Saturday, July 8, 2017

Jerusalem Dateline | Christian Aid Worker Under Fire Saves Young Iraqi - CBN News

JULY 08, 2017SHARE →
Christian aid worker risks his life under fire to save a young Iraqi girl; plus, India's PM pays historic visit to Israel and Netanyahu visits the largest US aircraft carrier; and author Tom Doyle talks about ‘Christians Standing in the Fire.’
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Blessing International Pastors with Teaching Books - Love For His People, Inc.

   Love For His People - books sent free to African Pastor

July 8, 2017

Dear friends,

Today we are sending to Pastor Abel in the Osun State of Nigeria these seven books from our Love for His People published resource material library. 

When the Lord Jesus told me in October 2010, after my return trip from Jerusalem, what I was to do going forward, after my question to Him, "What next?", He responded, "Write letters."

Thus my book "Ahava Love Letters" was authored, and published by Xulon Press, in 2011.

Since then, 14 more books have been written and published, in both paperback and Kindle, with the majority of them given out as gifts. These teaching materials are to encourage and provide further stones in the foundation of those wanting to walk with a strong, Christian/Jewish roots base in their life.

When I was with Derek Prince Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from 1987-1990 (and then again in Charlotte, North Carolina from 2001-2005), Derek had his International Executive Director David Selby provide funds for a work of the ministry called "Global Outreach". I remember the director Arlette Peak doing an excellent job in receiving requests, processing orders, and sending Derek's materials, free of charge, to trustworthy pastors, teachers and those wanting to build a good foundation in their walk with Jesus. 

Derek Prince, Steve & Laurie Martin - 1988 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.

Being the Financial Supervisor for both "tours of duty" with DPM, I saw the extent of funds received and paid out in order to do this excellent work. No wonder Derek's ministry is still thriving to this day - because of this generous mission, coupled with his strong prophetic stand for the state of Israel!

Love For His People ministry has followed in this example laid out by Derek and his team. We too have blessed Israel and His people for over seven years now, and want to expand the work of the ministry by sending more books to Pakistan, India, and now the continent of Africa.  

Today, we shipped books to Pastor Abel Oyewale in the Osun State of Nigeria. Even a small box cost $55 to ship international mail.

Pastor Abel with student) 

Pastor Oyewale first contacted me two months ago about providing materials for his church. After seeking the Lord in prayer, and further connection this morning with him, these books are on their way to him in Africa. 

In addition, my book Arms of Love has been published in Pakistan, in the language of Urdu, this month of July 2017. They will be distributed throughout the country to pastors and believers. We give much thanks to the good job done by our Love For His People-Pakistan Director Moses Julius, who coordinated the book publishing. Our first foreign-published book!

                             English version                                Urdu Language in Pakistan

We ask you to join us, as we bless the nations with the Word of God, with these teaching materials. We need your help. 

Please give what you can today, to bless these tomorrow. Our safe, online contribution button is below that you can use now. (Also on the right hand column of our Love For His People blog.)

Checks can be sent to:

Love for His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

And as they say in Hebrew, Todah Rabah! (Thank you very much!)

Blessings on ye head,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.


Donate to Bless families in Israel, Pakistan, Northern Ireland, Africa and India, with your love. 
Love For His People, Inc. is a 501(c)3 ministry in the USA.

All of our teaching books can be found online 
for purchase at Amazon
 - in paperback and Kindle e-book.

Joel C. Rosenberg: What Does The Future Hold? Insights from the Hebrew prophets — and resources to help you study & teach Biblical eschatology

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What Does The Future Hold? Insights from the Hebrew prophets — and resources to help you study & teach Biblical eschatology.

July 7, 2017

(Schroon Lake, New York) -- This week I've been teaching at the Word of Life conference center, nestled in the heart of the gorgeous Adirondack Mountains.
It's been such a blessing to be here with my family. We've loved meeting so many people from all over the U.S. and Canada, teaching the Scriptures, answering people's questions, and taking advantage of so many outdoor activities, from swimming and kayaking to jet skiing and tubing to miniature golfing and so many other activities.
Word of Life is a wonderful ministry with a rich history of teaching the Scriptures to young and old. I highly encourage you to learn more about them and consider attending one of their Bible conference and/or youth camps.
My series this week was called, "What Does The Future Hold? Insights From The Hebrew Prophets." It was divided into four sessions.
  1. Session One -- What Does The Future Hold For Syria? (Isaiah 17 & Jeremiah 49)
  2. Session Two -- What Does The Future Hold For Jordan? (Jeremiah 48 & 49)
  3. Session Three -- What Does The Future Hold For Egypt? (Isaiah 19)
  4. Session Four -- What Does The Future Hold For Israel, Russia & Iran? (Ezekiel 38 & 39)
Soon, I hope to post links to either the audio and video of the sessions. For now, I promised those who attended the sessions that I would post links to notes I've previously published on the importance of studying and teaching Bible prophecy, and on the specific prophecies we studied together during the week. I've also included a link to books on eschatology and other Bible prophecy resources that I recommend.
I hope you find them helpful.
Bible Prophecy Resources
joelcrosenberg | July 7, 2017 at 8:31 pm | Categories: Epicenter | URL:

