Saturday, October 29, 2016

Christian Conservatives, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War on You - Dr. Michael Brown THE STREAM

Christian Conservatives, Be Assured That President Hillary Clinton Will Declare War on You 

By MICHAEL BROWN Published on October 15, 2016 • 270 Comments

Make no mistake about it. If you are a conservative Christian and Hillary Clinton becomes our next president, she will declare war on certain aspects of your faith. Your religious liberties will be targeted, and your biblical beliefs will be branded disturbing, if not downright dangerous.
Do not be deceived.
She has made herself perfectly clear on this in the recent past, and we deny this is to our own peril.
Writing for the left-leaning Washington Post, Marc Thiessen, former chief speechwriter for George W. Bush, declared that “Hillary Clinton is a threat to religious liberty.” He began his October 13 column with these two sobering paragraphs:
In a speech not long before she launched her 2016 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton made a stunning declaration of war on religious Americans. Speaking to the 2015 Women in the World Summit, Clinton declared that ‘deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.’
Religious beliefs have to be changed? This is perhaps the most radical statement against religious liberty ever uttered by someone seeking the presidency. It is also deeply revealing. Clinton believes that, as president, it is her job not to respect the views of religious conservatives but to force them to change their beliefs and bend to her radical agenda favoring taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.”
Thiessen is not overstating the case, and in light of one recent court case and one pending bill, both in California  and both with potential to go to the Supreme Court, the real dangers of a Hillary Clinton presidency can hardly be exaggerated.
Last week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that pro-life pregnancy centers are required to promote abortion, meaning, that if a pregnant woman comes to them not knowing what to do about her pregnancy, along with counseling her about adoption or keeping her own baby, they must also refer her to a local abortion clinic.
Yes, under the California Reproductive Freedom, Accountability, Comprehensive Care, and Transparency Act, this is the law; the Ninth Circuit upheld it.
What an absolute outrage, and what an infringement on religious liberties, since these pro-life centers, which are invariably run by conservative Christians, are being forced to violate their sacredly held beliefs.
Hillary Clinton supports legislation like this, and she would absolutely appoint Supreme Court justices who would support this as well. She has made this abundantly, unequivocally clear for many years, without wavering, and she is the most favored Planned Parenthood candidate in history.
As I wrote previously, if you vote for Hillary Clinton, you will have the blood of the unborn on your hands.
And note also the extreme hypocrisy of this ruling, since abortion clinics are not required to refer their clients to local pro-life pregnancy centers. They are not even required to show the mother an ultrasound of her baby, since that would allegedly infringe on her rights.
God forbid that you remind her that she has a baby in her womb.
In an email announcing the Ninth Court’s ruling, Matt Bowman, Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel, said, “It’s bad enough if the government tells you what you can’t say, but a law that tells you what you must say — under threat of severe punishment — is even more unjust and dangerous.”
The ADF is considering appealing the ruling, which, as stated, could ultimately make it to the Supreme Court, but with Hillary as president, you know how the court will rule.
Do you want to facilitate this by helping to elect her to the highest office in the land? Do you want to be one of the people who helped empower her to be president?
This brings me to a major bill in California, SB 1146 which “would officially label private Christian colleges with Christian values, morality, and even dorm policies which conflict with the LGBT agenda as ‘discriminatory,’ and make the colleges liable to state (and federal) lawsuits as well as vicious attacks by activists. . . . The goal is to make Christian colleges surrender their belief systems and force the LGBT agenda onto every facet of education. California is the first state in the US to attempt this outrageous action. If it passes there, it will surely spread to other states.”
This is the exact kind of legislation that Hillary Clinton would promote and celebrate, fully backed by her handpicked Supreme Court justices.
This would also be harmony with her oft-quoted phrase that “gay rights are human rights,” and therefore any group or denomination or nation that opposes the goals of LGBT activism is guilty of opposing human rights. And let’s not forget the pressure Hillary Clinton put on African nations in her 2011 speech in which she made clear that nations across the continent would need to change their policies regarding homosexuality.
Not surprisingly, there was a major backlash to her speech, with John Nagenda, a senior adviser to Uganda’s president Yoweri Museveni, stating, “Homosexuality here is taboo, it’s something anathema to Africans, and I can say that this idea of Clinton’s, of Obama’s, is something that will be seen as abhorrent in every country on the continent that I can think of.”
Can you imagine the kind of pressure Hillary Clinton would put on American Christians who remain opposed to same-sex “marriage” and LGBT activism in our children’s schools? After all, if she took it upon herself to tell sovereign African nations what to do, what would she seek to impose on her own country as president? And I haven’t even mentioned the open disdain expressed towards conservative Christians in her campaign’s recently released emails.
So I’ll say it again: Do not be deceived. We already know how a Hillary Clinton administration would view people like you and me.
I do understand that many of you cannot find it in yourself to vote for Donald Trump, but whatever you do, do not vote for Hillary Clinton, and please encourage your conservative Christian friends not to vote for her either. To do so is to hand her the tape to gag your mouths and the rope to fasten your hands.
You have been forewarned.

