Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Let Not Your Heart be Troubled by Elaine Tavolacci Identity Network

Let Not Your Heart be Troubled by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network
The Lord is showing me that there are many people with troubled hearts. Some are full of confusion, some fear and some are even angry at God. There are some of you who have been offended which is causing bitterness and unforgiveness. 

The source of your dilemma is not from God but from the enemy. He is trying to steal, kill and destroy the plans and purposes that God has for your life. His aim is not at you personally, but he is trying to prevent you from advancing the kingdom of God. Your enemies are not people. Your enemies are the powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in heavenly places. The spirit realm is real.

You are in Covenant with the God who created the earth. Nothing is impossible with Him. Jesus wants to repair those wounded places in your life so that you could get on with fulfilling His calling. He will never break His Covenant with you, neither will He revise His promises to you. Allow Him to bring resurrection to those dead areas. He is the God of restoration and He wants to restore you and use you for His glory. Don't look back in regret. You are a new creation and old things are passed away.

The God of Restoration

Last night I was reading a dream that I had in my journal from several years ago. In this dream I was driving. I stopped to ask a man in another car for directions. I was so thankful that he was able to give me directions but then he started prophesying to me. He prophesied: God wants you to stop talking about your past. I was so excited that I was receiving a word from a stranger who I simply asked for directions. 

But there was something else in the dream. There was a huge truck blocking my car and I couldn't go forward until the truck moved. After the man finished prophesying to me the truck backed up out of my way and I was able to go on my way. I believe that this word is not only for me, but it is a word to the body of Christ. We can't go forward in the things that God has for us if we are still looking back to our past.

The Lord says I am the God of restoration and I desire to bring restoration to every area of your life. Allow Me to release you from things that have troubled your heart. I will fill those desolate and barren places with My glory, repair those wounded places and reconstruct every area that was torn down. Allow Me to restore relationships that have failed. Allow Me to restore the years that have been lost. 

Release your life to Me and I will build something strong and majestic out of the debris and fragments of the past. Don't hold on to these things any longer but allow Me to heal the wounds and mend your broken hearts as you submit and trust in Me. I want to give you beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning. I will rebuild the old ruins and rebuild your life, and you will experience the magnificence of My glory says the Lord.

John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Isaiah 61:1-7 The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, And the day of vengeance of our God; To comfort all who mourn, To console those who mourn in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations.

Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, And the sons of the foreigner Shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers. But you shall be named the priests of the Lord, They shall call you the servants of our God. You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, And in their glory you shall boast. Instead of your shame you shall have double honor, And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.

Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs.

Elaine Tavolacci

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Thank You FBI: The Clinton Email Investigation Has Shifted The Poll Numbers Significantly In Trump’s Favor - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG


Posted: 31 Oct 2016   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Donald Trump has all the momentum now.  Will it be enough to propel him to victory on election day?  Trump’s poll numbers were improving even before we learned that the FBI had renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, and the new survey results that came out over the weekend and on Monday make it clear that Clinton’s “certain victory” is not so certain after all.  Unless something changes, Americans are going to go to the polls on November 8th with an FBI criminal investigation hanging over the Clinton campaign like an ominous cloud, and that is very good news for Trump.

The Clinton campaign was hoping that this renewed investigation would not “move the needle”, but unfortunately for them that appears not to be the case.  Hillary’s unfavorable rating just hit an all-time high, a whopping 45 percent of all Americans believe that this scandal is “worse than Watergate”, and a Rasmussen survey has found that 40 percent of all undecided voters that are leaning toward voting for Hillary Clinton are still open to changing their minds before election day.

And even before this story broke on Friday, Clinton was having a difficult time getting her voters to the polls.  According to the New York Times, early voting among young adults and African-American voters is significantly down compared to 2012, and those are demographic groups that Clinton desperately needs to turn out in large numbers.

But of course the key to winning the election is getting to 270 electoral votes, and poll numbers appear to be shifting in the key swing states that Trump and Clinton both desperately need.  For a moment, I would like to examine what the numbers currently look like in some of the most important states…

Without Florida, Donald Trump has absolutely no chance of winning.  This is something that even the Trump campaign has admitted.  That is why it was so alarming that most of the polls in October had Hillary Clinton leading in the state.

Fortunately for Trump, a new survey that was conducted on Sunday shows him leading in Florida by four points.

