Wednesday, June 21, 2017

69 Percent Of Americans Do Not Have An Adequate Emergency Fund - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 20 Jun 2017   Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Do you have an emergency fund?  If you even have one penny in emergency savings, you are already ahead of about one-fourth of the country.

I write about this stuff all the time, but it always astounds me how many Americans are literally living on the edge financially.  Back in 2008 when the economy tanked and millions of people lost their jobs, large numbers of Americans suddenly couldn’t pay their bills because they were living paycheck to paycheck.

Now the stage is set for it to happen again.  Another major recession is going to happen at some point, and when it does millions of people are going to get blindsided by it.

Despite all of our emphasis on education, we never seem to teach our young people how to handle money.  But this is one of the most basic skills that everyone needs.  Personally, I went through high school, college and law school without ever being taught about the dangers of going into debt or the importance of saving money.

If you are ever going to build any wealth, you have got to spend less than you earn.  That is just basic common sense.  Unfortunately, nearly one out of every four Americans does not have even a single penny in emergency savings…
Bankrate’s newly released June Financial Security Index survey indicates that 24 percent of Americans have not saved any money at all for their emergency funds.
This is despite experts recommending that people strive for a savings cushion equivalent to the amount needed to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses.
For years, I have been telling my readers that at a minimum they need to have an emergency fund that can cover at least six months of expenses.  It is great to have more than that, but everyone should strive to have at least a six month cushion.

Unfortunately, that same Bankrate survey found that only 31 percent of Americans actually have such a cushion
The June survey also found that 31 percent of Americans have what Bankrate considers an ‘adequate’ savings cushion — six or more months’ worth of money to pay expenses — which means that nearly two-thirds of the country isn’t saving enough money.
That means that a whopping 69 percent of all Americans do not have an adequate emergency fund.

So what is going to happen if another great crisis arrives and millions of people suddenly lose their jobs?

Just like last time, mortgage defaults will start soaring and countless numbers of families will lose their homes.

If you do not have anything to fall back on, you can lose your spot in the middle class really fast.  And in the case of a truly catastrophic national crisis, trying to operate without any money at all is going to be exceedingly challenging.

Just recently, the Federal Reserve conducted a survey that discovered that 44 percent of all Americans do not even have enough money “to cover an unexpected $400 expense”.

That is almost half the country.

And a different survey by CareerBuilder found that 75 percent of all Americans have lived paycheck to paycheck “at least some of the time”.

Unfortunately, in a desperate attempt to make ends meet many of us continue to pile up more and more debt.  According to Moneyish, Americans have now accumulated more than a trillion dollars of credit card debt, more than a trillion dollars of student loan debt, and more than a trillion dollars of auto loan debt.
We’ve racked up $1 trillion in credit card debt — and that’s just a fraction of what we owe. That’s according to data released this year from the Federal Reserve, which found that U.S. consumers owe $1.0004 trillion on their cards, up 6.2% from a year ago; this is the highest amount owed since January 2009. What’s more, this isn’t the only consumer debt to top $1 trillion. We now also owe more than $1 trillion for our cars, and for our student loans, the data showed.
Overall, U.S. consumers are now more than 12 trillion dollars in debt.

We often criticize the federal government for being nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt.  And that criticism is definitely valid.  What we are doing to future generations of Americans is beyond criminal.

But are we not doing something similar to ourselves?

When you divide the total amount of consumer debt by the size of the U.S. population, it breaks down to roughly $40,000 for every man, woman and child in our country.

When someone lends you money, you have to pay back more than you originally borrow.  And in the case of high interest debt, you can end up paying back several times what you originally borrowed.

If you carry a balance from month to month on a high interest credit card, it is absolutely crippling you financially.  But many Americans don’t understand this.  Instead, they just keep sending off the “minimum payment” every month because that is the easiest thing to do.

