Saturday, October 22, 2016

The Accuser vs. Donald Trump—and Us All - KYLE WINKLER CHARISMA NEWS

The Accuser vs. Donald Trump—and Us All

I've hesitated to write this article in the chance it might be misconstrued as entering into the fray of this crazy election cycle. But you can put your pitchfork down.
This isn't a political persuasion piece, but it's a current-event case study in the strategies of Satan against us all.
By now, who hasn't heard about the lewd talk and assault allegations dredged up against Donald Trump from some 11-30 years ago? It's ugly stuff, to be sure. The comments unveiled on the Access Hollywood tape are disgusting.
And the allegations, if true, are the substance of nightmares. But that's precisely what sin is. Let's not be naïve. Whatever the infraction, when exposed, it's never rosy.
But if you're a Christian, these October surprises shouldn't come as a surprise at all. Not because of what we know about Donald Trump's sordid past, but because this tactic being waged against him has the signature of Satan all over it. Keep reading.
Trump's Transformation
To continue, I confess that an assumption must be made. We must accept the rumor that sometime since the beginning of his campaign, Donald Trump made a profession of faith. Dr. James Dobson believes this to be true. I can't know for sure, and neither can you. But for the purpose of this teaching, let's assume it is.
When Donald Trump believed in and confessed the lordship of Christ for his life, the Bible assures he was saved (Rom. 10:9). In this moment, he was transformed from a man dead in sin to a man alive "in Christ." This marked the inauguration of a metamorphosis in which old things passed away and all things became new (2 Cor. 5:17).
The implications of this are staggering for anyone. Consider its effects. As a new person in Christ, the spiritual consequence of sins such as lustful thoughts, crude language, sexual perversion, theft or cheating are gone.
Yes, the record of those transgressions are cancelled by the power of the cross (Col. 2:14). One in Christ is now identified by a new record—the record of Jesus, which includes being called God's child (Gal. 3:26), loved unconditionally (Rom. 8:38) and declared righteous (2 Cor. 5:21). Anyone who's saved gets to claim this re-born identity for himself or herself, including Donald Trump.
The Strategies of Satan
Before one's salvation, Satan works vehemently to thwart any opportunities for it (this is why Satan means "adversary"). But if he fails, he moves on to a second strategy, which is to assume the role of accuser (Rev. 12:11). As accuser, Satan deploys reminders of the past in attempts to convince that nothing changed. That is, he wants the saved to believe that old things didn't pass way and that maybe God has not forgiven them.
The Greek word for his name, "Devil," gives even more insight into how he works. It'sdiabolos, which means, "slanderer." As we know, to slander is to make a false statement that's damaging to a person's reputation.
And there's no better way to describe the goal of Satan's accusations. Whether a new Christian like Donald Trump or a decades-old Christian like some of us, Satan constantly seeks to dredge up the past in order to slander one's identity in Christ.
Because Satan is crafty, he also knows just when to bring the past into the present. He often holds out until the moment just before something new or monumental. I know this all too well.
As I chronicle in my book, Silence Satan, within the first few months after I launched my ministry, my mind was bombarded by vicious reminders of my every sin since potty training! During this time, accusations overwhelmed me. "Look what you've done; God can't use you," they taunted.
I'm certain that the goal of Satan's accusations was to convince me to quit. And that's why I'm not surprised by this sudden onslaught against Donald Trump. Undoubtedly, the devil wants to silence the Donald; he wants him to give up. Perhaps not for political reasons, but at least for the reason he wants to silence you and me: bold Christians pose a huge threat to tear down his sham kingdom.
What's a Donald to Do?
When you find yourself the subject of Satan's slander, there are only two choices: 1) continue to entertain his threats and live in guilt, shame and defeat, or 2) learn how to silence them and live in victory. Obviously, the latter is what I'm here to discuss.
After the assault I suffered, I had to finally accept that God's Word and what He says about me are more real than what I feel, what happened in my past or what anyone has ever said about me. Regardless of how vivid or devastating, I determined that I wouldn't allow these reminders to intimidate me. Rather, I would stand steadfast and silence Satan's assaults with declarations of truth from God's Word.
This is when the idea for my Shut Up, Devil! app first came to mind. I believed a mobile app would be an effective means to put the power of God's Word in my pocket to confront whatever issue I faced, whenever I faced it. In the end, what I thought was simply a handy tool for me has now helped tens of thousands silence Satan's threats against them too. (You may download it free at
None of us are exempt from the enemy's accusations. And the greater the impact of your destiny, the more you can count on them. While it's true that you can't change the past, you don't have to be ruled or shut down by it.
The solution to overcome Satan's strategy against you is to shut him up with the truth of God's Word consistently flowing through your mind and your mouth. When you're convinced of who you are and what you have in Christ, you will keep Satan silenced in your life. 
Kyle Winkler equips people to live in victory. His mobile appShut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app, and his recent bookSilence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy's attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