Will Barack Obama Delay Or Suspend The Election If Hillary Is Forced Out By The New FBI Email Investigation? - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 28 Oct 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Just when it looked like Hillary Clinton was poised to win the 2016 election, the FBI has thrown a gamechanger into the mix. On Friday, FBI Director James Comey announced that his agency has discovered new emails related to Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information that they had not previously seen. According to the Associated Press, the newly discovered emails “did not come from her private server”, but instead were found when the FBI started going through electronic devices that belonged to top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her husband Anthony Weiner.

The FBI has been looking into messages of a sexual nature that Weiner had exchanged with a 15-year-old girl in North Carolina, and that is why they originally seized those electronic devices.  According to the Washington Post, the “emails were found on a computer used jointly by both Weiner and his wife, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin, according to a person with knowledge of the inquiry”, and according to some reports there may be “potentially thousands” of emails on the computer that the FBI did not have access to previously. 

Even though there are less than two weeks to go until election day, this scandal has the potential to possibly force Clinton out of the race, and if that happens could Barack Obama delay or suspend the election until a replacement candidate can be found?
Let’s take this one step at a time.  On Friday, financial markets tanked when reports of these new Clinton emails hit the wires.  The following comes from CNN
After recommending earlier this year that the Department of Justice not press charges against the former secretary of state, Comey said in a letter to eight congressional committee chairmen that investigators are examining newly discovered emails that “appear to be pertinent” to the email probe.
“In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation,” Comey wrote the chairmen. “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”
At this point, we do not know what is contained in these emails.  But without a doubt Huma Abedin is Hillary Clinton’s closest confidant, and I have always felt that she was Clinton’s Achilles heel.  Journalist Carl Bernstein (of Watergate fame) is fully convinced that the FBI would have never made this move unless something significant had already been discovered
We don’t know what this means yet except that it’s a real bombshell. And it is unthinkable that the Director of the FBI would take this action lightly, that he would put this letter forth to the Congress of the United States saying there is more information out there about classified e-mails and call it to the attention of congress unless it was something requiring serious investigation. So that’s where we are…
Is it a certainty that we won’t learn before the election? I’m not sure it’s a certainty we won’t learn before the election.
One thing is, it’s possible that Hillary Clinton might want to on her own initiative talk to the FBI and find out what she can, and if she chooses to let the American people know what she thinks or knows is going on. People need to hear from her…
If the FBI has indeed found something explosive, would they actually charge her with a crime right before the election?

It is possible, but we also have to remember that government agencies (including the FBI) tend to move very, very slowly.  If there are thousands of emails, it is going to take quite a while to sift through them all.  And of course Barack Obama has lots of ways that he could influence, delay or even shut down the investigation.

So those that are counting on this to be the miracle that Donald Trump needs should not count their chickens before they hatch.

But if Hillary Clinton were to be forced out of the race by this FBI investigation, the Democrats would have to decide on a new candidate, and that would take time.  The following is from a U.S. News & World Report article that examined what would happen if one of the candidates was forced out of the race for some reason…
If Clinton were to fall off the ticket, Democratic National Committee members would gather to vote on a replacement. DNC members acted as superdelegates during this year’s primary and overwhelmingly backed Clinton over boat-rocking socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
DNC spokesman Mark Paustenbach says there currently are 445 committee members – a number that changes over time and is guided by the group’s bylaws, which give membership to specific officeholders and party leaders and hold 200 spots for selection by states, along with an optional 75 slots DNC members can choose to fill.
But the party rules for replacing a presidential nominee merely specify that a majority of members must be present at a special meeting called by the committee chairman. The meeting would follow procedures set by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee and proxy voting would not be allowed.
It would be extremely challenging to get a majority of the members of the Democratic National Committee together on such short notice.  If Clinton were to drop out next week, it would be almost impossible for this to happen before election day.

