Thursday, October 27, 2016

10 Ways to Pray for a Troubled America - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Lee's ministry photo
We must pray diligently for the country over the next two weeks. (Vitaly Vitorsky)

10 Ways to Pray for a Troubled America

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
The Old Testament clearly shows that the rise and fall of Israel was determined by its spiritual condition. When the people worshipped God, and their leaders honored His laws, Israel prospered. When the people drifted into sin and idolatry, and Israel's kings forgot the God who delivered them from slavery, the nation went into decline. Foreign armies eventually invaded.
The same principle applies to any nation—and certainly to the United States, which was founded by people of faith who embraced the Bible. We have known seasons of spiritual revival, and in the past we have elected leaders who called on Jesus Christ as the true God. We have also gone through periods of spiritual darkness. When you review our 240-year history, it seems we are facing our darkest hour spiritually.
But I am not discouraged as we head into this uncertain season. God intervenes even in the darkest times. Elijah called down fire from heaven when an evil leader sat on the throne. When Israel faced certain defeat, King Hezekiah prayed and witnessed divine deliverance.
God is always willing to rescue His people if they pray.
As we head into the final days before this crucial 2016 election, I challenge you to do more than vote. Please pray big, God-sized prayers. A president or a political party cannot solve our national crisis. We need urgent help from heaven. Here are 10 things we should include in our petitions:
1. That our leaders will turn to God. It was President Theodore Roosevelt who said: "A belief in Jesus Christ is the very fountainhead of everything that is desirable and praiseworthy in our civilization." Yet today political correctness prevents our leaders from barely mentioning faith. It's as if we are ashamed of what made our nation great. Pray that our next president and his or her cabinet will be drawn to love the Lord in a personal way.
2. That our president will rediscover God's forgotten laws. In the days of King Josiah, when the nation's moral compass went missing, the scrolls of the Old Testament were found in a closet. When the king heard the words of the Scriptures, he tore his clothes, repented and called the nation to serve God again (2 Kings 22-23). Pray that our next president will follow the footsteps of Josiah and bravely call for a reformation.
3. That God's prophets will have access to government leaders. Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Elisha called on the kings of Israel to obey the Lord—and Israel was blessed when leaders heeded their message. Even when Israel went into captivity in Babylon, God put his servant Daniel in a strategic position of influence. Pray that our leaders will open their doors to those God is sending to speak for Him.
4. That we will have righteous judges. John Jay, the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, did not hide his Christian faith. He wrote: "The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the Word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next." Today, most of our judges have no knowledge of Christian morality; instead they create their own laws in a moral vacuum. Our judges are now responsible for redefining marriage, secularizing the country and taking away the rights of the unborn. Pray that God will raise up judges who honor God's laws.
5. That we will stop shedding innocent blood. About 3,000 unborn babies die every day in this country. But this devaluation of life is not only evident in the slaughter of innocent children. It is also seen in the sex trafficking of children and women; in the mistreatment of immigrants; in violence against racial minorities; and in exploitation of the poor by greedy corporations. God judged Israel not only for the horrible practice of child sacrifice but also for unjust treatment of the poor (Mal. 3:5). Pray that justice will be restored in our land.
6. That our children will be protected from evil. When the evil Queen Athaliah took the throne of Israel, she slaughtered all the children in the royal family so she could control the country. The enemy hates the next generation and seeks to snuff it out. Pray that America's children will be delivered from the schemes of Satan—such as illegal drugs, promiscuity, sexual confusion, fatherlessness and harmful entertainment. Pray that the church will respond by nurturing a new generation of youth who follow Christ.
7. That God will defend us from our foreign enemies. Whenever Israel strayed from God, invaders appeared on the horizon. When King Hoshea became king of Israel, he "did evil in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings 17:2). The result? The king of Assyria "invaded the whole land" and put Hoshea in prison. The United States has rarely experienced foreign invasion, but if we don't return to God soon it will be unavoidable. Terrorists are already plotting. Pray earnestly for mercy in this area.
8. That our economy will not crumble. In the days of Elisha, the spiritual condition of Israel was so bad that God sent a famine that resulted in economic crisis. It was not unlike a Great Depression—and it was so bad that people resorted to cannibalism to survive. Could that ever happen in America? We face similar judgment if we don't return to the Lord wholeheartedly. America's prosperity could vanish overnight if we forget the source of our true wealth.
9. That a great spiritual awakening will revive the nation. After Josiah heard God's Word and repented, he triggered a national turnaround. He burned idols, stopped child sacrifice, removed occult priests and reinstituted the Passover. No king in Israel turned so dramatically back to God (2 Kings 23:25). Could the same thing happen in America today? I believe it is possible. And in this age of grace, God can pour out His Spirit in a fresh way. Even while sin abounds, grace can much more abound. Pray with expectation for a nationwide revival.
10. That God will show mercy instead of judgment. When Hezekiah became king, "he did right in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings 18:3) and he removed the idolatrous high places in the land. The result was that God showed mercy to Israel and even extended the king's life. God is willing to grant more time to America if we will humble ourselves and pray.
Some Christians have given up on this country and pronounced judgment on it. But if we would pray instead of criticize, the Father of mercy will respond. James 2:13 says: "Mercy triumphs over judgment." Let's be the true salt and light in our culture. Let's shine in the midst of darkness. 
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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Persecuted Pastor Urges Christians to Vote for Donald Trump - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Persecuted pastor Saeed Abedini is urging Christians to turn out and vote for Donald Trump on Nov. 8. (Facebook photo)

