Wednesday, November 9, 2016

She. Has. Been. Stopped. - Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog


New post on Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

She. Has. Been. Stopped.

by joelcrosenberg
She. Has. Been. Stopped.
I thank God these prayers have been answered in an absolutely stunning, historic and largely unexpected night.
To her credit, Hillary Clinton has called Trump to concede the race -- something I'm not sure I ever truly thought I'd see.
So now it's official:
  • Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the United States
  • Gov. Mike Pence will be the next Vice President of the United States
  • The House will remain in conservative Republican control.
  • The Senate -- another stunner -- will remain under Republican control.
Coming from behind, making many mistakes, yet finishing strong, Mr. Trump did the impossible in this campaign, becoming the first non-politician, non-war hero ever to win the presidency in the entire history of the Republic.
He just finished his acceptance speech -- I thought it was gracious, positive, and remarkably humble.
He said "the forgotten people" of the country would "no longer be forgotten." He said he would need the help of many to bring the country together, and he would seek that help. Good for him. It was the best speech I've ever heard Trump give -- presidential -- and it was just what we needed to hear from the victor.
The Clintons were defeated tonight. The Obamas were defeated tonight. The Left was crushed. They look and sound deeply shaken. They didn't see this coming. They are now bracing for impact, as is the media and the markets.
Let us pray for our new President and Vice President, and their families and teams -- for safety, for wisdom, for stamina. Let us pray for a peaceful transition of power come January. And let us continue to pray that the Lord would show mercy to an America in deep trouble and deeply divided.
[This column is based on my personal beliefs and opinions. I share them in my personal capacity as an American citizen and an author. They do not reflect the views of The Joshua Fund, which is a non-profit organization and takes no political or legislative positions.]
joelcrosenberg | November 9, 2016 at 8:28 am | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

Trump Victory Means End of 'Palestinian State' - Israel Today

Trump Victory Means End of 'Palestinian State'

Wednesday, November 09, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Israeli politicians and commentators, like most others around the world, woke up Wednesday morning in shock over Donald Trump’s upset victory in the US presidential election.
But Israel was probably one of the few countries where most people viewed Trump’s win as a good surprise.
For months, local polls have showed that a majority of Israelis believed Trump would be better for the Jewish state than his rival, Hillary Clinton.
That is especially true of Israel’s right-wing majority, which views Trump’s victory as the death knell of of the “two-state solution” and all talk of an independent Palestinian state.
Member of Knesset Betzalel Smotrich (Jewish Home) issued a statement calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to take the Trump victory as an opportunity “to stand behind the settlements in Judea and Samaria, and announce today the construction of thousands of new housing units, planning and construction of new towns and cities.”
Some commentators on morning radio talk shows even quipped that Israel could now come under American pressure to build more settlements.
MK Yehuda Glick (Likud) invited Trump to “visit Israel and Judea and Samaria to see for himself…that settlement is the way to peace.” Glick also hoped Trump would ascend the Temple Mount and help restore Jewish worship there.
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YUUGE!!! Donald Trump Will Be 45th President of the United States 12:30AM EST 11/9/2016 BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump won the presidency Tuesday night, defeating globalists, liberals, and socialists to win the White House. (Reuters photo)

YUUGE!!! Donald Trump Will Be 45th President of the United States

Stop calling Donald Trump the Republican presidential nominee. He's now the president-elect, and in 71 days, he will be the 45th president of the United States.
With the final votes being tallied in Alaska, Arizona, Michigan and Pennsylvania, Trump was poised to finish with 306 electoral votes to Hillary Clinton's 232. As of this writing, the media awaited Clinton's concession and Trump's victory speeches.
According to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, there would be no statement from the former secretary of state Wednesday morning. Podesta said three states were "too close to call," although several news organizations had declared one or more of those states for Trump, giving him more than 270 electoral votes.
"They're still counting votes and every vote should count.," he said. "We'll have more to say tomorrow."
Traditionally, the victor waits for the concession speech before giving his own speech. It's unclear what races the Clinton campaign considers "too close." As of 2 a.m. EST Wednesday, Trump held the following leads:
  • Pennsylvania (20 EV, declared for Trump by the Associated Press, New York Times, and Politico)—approximately 76,000 votes with 89 percent reporting
  • Wisconsin (10 EV, declared for Trump by FOX News and Politico)—approximately 77,000 votes with 98 percent reporting
  • Michigan (16 EV)—approximately 58,000 with 94 percent reporting
  • Arizona (11 EV)—approximately 75,000 with 82 percent reporting
Trump also leads in the popular vote—56,763,692 to 55,708,378—by more than 1 million votes.
Clinton may not have wanted to concede Wednesday morning, but Wall Street seems to have decided the race is over. The Dow Jones Industrial Futures index was down 750 points when Pennsylvania's decisive results were announced.
At approximately 2:50 a.m., Trump came out on the stage to give his victory speech, having been introduced by his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. He led off by indicating he had received a concession phone call from Clinton.
Keep checking here for updates as reaction comes in.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Franklin Graham: Donald Trump Has Changed - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Franklin Graham
The Rev. Franklin Graham is urging millennials and Christians to "hold their noses" and vote, coming just short of endorsing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. (BGEA photo)

