Friday, December 16, 2016

Trump's Ambassador to Israel Is "To The Right of Netanyahu" - ONLY SIMCHAS NEWS

Trump's Ambassador to Israel Is  "To The Right of Netanyahu" 
President-elect Donald Trump is nominating his top Jewish surrogate, David Friedman to be U.S. ambassador to Israel.
Friedman, a real estate & bankruptcy lawyer, is an Orthodox Jew who is a member of the Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst and lives in Woodmere, NY. Friedman has been married for  35 years to Tammy Sand of Miami Beach, Florida. They also own a home in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Talbiyeh, where they spend the Jewish holidays along with their children and grandchildren twice a year. Friedman is also a commentator on Arutz Sheva and serves as the President of American Friends of Bet El Institutions.
David and Tammy Friedman at a playground which they dedicated in Bet El, with Former MK and Bet El Founder Yaakov “Ketzaleh” Katz. (on the left.) 

A faculty house dedicated by Friedman in Bet El's Ra'aya Girls High School. Baruch Gordon
A faculty house dedicated by Friedman in Bet El’s Ra’aya Girls High School. Baruch Gordon

Chief Advisor on Israel During Campaign

The involvement of David Friedman in the Trump campaign was first revealed shortly before Passover, in a meeting with Orthodox Jewish reporters, when Trump named the two men he said would be his chief advisers on Israel. Jason Greenblatt and Trump’s “good friend and trusted adviser” David M. Friedman.
During the meeting Trump told the reporters, “The Orthodox community is amazing. I grew up in Brooklyn, as you know. Ocean Parkway. And I’ve had many, many friends over the years Orthodox, in fact people that work for me,” Trump said.
 “In fact, maybe I can get Jason Greenblatt down here. Jason is a person that has been so good, he’s a lawyer, he’s so incredible and he’s Orthodox.
Jason Greenblatt, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at The Trump Organization
Trump also talked about his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who helped write the pro-Israel speech Trump delivered last month to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference in Washington, D.C., Copies of the speech were handed out to all the participants before the meeting.
“You probably know, many of you, Jared Kushner, who’s my son-in-law, and he’s happily married to my daughter Ivanka,” Trump said. “So he sends his warmest regards, and she does.”
At the same meeting, Trump talked briefly about his Jewish philanthropy, mentioning that his father used to buy Israel bonds, and wrapped up the meeting reiterating his befuddlement about why Jews are so supportive of Barack Obama.
“In my opinion, Barack Obama has been tremendously disloyal to Israel, and yet my Jewish friends go out and have fundraisers for him all the time,” Trump said. “Someday you people will explain to me what you’re doing.”


Tapping Friedman as U.S Ambassador to Israel

Today, Trump released a statement about his tapping Friedman for ambassador to Israel:
“The bond between Israel and the United States runs deep, and I will ensure there is no daylight between us when I’m president,” Trump said in a statement. “As the United States’ ambassador to Israel, David Friedman will maintain the special relationship between our two countries.” … (Friedman) has been a long-time friend and trusted adviser to me.

“His strong relationships in Israel will form the foundation of his diplomatic mission and be a tremendous asset to our country as we strengthen the ties to our allies and strive for peace in the Middle East,” Trump continued.
The statement also quoted Friedman predicting he would work from “Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”
Friedman added that he was “deeply honored and humbled” that Trump selected him to represent the US in Israel, and that he aimed to “strengthen the bond between our two countries and advance the cause of peace within the region”
Friedman speaking at a Trump rally in Israel
He also indicated that Trump would make good on his pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. “I look forward to doing this from the US embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”.
Trump made clear during his campaign that he would support Israel in a number of critical areas, including moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, all but enshrining the city as Israel’s capital over international objections. He also pledged to not put pressure on Israel to engage in talks with the Palestinians.
Until now, the United States and other powers do not regard Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – in addition to the U.S. embassy, other nations’ embassies are in Tel Aviv – and do not recognize Israel’s annexation of Arab East Jerusalem following its capture in the 1967 Middle East war.
One of the thorniest issues is resolving the rival Israeli and Palestinian demands for Jerusalem’s future. Palestinians regard the ancient city – which contains sites sacred to the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths – as the future capital of a separate state.