Persecuted Pastor Urges Christians to Vote for Donald Trump

Persecuted pastor Saeed Abedini, who hasn't been afraid to share his thoughts—and what God is speaking to him—about the 2016 presidential election, issued the following statement earlier this week via his Facebook page:
So many people make decisions for their future by looking at decisions they made in the past. This is not looking at life the way God does. When God looks at us He looks with the eyes of Mercy of Grace.
In the past few months, we have seen how the media is attacking to Donald Trump's past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth.
As a nation, I believe we are in an unfolding process, too. History recounts the story of the King Cyrus of Persia, my native country. I believe God raised up this man for His great mission.
We don't know Cyrus' spiritual condition, but we know Yahweh used him mightily in history as the king of Persia to save Israel. Persia or Arian was the first country in history to support Israel. While the United States is the most powerful empire in the world, there is a spiritual lesson here standing with Israel. Donald Trump supports Israel. Although giving lip service in order to appear politically correct, Hillary Clinton does not.
As I said in my previous post on Facebook, God used kings in the Old Testament to accomplish His purposes. When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the president of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace.
First, we should be truthful about our own walk with God. Instead of worrying about others' spiritual growth, we should humbly come before God in repentance and humility. Then we should trust His providence to raise up leaders who honor Him. Judging is not our business; this is God's business and, throughout history, even through leaders like Cyrus, God has demonstrated that He always does His business well.
Jesus went to the cross and paid the punishment of our sin. Before we were even born, He shed his blood. Redemption is God's specialty.
We all are under God's construction and He definitely knows how to finish and equip for the future what He has already started. For these reasons, I trust God. And as far as the decision this nation is facing and given the choice that faces us, I trust Donald J. Trump.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Surviving the Storms: Tim Tebow Shares Why His Faith Won't Be Shaken - CBN News Abigail Robertson

