Friday, November 11, 2016

Rabbis: Trump's Election Divinely Sent to Usher in Second Coming - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Donald Trump's victory in Tuesday's election was God's will, according to several rabbis. (Reuters photo)

Rabbis: Trump's Election Divinely Sent to Usher in Second Coming
According to a new report by Breaking Israel News, several rabbis have concluded President-Elect Donald Trump's win Tuesday night/Wednesday morning over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was "the will of God."
As the rabbi who oversees the final resting place of King David on Mount Zion, Rabbi Yosef Berger is intimately connected to the spirituality of kingship. For him it was clear what tipped the scales in favor of the Republican underdog.
"I have known for months that Donald Trump would win the elections," Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. "The gematria (numerology) of his name is Moshiach (Messiah). He is connected to the Messianic process which is happening right now. When he promised to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem, he attached himself to the power of Moshiach, which gave him the boost he needed. If you separate from Jerusalem, disaster will follow."
When taking the gematria into account, it was clear that Trump had a spiritual edge. As Rabbi Berger pointed out, the gematria for Donald Trump in Hebrew (דונלד טראמפ) is 424, which is equal to the gematria of "Messiah for the House of David" (משיח בן דוד). The Ben Ish Chai, an authority on Jewish law and master kabbalist who lived in Baghdad 150 years ago, interpreted the number 212 as a difficult time for Israel before the Final Redemption. Trump's gematria is twice that, signifying an ongoing Messiah process.
Rabbi Berger was clear on how this election fit into the process of Messiah. "As the spiritual descendant of the biblical nation of Edom, America has a very important role to play in the Messiah. But in order to be suited for that role, America had to be humbled," Rabbi Berger stated.
"In order to establish his kingdom, God had to create confusion, a situation in which the best plans laid by the most powerful people, comes to nothing."
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Faith Leaders React to Trump Victory: Mainstream Media Plot 'Backfired' - CBN News Paul Strand

Leaders React to Trump Victory: Mainstream Media Plot 'Backfired'
CBN News Paul Strand

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump earned a lot of support from evangelical voters in this election, more than Mitt Romney did in 2012. Now Christian leaders are sharing their reactions to the Trump triumph, depending on their particular ministry or work.
Ralph Reed set a goal for his Faith and Freedom Coalition to convince a record number of Christians to go the polls on Election Day.  
"To have Donald Trump get 81 percent of the evangelical vote, which is higher than Ronald Reagan got, it's higher than George W. Bush got – and to have Hillary Clinton get a lower share of that vote than Michael Dukakis got is pretty extraordinary," he said.
Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center points to the role the mainstream media played in Tuesday's results.  Bozell regularly criticizes the liberal agenda of networks and newspapers and believes that's the major reason they have loss the public trust.
"Advancing Hillary Clinton, but more importantly, trying to destroy Donald Trump…and then with WikiLeaks, we learned that they were actually working with the campaign, which we assumed all along, but the evidence came out," Bozell told CBN News.
"So the public saw this. The public saw that they too were considered a basket of 'Deplorables' in the eyes of the national media.  And it backfired on them," he explained.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, with the Susan B. Anthony List, helped Trump capture the pro-life vote. She sees a mandate for the anti-abortion agenda.
"That means we've got smooth sailing to defund Planned Parenthood, to get a majority vote again on the Pain-Capable Act, that 20-week limit," Dannenfelser explained. "It means that pro-life Supreme Court justices will be nominated. Those are the commitments. And we'll put the Hyde Amendment, the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion law permanently into law."
In a campaign in which the Left talked about a war on women, many women felt attacked if they didn't publicly back Clinton. While Penny Nance, head of Concerned Women for America, would like to see a woman president eventually, she's clear about what the priority should be.
"As the leader of Concerned Women for America, we are more than happy to wait for a female president who represents our values," Nance told CBN News.
"Concerned Women for America members are jubilant," she continued. "We're so thrilled to come out and support a candidate who agrees with us on the Supreme Court, the fact that we're going to have about 500 lower court judges now who are going to be pro-life."
Rev. Pat Mahoney with the Christian Defense Coalition decided to go to The White House the morning after the election and pray for whomever won the presidency.
"We can all agree on we want to see our nation strong.  We want to see our nation united. We want to reach out in justice to the poor and needy.  We want to stand for basic values that unite all Americans," Mahoney said.
So where does the nation go from here?
"This candidate, Donald Trump, and Mike Pence of course, has promised the pro-life movement more than any other candidate in presidential history," Dannenfelser said.
"We know that the country was much more conservative on social issues than the people who have been leading us," Nance said. "And now we're able to put the numbers to that and we're able to move forward and protect our nation, protect our children, protect the least of these: the unborn."
Watch report here: Trump Victory