If you ever want to achieve financial freedom, you have got to get rid of your toxic debts.  There are some forms of low interest debt, such as mortgage debt, that are not going to financially cripple you.  But anything with a high rate of interest you will want to pay off as soon as possible.

And everyone needs a financial cushion.  Unless you can guarantee that your life is always going to go super smoothly and you are never going to have any problems, you need an emergency fund to fall back on.

Yes, you may need to make some sacrifices in order to make that happen.  Nobody ever said that it would be easy.  But just about everyone has somewhere that a little “belt tightening” can be done, and in the long-term it will be worth it.

When you don’t have to constantly worry about how you are going to pay the bills next month, it will help you sleep a lot easier at night.  Many of us have put a lot of unnecessary stress on ourselves by spending money that we didn’t have for things that we really didn’t need.

And now is the time to get your financial house in order, because it appears that another major economic downturn is not too far away.

How to Know If You Are Called to Missions - Kerry Olson CHARISMA NEWS

How to Know If You Are Called to Missions

5/8/2017 Kerry Olson  CHARISMA NEWS
One of the most frequent questions asked related to missions is: How do I know that I am called?
It's a question we hear all the time at Bethany Global University, since our school is dedicated solely to training missionaries. If you're curious, you can learn more how you can earn your degree while doing missions at
While there are many ways in which God leads and guides His people into world missions, there have been two classic answers that people tend to give: "You don't need a call because He has already called you" and "You better know God has called you before you go." I believe a combination of both is necessary.

The 'Everybody Is Called' Perspective

On one side of the coin, you have the often quoted line from the late singer Keith Green, who stated that "You don't need a call. You're already called!" Another person has stated that "You don't need a call when you have a verse" referring to the multitude of Bible verses in the Old and New Testament that form part of God's revealed will (the Great Commission) that we go to all nations and preach the gospel.
In another song, Keith Green wrote: KeithGreen
Listen to the full song here.
Keith Green had to go to the extreme end of the spectrum to balance out the Church that emphasized a need for a special revelation or manifestation to go to the mission field.
Think for a minute of what the world would look like today if every Christian literally embraced God's command to go and sincerely said to God, "I am going to the nations to preach the gospel. If it's not Your will for me to go, stop me!" I can hear many of you saying, "That's too radical and extreme!" Yet to be truthful, we have gone to the other extreme, not bearing the spiritual fruit I believe the Holy Spirit desires.
I believe that as we get to know God's character and study His Word, it becomes impossible not to know His will! We cannot be moved by a message that does not move us first; therefore, it is vital and necessary to understand God's global plan and what He desires for His Church. Understanding where we fit in this plan is another thing altogether, and the best way to describe this, in my opinion, is that it is a process.

The 'Specific Call' Perspective

During the 30-plus years I have served as a missionary, there have been circumstances and difficulties during which the only thing that kept me on the mission field was that I knew God sent me. The prophet Jeremiah arrived at one of these crossroads in his ministry where he wanted to "throw in the towel and call it quits." Jeremiah was thinking about returning home to the "normal" life when he cried out to God saying:
"But if I say I'll never mention the Lord or speak in His name again, His word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold on to it. I can't do it!"
As it was with Jeremiah, the call of God on your life is something you cannot escape. We obviously have free will and can choose to serve Him or not, but if we are in a right relationship with God and walking with Him, we will learn to be in tune with his desires and plans for us. Ephesians 2:10 states:
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, so that we should walk in them."