Tim Tebow talks with CBN News
Surviving the Storms: Tim Tebow Shares Why His Faith Won't Be Shaken
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. -- The world has noticed Tim Tebow since his days playing college football. But who could have predicted a Heisman trophy winner and pro football quarterback would find himself in Scottsdale, Arizona, playing Minor League Baseball?
CBN News Reporter Abigail Robertson recently spoke with Tebow to get his perspective on how his life has been shaken.
One of the first questions she asked him -- why baseball?
"Playing baseball for me was something I almost did out of high school, and I decided to go to the University of Florida, and it's been something that's been on my heart throughout the last couple of years," Tebow explained. "I really felt like why not go pursue it if it's something that I'm passionate about and it's on my heart? You know, go after it."
Tebow may be passionate about baseball now, but it wasn't exactly his first career choice. The Denver Broncos drafted him right out of college and after being promoted to starting quarterback, he led the team to their first playoff win in six years.
Tebow's Career Goes Downhill
Despite that promising beginning, the Broncos traded him after the first season ended and things went downhill from there. Tebow was cut or released from three more teams in the years that followed.
"When you're going through that, what do you have to hold onto?" Tebow asked. "What is your foundation? Who are you? And more importantly, whose are you in your relationship with Christ?"
A little over a year ago, Tebow felt God leading him to write a book for others facing challenges of all kinds.
"I wanted to write something to those people to encourage them that there's still a God that loves you, that created you in love, by love, for love, for a purpose, that you matter, and you're significant," he told CBN News. "So when people are going through tough times, they have something to hold onto, and they do in their relationship with Christ."
In his new book, Shaken: Discovering Your True identity in the Midst of Life's Storms, Tebow talks about his tougher times. Those ranged from trying to just be "one of the guys" on a new team surrounded by media frenzy, to living in isolation as paparazzi camped out 12 feet from his front door, to realizing his future in football was likely over.
As he writes, "I had no job, no car, no home."
Keep Calm and Stay Focused
All the while, sports announcers and media headlines were blowing up with people happy to see him failing.
"Not everybody can relate to the highs, but almost everybody can relate to the lows," Tebow said.
Through relentless criticism, he managed to keep calm and remain focused.
"When you believe in yourself and you believe you're doing the right thing and you're giving it your all -- you have to block out the criticism," Tebow said. "You have to block out the naysayers."
"A lot of times people will say, 'Let it go in one ear and out the other," and I just think don't even let it go in one ear," he continued. "Don't even listen to it. Don't even go on social media; don't read it; don't watch the TV."
"For me, it's stay focused on what your goal is, and don't let the naysayers sway you from your goal," he said.
Going Deeper in Jesus
Tebow addresses his struggles in his new book, titled Shaken. He says his prayer for the people who read the book is "that they're encouraged to go find a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ."
"And it's not just the going to church on Sunday morning or Wednesday night," he admonished. "But it's actually a deep relationship, a one-on-one, intimate relationship with a God that loves us so much He sent his son to die for them."
Tebow opens up a lot in the book, but don't expect any details of his dating life. He did, however, share his philosophy on relationships.
"I think prayer is important. I think having Godly wisdom is important from people that you look up to," he told CBN News.
"And I think having people around you that are going to tell you what you really need to hear, not what you want to hear, and they're able to be the people that are able to help guide you in that path because sometimes in relationships you can't always see clear, but people around you can," Tebow advised.
Shaken is not just inspired by his own experiences overcoming disappointment.
"I've seen so many people that everything around them is shaken, and they're thinking, 'I don't even know if I'm going to be here tomorrow,'" Tebow said. "And I've seen some of them with such amazing faith that even in the midst of all of that, they still had something to hold on to, and that was their relationship with Christ."
Giving Back
In 2010, he created the Tim Tebow Foundation, which helps thousands of orphans, special needs, and terminally ill children each year.
Tebow said God planted this seed in him when he was 15 and met a Filipino boy named Sherwin who had backwards feet. In 2015, the foundation opened a hospital in the Philippines that provides patients with life-changing orthopedic surgeries.
Tebow said the hospital is one of his proudest accomplishments.
"Now in our hospital in the Philippines, all the boys who are like Sherwin with their feet on backwards, we get to go pick them up and carry them to the hospital, and they get to walk out," he shared. "But they don't just walk out with physical healing, but spiritual healing, and emotional healing as well."
Tebow has become a major role model for Christians of all ages, but particularly Millennials. CBN News asked what advice he has for how young adult Christians can stand strong in their faith.
"I would say find an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ -- their own faith, not their parents' faith, not their friends, but theirs," Tebow replied. "And develop that and work on that."
"And also find friends that they can invest in, and love in, and disciple, but also friends that are going to be able to lift them up when they are going through tough times because I really believe 'iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another,'" Tebow, said quoting Proverbs. "So find those people in life that are going to invest in you."
Tebow Takes on His Critics
As for the critics of Tebow's baseball career, he told CBN News it's not a make-or-break situation.
"They'll criticize. They'll say, 'Why? The chances of making it are so slim.' But for me it's about pursuing your passion and not being afraid of failure, not being afraid of what people are going to say because I'm also a believer that perfect love casts out all fear," Tebow said.
"Let's just love God, and let's love people and let's bring people together," he continued. "How many people can we love in the name of Jesus? How many people can we help in the name of Jesus? That's the goal. Nothing else is the goal. Nothing else matters. That's what matters, plain and simple. And I feel like that's my passion, and I feel like it's my purpose, too."
Divine Opportunities
And that's exactly what Tebow is doing on and off the field.
He may not be playing in arenas of 75,000 anymore, but the smaller crowds have led to some divine opportunities. Tebow recently made headlines for praying over a fan having a seizure after one of his games. He later learned the man decided to follow Jesus while watching the game in the stands, after overhearing other fans talking about God.
"When you believe that you serve a big God, and when you believe yourself that He has a plan and a purpose for you, you can walk with confidence and go after what He puts on your heart, and you can do it with boldness and courage, and you can go after it not having to listen to the naysaysers," Tebow said.
Tim Tebow may not have seen baseball in his future, but God sure did. With each curve ball life has thrown at him he's continued to trust God's plan for his future, and not let his faith be shaken.

God's Love: A Rose Among Thorns ✡ "I Will Be to Israel" - ISRAEL365

I will be to Israel like the dew,
and he will blossom like a rosebush,
and his roots will strike out like the cedars of Lebanon.

אֶהְיֶה כַטַּל לְיִשְׂרָאֵל יִפְרַח כַּשּׁוֹשַׁנָּה וְיַךְ שָׁרָשָׁיו כַּלְּבָנוֹן

הושע יד:ו

e-hi-yeh ka-tal l'-yis-ra-el yif-rakh ka-sho-sha-nah v'-yakh sha-ra-shav kal-va-non

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Prophet Hosea describes God as the nourishing morning dew saturating the flower that then gloriously blooms. This teaches us that God envelops each one of us with love and kindness, and no matter what, we will bloom like a rosebush planting deep roots in the soil of the Land of Israel! The Rose of Bethlehem is a natural flower that grows amidst the harsh conditions of the Judean desert, yet blossoms again and again with only a few drops of water. For the first time, this unique flower is being offered so you can carry God's miraculous blessings close to your heart.

360° View of Jerusalem

Take a tour with Education Minister Naftali Bennett and discover the Holy City like never before!

Are Native Americans Part of the Ten Lost Tribes?

When Europeans first glimpsed Native Americans than 400 years ago, many were convinced they had discovered the Lost Tribes of Israel. At a closer look, the connections are astounding!

Colorful City of Jerusalem Glass Menorah

Beautifully designed and elegant, this lovely glass Menorah colorfully adorned with scenes of Jerusalem, including the Western Wall and Tower of David, will light up your room with the glowing flames that are ignited on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.
Get Ready for Hanukkah! Shop Menorahs! »

Today's Israel Photo

The golden waters of the Sea of Galilee glimmer in the morning sunrise, as though God Himself is personally greeting each and every one of His beloved creations.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

At the tail end of June, just a few short months ago, a 13-year old girl named Hallel Ariel was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in her sleep. Her parents, committed Jews who love the Temple Mount, asked to rename the gate leading to the holy site in memory of their daughter. Today, the gate is now known as "the Hallel Gate", to remember a little girl whose devotion to her Judaism inspired many.