China Releases Megachurch Pastor After 7 Years in Custody - BRYNNE LAWRENCE/CHINA AID CHARISMA NEWS

Yang Rongli poses next to a sign for Shanxi Women's Prison, where she was incarcerated. (China Aid)

China Releases Megachurch Pastor After 7 Years in Custody

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

After seven years in official custody, the pastor of a megachurch in China's northern Shanxi province was released on Oct. 10.
On the morning of Sept. 13, 2009, the local government dispatched more than 500 police officers and casually dressed personnel, who broke into churches and a Christian shoe factory. They beat approximately 100 Christians, and many were injured or fell unconscious. 10 days later, authorities dispatched bulldozers and excavators to destroy multiple buildings, while government employees smashed televisions, refrigerators, cars, kitchenware and other church property.
Afterward, Pastor Yang Rongli and her husband, Wang Xiaoguang, were arrested while traveling to Taiyuan, the provincial capital, to protest the demolition of a house church in Linfen, their hometown. 
On Nov. 25, 2009, they were convicted of "gathering a mob to disturb public order" for holding a prayer rally on Sept. 14. Authorities sentenced Yang and Wang to seven and three years in prison, respectively, and fined the couple a total of 40,000 Yuan (U.S. $5,860). Five days later, they were ordered to serve in a labor camp for two years.
Yang was forced to serve the entirety of her sentence, despite her insistence that the charge was falsified.
Upon release, Yang showed physical signs of the brutality she endured while incarcerated. Her hair grayed due to malnutrition and a lack of sunlight, and at the time of the report, she suffered from two kidney stones, diabetes and a heart problem. 
Despite her ailments, she was reported to be in good spirits regarding her freedom, and has no complaints or resentment. 
Due to continued government restrictions against her, Yang is unable to receive interviews at this time. 
China Aid reports on abuses, such as those suffered by Yang Rongli, in order to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians and promote religious freedom in China.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

WikiLeaks: 'Amen' Might Rub People the Wrong Way - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's staff debated how to write a tweet in support of Pope Francis' call to address "climate change." (Reuters photo)

WikiLeaks: 'Amen' Might Rub People the Wrong Way

That almost every aspect of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign is scripted down to the last dotted I and crossed T should come as no surprise, even to the most casual observer. But thanks to WikiLeaks, we now know the painstaking detail her staff puts into every form of communication.
In an email dated June 19, 2015, the staff was debating how to respond to Pope Francis' call to address "climate change." Teddy Goff, Clinton's top digital communications adviser and a former Obama campaign staffer, said he preferred one of the two options, but had a concern.
"Adding Podesta here too for his review," he wrote. "I vote #2, but defer to the non-Jews on this thread if anyone thinks 'amen' might rub people the wrong way."
Podesta responded to the discussion, saying the campaign had been late in getting to the issue, and suggested a different approach. Eventually, they agreed to a revised version that did not include "Amen."
It's troubling that the Clinton campaign might find the word too controversial for a tweet that was supposed to be written by the candidate herself. But the email also exposed another lie about the campaign.
It has previously been stated that any tweet from her official Twitter account that includes the "-H" tag at the end was written personally by the candidate. But this email proves her staff writes those too.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