Georgia wasn’t supposed to be a problem.  Georgia has traditionally been a deep red state, but polling throughout this election season had shown a very tight race.  This had Republicans deeply concerned and the Clinton camp very happy.

But now the momentum has seemingly shifted and the latest poll has Trump up by seven points.

North Carolina
Mitt Romney won North Carolina in 2012, and Donald Trump very much needs to win it if he hopes to be triumphant on November 8th.  Hillary Clinton was shown to be leading in the eight most recent polls before the email story broke, but in the first major survey conducted afterwards she is now down by two points.

No Republican has ever won the presidency without Ohio, and Trump knows how important it is to his chances.  The three most recent polls conducted before the FBI renewed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails all showed a tie, but now the very first survey conducted afterwards shows Trump up by five points.

Hillary Clinton has consistently been in the lead in Colorado throughout this campaign, and most experts didn’t give Trump much of a chance in the state, but the latest survey shows that Clinton’s lead has been whittled down to just one point.

A survey that was conducted in mid-October showed Clinton having a five point lead in John McCain’s home state, but now the latest major poll has Trump up by two points.

One of the most important swing states out west is Nevada, and most surveys showed Hillary Clinton with a strong lead throughout the month of October.  Unfortunately for her, a poll that was conducted on Sunday shows Donald Trump with a four point lead.

Clearly Trump has the momentum at this point, and it will be very interesting to see how the numbers change over the next few days.

And as we learn more about what is in these newly discovered emails, will her fellow Democrats stick with her?  Already, some are publicly wavering.  The following example comes from WND
Longtime Clinton confidante and former Democratic pollster Doug Schoen told Fox News the newly renewed FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server is forcing him to “reassess” his support for the Democratic nominee for president.
Schoen, a Fox News contributor, made the comments to host Harris Faulkner during a live television appearance Sunday night on “Fox Report Weekend.”
Public opinion is shifting quickly, but the bad news for Trump is that more than 23 million Americans have already voted.  So millions upon millions of Americans cast their votes before they even learned of this new FBI investigation.  If the race is very close, that could end up making the difference.

And of course the race could dramatically change once again if the FBI comes to some sort of resolution about these new emails prior to November 8th.  On MondayCNN reported that a resolution before election day did not appear to be likely…
FBI officials are unlikely to finish their review of new emails potentially related to its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server before the November 8 election.
The initial work of cataloging top Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s emails found on her estranged husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop could be done in the next few days, US law enforcement officials told CNN.
But the investigators are expected to spend more time doing other work, including likely working with other federal agencies to determine what — if any — classified materials are in the emails. This makes it unlikely there will be a resolution prior to the election.
However, late on Monday evening the Drudge Report reported that the L.A. Times has learned that investigators may have a “preliminary assessment” completed “in coming days”…
LA TIMES TUESDAY: FBI Investigators had planned to conduct new email review over several weeks. It now hopes to complete ‘preliminary assessment’ in coming days, but agency officials have not decided how, or whether, they will disclose results publicly… Developing…
Whether good or bad, I do believe that the American people deserve to hear something conclusive about these emails before November 8th.

If nothing is found to implicate Clinton, the American people should be told that.

And if evidence of very serious crimes is discovered, there is no way in the world that should be held back until after the election.

Even if it throws the election into complete and utter chaos, the American people deserve to know the truth.

But will we get it?

Stay tuned, because I think that this is going to be a crazy week.

Sound the Shofars in the Nation's Capital - DAN CUMMINS CHARISMA NEWS

The Jefferson Memorial (David/Flickr/CC)