Franklin Graham: Donald Trump Has Changed

Before the presidential primary process even started, Rev. Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, said he would not endorse a candidate.
But in a recent media interview, he came pretty close to doing just that, urging millennial voters to "hold their nose" and vote, saying Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a changed man. His comments, excerpted below, were pretty transparent:
We do not live in a perfect world, the political world is not perfect but we are citizens of the United States. So for the Millennials that are listening, you've got an opportunity to change the future of your country, and that is by the ballot box, by voting ...
There's two different pictures and two different visions for America. The Democratic Party has a vision, Hillary Clinton has a vision, Donald Trump has a totally different vision for this nation with the Republican Party. This isn't difficult to figure out if you are a Christian. There's really very few choices here because the Republican party has a platform where they support life, the unborn, they're very clear on these issues. I think it all boils down to the Supreme Court ...
You may have to hold your nose and vote. I have people that say, "Well I don't like Donald Trump, I don't like what he says." Well I don't like what he said either, I promise I don't like it. But those are things that he said 11 years ago, not something that he said today. I think Donald Trump has changed. I think God is working on his heart and in his life. But people have to make up their own mind ...
Now we have a chance to make a change in this nation and I would encourage Millennials, I would encourage Christians to vote, but pray before you vote. I'm not going to tell you how to vote but you pray and ask God what you should do but vote.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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The IDF: Our Strong Defenders ✡ "From This Time Forth" - ISRAEL365

Therefore, prophesy, O son of man, and say to Gog, So said the Lord God: Surely on that day, when My people dwells securely, you will know.

לָכֵן הִנָּבֵא בֶן-אָדָם וְאָמַרְתָּ לְגוֹג כֹּה אָמַר אֲ-דֹנָי יְ-הוִה  הֲלוֹא בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא בְּשֶׁבֶת עַמִּי יִשְׂרָאֵל לָבֶטַח--תֵּדָע

יחזקאל לח:יד

a-khayn hi-na-vay ven a-dam v'-a-mar-ta l'-gog ko a-mar a-do-nai e-lo-heem ha-lo ba-yom ha-hu b'-she-vet a-mee yis-ra-ayl la-ve-takh -- tay-da

Today's Israel Inspiration

In Ezekiel's final apocalyptic vision, Gog and Magog make their evil preparations to invade Israel. This verse gives us a hint into the mind of Israel's enemies. What causes them to attack? When they see the People of Israel living in peace and quiet in the Land of Israel. They pose no threat, but Israel's enemies are prepared to risk everything to see them destroyed. As God makes clear, He will never allow that to happen! (see Ezekiel 38:15-23). Show your support of the Defenders of the Holy Land.

The Silent Heroes of the IDF: Reservists

The real strength of the IDF is quiet and unseen: the army’s incredible thousands of reserve forces who leave their everyday lives to put on a uniform, return to base and sharpen their soldiering skills.

Hollywood Billionaire Raises $38 Million for Our Soldiers

“It is incumbent upon us to stand by these brave soldiers and support them in whatever way we can, so they know how deep our commitment is to their well being and their futures.”

This Election Day, Relax With a Hot Cup of Tea from Israel

Nothing says relaxation more than stealing a minute with a hot cup of tea, and a good book. Ceremonie Teas bring you quality blended teas from Israel. With a variety of flavors to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect one to help you relax. And while sipping, you might want to check out our book collection as well!
Shop Israeli Tea  »

Israel Photo Trivia

Stopping for a moment to pose with the flag of their homeland, our IDF soldiers were spotted in one of Jerusalem's hottest hangout spots. Do you know where this photo was taken? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

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Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Roberta Dixon from New Hampshire.

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