If Donald Trump Wins The Election, It Will Be The Biggest Miracle In U.S. Political History - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 21 Oct 2016  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Are we about to see the largest election day miracle of all time?  Because as I will show in this article, that is precisely what it is going to take in order for Donald Trump to win.  Before I go any further, I want to make it exceedingly clear that I am not saying what the outcome will be on November 8th.  As I recently told a national television audience, I do not know who is going to win.  

In this article I am simply going to examine the poll numbers and the electoral map as they currently stand.  But in this bizarre election things can literally change overnight, and it is entirely possible that we could still have another “October surprise” or two before it is all said and done.  And without a doubt Donald Trump desperately needs something “to move the needle”, because if the election was held today Hillary Clinton would almost certainly win.

What we have witnessed so far during the 2016 election season has been absolutely unprecedented.  Just consider some of the things that we have seen up to this point in time.
We have never had a bigger “October surprise” than the release of the lewd audio tape from 11 years ago in which Donald Trump claimed to grope women without their consent.
We have never seen the mainstream media openly attack a presidential candidate as much as they have attacked Donald Trump.  In the past, the big mainstream news outlets at least pretended to be fair and balanced, but this year they have completely discarded all notions of objectivity.  They should be completely and utterly ashamed of themselves, and no matter who wins the election they will never be able to get their integrity back.

We have also never seen a major party at war with itself this close to a presidential election.  It has been said that a house divided against itself will surely fall, and a whole host of prominent Republican leaders have been openly attempting to sabotage the Trump campaign.

If Donald Trump is able to overcome all of these factors, it truly will be a miracle of Biblical proportions.

As it stands at the moment, however, the numbers are looking quite ominous for Trump.  Right now, the Real Clear Politics average of national polls has Hillary Clinton ahead by 6.2 percent.  Most political experts consider that to be an insurmountable lead at this stage in the game.

But even if Trump can close that gap and pull ahead, that does not mean that he will win the election.  In fact, Trump could beat Clinton by millions of votes nationally and still lose.
In order to win the election, one candidate has got to get to 270 electoral votes.  And on the latest Real Clear Politics electoral map, 262 electoral votes are being projected to go to Hillary Clinton, 164 electoral votes are being projected to go to Donald Trump, and 112 electoral votes are in the “toss up” category.

So unless something dramatically changes, Donald Trump is essentially going to have to run the table in all of the closely contested states in order to win, and the mathematical odds of that happening are extremely slim.

Let’s take a closer look at this.  The first thing that Donald Trump is going to have to do in order to get to 270 electoral votes is to win all of the states that Mitt Romney won in 2012.  That would get him up to 206 electoral votes.


Unfortunately, it looks like that may be very difficult to do.  Romney won North Carolina, but the six most recent polls all have Clinton ahead in that state.  Romney also won Arizona, but the most recent poll to be taken there has Clinton ahead by five points.
But for a moment, let’s assume that Trump can win all of the states that Romney won.  On top of that, there are four other states that Trump must win…

#1 Trump must win Florida’s 29 electoral votes.  Without Florida, Trump has no realistic path to 270 electoral votes.  So on election night if it is announced that Trump has lost Florida, you might as well turn off your television and go to bed because Trump is going to lose the election.  Unfortunately for Trump, four recent major surveys all show Trump down by four points in the Sunshine state.

#2 Trump must win Ohio’s 18 electoral votes.  No Republican has ever won the presidency without winning Ohio, and the two most recent major surveys show that Trump and Clinton are tied in the state.

#3 Trump must win Iowa’s 6 electoral votes.  Fortunately for Trump, most recent surveys show him actually leading in Iowa.

