Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Rabbis Urge Trump, Putin to Help Rebuild Temple in Jerusalem - Israel Today

Rabbis Urge Trump, Putin to Help Rebuild Temple in Jerusalem

Tuesday, November 15, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
A group of leading Israeli rabbis see in US President-elect Donald Trump and Russia President Vladimir Putin echoes of King Cyrus of Persia, who 2,500 years ago assisted the Jewish people in rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.
Prof. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, a spokesman for the Sanhedrin, a modern effort to revive the ancient Jewish religious court, noted in remarks reported by Israel National News:
“The political conditions today, in which the two most important national leaders in the world support the Jewish right to Jerusalem as their spiritual inheritance, is historically unprecedented.”
The Sanhedrin sent letters to both Trump and Putin urging them to work together to fulfill a project that will benefit all mankind - the rebuilding of the Holy Temple atop Jerusalem’s hotly contested Temple Mount.
Both leaders have expressed support for Jewish claims to Jerusalem, though Trump has certainly been the most vocal of the two.
At any rate, Israel is “poised to rebuild the Temple,” Weiss insisted.
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BIN EXCLUSIVE: Meet Mike Pence’s Orthodox, Jewish, Israeli Cousins - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

BIN EXCLUSIVE: Meet Mike Pence’s Orthodox, Jewish, Israeli Cousins

“I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the valley of Yehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there for My people and for My heritage Yisrael whom they have scattered among the nations and divided My land.” Joel 4:2 (The Israel Bible™)
Michael Pence, the Vice President-elect, is a long-time ardent supporter of Israel, but it turns out that his connection to the Holy Land goes deeper than even he knows: the Evangelical Christian from Indiana has Orthodox Jewish relatives, one of whom lives in the Golan Heights and is eager to meet his cousin.
The genealogical connection centers around Tamsen (Tammy) Socher, a Jewish grandmother living in West Los Angeles. She spent most of her life in the San Fernando Valley, but when she moved to Ohio, eight years ago, she felt a need to maintain a connection to her family and became interested in genealogy. Her search quickly led her to a relative, Richard Pence, an amateur genealogist. She was impressed by his work.

Mike Pence and Merrill Socher-Axelrod (Courtesy Merrill Socher-Axelrod)
Mike Pence and Merrill Socher-Axelrod (Courtesy Merrill Socher-Axelrod)

“Some people just want to fill in the blanks, but Richard really worked hard at getting it right,” Tammy said in an interview with Breaking Israel News. Tammy realized that Pence was not a common name. “It doesn’t really come from England. It was one of those made-up Ellis Island names, so we are all connected. I haven’t met a ‘Pence’ yet who wasn’t a relative.”
Most of her family was from Indiana, so Tammy asked Richard if Michael Pence, then an Indiana congressman, was a relative. Richard, who is now deceased, answered that the Michael Pence was indeed her fourth cousin on her father’s side. Tammy tried to contact Pence at the time but was unsuccessful.
The Vice president-elect is aware of this family connection. When he was on the campaign trail, Tammy’s cousin Merrill Socher-Axelrod, an Israeli citizen living in Michigan, went to a campaign event. Michael Pence showed up late but Merrill hurried to be photographed with her famous relative. When she stood next to him, she told him quickly, “You have Orthodox Jewish cousins in Israel. Here is some family lineage. Your cousins are my cousins.”
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She handed him a letter from Tammy describing the family connection. It noted that several of his relatives are religious Jews, and at least one lives in Israel. Included in the information was a personal invitation from Tammy’s son, Jesse, inviting his vice-presidential cousin to come visit him in his Golan home the next time Pence is in Israel.
Jesse Socher told Breaking Israel News that his invitation was sincere.

Jesse Socher and his son, in an IDF uniform. (Courtesy Jesse Socher)
Jesse Socher and his son, in an IDF uniform. (Courtesy Jesse Socher)

“I know he probably won’t take me up on it, but I support him and he seems like a nice guy,” Socher said. “If he comes to Israel, I would love to get together.”
Jesse is realistic about the significance of this family connection. “When it comes to making political decisions, I doubt that it makes a difference to him that he has family in the Golan. But it does say a lot about how interconnected Israel and America are.”
Pence has visited Israel several times and has referred to Israel as “America’s most cherished ally.” In 2014, he headed a high-level business delegation from his state on a visit to Israel sponsored by Christians United for Israel.
In 2016, he signed into law a bill which would ban Indiana from having any commercial dealings with companies that boycotts Israel. Pence has also said that he opposes a Palestinian state. Quoted as saying he was “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order,” his support for Israel is more based on ideology than politics.
In an address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in 2009, Pence assured the audience, “Let me say emphatically, like the overwhelming majority of my constituents, my Christian faith compels me to cherish the State of Israel.”

King Solomon's Enduring Wisdom ✡ "Put in His Heart" - ISRAEL365

And all the earth sought the presence of Shlomo, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.