5 Tips for How to Discover Your Calling

Finding God's direction for our lives is very personal and often subjective, yet here are a few basic principles that have helped me:
  1. Be in movement.
    God uses those who are actively serving Him and stepping out in faith to test the waters and discover what He has in store. Be in movement. Start knocking on doors to see which one He might be opening.
  2. Be willing to do anything.
    If you really have a servant's heart, you will be willing to serve in any capacity. God will place specific desires in your heart, but don't rush to push open the door yourself. Serve, and in the process of serving, God will open the door for you, and He does a much better job of it!
  3. Start by serving at home.
    We must be faithful in the little before we can be released to serve in "greater" areas. It is vital to understand the ministry and local church before you can be sent by them to the "uttermost parts of the world."
  4. Be involved in short-term missions.
    Before thinking about going out full time, get some short-term cross-cultural experiences under your belt and, better yet, mission training. Where you serve short term may or may not be an indicator of where God wants to send you long term. Be open to His leading.
  5. The call of God is something that grows on you. 
    Many missionaries testify that when they began sensing God calling them to Thailand, for example, that everywhere they turned they saw something relating to Thailand. They turned on the TV, Thailand! They opened the newspaper, Thailand! They attended a conference and sat next to someone from Thailand! God specializes in this, and we need to be in tune with how He is leading.
Perhaps you have not yet identified God's will for your life. If that is the case for you, get closer to Him, ask Him what He has for you, and search your own heart to make sure you have correct motives. Put into practice the steps listed above and don't forget it's all about being connected to Him.
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).
Kerry Olson is a Bethany Global University alumni and serves with Bethany International as an International Project Coordinator. He also trains, mobilizes and sends out Latin American servant-leaders to the world's least-reached peoples. 
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Israelis Supernaturally Healed by Jesus' Power - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate with Todd White CHARISMA NEWS

There is only one Healer, and healing their bodies is not His primary aim, rather using the supernatural to allow Him to heal their souls. (Pixabay)

Israelis Supernaturally Healed by Jesus' Power

6/21/2017 Ron Cantor  Messiah's Mandate  CHARISMA NEWS
Standing With Israel
Last week was an amazing week. It all started several months ago when two Israeli believers were inspired by YouTube videos of Todd White. If you have not seen Todd's testimony, he was saved out of decades of drug addiction. He now shares Yeshua with nearly everyone he meets, and there is usually a healing or word of knowledge involved.
These young men felt that if Todd could simply take God at his word, then certainly they could. They began to go out on the streets of Tel Aviv and ask people if they needed healing. Most of the people they prayed for were healed. It began to spread throughout our congregation and now much of the body of believers in Israel.
Todd White in Israel
When we heard that Todd would be in Israel, we arranged a night for him to minister to Israeli believers. GODTV, where I serve as the Israel regional director, agreed to host the event. Over 300 people came—standing room only.
On the way to the meeting, I asked Todd to lay hands on me and pray that I, too, would be able move in the supernatural as I shared Yeshua with Israelis. While I know that I can go directly to God and pray for such things, I have learned that when someone who is doing it prays for you, there is a special oomph.
Mahmoud's Knee
That was Sunday night. We stayed in Jerusalem all week in a hotel for the annual FIRM conference. On the second morning, I saw Mahmoud cleaning my room. I asked him if he needed healing. His knee was in pain. We prayed and, what do you know, this Muslim man was instantly healed! I shared with him about Yeshua. The next day, he came to the room and said to Elana, "Please thank your husband for praying for me. I have no pain in my knee. I can't believe it!"
Achmad's Back
The next day, I met Achmad. He had back pain. I have learned that most hotel workers have back pain. I prayed for him, the presence of God came and he too was healed. The smile on their faces after God healed them was amazing.
Rafa's Knee Brace
The next morning, Rafa, also a Muslim who works in the restaurant in the hotel had a knee brace on. I prayed for him, and I could feel the power of God going into him. He was instantly healed and overjoyed. The next day, he was all smiles, and we videotaped him.
Sudanese Refugee
The day before we left, I saw another worker cleaning rooms. He was a Sudanese refugee. We have many in Israel who fled the racism, rape and murder from Sudanese Arabs. He told me that on Sunday he was scheduled to see a doctor because his back was in so much pain he could not even work. We prayed, and he told me he felt something like heat and electricity going into him and was instantly healed. We taped him and saw him the next day—still healed.
Lital the Israeli Heard
Up until now, I had not prayed for an Israeli Jew in the hotel—three Muslims and one agnostic. Of course, they are all deeply precious to God, and I shared the gospel with each of them. But my passion and calling is toward Israelis. On Friday morning as we checked out, the young lady at the front desk, Lital, said to me, "I heard that you are a healer." She explained how each of these workers had all told her that they were healed after receiving prayer. I explained it was Yeshua who heals, but I can pray. She had hurt her knee that morning.
I had her sit down, and I prayed for her knee. And the precious young Israeli felt the presence of God as He healed her knee completely. When I taped her, she kept saying that I healed her, and I kept correcting her, saying that it was Yeshua. In Hebrew, Yeshua and Joshua are the same name. She didn't understand that I was not speaking of Yeshua, son of Nun, but Yeshua, Son of God. However, overjoyed by what happened, she took a copy of my book, Identity Theft, in Hebrew and promised to read it.
Your Turn
Now it is your turn to pray for them by name that God will continue to reveal Yeshua to them. For the Muslims, it is very difficult to leave Islam. It is drilled into you that you can never leave. It is hard for Jewish people as well, as we are taught that Yeshua is not the Messiah. But with Jews, we are not telling them to change religions but to embrace their Messiah.
And it is your turn to use the power that God has given you. It is time to get stirred and seek God, and then, step out in faith.
'When They Heard'
We are on the verge of something special here. I told my congregation, the week before when I was teaching, that if we continue to pray for the sick—not in the congregation but on the streets—they are going to start coming to us asking for prayer. Just like in the days of Yeshua, they heard about His miracles and sought Him out.
"and Jerusalem, and Idumea, and from beyond the Jordan. And those from Tyre and Sidon, a great crowd, when they heard what great things He did, came to Him" (Mark 3:8).
"When she had heard of Jesus, she came in the crowd behind Him and touched His garment" (Mark 5:27).
"When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out" (Mark 10:47).
And that is what happened. The Israeli girl heard how four of her team members were healed and sought me out, assuming I was some healerOf course, there is only one Healer, and healing their bodies is not His primary aim, rather using the supernatural to allow Him to heal their souls. 
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally, teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
This article originally appeared at
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Help Us Break The BDS Movement - Israel Today