#4 Trump must win Nevada’s 6 electoral votes.  At this point that is looking like it will be very tough to do, because all of the recent polls have Clinton leading in Nevada, including the most recent one that has her up by 7 points.

If Donald Trump can win those four states, that still does not get him to 270 electoral votes.  Instead, it gets him to 265 electoral votes, and so he would still need one more medium-sized state to win.

The most likely candidates for that last state are Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or Minnesota.  Unfortunately for Trump, Clinton appears to have big leads in all four of those states right at this moment.

But even if Trump can somehow pull off a miracle and squeak past the 270 electoral vote mark, the truth is that Utah could still mess everything up.

Do you remember Evan McMullin?

He was the third party “conservative alternative” candidate that was hyped for a couple of days but that seemingly fell off the map afterwards.

He is only on the ballot in 12 states, but one of those states is Utah, and it turns out that Evan McMullin is a Mormon.

Many Mormons believe that a Mormon will be elected president someday when the U.S. Constitution hangs “like a thread“.  According to this belief, this Mormon president will turn the country around and all sorts of wonderful things will start to happen.  Many Mormons thought that Mitt Romney was going to be this president, but now Evan McMullin has become the target of these expectations.

So how in the world could Evan McMullin become president?

Well, their plan is to have Evan McMullin win Utah, and that could potentially keep both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton from both getting to 270 electoral votes if the election is super close.  If that happens, the election would be thrown into the House of Representatives.

It is being projected that the House will still be controlled by the Republicans after this election, and so the choice would come down to either Trump or McMullin, and those backing McMullin believe that he would have a realistic shot in that scenario.

I know all of this sounds very strange, but this is actually being discussed around family dinner tables all over Utah tonight.

And in recent days Evan McMullin has been soaring in Utah.  One recent survey shows Trump with a one point lead over McMullin, and another recent survey actually show McMullin leading Trump by four points in the state.

So Trump could pull off a miracle and do everything else that he needs to do to get to 270 electoral votes, and Utah could end up messing up everything for him.

In addition, it is also very important to keep in mind that Trump could actually get all of the legitimate votes that he needs to win and still have it stolen from him by election fraud.  There was widespread evidence of “funny business” in 2012, and this is something that I detailed for a live studio audience down at Morningside earlier this month

Are you starting to see why I would consider this to be the biggest miracle in American political history if Donald Trump actually overcomes all of these factors and wins the election?

And we don’t have to wait until November 8th to get some indications about how the vote is going to go.  Early voting is already taking place is some states, and so far the signs are not encouraging for the Trump campaign.  The following comes from CNN
Democratic early turnout has stayed steady in North Carolina compared to 2012, while Republicans have dropped by about 14,500. In Nevada, Democrats have a smaller early voting deficit today than they did at this point in 2012. And Democrats are slightly ahead in Arizona in the early vote so far, though they are lagging Republicans in the tally of how many Arizonans have requested ballots.
Perhaps most surprisingly, Democrats improved their position in conservative and Mormon-heavy Utah, where recent polls have shown a tight race. At this point in 2012, Republicans led Democrats in early voting by more than 22,000 voters. But so far this year, the GOP advantage is only 3,509.
But if you do want Trump to win, the good news is that we still have more than two weeks before November 8th.

We have seen some extremely bizarre things happen already in this election, and a miracle is definitely not out of the question.

In fact, I am of the opinion that it is quite likely that some very strange events could take place between now and early November.  So hold on to your hats, because the most interesting portion of the 2016 election may still be ahead of us.

Apostolic Pioneer C. Peter Wagner Goes on to Glory - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

C. Peter Wagner C. Peter Wagner (File photo )
Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Apostolic Pioneer C. Peter Wagner Goes on to Glory

Update: With comments from ministry leaders.
C. Peter Wagner, a pioneer in the apostolic ministry, has gone home to be with the Lord. He was 86 years old, passing away at 2:30 p.m. Friday.
Wagner suffered from congestive heart failure in part of his heart. In June, he underwent two surgeries. The first was to drain his abdominal cavity of excess fluid. This second surgery is to repair the lungs and pour talcum powder into the lungs, which repairs the leaky lungs.
Wagner's friend, apostle Chuck Pierce, confirmed Wagner's death on his Facebook page Friday, calling Wagner "one of the greatest molders of modern church history."
Wagner is recognized as a leading authority in the fields of church growth and spiritual warfare. He is co-founder of World Prayer Center and is chancellor of the Wagner Institute in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Wagner holds graduate degrees in theology, missiology and religion from Fuller Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary and the University of Southern California.
Wagner served as a field missionary in Bolivia for 16 years and he taught on the faculty of the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Seminary for 30 years. Wagner ministers extensively nationally and internationally from his home base in Colorado. He has written 70 books, including Prayer Shield, Territorial Spirits, and Apostles and Prophets.
Cindy Jacobs of Generals International said this on Facebook: "This afternoon my mentor and Dad-in-the-Lord for 27 years, Dr. Peter Wagner stepped over to glory. Peter gave so many of us a great treasure and legacy. He stood with us, discipled us, loved and championed us. A great general has gone home. No doubt having a place in the Hall of Faith for his generation. Thank you, Lord, for such a life well-lived!"
Other ministry leaders on C. Peter Wagner's life and ministry: 
Bishop Joseph Mattera: "Dr Wagner pushed my first book 'Ruling in the gates' -- all over the world! He promoted whoever and whatever he thought was cutting edge! He paved the way for me and many others in the apostolic movement  His voice will be sorely missed!" 
Bishop Mark Chironna, Church on the Living Edge: "Our thoughts and prayers are with Doris Wagner and her entire family as they mourn the loss of one of the great apostolic voices to our generation, Peter Wagner. Your reward is great! You will be missed."
Doug Stringer, founder, Somebody Cares International: Both Carol (Garlow, the wife of Jim Garlow) and Peter have ministered to us all and have left a lasting legacy. Both left an indelible mark in my life personally."
Bob Weiner, president, Weiner Ministries International: "Our hearts go out to Doris and family as well as the entire body of Christ who loved him. We honor Peter as one of the greatest reformers of our time who has literally changed the world! Peter is a true general and father to so many of us! My heart breaks knowing my great friend has passed from this life but know Heaven is standing with great joy to receive Him!"
Wagner is survived by his wife, Doris.
The former apostolic leader was admitted to the hospital on Sept. 23 for what his wife, Doris, termed as a ''weakened condition." 
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Friday, October 21, 2016

Lance Wallnau's Trump Prophecy: Is He Right on Target? - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA NEWS

Lance Wallnau (Facebook )

Lance Wallnau's Trump Prophecy: Is He Right on Target?

Lance Wallnau is on fire when it comes to garnering social media attention. I know this because a podcast he did with me last spring about Donald Trump was listened to more than any other in the history of the Charisma Podcast Network.
He wrote the cover story for the October issue of Charisma about how he believes God is raising up Donald Trump like He did Cyrus in Isaiah 45. I did a podcast about that two weeks ago, which has become the second most listened to podcast I've done. If you missed it, you can listen to it here.
Today, Lance spoke at a conference in Orlando. It was powerful. Afterward, we got a bite to eat and he told me a video about Trump calling out "liberal" pharisaical evangelicals for blasting him for ungodly behavior 11 years ago, yet overlooking his repentance and also the corruption and the diabolical agenda of the Hillary Clinton campaign. In only a few days, it's been viewed more than 3.5 million times! You will want to watch it. In it he says God can use the jawbone of a donkey, but He can't use a Jezebel.
I'm sickened by the self-righteous, weak-kneed "evangelicals" who want to be liked by the culture they are trying to win so much that they compromise and actually play into the hands of the enemy. Later, I may call out some of them by name after I can research what they said and maybe confront them behind the scenes. They need to be exposed and they need to lose their influence and platforms after being revealed for who they really are.
After my last podcast with Lance, he and I kept talking as friends and what he was saying was so good I asked him if I could turn on the recorder to give "the rest of the story." You'll want to listen to that podcast here called "God is Raising Up Trump with Lance Wallnau Part 2" on the Charisma Podcast Network. Then share this newsletter with friends and on social media. 
In other newsletters, I've written about the article Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego wrote two months ago that we headlined: "If You're on the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is at Stake." Since then, it's gone viral, and today it passed the 3.5 million mark in terms of shares on Facebook.
Someone told me the article is like an apologetic for voting for Donald Trump when you don't like him as a person. A friend told me today she wasn't going to vote for Trump until she read the article. She realized this is not about personalities; it's about issues, and the platforms of the two parties are as different as night and day, especially from a biblical point of view.
In this podcast, Lance talks about how America cannot stand 48 months more months of the downward spiral this nation has been in for the past few decades—especially in the past eight years.
When we met today, we talked about a quick e-book Lance wrote called God's Chaos Candidate I ordered it today, and it's fascinating reading not only about Trump but also about the trends in our culture and the agenda of the progressive left. When I checked, it was No. 118 of all books sells.
Please take advantage of these materials and help us get out the word. It's possible that this race will be so close that it will be determined by how Bible-believing Christians vote. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Pastor James Robison speaks on behalf of Donald Trump in Charlotte, NC

Pastor James Robison speaks on behalf of Donald Trump 
in Charlotte, NC

Published on Oct 15, 2016

Donald Trump in Charlotte, NC Oct. 14, 2016 (8) - Pastor James Robison speaks on his behalf.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: HUGE LOSS FOR THE ISLAMIC STATE: Dabiq seized by coalition forces.


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

HUGE LOSS FOR THE ISLAMIC STATE: Dabiq seized by coalition forces. What happened to all the Islamic prophecies of an apocalyptic, End of Days battle in which the West would be destroyed?

by joelcrosenberg
The false prophecies of ISIS have fallen flat.
As the battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the control of the Islamic State in Iraq was launched this week, coalition forces quietly liberated another key site from ISIS control in Syria -- the Syrian town of Dabiq.
Few Westerners seemed to notice, but this was actually huge strategic and psychological loss for the Islamic State. Why? Because ISIS leaders have long proclaimed that Dabiq would be the site of an apocalyptic battle in the End of Days. Indeed, control of Dabiq is central to the eschatology of the Islamic State.
"The Islamic State’s magazine is called, Dabiq," I noted on Fox News in January. "Most people have no idea what that means. [Dabiq] is a little town in the north of Syria. Why is that important? Because they believe, based on ancient Islamic prophecies, that the Western world — 'the forces of Rome' — will be drawn to that spot for the second-to-last battle of all history, and that the West will lose, and the Islamic State will win, and then they head to Jerusalem. The idea is that they believe that the End of Days has come, their messiah — known as the 'Mahdi' — will come reign over the entire world at any moment. The [leaders of ISIS] are driven by an Islamic eschatology that’s genocidal. And that’s why it’s so dangerous. And yet most leaders — including the President and our two front-runners on the Democrat and Republican side — they don’t understand it. They don’t talk about it. That’s a problem."
[To read other articles I've written about the significance of Dabiq and why the next President and his or her advisors need to understand the eschatology behind it, please click herehere, and here.]
Yet as of this week, Dabiq has been seized from ISIS in what has to be one of the most anti-climatic battle of the ages. Now, ISIS leaders are furiously spinning that none of this really matters, that Dabiq was never really so important to them.
"It is without doubt that Dabiq was crucial to the Islamic State's propaganda apparatus," noted an analysis this week in the Washington Post. "Data from Google shows how its attacks in the West fueled the apocalyptic rhetoric, and the reverse. Search interest in the term 'Dabiq' first spiked in December 2014 when the magazine under the same title published strong criticism of al-Qaeda, referring to the apocalyptic battle that was assumed to be ahead. From that point onward, search interest always spiked when terrorist attacks in Western countries occurred: the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the Copenhagen attacks, and finally the devastating Paris attacks with more than 130 victims.'"
“It’s easy to conclude that ISIS’ leaders cited the prophesy cynically. They played it up when it was to their advantage and downplayed it when it was not,” wrote William McCants, author of “The ISIS Apocalypse” which was published last year. “But another theory I offered is that ISIS, like other apocalyptic groups, changes its understanding of prophecy’s fulfillment based on circumstances.”
"Other researchers have voiced similar doubts whether Dabiq's loss implies the end of its prophecy being used in ISIS propaganda," noted the Post. "Charlie Winter, a senior research fellow at London's Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence, wrote that the apocalypse narrative had stalled, but was 'not undermined.'"
Here's coverage on how the (less-than-apocalyptic) battle for Dabiq played out:
COMING SOON: In the days ahead, I'll post more coverage and analysis of the battle for Mosul.
joelcrosenberg | October 21, 2016 at 1:10 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Netanyahu suspicious of Obama’s last 2 months, denies calling him ‘existential threat’ - WORLD ISRAEL NEWS