Sound the Shofars in the Nation's Capital

Nov. 6, 7 and 8—three nights leading up to the most important presidential election since the Civil War, concerned citizens will be gathering at the Upper Senate Park across Constitution Avenue from the U.S. Capitol to pray for the election and the nation's future.
Leading the three-night prayer vigil are hosts Pastor Dan and JoAnn Cummins of The Jefferson Gathering Worship Services and led by well-known Christian churches and organizations including the Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, Triumph Church of D.C., Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Somebody Cares International of Houston, Texas, Faith & Action in the Nation's Capital, and Hombres De Palabra (Men of Their Word) both of Washington, D.C.
The organizers believe that prayer, not politics, is the only hope and answer to America's problems. "Where people are praying, there is hope. When people pray things happen," says Pastor Dan Cummins, an associate pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California, and the onsite pastor of The Jefferson Gathering Worship Services which are held weekly in the nation's Capitol building for members of Congress, staff and all federal employees. Cummins and his wife, JoAnn, first began holding "Come Pray With Me" rallies in the small rural East Texas town of Bullard in 2010. 
The public is welcome to join the non-partisan evening vespers.
"Skyline Church is involved because we understand that America is in a crisis moment. The nation—as we know it—is gasping for air.  This is neither melodramatic nor defeatist. It is simply fact," says Dr. Jim Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego and oversite pastor of the Jefferson Gathering. "The kingdom of God will be fine—with or without America. But America may not survive. We pray for voters to enter the voting booth with a healthy reverence of God, casting a ballot for biblical concepts and principles."
Doug Stringer, of Houston, Texas, and founder of Somebody Cares International, believes that "we are living in very challenging, critical and volatile times. Every day the news is filled with more human tragedy or disaster. Crises are escalating at an unprecedented rate. As the body of Christ, we must respond." The reason Stringer and many from his organization are flying to Washington, D.C., to participate, "It's about the church humbling herself and crying out before God. Our private posture affects our public influence. Our private choices have public consequences. There is a battle for the soul of our nation."
Though the event is advertised as "non-partisan" the focus of its prayers will be for the nation and the election. Organizers believe that it was upon the influence of Judeo-Christian ethics that America was founded. They hope that this election will be influential in bringing the nation back to its core values.
"There is a steady undercurrent of targeted efforts to remove God from every vestige of American life and culture. These battles confirm a tangible reality that the things we hold sacred are slowly eroding away all around us," says Lea Carawan, president and executive director of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. "Thankfully, God's people are unifying with one heart and one voice in prayer for the country and those who lead her. God has been and always will be our only source of hope."
The focus of evening prayers will span from the White House to every house in America. The Supreme Court nominees and the judicial system will be a center of focus.
"If ever the American people needed to talk and listen to God—it is now. Faith & Action in the Nation's Capital is a missional ministry to our nation's leaders, no matter who they are. It is clear, that our work on Capitol Hill is more important now than it has been before," says Peggy Nienaber, vice president of programs and operations for "Faith & Action in the Nation's Capital," an organization that ministers primarily to the Supreme Court.
Other organizations participating in the Upper Senate Park pray vigil are Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, Triumph Church of D.C. and Hombres De Palabra (Men of Their Word).
Individuals and church groups are invited to attend. The organizers ask that no political clothing, apparel, banners or signs be worn or brought to the event. This also includes any type of musical interments or shofars. You may bring lawn chairs and blankets. Suggested parking for cars and buses is provided at Union Station just north of Upper State Park.  
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Muslim Inscription Acknowledges Jewish Temple - Aviel Schneider ISRAEL TODAY

Muslim Inscription Acknowledges Jewish Temple

Tuesday, November 01, 2016 |  Aviel Schneider  ISRAEL TODAY
An inscription from the early Islamic period has been added to the pile of evidence attesting to a long Jewish connection to Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, contrary to recent decisions taken by the United Nations.
The inscription, which was found during the excavation of a mosque in the Palestinian village of Nuba near Hebron, refers to what is now called the Dome of the Rock as “Bait al-Maqdess,” the Arabic version of “Beit Hamikdah,” which is Hebrew for the Temple.
According to Israeli archaeologists Asaf Avraham and Peretz Reuven, the unique inscription dates to the 10th century, and further confirms that for centuries after the Islamic conquest, Muslims continued to link Jerusalem’s Temple Mount to the Jewish Temple of the Bible. Numerous Islamic sources from the time attest to this.
Avraham and Reuven noted in a press conference last Thursday that early Islam drew much from Judaism, leading to the building of the Dome of the Rock where the Temple previously stood.
“At the start of the Muslim period, religious rites were held inside the Dome of the Rock compound that imitated the ceremonies conducted in the Jewish Temple,” Avraham explained.
In more recent years, Arab Muslim leaders in Israel and abroad have vociferously denied any historical connection between the Jews and the Temple Mount, even in the face of their own religion’s documentation.
It has been frustrating for Israel to see the “Christian” West join in this fiasco, but despite attempts to rewrite history, the truth will always be revealed.
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Monday, October 31, 2016

Are We Deceiving Ourselves About the Importance of the Supreme Court? - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

Considering just how many close, monumentally important, rulings have come down in the last few years, the stakes really are quite high. (MitchellShapiroPhotography/Flickr/CC)

Are We Deceiving Ourselves About the Importance of the Supreme Court? 