Help Us Break The BDS Movement

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The BDS (Boycott, Divest & Sanctions) movement never cease with their anti-Israel activities. Whether it be attempting to get multi-national companies to cease business activities in Israel to trying to convince just the man in the street not to buy products from Israel.
We support activities to negate all the effects of BDS. Buy "Blue & White"!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jon and Jolene Hamill: "Key Dream: Baseball Practice with Trump – We Are Being Positioned for Victory!"

Jon and Jolene Hamill: "Key Dream: Baseball Practice with Trump – We Are Being Positioned for Victory!"

Jun 20, 2017
Steve Shultz
From the desk of Steve Shultz:

This is a very key dream from Jon Hamill which we can learn a lot from. Jon Hamill had a potent dream last year concerning Donald Trump and our season of breakthrough and victory as you'll read about below.

The Hamills have a clarion call to stand in Washington DC as God has them there as part of their ministry assignment.

A couple of potent points Jon Hamill makes about his dream and the revelation he received is this:

In the dream Trump then turned to me and said, "You gotta keep praying for me."

THIS WILL BE A TIME OF BREAKTHROUGH AND VICTORY. Beyond this, the dream provides very clear mandates to ensure the success of the Trump administration. Some we are already seeing, some not yet. We need to keep praying!

Mighty intercessors, you know what we gotta keep doing!

Thank you and God bless you for standing in the gap in prayer over our great nation. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Key Dream: Baseball Practice with Trump – We Are Being Positioned for Victory!"

Jon and Jolene Hamill

Dramatic Season of History

Baseball Practice: The horrific attacks on the Republican Congressional baseball team, practicing early Wednesday at an Alexandria park, have struck the very heart of a nation.

