see us as sinners.
He characterized Jeremiah as depressed, not understanding that he was broken over the sinful state of the Jewish people as he saw prophetically that they were about to be conquered by the Babylonians and their Temple destroyed (586 BCE).
“If only my head were a pool of water and my eyes a fountain of tears, I would weep day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.” (Jeremiah 9:1)
Orthodox Judaism fails to understand that the Torah is not a set of rules to please God, but that our inability to keep the Torah revealed to us that we are sinners in need for forgiveness (Gal. 3, Rom. 7). While we should strive to keep the Ten Commandments, each time we read them we realize how far we fall short. Isaiah said that “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.” (Is. 64:6) To be clear, the analogy is referring to a woman’s monthly cycle.

We have Sinned!

Both Daniel and Isaiah cried out, “We have sinned” but modern Judaism (really post 2nd Temple Judaism created by Yochanan Ben Zakkai [read this about that guy!!] after the 2nd Temple was destroyed) says, we can earn forgiveness through:
  1. Giving
  2. Repentance
  3. Prayer
  4. Good works or mitzvot 
It is during this season however—the Ten Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—that we sing Avinu Malkenu, Our Father and King. The very second line is:
Avinu malkeinu chatanu l’faneycha
אבינו מלכנו חתנו לפניך
And no, it does not mean, “Our father in heaven, we tried really hard.” It means, “Our father in heaven, we have sinned before you.” This cry is the cry of the Hebrew prophets. And God answered by sending us a Moshia (Savior) who was qualified to take the punishment we deserve, as Isaiah said, “So the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Is. 53:6)
In the same way that a judge doesn’t reward a murderer for the people he didn’t kill or the thief for how much he didn’t steal, God will not turn a blind eye to our sin just because we do some good things. But Yeshua came, and according to Isaiah, He took our punishment.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
Yeshua came to make us holy, not through our keeping most of the Sabbath, but through His death and resurrection. Here is a video I made related to this.
May this be the Yom Kippur season that the we see the words of Zechariah come to pass:
 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.
Please consider a special gift this Yom Kippur to help us reach Israelis with the message of the Messiah. Thank you!

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I ordered the first in this series, "Identity Theft", by mistake thinking it was a Christian Living type book. I don't read fiction, but I thought I might as well read it.Wow! I was pleasantly surprised by it's captivating story filled with historical content about the early church, Jesus and the Jews of Jesus' time. So I waited, and waited, and waited for Ron to write the sequel.☺️ When it finally was available I was excited!"Jerusalem Secret" did not disappoint! It was a great continuation of "The Identity Theft." It was filled with lots of historical content with a fast paced, fun story that had me laughing at times. I think I read that this was suppose to be a trilogy. I hope so, because I want to hear more and see how David moves forward in his new found faith.


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The Yom Kipper music video that you’ll want to watch over and over again - ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

daily israel update banner 2
Tonight we will ask God to put each and every one of us in to the Book of Life. Here is a classic from the Maccabeats to get you in the mood. May all of your prayers be answered!