וְכָל הָאָרֶץ מְבַקְשִׁים אֶת פְּנֵי שְׁלֹמֹה לִשְׁמֹעַ אֶת חָכְמָתוֹ אֲשֶׁר נָתַן אֱלֹהִים בְּלִבּוֹ

מלאכים א' י:כב

v’-KHOL ha-A-retz m’-vak-SHEEM et p’-NAY sh’-lo-MOH lish-MO-a et
khokh-ma-TO a-SHER na-TAN e-lo-HEEM b’-li-BO

Today's Israel Inspiration

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner points out that today's verse represents a tremendous sanctification of God’s Name. Though King Solomon is the wealthiest, most powerful king of the time, this is not why he is sought out by the entire world. All humanity wishes to be in his presence because of the great wisdom that God has given him. This shows that the kingdom of Israel is unlike all other kingdoms; it is a holy kingdom. When Jewish leaders represent the highest levels of ethics and wisdom, they sanctify God’s name among all the inhabitants of the world. One of the most important traits of a Jewish leader is a thorough knowledge of God's teachings in the Bible. With eTeacher, you can learn not only to read, but to understand the depth of meaning behind each and every verse throughout the Hebrew Bible.

The Biblical Roots of the Word 'Hallelujah'

The English word "Hallelujah" is a Hebrew loanword: it came to us from Biblical Hebrew and has been absorbed in the exact same form in modern speech. But how did this come about?

The Truth About Angels

Angels appear hundreds of times throughout the Bible, but the essence and purpose of these celestial beings are not always clear.

Today's Israel Photo

The prayers said each and every day by Jews all over the world accumulate in God's books, steadily earning merit and guaranteeing a closeness with the Creator of the world. Coming to the Western Wall raises those prayers even higher and ensures a spiritual rejuvenation with each word spoken.
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Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Linda Clay from California in honor of Robert David Clay's birthday.
Israel is an awesome country and the people are so friendly. I am truly blessed to have been allowed to visit and walk in the Old City of Jerusalem. Peace to Jerusalem and her people.”.

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I would like to thank you for the grate teachings you have thought me for the last months and i know lam not going to remain the same,my life in God is going to benefit others in his kingdom.Special thanks to all my teachers for the good work done.God bless you a lot and keep me in prayers and also visit me one time. thank you, Onyangai Augustine
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Does USAToday Finally 'Get It' About the Trump Prophecies? - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

President-Elect Trump
USAToday reported Friday about how the prophetic movement "accurately predicted" President-Elect Donald Trump's general election victory. (Reuters photo)

Does USAToday Finally 'Get It' About the Trump Prophecies?

When it comes to the liberal mainstream media, the prophetic movement almost always gets the short end of the stick—usually as the butt of a joke meant to demean Christianity in general.
But a recent report in USAToday suggests at least one news outlet might have actually figured it out—even if it got buried way inside its Friday edition. Written by Josh Hafner, who marginally reported on President-Elect Donald Trump's campaign in the final days before last Tuesday's general election, it makes one very bold point in its headline: There were prophets who got it right.
Tuesday morning, as every major election model predicted a defeat for Donald Trump, a South Carolina minister named Rick Joyner wrote on Facebook that he foresaw a different outcome.
"This is the poll that counts," Joyner wrote of the election, "and all of the signs point to a strong Trump victory tonight."
He continued: "If you don't think the polls reveal that, you're right."
Many evangelicals view Joyner, the founder of MorningStar Ministries in Fort Mills, as a prophetic voice who describes hearing and seeing divine revelations from God, often on current events. More than 200,000 follow Joyner's Facebook page, where he frequently posts about U.S. politics. And in the months leading up to Nov. 8, Joyner's feed offered a window into world of charismatic evangelicals whose election predictions flew in the face of data-driven pollsters.
And they ended up being right.
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Arsonists Target Ancient Jewish Sites Absalom’s Tomb and Cave of Jehoshaphat - Tazpit Press Service BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Arsonists Target Ancient Jewish Sites Absalom’s Tomb and Cave of Jehoshaphat

“And the king was much moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept; and as he went, thus he said: ‘O my son Avshalom, my son, my son Avshalom! would I had died for thee, O Avshalom, my son, my son!’” II Samuel 19:1 (The Israel Bible™)
By: Ilana Messika
The Israeli authorities reported an arson on the weekend of November 12, in the area of the “Tomb of Absalom” and the “Cave of Jehoshaphat,” situated in the Kidron Valley on the eastern side of the Old City separating the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives.

The Tomb of Absalom was damaged by fire. (Israel Nature and Parks Authority)
The Tomb of Absalom was damaged by fire. (Israel Nature and Parks Authority)

The fire is said to have caused serious archaeological damages.
The burial complexes in the Kidron Valley are attributed to the Jewish aristocracy of the late Second Temple period and are considered to represent architectural wonders.  The national park around the walls of Jerusalem surrounds the Old City, which represents the historical heart of Jerusalem.
Be a part of Biblical prophecy today!
According to Assaf Avraham, director of the national park under the Israel Nature and Parks Authority: “the findings point to an arson which unfortunately caused severe damage to valuable heritage and archaeological jewels.
“The national park has many visitors but is also, to our regrets, often fertile ground for acts of vandalism carried out by breakers of the law.”
The Israeli Police and the Israel Nature and Parks Authority launched an intensive investigation into the case and preliminary finding seem to indicate arson of a deliberate and criminal nature. Both bodies are attempting to find the people responsible in order to bring them to justice.

Christian school in our village. Moses Julius Shalom Today Ministries Lahore, Pakistan

This is Christian school in our village. Shalom Today Ministry is a self support ministry to help these children in their education. We help provide school bags, uniforms and school shoes.

Moses Julius
Shalom Today Ministries
Lahore, Pakistan

 Moses Julius with Shalom Today Ministries - providing school bags

School supplies for the kids

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Love For His People, Inc.
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