On May 21, 2016, I had a dream that has proven hauntingly prophetic. Donald Trump was leading his team IN A BASEBALL PRACTICE. This was the second of two dreams the Lord gave me to convey that Trump was His choice for President. In the dream he served as the owner, coach, and star player. But during practice, he hit the ball in a way that continually advanced his team. The other players became the true stars.

• Watching with Julie: In the dream I was watching the baseball practice with my friend Julie. Please pay attention, this is vital. Because over the past ten days we were actually visiting Julie and her husband Russ at their island home. We had written our first book Crown & Throne there. This time around, Julie and Russ left after a few days to give us room to write our second book.

And it was then that Jolene and I watched the horrific baseball practice shooting from their home. The photo documenting the flag and rainbow, as well as the ensuing picture of the flag at half mast after the shooting, were both taken there (pictured here).

As I commented to Julie in the dream, it is amazing how President Trump takes the pitches thrown at him and turns them into solid hits. He has an anointing from the Lord for turnaround.

• Charge to Pray for Trump! A second point I want to make is that God's clarion charge to pray for President Trump and his administration was given through this dream. After practice, Trump walked off the field alone. Though I didn't share it in last year's posting, the reason they left the field was because a storm was coming. I alluded to this when I referred to Isaiah 60.

In the dream Trump then turned to me and said, "You gotta keep praying for me."

Friends, the spiritual intensity has been greater than anything we could have imagined. I am so grateful we are walking out this calling together. And that we are committed to seeing it through!

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn." Isaiah 60:1-3

THIS WILL BE A TIME OF BREAKTHROUGH AND VICTORY. Beyond this, the dream provides very clear mandates to ensure the success of the Trump administration. Some we are already seeing, some not yet. We need to keep praying!

Below is the entire prophetic word as published on our Lamplighter site.

May 21, 2016: Dream with Donald Trump—New Thrust for Victory

"In order to win we truly need to run together."

Hey! Today I have good news for you. Great news. I awoke this morning from an incredible dream from the Lord. The dream conveyed a major aspect of the "turnaround window" God is making available to all of us personally, and our nation.

Amazingly, the dream included Donald Trump. The beginning of the dream had something to do with a train station, but I cannot remember the details. Then Jolene and I were in the stands of a baseball field for batting practice. The team seemed to be owned by Donald Trump, but he was also one of the players.

I wasn't on the field. But we were friends with Trump and helped guide the team to advance. (More on this in a moment.)

We were observing batting practice, talking with another friend named Julie. She and her husband are mighty prayer warriors who are also successful in business. I commented to Julie, "It's incredible that the man is 70 years old, yet hits almost every ball so strongly." She replied "Yeah, that is so true." I then said, "He doesn't always hit the ball out of the park, but he always hits in the outfield, and always gets on base!"

I felt it was important to introduce Donald Trump to Julie, so I walked on the field to summon him. Only to look over and see Donald Trump already talking with Julie! I noted how he intuitively recognizes and connects with success.

Heaven's Horses—Resolve of Fierce Delight

In the final part of the dream, we were leaving the field after batting practice. I heard and felt the ground shake. Looking up I saw two white horses, strong steeds, galloping right towards us on the field! One especially was looking right at me with a look in his eyes I can only describe as a resolve of fierce delight.

My instinct was to get out of the way, but they were coming so quickly. And before I even could move, this one horse raced right to me and thrust his head into my hands and chest. I intuitively embraced him.

At that time, Donald Trump was walking by, wearing a blue blazer, tan pants, and a red hat like the one he always wears which says, "Make America Great Again." He seemed completely absorbed in thought, with the team, but walking alone.

Trump came over, nodded, smiled, and said very simply, "You gotta keep praying for me." Then I woke up.

This is the second dream the Lord has given me about Donald Trump. The first, on January 5, conveyed that he had won the presidency and was transforming Homeland Security, even hiring back Christians who had been fired by previous administrations; Black Americans especially who had been fired for their faith. (Note: Highlighted by Love For His People Editor Steve Martin)
Team Effort—Advancing Others to Score

Let me share with you a brief interpretation from what the Lord has shown me so far from this second dream. Trump is a figure-head for a new thrust of victory the Lord is granting our nation. This thrust of victory, this season of victory, is a major facet of the "Turnaround Window" He is now opening for our land.

I believe the batting practice represents the current presidential campaign. It's actually practice for the much greater responsibility of governing. A team is coming together, and though in the dream Donald Trump is leading it, his goal is to get on base and get others on base. Achieving victory largely depends upon the capability of the team together—the strength and synergy of each team member with each other. Gaining this victory mandates a team effort. (Photo via Pixabay)

This was clearly shown and emphasized to me in how Donald Trump hit the baseball. He was not known so much for home runs as for his capacity to get on base—consistently advancing himself and others to score and win.

Friends, we as a nation and we as the Body of Christ are being positioned by Heaven to win. Turnaround. A new thrust of victory! It's time to taste victory again. It's time to dream again about what this looks like for you. And it's really time to embrace the synergy of a team effort for success.

Running the Race to Win

By no means am I implying we are not going to suffer setbacks or challenges. We're probably going to face some of the most significant challenges since the days of Churchill. But I am declaring prophetically we shall overcome unto victory. It's now in the atmosphere! Heaven's momentum will propel us. Difficult situations will turn for the good.

In order to win we truly need to run together. And as we run, a resolve of fierce delight is overtaking our hearts. Jolene and I have personally experienced this again and again on the Glory Train journey. We are so grateful to be running with the Lord, with His angels, and with you!

In the dream Trump then turned to me and said, "You gotta keep praying for me."

Remember we are commanded to run the race to win (1 Corinthians 9:24). As God's glory continues to be restored, the biggest setback for many is going to be our own mindsets. Many corporately have embraced a theology of the absence of God instead of the presence of God. Many have embraced a theology of mandatory paralysis. Therefore many don't really run to win. Like a hamster on a wheel or a steam engine on a treadmill, many are working hard but not really going anywhere. Dreams from the Lord seem to be forgotten, the vigor of their freshness abated.

This is all changing now. Heaven's horses are released and running! The angelic hosts of the Lord Jesus Christ have been re-activated for breakthrough in the land. We are in a recovery of momentum by the Spirit of the Lord. So run to win!

Arise and shine, mighty men and women of God. Your light has dawned. And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you! Yes in the world there is indeed a new threshold of darkness. Gross darkness. But the Lord is rising on you. And His glory will even appear on you! Kings will come to the brightness of your rising (Isaiah 60).

And they will discover, just like you, that there is truly NO KING BUT JESUS. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Jon & Jolene Hamill
Lamplighter Ministries


Jon and Jolene Hamill are passionate followers of Jesus Christ. They love to share His heart and Word nationally and internationally through ministry and media. Founders of Lamplighter Ministries, they reside in the metro Washington DC area. Jon and Jolene have ministered in conferences and churches throughout America, as well as internationally in Canada, Germany, Sierra Leone and Israel. 

Jon and Jolene are the authors of the recently published book Crown and Throne: A Field Guide to Spiritual Revolution, which has gained widespread popularity across the nation. Their online blog LAMPostings is focused on sharing real-time prophetic revelation and prayer points from Washington DC, and is regularly enjoyed by thousands. In addition, they have authored numerous prophetic teachings which have appeared on the Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine and other publications.