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown
One of the biggest reasons Christian conservatives are voting for Donald Trump is the make-up of the Supreme Court, and the reasoning is simple: If Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will nominate two to four new justices, and that could have a disastrous effect on the nation for the next 20-40 years, threatening our fundamental liberties and making it virtually impossible to overturn Roe v. Wade for a generation or more.
But are these concerns exaggerated?
Dr. Benjamin L. Corey, who blogs as a committed (and formerly fundamentalist) Christian, recently posted an article entitled, "The Christian Right's False Hope In A Conservative SCOTUS," in which he challenges the idea that "if we had a SCOTUS filled with justices largely appointed by Republicans, we wouldn't have Roe v. Wade, right?"
Corey rightly observes that "it was a majority Republican appointed SCOTUS that legalized abortion in the first place," noting that five of the seven justices who voted for Roe were appointed by Republicans.
He writes, "Even in the time since Roe v. Wade, we've had periods of Republican dominance of SCOTUS—at one point with eight of the nine justices were Republican! And yet there have still been plenty of rulings that were objectionable to the right wing—including the upholding of Roe v. Wade."
He continues, "So here's my question: If legalized abortion was given to America by a Republican SCOTUS, and if it has been upheld by an almost unanimously Republican SCOTUS, why the heck is one of the major selling points of this election the idea that they'll get more court picks so that they can finally overturn it?"
In fact, Harry Blackmun, who authored the majority verdict in Roe v. Wade, was a Nixon appointee who was expected to hold a conservative position on abortion. Instead, he became a passionate supporter of a woman's "right" to have an abortion.
Is Corey, then, correct in reproving Christian conservatives who are trusting in Donald Trump to nominate good SCOTUS justices who will (hopefully) overturn Roe v. Wadeand stand for our fundamental freedoms?
On the one hand, he is absolutely right in raising a cautionary flag, reminding us of how often we have been disappointed with either the justices appointed by a Republican president or, even more profoundly, with the decisions made by some Republican appointees.
After all, it was Justice Kennedy, appointed by Reagan, who was the notorious swing vote in the Obergefell v. Hodges decision that redefined marriage, writing the majority opinion.
And it was Chief Justice John Roberts, appointed by George W. Bush, who was a strong, surprise vote in upholding Obamacare.
And so, we do well not to vote for Trump with naïve expectations, not only regarding the make-up of SCOTUS but for other reasons as well (although, as I have recently explained, I plan to vote for him). And we do well not to put our hope in the decisions that will be made by the Supreme Court, recognizing that the ultimate way America will be changed will be through the faithful witness and work of the church.
But there's something important that Corey appears to have missed, which is this: While the votes of conservative-appointed SCOTUS justices sometimes disappoint conservatives, the votes of liberal-appointed SCOTUS justices rarely disappoint liberals.
In other words, a liberal-appointed justice is much more likely to be consistent in his or her rulings than will a conservative-appointed justice, one reason being that it appears that Republican presidents have sometimes appointed more middle of the road conservatives while Democrat presidents have appointed more radical liberals.
Just look at how Justices Kagan and Sotomayor, both appointed by Obama, and Justices Ginsburg and Breyer, both appointed by Bill Clinton, have voted on major cases, including Obergefell and Hobby Lobby. There were no surprises from any of them in these cases.
And ask yourself how some recent, critically important, 5-4 decisions would have turned out if there was a Clinton or Obama appointee voting rather than Justice Scalia (appointed by Reagan) or Justice Alito (appointed by George W. Bush) or Justice Thomas (appointed by George H. W. Bush; note also that Scalia, Alito and Thomas have been quite consistent in their rulings).
Accordingly, while five out of the seven Republican-appointed justices disappointed their conservative constituents in Roe v. Wade, the two Democrat-appointed justices did not disappoint their constituents in voting in favor of Roe.
Not only so, but since 1973, the lines have been drawn much more clearly in the abortion debate and there are clearer litmus tests that can be used in appointing justices by either potential president.
And while I agree with Corey that there's certainly no guarantee that Trump-appointed justices would even attempt to overturn Roe v. Wade, let alone succeed in doing it, there is a virtual guarantee that Hillary-appointed justices would rule against pro-life legislation and for pro-abortion legislation, not to mention ruling the wrong way on the many religious liberty cases that are expected to come before SCOTUS in the coming years, along with other cases involving the meaning of marriage, the right to bear arms and more.
Just consider recent bills like California's AB 1266, which could effectively shut down Christian colleges, or recent rulings like Ninth Circuit's upholding of the California law that pro-life pregnancy centers refer clients to abortion clinics, and ask yourself how SCOTUS would rule with new Hillary appointees on board.
And what of the roughly 250, life-appointed, federal judges who the next president will nominate? Shall we factor that in as well?
In light of these realities, it does make good sense to vote for Trump and against Hillary, more with the certainty of the damage she will do rather than with the hope of the good that he will do.
Considering just how many close, monumentally important, rulings have come down in the last few years, the stakes really are quite high.
Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Breaking the Stronghold of Food. Connect with him on Facebook or Twitter.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!" - The Elijah List