Obama and Netanyahu

Netanyahu suspicious of Obama’s last 2 months, denies calling him ‘existential threat’

Despite Netanyahu’s suspicions that Obama, in the last two months of his term, will support the Palestinians against Israeli interests, the Israeli leader denied calling the American leader an “existential” danger to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly told residents of Amona, a community of several dozen families located in the Benjamin region of the southern Samarian hills, that U.S. President Barack Obama represents an “existential” threat to Jewish cities and towns in Judea and Samaria.

According to a Channel 2 report on Wednesday, the Israeli leader said he suspects that Obama could use his last two months as president, following the national election on November 8, to harm the future of these communities.

The Prime Minister’s Office, however, denied the report.

“The prime minister did not make the comments attributed to him, but noted that in the past there were presidents who, at the end of their terms, pushed initiatives that were inconsistent with Israeli interests,” the PMO statement read.

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled early September that Amona – allegedly built on Palestinian land, although there are no records supporting that claim – must be demolished by the end of 2016. To that end, Netanyahu authorized the building of 100 new homes in the nearby city of Shilo as well as plans optional plans for another 200 housing units and an industrial zone.

The move to compensate the Amona families who would be forced to leave their homes – perceived by the U.S. administration as the creation of a “new settlement” and an “obstacle to peace” – added to the tension between Netanyahu and Obama. The Israeli leader met with Secretary of State John Kerry earlier this month to explain that the new housing would be built in an already-existing community situated on state-owned land.Regardless of the accuracy of the Channel 2 report on the issue, Netanyahu is still on record as having expressed concern regarding the U.S. president’s agenda.

Last month, also on Channel 2, Netanyahu, told TV journalist Udi Segal that he hoped Obama will not help the Palestinian Authority establish a state unilaterally before the end of his term.

“Did we speak about it? The answer is no. Do I hope that he doesn’t do it? The answer is yes,” the Israeli leader said in the interview.

“The only time that President Obama utilized a veto at the United Nation’s Security Council was in 2011, following an anti-Israel decision. Therefore, I can only hope that the US follows the same policy until the end of his term,” he added.

Obama, addressing the U.N. a week earlier, demanded that Israel end the “occupation.”

Representatives of the “Headquarters for the Struggle for Amona” are determined to save their community rather than relocate to Shilo.

“If Netanyahu caves in on Amona, he will also do so on Ofra [a nearby community]” and others, they said in a statement. “ Amona is the test.”

By: World Israel News Staff