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7 Lies Christians Believe About Sex - Frank Powell HELLO CHRISTIAN

 June 19, 2017

7 Lies Christians Believe About Sex

Jun 19, 2017 by Frank Powell
Frank Powell
Frank is lead writer and editor for the blog at Bayside church. He is also a husband, father and Jesus-follower. He plays golf occasionally. He drinks coffee often. You can find more of his content at

Things aren’t always as they seem. Take Prince Hans in the movie Frozen, for example. That fool pretends to be a charming, stand-up guy. And when Anna needs him most, Prince Hans pulls an Okie-Doke on her, leaving her for dead. What a jerk.
I seriously think I threw my couch pillow at the tv the first time I saw it. My wife then stared at me with a look like, “Did you really just throw a pillow at the tv over a cartoon movie?”
I was slightly embarrassed. But I don’t regret my actions.
Hollywood has built an industry on the “Prince Hans Principle” (yeah, I just made that up). Movies will paint a character one way, then drop the bombshell. But let’s be honest. Hollywood doesn’t hold the rights to this principle. Unfortunately, things aren’t always as they seem in the real world either. This is true of people, political and social ideas, and everything in between.
If you grew up in Christian culture, the “Prince Hans Principle” applies to many things, but it especially applies to sex. I remember the first time someone told me sex was a gift from God. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to slap them for insulting God or cry because they might actually be right. In the days and weeks that followed, I started to realize sex was a gift from God.
And it changed everything.
You see, I always thought sex was from Satan. Christians just borrowed it for pro-creation or something. But the more I talked to other people and studied Scripture, the more I realized things weren’t as they seem.
Today, I see sex as a beautiful, powerful gift from God. But getting to this point wasn’t easy. And I still have baggage from the years of lies I had to destroy. Some (or maybe most) of these lies I acquired from my Christian culture. Others I picked up from Hollywood, friends, etc.
Regardless, here are 7 lies Christians believe about sex.
1.) Sex is dirty, nasty, and only useful for pro-creation.
So, what if I told you sex is a gift from God? I know. That destroys the foundation of your understanding of sex. But it’s true. Sex isn’t dirty and nasty. And its purpose isn’t solely to keep the world populated.
But, for most Christians, sex is like that annoying family member. You know the one. God didn’t bless him (or her) with qualities like self-awareness. But he has a double portion of obnoxiousness. You dread family gatherings because the annoying family member will be there. But it’s your family. So, what choice do you have?
Sex and Christians have a similar relationship. We seem to tolerate sex because it is necessary to carry on the family name. But aside from that, it has no real purpose. So, we just deal with it. Because, well, we have to.
What if Christians embraced sex as a gift from God? What if the church viewed sex as a gift to be enjoyed by two people within the covenant bond of marriage? What if the church encouraged married people to explore sex? What if the church taught and discipled single people to see sex as a form of enjoyment and pleasure instead of the annoying family member no one wants to be around?
We might just build anticipation and excitement around God’s design for sex. Maybe single people would want to know more about this gift. And maybe they would share their current sexual struggles because they want to enjoy God’s gift…God’s way.
2.) Casual sex is fun and innocent. Everyone else is doing it.
So, golf is fun. White water rafting is fun. Sex is…fun? Is that how far sex has fallen in our culture?
Well done, Satan. Let’s give him a hand, guys. He has taken a mysterious, private, and extremely powerful gift and turned it into something…fun? Something like golf and white water rafting. Something recreational. Really?
Don’t get me wrong. Sex is fun. But it’s more than a recreational activity. Much more.
And while our schools give condoms to sixth graders, the church does little to raise expectations around sex. It’s almost as though Christians believe it’s better to hand out condoms than teach abstinence.
Look, it’s not a stretch to say marriage in our country is falling apart (at least partly) because sex has lost its mystery. Sex is nothing more than a recreational activity. It’s fun.
Meanwhile, God says sex binds two people together physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There’s nothing simple about that. Until sex is seen as a powerful expression of covenant love, wrapped in mystery and complexity, marriages will continue to fall apart.