October 31, 2016

"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!"

by Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve ShultzDutch Sheets is a personal friend. But FAR MORE than that, he is a FRIEND OF ALL CHRISTIANS and beyond that, he is a FRIEND TO THE UNITED STATES and HE IS A FRIEND TO GOD!

He is probably the most passionate intercessor and lover of the United States that I know.

This election is a "big deal!" —Now listen to Dutch!

Dutch just posted a MUST WATCH 2-minute video...that has a significant amount of views in just a few days so far. We are sending it out to all of our readers on the Elijah List and Breaking Christian News.

Dutch is very, very passionate in his video about the importance of this election. Below we share some highlights from his video such as:

"If we don't stop it now, you can forget recovery in four or eight years—it'll be 40 years. Because somebody's gonna stack this court with a minimum of two, three, maybe five appointees. And there going to end up in 4-8 years from now with a 7-2 advantage which will last a generation."

Please make sure and share this word and his video with everyone that you know. If Christians ever needed to come together as ONE VOICE...this is that time over our great nation of America! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: http://elijahlist.com/subscribe.


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 

"Dutch Sheets' Strong Message to EVERY Christian: Start Measuring ... by What Is Really At Stake!"by Dutch Sheets, Dallas, TX

"You better take a stand, because you're not voting for a personality, you're voting for that Supreme Court!"

In a video posted on his Facebook page, well-known author, teacher and prophetic minister—Dutch Sheets shared a brief, but strong word for the Church. (Screengrab via Facebook)

Along with the video, Dutch added:
At Thursday night's #AppealToHeaven conference, I made some statements about the upcoming election. I firmly believe this election is about the Courts in our nation. The American Church must carefully weigh who they are voting for and what values they are going to support. 

This election isn't about a personality; it's about the Courts and how they will shape our nation over the coming decades. May the Church hear more clearly than ever before. And may we be bold, standing for righteousness and Biblical values like never before.

In the video, Dutch warned, "If we don't stop it now, you can forget recovery in four or eight years—it'll be 40 years. Because somebody's gonna stack this court with a minimum of two, three, maybe five appointees. And there going to end up in 4-8 years from now with a 7-2 advantage which will last a generation."

Other points Dutch Sheets mentions:

• "I submit to the ChurchYou better stop playing games and judging in the natural and start judging by the spirit."

• "Enough of this religious, 'I'm not going to vote at all because I don't like anybody!'"

• "In the days of the Ekklesia, in Biblical times, you are not allowed as a member of the Ekklesia to not show up and voteyou had to vote. And I say to the ChurchYou're going to have to take a stand!"

• "You're not voting for a personalityYou're voting for that Supreme Court!"
Watch and share this short but vitally important video by clicking here or click on video image below:

To read another vitally important word recently posted by Dutch Sheets "Election 2016: The Christian's Dilemma" click here. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and societal transformation. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. Dutch's greatest passion is to see America experience a sweeping revival and return to its godly heritage. 

Dutch is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging Believers to contend for awakening in our day and reformation in our lifetime. Dutch has written over 20 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. Dutch and his wife Ceci have been married for 35 years and now reside in the Dallas area. They treasure time spent with their two grown daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren.