Friday, June 30, 2017

Lana Vawser: "Over the Next 30 Days, Upgrade" - Prophetic TV

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Lana Vawser: Decreeing Upgrade of Favor and Anointing over the Next 30 Days

2. Ryan LeStrange: Conquering the Limitations!

3. Nate Johnston: No Blockages or Delay to your Advancement

4. Shawn Bolz: Inspirational Thrive Moments | What's Your Capacity?

5. Patricia King: The Courts of Heaven

6. Jennifer Eivaz: Reset Your Prayer Life

7. Bobby Conner: The Purpose of God

I love each week providing fresh, new prophetic words and prophetic teachings for you as part of Elijah List Ministries.

We spend a lot of time and this year, we're spending a lot of money on upgrading our ability to provide you timely video real-time teachings.

Thank you for your monthly or one-time gifts of support.

God will multiply your gifts back to you, that I promise — because HE promises to do that for you.


Steve Shultz, Founder

"Decreeing Upgrade of Favor and Anointing over the Next 30 Days"

I had a dream 2 nights ago where I heard the Lord say "Over the next 30 days... UPGRADE!!!!"

The Lord has seen how you have continued to fight. The Lord has seen how you have continued to be faithful in your anointing, faithful to what He has called you to, faithful to pour out amidst the fire you are facing, and the Lord is now decreeing over you that in the next 30 days, there will be great UPGRADE in your anointing and the favor He has placed over your life.

By Lana Vawser.. Watch It Now

Visit Lana Vawser's Facebook page: HERE
"Conquering the Limitations!"

I believe as we come into destinies, as we come into the understanding of who we are and what we are created to do there's a next level...

There are no limitations on your spirit, there are no blockades on your spirit, there are no demonic barriers on your spirit... your spirit has unlimited breaker anointing... your spirit had unlimited potential! This word will illuminate your understanding and LAUNCH you forth into freedom.

By Ryan LeStrange... Watch It Now

Visit Ryan LeStrange's Facebook page: HERE
"No Blockages or Delay to your Advancement"

There has been an interception, and I felt the Lord saying, "That that mail is going to get to you, do not worry... but do not open the door to the enemy, do not entertain the lies, do not disentitle yourself from the inheritance, do not disentitle yourself from the blessings of what I am about to do... but allow My blessing to come."

This is a season where you're at the tipping point of moving into something new...

By Nate Johnston... Watch It Now

Visit Nate Johnston's Facebook page: HERE

"Inspirational Thrive Moments | What's Your Capacity?"

So the things that you're called to do, you could do them when you're the most tired... you could do them when you have no capacity for all kinds of other things... so the capacity for the things you're called to, it's way different, it's outside the bounds of normal!

So if you don't have that kind of capacity, it's because you're not doing what you're called to.

By Shawn Bolz... Watch It Now

Visit Shawn Bolz's Facebook page: HERE
"The Courts of Heaven"

As a Believer in Christ you have bold access to Heaven including the Courts of Heaven where you can settle issues through the legal system of Heaven.

Jesus is our advocate; He's already settled the issue 2,000 years ago!

By Patricia King... Watch It Now

Visit Patricia King's Facebook page: HERE
"Reset Your Prayer Life"

Time spent in prayer is never wasted time. It's invested time. If you want to do big things for God, then you will have to have a big prayer life.

If prayer has gone to the back burner, if you've lost your fire for intercession... if prayer no longer has your attention, then it's time to RESET YOUR PRAYER LIFE.

By Jennifer Eivaz... Watch It Now

Visit Jennifer Eivaz's Facebook page: HERE
"The Purpose of God"

The good pleasure of God is to find a people that He can give the Kingdom of God to. That's what it says!

There is a Kingdom that God wants us to establish on this earth, and He has given us dominion to do it... and there's great great promises and great great opportunities awaiting us if we'll step out and become who God says we are!

By Bobby Conner... Watch It Now

Visit Bobby Conner's Facebook page: HERE
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President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The Eternal Nature of Israel ✡ "Do That Which Seemeth Him Good" - ISRAEL365

Be of good courage, and let us prove strong for our people, and for the cities of our God; and Hashem do that which seemeth Him good.

חֲזַק וְנִתְחַזַּק בְּעַד עַמֵּנוּ וּבְעַד עָרֵי אֱלֹהֵינוּ וַיהוָה יַעֲשֶׂה הַטּוֹב בְּעֵינָיו

שמואל י:יב
kha-ZAK v’-nit-kha-ZAK b’-AD a-MAY-nu u-v’-AD a-RAY e-lo-HAY-nu va-do-NAI ya-a-SEH ha-TOV b’-ay-NAV

Today's Israel Inspiration

Joab instructs his soldiers in much the same way as today’s soldiers of Israel are instructed. The soldiers must strengthen themselves to go into battle for the People of Israel and to protect the cities of God. God will respond by doing what is right in His eyes. Ralbag notes that in most cases, God expects of humans to do their part and not to rely on His performing a miracle. Once people do what is expected, God may choose to provide miracles and redemption. This is a daily occurrence with the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Forces who strengthen themselves for battle, and have often been rewarded by God with miracles.