In such a scenario, Barack Obama may attempt to invoke his emergency powers.  Since the election would not be “fair” until the Democrats have a new candidate, he could try to delay or suspend the election.  There would be a lot of controversy as to whether this is legal or not, but Barack Obama has not let the U.S. Constitution stop him in the past.

Meanwhile, new poll numbers show that the Trump campaign was already gaining momentum even before this story about the new emails broke.  According to a brand new ABC News/Washington Post survey, Donald Trump is now only trailing Hillary Clinton by 4 points after trailing her by as much as 12 points last weekend.

And CNBC is reporting on a highly advanced artificial intelligence system that accurately predicted the outcomes of the presidential primaries and which is now indicating that Trump will be the winner in November…
An artificial intelligence system that correctly predicted the last three U.S. presidential elections puts Republican nominee Donald Trump ahead of Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.
MogIA was developed by Sanjiv Rai, founder of Indian start-up It takes in 20 million data points from public platforms including Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in the U.S. and then analyzes the information to create predictions.
The AI system was created in 2004, so it has been getting smarter all the time. It had already correctly predicted the results of the Democratic and Republican Primaries.
Without Hillary at the top of the ticket, the odds of a Trump victory would go way, way up.
So if Hillary is forced out of the race by this investigation, Barack Obama and the Democrats will want to delay or suspend the election for as long as possible if they can.

At this point there is probably not a high probability that such a scenario will play out, but in this crazy election year we have already seen that just about anything can happen.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Judicial Watch Gives Clinton Camp the Second Blow of a 1-2 Punch - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Now the FBI is being sued for access to additional documents related to the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server. (Reuters photo)

Judicial Watch Gives Clinton Camp the Second Blow of a 1-2 Punch

Just before Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey informed Congress it was taking a fresh look at its investigation of Hillary Clinton's private email server while secretary of state, the governmental watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit to obtain FBI records relating to that very same investigation.
The lawsuit includes a demand for FBI Form 302 investigative notes from interviews, and was filed after the FBI failed to comply with a July 7 FOIA demand. That demand included the following:
  • All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her tenure.
  • All records of communications between any agent, employee or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee or representative of the Department of Justice, the executive office of the president, the Democratic National Committee and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
  • All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.
Judicial Watch noted that the FBI has released to the public some Clinton investigation materials, while other records remain withheld. The organization's president, Tom Fitton said Comey's pledge to make his investigation transparent has, so far, been an "empty promise."
"[O]therwise we wouldn't be in federal court seeking this information," he said. "An air of corruption surrounds the FBI/Justice Department investigation of Hillary Clinton and so, through this lawsuit, Judicial Watch is investigating the investigators."
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This Is Planned Parenthood's Newest Sick and Twisted Move - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Planned Parenthood Action
Planned Parenthood has used its Generation Action groups on college campuses to push its pro-abortion agenda for years, now its expanding to high school campuses around the country. (Planned Parenthood photo)