What a Catholic Holy Man Prophesied About Donald Trump - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Tom Zimmer, "The Hermit of Loreto"

What a Catholic Holy Man Prophesied About Donald Trump


Love For His People editor's Note: Being I was raised in the Roman Catholic church, went to 12 years at Catholic schools, and even wanted to be a missionary priest, and now appreciates our President Donald J. Trump, this is very special to hear of and share with you.

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Strang Report, by Steve Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
If you've read Charisma or my newsletter, you've read about some of the pre-election prophecies that said God had raised up Donald Trump and he would win. I personally know four prophets who said this. I went out on a limb and reported this before the election, knowing if it didn't happen, I would be embarrassed. But it did come to pass.
Recently, a friend sent me a story from the internet about a Roman Catholic priest that is so incredible I hardly know whether to believe it. Since we don't run this type of article in Charisma, I decided to run it here. I am compelled to share it, if only to make you wonder if it might be true and if it's one more confirmation—from a very different perspective—that God somehow raised up Donald Trump.
After the election, the remarkable prophecy came to light that a Catholic "holy man" named Tom Zimmer prophesied in the 1980s that "Donald Trump would lead America back to God." Zimmer, who died on Sept 10, 2009, was known as the "Hermit of Loreto," a town on the east coast of Italy. An American, he moved to Loreto in the early 1970s and lived there until 2008, when he returned to America to die. He was no ordinary Catholic. He co-authored the Pieta prayer book, which sold millions of copies, and is said to have attended Mass many times a day.
The month after Trump's inauguration, an American priest named Giacomo Capoverdi posted a video on YouTube that tells this amazing story. A few weeks later, Catholic blogger Brett Thomas, Secular Order of St. Francis, wrote about it. He tells about the video and how the Rev. Capoverdi says he met the Hermit of Lorento.
Capoverdi said it was around 2000 when a friend of his, an Italian-American doctor named Claudio Curran, told him he had to meet this holy man. He took the train from Rome to Loreto the next time he was there, went to the basilica and saw an old man sitting on the floor hunched over in prayer at the "Holy House"—which Catholics believe was the home of Mary from Nazareth. Capoverdi seems to believe the story that, to save the house from being destroyed by Arabs during the Crusades, angels transported it to Loreto, now a place of Catholic veneration.
Capoverdi asked him in English if he was Thomas [Zimmer], and the two had a delightful conversation. When Trump was elected, Dr. Curran called and told him that, back in the 1980s, Tom Zimmer said he had received a "premonition" and that "a certain man would lead America back to God"—and that man would be none other than Donald J. Trump.
"The millionaire playboy from New York?" the incredulous doctor is said to have asked Zimmer.
"Yes," the Hermit of Loreto responded, adding he was so sure Donald Trump would become a great spiritual leader of America that he wrote his name on a brick and had it placed in the reconstruction of St. Peter's Holy Door after the Jubilee so Trump would receive blessings from the many Masses that would be said in the Vatican.
Thomas wrote: "After looking into Tom Zimmer, the 'Hermit of Loreto,' I have no reason to doubt Capoverdi's statements that Thomas Zimmer communicated to his friend that he received a "premonition" that Donald Trump would "lead America back to God." He then says what the church says to do in order to determine whether a prophecy is true or false. First: Was the prophet a good and virtuous person? Zimmer was. Next, the prophecy must not contradict Scripture or church doctrine. Here, too, "there is nothing scriptural or in church teachings that would suggest that a political leader cannot lead people to God; on the contrary, Scripture indicates it as a duty," Brett writes.
Finally, Thomas says the prophecy must come true. And of course, there's also the possibility of searching for the brick at St. Peter's door with Donald Trump's name on it—to see if Zimmer really left it there. It does seem extraordinary that a prayerful elderly man would have had such an intuition about Donald Trump as a future Christian leader when Trump was, indeed, living a life quite the opposite. Here we must wait and see if that happens, but I'm sure whether or not Trump leads America back to God will be open to dispute and interpretation.
Watch the video to see if you think the story is valid and let me know your thoughts. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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Love For His People editor's Note: Being I was raised in the Roman Catholic church, went to 12 years at Catholic schools, and even wanted to be a missionary priest (who now appreciated our President Donald J. Trump), this is very special to hear of and share with you.)

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Sandie Freed: "Shift Your Thinking and Advance the Kingdom!" - The Elijah List

Sandie Freed: "Shift Your Thinking and Advance the Kingdom!"

The Elijah List Jul 8, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
I loved reading this word by Dr. Sandie Freed. In it, she shares the IMPORTANCE of shifting our mindsets into Kingdom thinking.
Church...we are about to see Heaven come to Earth and it will require a SHIFT in our thinking as Sandie shares:
Today, please shift into Kingdom reality. Develop an advancing attitude. Determine that you are not retreating but rather advancing! As we pursue this type of Kingdom mentality, know this for a fact: in Kingdom reality, disease cannot stay; poverty cannot stay; devastation cannot stay and shame cannot stay!
Let's do it! Let's shift our thinking so we can advance the Kingdom! 
(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our 
more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

Several days ago I heard the Lord say:
"My people are amid many different shifts. Some are shifting out from business into ministry. Some in ministry are shifting into marketplace ministry. Shifts are necessary during this season because I am imparting Kingdom mentality, which involves co-laboring with Me.
"I am not limited to the mindsets of My children. I am a God who is unlimited and I have thoughts beyond their thoughts. I have visions for them that they have not yet thought or dreamed of. To experience all that I have for them will require a shift out of their mindsets.
"The Kingdom dimension is not limited to the natural mind. Yet, the natural mind will abort the seeds being planted by the Holy Spirit concerning Kingdom reality. So, know that I am challenging mindsets even more in the coming days. What you thought was impossible must become potential.
"Look at the impossible as Kingdom potential and then expect it to become Kingdom reality. I am challenging My children to let faith arise! Don't focus on what you see in the natural; lean not to your own understanding. I am removing the veil from the eyes of My people and empowering them to see realms of the supernatural.
"Will we, today, remain stuck in an old pattern of thinking, or an old pattern of religious performance?"
"They will overthrow the demonic structures of unbelief and rely on My grace to empower them to experience breakthroughs and demonstrate many miracles, signs and wonders. A new anointing for courage and boldness is being imparted to those who will cast off all restraints; as they trust Me and allow Me to lead them as they commit to co-laboring with Me in this new season."
Defining "Mindsets"
I began pondering this word for several days. I kept thinking about mindsets. In fact, I just plain got stuck on that word...mindsets. I knew that God was giving strategy for breakthrough so I thought even more. What exactly is a mindset?
It's more than setting our mind on something – it's about something being set into our minds. I know...sounds confusing, right? Let me see if I can break this down a bit. Why do I feel a need to do that? Because we need to understand how hazardous it can be to have a wrong or ungodly mindset. That is, when it comes to understanding God and His ways.
A mindset can be both good and bad. If we set our minds on success, we are therefore choosing to focus on whatever is needed to become successful. If I set my mind on eating healthier, I can be tenacious and refuse sweets and unhealthy snacks. But, if I were taught incorrectly as a child and had a mindset that "all food is okay; just eat everything in moderation" then we can conclude that the mindset was unhealthy, right? So, then that wrong belief would have been set into my mind at a young age. If that unhealthy mindset remained, I would eventually become unhealthy because of eating junk food all my life.
Now let's boil this down to where I really intend to take you: to talk about religious mindsets. Dear one, let me be blunt: religious mindsets can hinder your walk with the Lord and cause unbelief and block the flow of the supernatural in your life. (Photo via Flickr)
I have realized that Jesus came with an announcement that was completely unexpected. The Jews had a mindset that He would appear with an incredible military force and end the abuse they suffered from Rome. Their mindset involved an established "natural" form of government. If you think about it, Israel had completely lost sight of the power of the supernatural.
The supernatural realm was not what they desired to experience; they desired to focus on a "quick fix" for their pain in the natural realm. They could not embrace the fact that if they solved the problem in the supernatural realm that it would take care of their problems in the natural. As a result of their mindset, they missed their hour of visitation. Just think of all that would have been accomplished if they had received Jesus when He came as their Messiah!
The Powerful Message of Repentance
The mindset of the Jews hindered them from understanding the message of repentance. Matthew 4:17 presented the people with an announcement, "...Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Jesus was introducing a whole new revelation concerning repentance.