“We Will Be Here Long After Iranian Tyranny Is a Footnote of History”: Netanyahu

In a stirring address to thousands of American diaspora youth visiting Israel, PM Netanyahu assures the next generation that Israel, a light to the world in a dark region, is eternal despite its many enemies.

Construction to Begin on Israel-Lebanon Border Wall

Israeli media reported Sunday that the IDF is expected to start construction of a wall on the Israeli-Lebanese border within the next month.


An Ancient Ritual Still Practiced Today

Thousands of years ago when Temple stood in Jerusalem, sacrifices were brought as an atonement for sin. The Bible commands these sacrifices to be salted. Today, the Temple in Jerusalem no longer stands. In substitute, Jewish tradition views tables in private homes as symbolic altars at which we can worship God. If tables symbolize alters and bread is considered an offering to God, then it is only right that bread is salted before eating in accordance with Leviticus 2:13.
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Today's Israel Photo

Women soldiers take pride in sharing the burden of defending the Land of Israel.
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I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem daily!!! Looking forward to this prophecy conference as prophecy seems to be being fulfilled before our eyes!!! ISRAEL AND JERUSALEM are G-D'S PROPHETIC time clock!!! --Sister Charlotte
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"A Time of Exposure - God is Taking Out the Enemy in Many Places" by Johnny Enlow - THE ELIJAH LIST

June 29, 2017

"A Time of Exposure - God is Taking Out the Enemy in Many Places"

by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve Shultz"For such a time as this..." comes to mind as we begin to see many things shift in our nation and exposure happening this summer AND will continue to happen.

Johnny Enlow writes a sobering word about this being a rapid time of exposure as you'll read about below. It's important that we get on "God's side" as Johnny shares:
It is a time of aggressive change towards advanced Kingdom purposes. God is on your side only if you are on His side. 

He loves you unconditionally, even if you are not on His side, but things are not going to go well for you if you stay on YOUR side. It is time to shift to HIS side.

Hold on to your seats folks...we're in for a ride! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"A Time of Exposure - God is Taking Out the Enemy in Many Places"

by Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA

It is all happening. Crooked media is being exposed at the highest level ever. Crooked politicians are being exposed at the highest level ever. Even crooked church leaders are being exposed and that will increase. It is happening in rapid fire succession.

God's Cleaning with His Trump Card

God is neither Republican nor Democrat, nor right-wing Christian nor left-wing Christian, and there is great cleaning-up to do on all sides. He has chosen Trump as His lead instrument of correction for clean-up and resetting America and the world. His name Trump is designed to let us know God is playing His high cards right now. He is taking out the enemy in many places where the enemy thought he held the high cards. The two of trump will take out the Ace, King or Queen of anything – anytime.

As I shared months ago, this year has been going like the Super Bowl game where Tom Brady and the Patriots were sacked, attacked and run over – in the first half. Then at half-time after an open dome and patriotic songs, the tide turned and suddenly the Patriots began to score and began to hold off the Falcons – to then finally win in overtime.

A July Shift

I believe we are about to see the shift that I said would happen around July 4th (our patriotic songs time) and you will see it much harder for the fowl birds of the "dirty birds" media to sack President Trump. They gave it their all in the first-half of the year, but they are now beginning to get "gassed" because of the relentless moving forward of Trump and his administration.

Expect this July 4th shift to be significant even though the enemy will keep attempting against their "swamp being drained". However, the swamp is going to be drained like an unplugged cesspool. There is still a lot of arguing because all haven't clearly seen the players at the bottom of the swamp. Some crooks are hiding under other crooks, but even that is not going to work for very long.

It is a monumental overhaul that God has called for at this time and "you ain't seen nothing yet." Trump is simultaneously a lead instrument for the overhaul but he is also symbolic of the drastic overhaul coming to everything as we accelerate into Reformation Days. It is a time of aggressive change towards advanced Kingdom purposes. God is on your side only if you are on His side. He loves you unconditionally, even if you are not on His side, but things are not going to go well for you if you stay on YOUR side. 

It is time to shift to HIS side.

Sounds from Heaven, Prosperity and Restoration

The great news is that it is also a time for increased presence and joy in the Holy Spirit. Songs and sounds of transformational glory are going to be captured and released. I believe a whole new "soundtrack from Heaven" is coming to us to accompany these reformation times.

It is also a time of prosperity and restoration and even the Dow Jones should begin some significant spikes in July. As I said before, I saw the number 27,000 beside the month of October, and though that may be next year, I think it is for this year. Sorry, I see enough in part not to be sure, but one way or the other it will be good. Perhaps, if the righteous will become bold as lions it accelerates to this year when it is supposed to happen.

Let's just all get off OUR side, get on HIS side, be bold as lions, and enjoy advanced adventures with God. There hasn't ever been a time like now. Arise and shine. 

(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth

Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain ProphecyThe Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.

Johnny Enlow's Itinerary:

July 20-22, 2017
2017 Kingdom Prophetic Conference
Victory Fellowship Church
19150 US HWY 19N, Thomasville, GA 31792
Contact: 229.403.9479

July 23, 2017 (10:30am)
China Hill International Ministries
1400 West River Road (HWY 117, Rhine, GA 31077
Contact: 229.833.2044

July 28 - August 5, 2017
17th Annual River of God’s Love Family Camp Meeting
The Sheraton Convention Centre

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Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?

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Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321

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