Advocate of Building Settlements

Friedman is  considered far-right on issues, including settlement building and has advocated for the annexation of the Judea & Samaria, which Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 war.
The Obama administration has been highly critical of Israeli settlement construction in the occupied Judea & Samaria and East Jerusalem. Most countries view all Israeli settlements on occupied land that the Palestinians seek for their own state as illegal.

Liberal Organizations Response to Appointment

J Street, the liberal pro-Israel group based in Washington, said it was “vehemently opposed” to Friedman’s nomination.
“As someone who has been a leading American friend of the settlement movement, who lacks any diplomatic or policy credentials … Friedman should be beyond the pale for Senators considering who should represent the United States in Israel,” it said in a statement.
“This nomination is reckless, putting America’s reputation in the region and credibility around the world at risk,” the statement said.
For his part, Saban, spoke at the Saban Forum in December and stunned liberal American Jews by saying the Trump administration would freeze out J Street, the left-leaning, pro-Israel lobby group based in Washington, D.C., which has been influential in recent years. In previous interviews, Friedman called the organization “far worse than kapos,” a highly insulting Yiddish word for Jews who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.
Israel’s left wing newspaper Ha’aretz describes David Friedman as “to the right of Netanyahu”

Friedman Interviewed by Israeli Media
Aaron David Miller, a former Middle East adviser to Republican and Democratic administrations, said Friedman’s nomination “was designed to send a signal that there will be significant break in tone, style and perhaps substance from the Obama administration” in its handling of the Israeli-Palestinian issue.
“The peace process is just dead right now,” Miller said, alluding to the Obama administration’s failed efforts. But he said it was too early to see Friedman’s nomination as Trump’s disavowal of a two-state solution.
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Reuters & Arutz 7 Contributed to this article.

I have something to repent of... Lance Wallnau

It is not often that I publicly repent for something... but I feel that I need to.
The gift of an entrepreneur is the ability to create wealth. It's the ability to create resources, tools and materials that fill a gap and meet a need that other people are willing to pay for.
When the Apostle Paul needed to, he made tentsLikewise, it is this entrepreneurial "tent making" gift that has funded and sustained my ministry for 20 years. Working in the marketplace as a consultant, trainer or executive coach has kept me sharp, relevant and able to produce real-world solutions to real problems faced by my audience.
Whenever I've faced the challenge of cash flow I would try to solve it by creating some new product, or pick up a secular organization to self-fund the ministry.
This season it's different. The 7 Mountain (7m) message has gone global and this year it took me headfirst into the cross hairs of the Media and Government Mountain's. It's one thing to talk about the Promised Land, but another to cross over and face the giants. In the end, we made history. It was Christians who made the decisive difference in this last election as 84% showed up and stood strong. What happens next? America has been given a gift of mercy - an extension of time - in the face of judgment. It should bother you that there is no cohesive strategy to keep those 84% of Christians engaged in the battle of ideas. While USA Today quotes me as one of the few evangelicals who predicted the future accurately, few are quoting me now as I urge believers to heed the warning - we only have a window of time!
This moment is not just an American "reset" - it is a global reset. I am getting calls from believers in other countries that see this as the moment to shift their nation. The truth is, I need to self fund these global 7m missionary events. Doors have opened into China and Africa but we don't have a big enough budget to send the team that is needed.
For the last couple of years Annabelle would say: "You do not have the resources to do what you need to do because you don't ask. You need to humble yourself and create an opportunity for those who believe in the ministry to participate with us. They know this work is legitimate. Tell them what you need. This is 100 fold soil to sow into - God will bless them! Just ask."
Repentance isn't always a sin of commission (something we did) sometimes it's a sin of omission (something we failed to do.) I think I've made it harder on myself by not teaching on the benefits and power of partnership. It's something I teach and practice but never share with my own audience. This is a sin of omission - and maybe a sin of pride. For some reason I was reluctant to share the burden of what we are attempting to do.
Lance Learning PO Box 2688 Keller, Texas 76244 United States (817) 431-4828