This Is Planned Parenthood's Newest Sick and Twisted Move

Coming soon to a public school near you: The Planned Parenthood Club, where students are indoctrinated about all the "good things" the abortionist organization does for women and how "reproductive rights" trump all other God-given rights.
Actually, it's called the Planned Parenthood Generation Action, and its goals are:
  • to provide education, outreach, and advocacy opportunities to support the goals of Planned Parenthood;
  • to create a network with other students who support Planned Parenthood; and
  • to engage in the political process to win elections and pass "pro-reproductive freedom" legislation.
The PPGA website states:
Planned Parenthood Generation Action is a movement of young people across identities and issues that organizes with, by and for their generation in order to achieve reproductive freedom; led by the Youth Organizing Team at Planned Parenthood which leverages their expertise in youth organizing, leadership development, voter engagement programs and infrastructure to motivate, empower, train and provide resources to support young people, affiliates, and partners in building power nationally.
There are student leaders all over the country active in the Planned Parenthood Generation Action network! If you'd like to be connected to your local group or if you'd like to join us, contact us!
We'll connect you with the Planned Parenthood Generation Action team and your local Planned Parenthood organization. Please complete our contact form and someone from Planned Parenthood will be in touch with you shortly.
According to the list of "more than 275" chapters, they are all located on college campuses. Most of them are not identifying by the PPGA name, perhaps as a means to escape public scrutiny.
But Breitbart News is reporting the program is now moving into its first high school campus, the Maggie L. Walker Governor's School for Government and International Studies in Richmond, Virginia. According to the report, the club held its first meeting a little more than a month ago.
The high school for gifted students noted in its morning announcements the club was a means for "getting community service hours this election season." The PPGA website advocates for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton with its "I'm With Her to Pink-Out the Vote" campaign, and includes an article titled "It's Up to Us to Bring [Donald] Trump Down."
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'Burial Slab' of Jesus Christ Uncovered First Time in Centuries - CBN News

'Burial Slab' of Jesus Christ Uncovered First Time in Centuries
CBN News 10-28-2016

A stone slab believed to have once held the body of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion is being unveiled for the first time in centuries at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. 
For the first time in 200 years, experts began renovating the tomb supposed to have held the body of Christ. They also removed the marble that encased the slab since at least 1555, according to National Geographic.
"We were surprised by the amount of fill material beneath it," Fredrik Hiebert, archaeologist-in-residence at the National Geographic Society, said.
"It will be a long scientific analysis, but we will finally be able to see the original rock surface on which, according to tradition, the body of Christ was laid," he said.
The church is considered to be one of the most revered sites in Christianity. It also includes the location believed by many to be where the crucifixion took place. 
Tensions have been high between several Christian denominations, including Greek Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches, delaying repairs. The Israeli government was forced temporarily to shut down the church over fear of possible collapse. 
The different sects eventually agreed to a nine-month renovation to fix the crumbling chapel built over the revered site.
The renovation will be featured in a National Geographic Channel "Explorer" episode in November.  
"We are at the critical moment for rehabilitating the Edicule" (which encloses the tomb), Antonia Moropoulou, with the the National Technical University of Athens, told National Geographic.
"The techniques we're using to document this unique monument will enable the world to study our findings as if they themselves were in the tomb of Christ," he said.

Pastors, They're Coming After You! - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

So I'll admit it. I did come up with the title of this article for shock value, but the fact is, you need to be shocked. (Jemma D/Flickr/CC)

Pastors, They're Coming After You!