3.) It’s okay to have sex if I am in love.
In 10th grade, my U. S. History teacher said something I will never forget. “Love is not something you fall in and out of. Love isn’t primarily a feeling. It’s primarily a decision.”
Now, if you are wondering how love and U. S. History are connected, I wonder the same thing. But don’t derail my point.
At the time, I thought my teacher was ignorant. After all, as a 10th grader I had fallen in love several times. But now I see that I was never in love. I was infatuated.
Sex isn’t for two people who are “in love.” Sex is for two people who are married. Two people committed to one another for the duration of their earthly lives. If you and your “boo” are madly in love, get married. If you can’t get married because you are 15, trust God’s eternal plan for sex is better than your present one.
Sex outside of God’s design will always be a source of brokenness because it’s for people who are married, not people who are “in love.”
4.) If I remain pure before marriage, God will reward me with great sex.
Yeah, I thought this before I was married. And it’s not that the statement was made explicitly. But somehow I concluded it. And I have talked to other Christians who concluded the same thing. So, there must be something in the church water.
I am going to be real. Five years of marriage has taught me that sex is hard work. Yes, it’s pleasurable. But if you believe angels are going to sing, “Hallelujah!” while fireworks cascade around you the first time you have sex, prepare for disappointment.
So, why save yourself for marriage? Because it throws out any chance for comparison or emotional residue. It frees you and your current (or future) spouse to explore sex without baggage.
That’s worth the wait. I promise.
5.) If I have sex before marriage, I am tainted forever.
The church has implicitly (and explicitly) taught this for decades. And it’s not true. Yes, it is God’s desire for every man and woman to enter marriage without a sexual past. But it’s also God’s nature to take even the worst scenario and make it beautiful.
So, if you made mistakes sexually, God can and will forgive you. If you are a victim of sexual abuse, God can and will heal you. Don’t believe the lies you hear. You can still be used by God. You can still have a marriage that flourishes, and you can still enjoy sex with your current (or future) spouse.
But you must let go of shame and trust God’s power to completely forgive you.
6.) If I think about sex, I am wrong.
God created you with sexual desires. And he doesn’t expect you to suppress them. He expects you to control them. And, again, the church’s failure to address sex gives Satan an open door.
I will be the first to say lust is sin. Jesus makes it cut and dry (Matt. 5:28-29). But almost every teaching I hear on lust begins and ends like this:
“Lust is wrong. Don’t do it. Let’s pray.”
What the church needs to do is differentiate between lust and sexual desire. Lust is desiring something that is not yours. Lust is looking at another human being more as a piece of meat than a creation of God.
Sexual desire, however, is natural and healthy. It must be controlled. Of course. But it’s natural. So, don’t suppress your sexual desires. If you do, don’t expect to turn them on when you get married. At the same time, don’t give in to your sexual desires. Pray for self-control. Have an accountability group. Talk to someone you know and trust. But don’t give in.
7.) Having sex is a more significant sin than porn, masturbation, or lust.
This was my attitude as a teenager and young adult. I knew sex was wrong. And I thought that having sex outside of marriage would result in God turning me into a gnome or something.
So, how might a teenager afraid of becoming a gnome keep himself from having sex? Use other means to “release” what I thought was uncontrollable sexual desire.
“What’s the problem, Frank? That sounds like a great idea?”
Yeah, except it’s not.
Going back to Jesus, he says, “The mouth speaks what the heart is full of” (Matt 12:34). What is Jesus really saying here? Your external actions are just an overflow of your heart’s desires.
So, having sex is simply an outpouring of a heart and mind filled with lust and impure thoughts. There is no distinction between adultery (having sex) and porn, masturbation, or lust (other means). What matters is the condition of your heart.
The goal for Christian purity isn’t physical abstinence as much as it is a heart free from impurity and lust.
Sex is a beautiful gift God gives to married couples. The church must create space for healthy discussions about sex. This will be awkward, yes. But until Christians understand the mystery and power of sex, we will continue to be plagued by skewed expectations and broken lives.
This article was written by Frank Powell and originally appeared at his blog. Find it here