Nine Members of Trump’s Cabinet Identify As Devout Christians - HelloChristian

Donald Trump and Mike Pence

Nine Members of Trump’s Cabinet Identify As Devout Christians

HelloChristian  Dec. 16, 2016
President-elect Donald Trump has now appointed nine members to the White House, each of whom profess publicly to be Christians. Is this a huge answer to prayer? 
“For many years, we have prayed that God would raise up men and women of God to positions of leadership and influence in our country. However, since the end of the George W. Bush administration, there have been previous few answers to that prayer," writes Author and Pastor David Murray. "Who would have thought that Donald Trump might be the answer to that prayer?”
At the heart of these appointments is Vice President Mike Pence who has previously said “My Christian faith is at the heart of who I am” and “I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order." Then there is Chief of Staff Reince Preibus, who has previously tweeted "Christ’s sacrificial work provides an example for us all, and we join with the Psalmist in saying ‘You make known to me the path of life.’"
Then we've got Attorney General Jeff Sessions (who is a Sunday school teacher at his family’s church), and Housing and Urban Development’s Dr. Ben Carson, who believes that God spoke clearly to him that Trump would be president. 
Further to this, there is Education’s Betsy DeVos, a Christian committed to bringing God's 'Kingdom' through schooling. Then we have newly-announced Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, EPA’s Scott Pruitt, CIA’s Mike Pompeo (whose family attends Eastminster Presbyterian Church), and Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley. They are all Christians!

The number of believers in the upper echelons of the Trump administration is quite incredible. Share this to encourage others!

They Burned Our Trees - Let's Replant! ✡ "Sycamores are Cut Down" - ISRAEL365

The bricks are fallen, but we will build
with hewn stones; the sycamores are cut down,
but cedars will we put in their place.

לְבֵנִים נָפָלוּ וְגָזִית נִבְנֶה שִׁקְמִים גֻּדָּעוּ וַאֲרָזִים נַחֲלִיף

ישעיהו ט:ט

l'-vay-NEEM na-FA-lu v'-ga-ZEET niv-NEH shik-MEEM goo-DA-u va-a-ra-ZEEM na-kha-LEEF

Shabbat Inspiration

Isaiah's prophecy refers to the time after numerous calamities will befall the Land and the People of Israel. Following a period of war and destruction, the Holy Land will be restored to its former glory. Just a few weeks ago, terror struck Israel in the form of hundreds of arson attacks. In the period of less than a week, upwards of 7,500 acres of land were scorched and incinerated. Now, more than ever, Israel desperately needs your help to rebuild and restore the once-flourishing orchards back to their former glory. Help us return the Promised Land to the beautiful sight we all know and love.

Holocaust Survivor Has Message of Hope After Losing House to Terror Arson

Despite losing her home in Neve Tzuf to a fire set by an arsonist throwing a Molotov cocktail, Avigail Ben Nun, who survived the Holocaust and came to Israel to build the state, is not defeated, seeing miracles in her survival and in every day of life in the Promised Land.

How an Electromagnetic Pulse Could Be a High-Tech Portal to the End of Days

An end-of-days scenario that was impossible, even irrelevant, not so long ago is now being developed by America and Israel’s enemies in a manner that fits perfectly into Biblical prophecy.

Today's Israel Photo

Fire fighters try to extinguish a wildfire which broke out at the entrance to the city of Nataf outside of Jerusalem at the end of November. Approximately 1,600 fires plagues the Holy Land over the course of just a week.
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Thanks to our recent Fire Victims Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Fr Steve Porter from California; Elena Hidalgo from Texas;
Sandra Sheets from Georgia; Sarah Mars from Colorado.
Donate to our Arson Victims Fund » 

Thank You to our latest Tree Donors

"Todah Rabbah" to Andrew Maalcolm from Tennessee; Mildred Taylor from Arkansas; Phyllis Goldberg from New Jersey; Tamara Levitin from Illinois.
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"Todah Rabbah" to George Chavez from California; Thomas Griffin from Texas;
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Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Steve Cruickshank from Georgia. Todah rabah!

“Enjoying Israel365: From Alaska to the Fiji Islands!”

It’s great to hear from you and make new friends from all over the world. Please send me an email and let me know how you are enjoying Israel365 (don’t forget to say where you are from!).
I enjoy this site and the music clips that are shared. We are blessed in so many ways ... Thank you for sharing. Jack Barnes, Palmer, Alaska USA

Bula, I’m from Fiji Islands in the Pacific. I very much enjoy your daily dose of Israel365 because it connects me spiritually to the Holy Land. Be Blessed.-Saula Senidamanu
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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