Trump to Israel: I Love You - Israel Today

Trump to Israel: 

I Love You

Friday, November 11, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Just days after his upset victory in the US presidential election, Donald Trump affirmed that his time in the White House will be marked a new closeness in US-Israel relations.
“I love and respect Israel and its citizens,” Trump wrote in a statement to daily commuter paper Israel Hayom, which is owned by one of Trump’s biggest campaign backers, Jewish-American billionaire Sheldon Adelson.
The US president-elect continued: “I look forward to strengthening the unbreakable bond between our two great peoples. I know well that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, and that it is the only one that defends human rights, and that it is a ray of hope for many people.”
As for the peace process, Trump, like his official campaign platform, refused to commit to the two-state solution, instead insisting that the two sides must negotiate a mutually-agreeable solution.
“I believe that my administration will be able to fill an important role in aiding the two sides to reach a just and lasting peace, one which must come through negotiations between the two sides themselves, and not through coercion by outside elements,” he said. “Israel and the Jewish people deserve it.”
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Judaism's Right to Israel's Biblical Heartland ✡ "Word of Hashem" - ISRAEL365

And he bought the hill Shomron of Shemer for two talents of silver; and he built on the hill, and called the name of the city which he built, after the name of Shemer, the owner of the hill, Shomron.

וַיִּקֶן אֶת הָהָר שֹׁמְרוֹן מֵאֶת שֶׁמֶר בְּכִכְּרַיִם כָּסֶף וַיִּבֶן אֶת הָהָר וַיִּקְרָא אֶת שֵׁם הָעִיר אֲשֶׁר בָּנָה עַל שֶׁם שֶׁמֶר אֲדֹנֵי הָהָר שֹׁמְרוֹן

מלאכים  א' טז:כד

va-YI-ken et ha-HAR sho-m’-RON may-et SHE-mer b’-khi-k’-RA-yim KA-sef
va-YI-ven et ha-HAR va-yik-RA et shaym ha-EER a-SHER ba-NAH al shem
SHE-mer a-do-NAY ha-HAR sho-m’-RON

Shabbat Inspiration

Samaria, known in Hebrew as ‘Shomron,’ is an important part of both the Biblical heartland of Israel and the modern State of Israel. Omri purchases this land to be the capital of the Kingdom of Israel. This land, which comprises over 11% of the modern State of Israel, was liberated during the Six Day War and is home to many vibrant communities. Some of the most well-known include Ariel (which hosts a university), Karnei Shomron, Elon Moreh and Itamar. Since it is located in the middle of Israel it plays a vital role in the spirituality, economics and security of the country. Though Omri sins greatly in his religious conduct, his acquisition of the ‘Shomron’ is of great national importance. Join the brave men and women who work tirelessly to make the Shomron flourish and thrive!

Father Naddaf Discovers the Magic of Samaria

Accompanied by Sondra Oster Baras, founder and director of CFOIC, Father Gabriel Naddaf tours Samaria and learns what makes the Biblical heartland thrive!

21 Israeli Charities Gifted With Over $2 Million

Twenty-one Jewish and Israeli organizations supporting aliyah, the IDF, medical care for the needy, education, and terror victims, among many other causes, received the donations from Pastor Hagee in a large celebration for the Ministries’ supporters.

A Gift for Foreign Diplomats

Recognizing 50 years of a united Jerusalem, Tzipi Hotovely, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, has chosen pieces from the City of David collection as gifts for foreign diplomats. City of David designs take artifacts, proving the thousands year connection of the Jewish people to Jerusalem, and recreates them as beautiful jewelry.
Shop City of David - Now 20% OFF »

Today's Israel Photo

Today's photo is a stunning view of the Judaean Desert and the thriving city of Maale Adumim as seen from Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. Just another reason to love Israel! Photo by
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New Hampshire.

“Sending Brotherly Love”

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Shalom, I just fell in love with the People of God and the scriptures. Also with Eretz Yisrael and the Hebrew language. May the Lord's peace and joy be wth you all. I love to listen to GEULA and TOKER radio. Brotherly love from Brother Jean Viljoen, South-Africa
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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