Jesus came and made a proclamation concerning repentance. He pointed out that the manifestation of the Kingdom of God hinges on the message of repentance. He was and is talking about repentance as in turning from sin, but Jesus was also dealing with their mindsets. He was, in essence, saying:
"Hey guys, it's important that you begin to change the way you think. Why? Because I brought My world with Me! Yes, I have brought My Kingdom with Me. And, I want you to change your perspective on reality. If you choose to see things from My perspective, you can experience and live from the reality of My world."
In other words, Jesus was challenging them to bring Heaven to Earth. And that is the way that Jesus taught the disciples to pray. Praying Heaven to Earth, right?
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
Repentance is Connected to Experiencing Kingdom Reality!
Unfortunately, many of us today have had a mindset concerning the word repentance. Most Christians have repented enough to get forgiven, but not enough to see the Kingdom. Ouch! I was there about fifteen years ago.
I was so busy repenting from my "ugliness" (ugly heart attitudes, ugly actions, ugly sins, etc.) that I could never see that I was God's daughter, a child of the King, and that I had been given power and authority to rule and reign!When Jesus taught on the Kingdom, He presented the message with a powerful mandate. In Matthew 10:7-9, we read how Jesus empowered His disciples with the Kingdom Mandate:
"'The Kingdom of Heaven is near.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give."(Matt. 10:7-9 NIV)
"Religious mindsets can hinder your walk with the Lord and cause unbelief and block the flow of the supernatural in your life."
Yes! They received power and now they had to give it away! We need to remember this important lesson: you only get to keep what you give away! However, how many of us have the mindset that we must hold on to everything?
It's clear that the Kingdom message is opposite of that mindset. When I understood the fact that we are not to build our own kingdoms, but rather His Kingdom, it changed my perspective – it changed my life! I have learned that godly multiplication only occurs when we are consistently giving out. The mindset that we must hold onto what we have will rob potential Kingdom seed from being sown. Only true multiplication can come from sacrifice of giving in all areas of life.
A Wake-Up Call!
My heart is to not be harsh but to deliver a wake up call. We are not called to be a sleeping Church. We can no longer remain lukewarm concerning co-laboring with Him and promoting the Kingdom of God. Many Believers have a mindset that we are simply holding on until Jesus comes. No! We are not on the defense, we are on the offense. Get a mindset today that we are advancing! We are moving forward as a mighty army taking ground for Kingdom advancement!
Today, please shift into Kingdom reality. Develop an advancing attitude. Determine that you are not retreating but rather advancing! As we pursue this type of Kingdom mentality, know this for a fact: in Kingdom reality, disease cannot stay; poverty cannot stay; devastation cannot stay and shame cannot stay!
Remain determined that you are contending for this now! Some of you reading this may be struggling and need a divine healing. Some may have the mindset that it's impossible to be sick and to pray for others to be healed. To believe this way is truly a mindset that will hinder the supernatural flow in your life. (Photo via Unsplash)
Let me just say that I have realized that is possible for me to walk in the gift of healing others, but still have disease in my own body. God will use my faith and my determination to see a realm of the supernatural if I will just step out and be His conduit. Remember, we are contending now for Heaven to come to earth! His will and not ours.
Co-Laboring Effectively
To co-labor effectively with God, there must be a complete dependence on His grace. This is what the Jews couldn't get. They only understood serving God under the Law. It was a mindset that involved rules, laws and religious performance. What they couldn't grasp was the understanding that true repentance required complete dependence.
They just couldn't change the way they thought. Will we, today, remain stuck in an old pattern of thinking, or an old pattern of religious performance?There are unlimited possibilities available for us to grasp and experience. Let's cast off all unbelief, all fear and fear of failure and begin to believe!
If you struggle with limitations and mindsets that limit you in your faith walk, I want to recommend two of my latest books, Letting Go of Your Limitations: Experiencing God's Transforming Power and Faith After Failure: Reconnecting with Destiny.
Dear one, don't allow your past to dictate your future any longer! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Serving Him,
Sandie Freed
Sandie Freed Ministries

Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.
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