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
OK, I get it.
The title of this article sounds conspiratorial and inflammatory.
In fact, it sounds like a "shock" headline designed to get your attention.
Who, after all, is this ambiguous "they" I'm referring to, and why are "they" coming after "you," referring obviously to Christian leaders? And what, pray tell, are "they" coming to do to "you"?
So I'll admit it. I did come up with the title of this article for shock value, but the fact is, you need to be shocked.
In other words, the title may be sensational, but it is only sensational because it is true.
Consider this Oct. 26 headline on Fox News: "State of Georgia demands pastor turn over sermons."
Yes, "a lay minister who is suing the Georgia Department of Public Health for religious discrimination has been ordered by the state's attorney general to relinquish his sermons to the government, according to federal court documents."
In the words of Attorney General Samuel Olens, "Please produce a copy of your sermon notes and/or transcripts."
And why is the state of Georgia demanding his sermon notes and/or transcripts?
As Todd Starnes reports, "Walsh, a Seventh-day Adventist lay minister had been hired in May 2014 by as a district health director with the Georgia Department of Public Health. A week later, a government official asked him to submit copies of his sermons for review. He complied and two days later he was fired."
In other words, he was not fired because of any lack of qualification. To the contrary, he was highly qualified for the job.
As noted by attorney David French, Walsh's résumé included "working for former President Bush and President Obama to combat AIDS, serving as a board member of the Latino Health Collaborative, and starting California's first city-run dental clinic for low-income families dealing with HIV/AIDS," but that "wasn't sufficient to overcome the horror at Walsh's Christian views."
Yes, Walsh was fired for the unpardonable sin of preaching against homosexual practice, based on Scripture—and note that he was preaching this to his fellow congregants, not giving a lecture to his staff.
As Walsh's lead attorney, Jeremy Dys, said, "He was fired for something he said in a sermon. If the government is allowed to fire someone over what he said in his sermons, they can come after any of us for our beliefs on anything."
Yes, continued Dys, "It's an incredible intrusion on the sanctity of the pulpit. This is probably the most invasive reach into the pulpit by the state that I've ever seen."
But this should not surprise us at all.
pointed out in 2013 that, "Already in April, 2009, an article in the Washington Post documented how, 'Faith organizations and individuals who view homosexuality as sinful and refuse to provide services to gay people are losing a growing number of legal battles that they say are costing them their religious freedom.'
"This was confirmed by Georgetown Law Professor Chai Feldblum, appointed by President Obama to serve on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and herself an out and proud lesbian, when she remarked that when religious liberty and sexual liberty conflict, 'I'm having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.'"
That's why Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran, was fired for his personally held beliefs about sexuality and marriage.
That's why Dr. Angela McCaskill, associate provost of diversity and inclusion at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. (and herself a deaf), was suspended from her job for signing a petition at her local church that called for a public vote on same-sex "marriage" (rather than for a legislative decision).
That's why Crystal Dixon, was fired from her position as associate vice president of human resources at the University of Toledo for writing an editorial in her local newspaper, taking issue with the idea that gay is the new black.
And the list goes on and on, growing on a regular basis, as I and others have documented now for years. (Just check out the chapter "Big Brother Is Watching, and He Really Is Gay" in A Queer Thing Happened to America for some sobering examples.)
And I used these three examples here because in each case, gay sensitivities not only trumped religious rights, they also demonstrated that, when it comes to "gay rights," even black Americans can be perceived as victimizers rather than victims (Cochran, McCaskill and Dixon were all black).
As we have now learned with Dr. Walsh (did I mention he's black as well?), not even the pulpits are safe.
But this too should not surprise us.
After all, it was just last year that Annise Parker, the lesbian mayor of Houston, along with the city attorney, David Feldman, demanded that five local pastors turn over their sermons, speeches, presentations and even emails to congregants which addressed the issues of homosexuality and gender identity, among other subjects.
And it was only when Parker and Feldman came under intense national pressure that they backed down, with Parker still denying that "the request[s] were in any way illegal or intended to intrude on religious liberties." (I document this in detail in the chapter "The Day the Line Was Crossed" in Outlasting the Gay Revolution.)
With all respect to the mayor's position, her explanation was absolute rubbish, and there is no question that she did intruded on religious liberties.
And as I warned last week, if Hillary Clinton is elected, this will only get worse.
Even if Donald Trump is elected, abuses like this will continue on a local level for years to come.
There's only thing that can stop it, and that is simply the church of Jesus, led by its pastors and elders, standing up to speak what is right and do what is right, regardless of cost or consequence. If we do, the tide will turn.
Now, I'm quite aware that I sound like a broken record, having written on this theme three times in two weeks, including this article (see here and here).
But I will keep sounding the alarm until God's people wake up—beginning with the leaders—and with yet another example staring us in the face, we sleep on to our own peril, not to mention our lasting shame.
In recent days, I've been reading a terrific book by Dean G. Stroud titled Preaching in Hitler's Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich. And while I am absolutely not comparing our current government to Nazi Germany and while I do not believe we will go the way Nazi Germany went, I can't help but see the striking parallels between our two countries, beginning with these incremental attacks on religious freedom, back then and today.
And so, while I am not saying that America will one day look like Nazi Germany, I amsaying that very soon, America will hardly be recognizable, the antithesis of the "land of the free and the home of the brave."
After all, who would have believed that in the last two years, government officials would be demanding that pastors and Christian teachers turn over their sermons, sermons notes and private emails dealing with sexual morality and that, in the last 10 years, Christians would be fired from their jobs or kicked out of their schools because of their privately held, biblical beliefs?
And so, I will say it again. It's time to wake up!
Dr. Michael Brown ( is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Breaking the Stronghold of Food. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.
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President Obama Threatens to Veto Defense Bill That Protects Religious Liberty - ROGER SEVERINO/HERITAGE FOUNDATION CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