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Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Rhonda Weiss Florida.

“The Israeli People are Gifted”

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The Israeli people are so gifted with so many abilities,those things they made are truly a GOD gifted way of expressing their love of their country. Unfortunately those beautiful items is way out prized and for me that is way beyond my capability to pay,but they are beautiful indeed.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Donald Trump's Statement on Christianity

Donald Trump's Statement on Christianity

Published on Mar 17, 2016
Here's the full Transcript.

I’m a good Christian, and I’m leading with Evangelicals. And I wanna tell you something... Christianity is being chipped away in this country. It’s being chipped away at, and I’m not gonna let this happen. You know, I was with a whole roomful of 50 pastors, ministers - great people. Some of whom I knew pretty well, and some I don’t. And I said to them “let me ask you a question. How many Christians, evangelicals, but mainly just Christians, do we have in this country.”

And they were saying “maybe 250 million, maybe 260 million.” I said “so that’s more than we have women. It’s more than we have men. It’s by far the biggest group. Then why aren’t you banding together and getting the kinds of things you want? When people talk about a temporary ban on Muslims until we find out what is going on there is total outrage. When people talk about Christians and Christianity, there’s no outrage. There’s no Outrage.

I said “let me ask you,” and these are great believers, these are great people, these are strong people, smart people. I said “Why is it,” and I think I really found something that’s very important for all of us. I said “Why is it, that you people don’t have a stronger lobby?”

During Lindon Johnson's term as president, they passed something where the tax deduction is under siege if these pastors do anything that’s a little bit off, okay. So they’re gonna lose tax exempt status, right? And I said “wait a minute, that’s right, that’s the answer.” I figured, you know I’m a pretty smart guy, I figure things out pretty quickly. So as soon as they mentioned that I said, “that’s it.”

I was in Trump tower, I pointed down to the side-walk. There were people walking on the side-walk. I said “so those people walking on the side-walk are more powerful than you people in the clergy, the pastors, the ministers, the priests, the people in the clergy? They’re more powerful?” They said, “that’s right.” I said “not gonna happen anymore.” We’re gonna get rid of that thing. I want Christianity to have a strong flavor. Why did we ever pass such a law?

And it’s so important. I mean, really, they’ve shut Christianity down. And these pastors are great people but they’re afraid. For instance, some people came up to me, “Mr Trump, I love you, you’re the best, you’re gonna be the greatest leader, I wanna endorse you. I’m endorsing you, but I’m not allowed to do it publicly because if I do it publicly I may lose, for the church, the tax exempt status.”

So they’re really being silenced, and we can’t let that happen. We can’t let that happen. I don’t care about the endorsement. They’re really being silenced. We can’t let that happen. We’re not gonna let it happen. And we’re gonna get that law repealed. And think of the power we have over the democrats, over the republicans. I mean the power is incredible. So we’re gonna get that taken care of, and we’re gonna be back.

And I’ll tell you what, come Christmas time, we’re gonna all be in these department stores that don’t have “Merry Christmas” and we’re gonna see “Merry Christmas” right in those stores, right? They don’t put it up anymore. We’re gonna see “Merry Christmas” at the department stores again, folks. You go into these stores, you don’t even see “Merry Christmas” anymore. You say, why? Why? The store owners and the big companies especially, like Macy’s which is extremely a very disloyal company.

But these big companies they don’t wanna use it because it’s not politically correct. It’s gonna be not politically correct not to put it up, you watch. You watch. You watch. So we’re gonna be saying merry Christmas again.

So I told you, they’re chipping away at Christianity, and they’re chipping away at the second amendment. Every year chip chip chip!