President Obama Threatens to Veto Defense Bill That Protects Religious Liberty 
On D-Day, Franklin Roosevelt famously asked a country of many faiths to pray that God protect our troops as they "struggle to preserve our republic, our religion, and our civilization" against tyranny.
Given our military's tradition of defending religious liberty from attack, it is disappointing to see President Barack Obama threaten to veto the military's main authorization bill if it contains protections for religious freedom.
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is an annual bill that sets policies and budgets for our nation's fighting forces and is currently being negotiated by both houses of Congress in conference before a final vote.
Included in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act is an amendment offered by Rep. Steve Russell, R-Okla., that applies decades-old religious exemptions from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) to federal grants and contracts.
The Russell Amendment is sound policy that will prevent the administration from stripping contracts and grants from faith-based social service providers whose internal staffing policies reflect their faith.
Jewish day schools and Catholic adoption centers, for example, are not liable under Title VII for being authentically Jewish or Catholic, and their staffing policies shouldn't disqualify them from federal grants and contracts either.
But Obama's veto threat is actually the strongest proof of why the Russell Amendment is needed. It shows that the president wants absolute freedom to discriminate against religious social service providers that interact with the government—all because many religious organizations won't endorse the LGBT cause. Congress should say no to the president's blatant attack on religious diversity.
Undermining Religious Liberty
For decades, the left has attempted to raise sexual orientation and gender identity to special protected status through Congress. Seeing little success using the democratic process, the Obama administration has instead turned to issuing various edicts that misinterpret existing civil rights protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
On July 21, 2014, Obama issued an executive order that unilaterally elevated sexual orientation and gender identity to special status for purposes of federal contracts.
As our colleague Ryan T. Anderson pointed out at the time, the order "disregards the consciences and liberties of people of goodwill who happen not to share the government's opinions about issues of sexuality. All Americans should be free to contract with the government without penalty because of their reasonable beliefs about morally contentious issues."
The executive order left in place the Title VII religious staffing exemption, and the Russell Amendment merely reaffirms this protection while clarifying that religious organizations have a right to employ people committed to authentically living in accordance with their faith tenets. In short, religious organizations are free to be religious organizations.
But Obama would interpret existing religious protections narrowly in order to make religious groups bend to the LGBT agenda. As seen in the administration's education and health care mandates on gender identity, in practice, this means requiring employee bathrooms and showers meant for women be opened to biological men who self-identify as female regardless of people's religious beliefs on the matter. The administration's proven lack of respect for religious freedom when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity policies is more than enough reason to keep the Russell Amendment.
Reaffirming Long-Standing Policy Is Apparently Unacceptable
Despite the Russell Amendment's straightforwardness and precedent, 42 Senate Democrats have written to the Senate Armed Services Committee asking that the Russell Amendment be stripped from final National Defense Authorization Act language during conference negotiations.
The letter states that prospective employees should not be "disqualified from a taxpayer-funded job based on an individual's religions." Except that's not how federal contracts typically work. Existing organizations bid for contracts to produce services or products based on their ability to deliver them, not to provide somebody "a taxpayer-funded job."
The programs at issue are designed to help the needy in the most effective and efficient way possible, and faith-based organizations have proven that they are often the very best at providing these social services precisely because of their faith-based character.
But moreover, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act already specifically protects religious organizations' ability to hire based on religion, so the burden is on the objectors to the Russell Amendment to prove why a system that has been affirmed by the Supreme Court and has served religious pluralism well for decades should now be stripped away when it comes to federal contracts.
Will Congress Hold the Line?
The Russell Amendment was included in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act and passed by a comfortable margin (277 to 147) because it reflects the best of our traditions without taking away anything from anyone.
Congress should not let the president's veto threat get in the way of passing sound policy, and the Russell Amendment is just that—a commonsense continuation of policy that has served our diverse society well since 1964.
Roger Severino is the director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society at The Heritage Foundation.
This article was originally published at Used with permission.
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Israel Today TV: Do Palestinians Really Want a State? - Israel Today

Israel Today TV: Do Palestinians Really Want a State?

Friday, October 28, 2016 |  Israel Today  Ryan Jones & Staff
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