Monday, July 17, 2017

Planned Parenthood pamphlet: Abortion is ‘dangerous’ to the ‘life and health’ of women - Live Action News

Old Planned Parenthood pamphlet: Abortion is ‘dangerous’ to the ‘life and health’ of women

An undated pamphlet from Planned Parenthood Federation of America, formerly named the Birth Control Federation of America, reveals that abortion is not health care, as the abortion giant now unabashedly claims.

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Lila Rose discusses extreme abortion bill in Oregon on Martha MacCullum's show

Oregon will become the first state to offer free abortions - even sex-selective abortion and late-term abortion - at taxpayers' expense.

Oregon to become first state with free abortions on demand at taxpayer expense

Without a single vote from a Republican lawmaker, the Democrat-controlled Oregon legislature has passed a measure requiring abortions to be covered by insurance.

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Niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks out against abortion: ‘Black lives matter in the womb’

“Black lives matter in the womb” is a topic abortion activists would like to avoid, the niece of civil rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. said on The Jim Bakker Show.

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Court allows U.S. doctor to examine Charlie Gard

The case of 11-month-old Charlie Gard’s fight for life has captivated the world, and his parents may have just received their first glimmer of hope in months.

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African pro-life activist destroys myth that poor countries need abortion: It’s ‘colonization’

An African woman and pro-life activist destroyed a BBC anchor’s claims that African women “need” abortion and contraception in order to get out of poverty.

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Two Ohio abortion facilities have abruptly closed for unknown reasons

The pro-life group Operation Rescue reports that according to Right to Life of Northeast Ohio, two abortion facilities have suddenly closed without announcing the reasons why.

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Judge Orrick holds attorneys for pro-life investigators in contempt

U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick ruled that attorneys Steve Cooley and Brentford Ferreira, who represent David Daleiden of The Center for Medical Progress, violated Orrick’s injunction against releasing any new videos.

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What Occupation? Most Israelis Say This Land is Ours - ISRAEL TODAY

What Occupation? Most Israelis Say This Land is Ours
Wednesday, July 12, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
A growing majority of Israelis no longer see the presence of Jews or the Israeli military in the so-called "West Bank" as an occupation.
Many do see it as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
That wasn't what the researchers behind a recent survey hoped to find.
Under the banner "Save Israel. Stop the Occupation," Tel Aviv University professors Dr. Nimrod Rosler and Daniel Bar-Tal set out to reveal what most Israelis think about the biblical heartlands of Judea and Samaria and the Jewish settlements there.
According to the survey, as reported by Israel National News, a mere 30 percent of Israelis today view this as "occupation."
That is down from 51 percent who said in 2004 that Israel was occupying the West Bank.
The drop in the number of Israelis who see the situation in Judea and Samaria as an occupation has corresponded to a drastic reduction in those who support the land-for-peace process leading to a "two state solution."
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Kevin Basconi: "It's a Time of Answered Prayer Over America!" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Kevin Basconi: "It's a Time of Answered Prayer Over America!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Jul 17, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is an important word that we can all be praying for over our great nation. Kevin Basconi received an excellent prophetic exhortation from the Lord as we just celebrated our nation's birthday on July 4th.
Kevin shares what we will be experiencing in this season:
Expect to experience outbreaks of the spirit of joy in the people of God. Look for new wine to be poured out in a greater way than ever before. Look for revival to visit the Church in the USA. Pray that we will have wisdom to steward the coming outpourings of the Lord in Christ-like humility and nobility. Look for salvation to pour out upon young people like America experienced in the 1970's during the Jesus Movement.
There's much more to this word...grab a cup of coffee and really dig in...and keep praying! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

As we just celebrated Independence Day, I wanted to share something the Holy Spirit dropped in my heart during the 4th of July. It's been two hundred and forty-one years since America was born. Recently I've been asking the Lord for His heart for our nation. One thing is for sure: God loves everyone in the nation of America, no matter what denomination, political affiliation, or ethnic background. God loves America and ALL of the people who make up this amazing and diverse nation. God loves you too (Jeremiah 31:3)!
"Expect to experience outbreaks of the spirit of joy in the people of God. Look for new wine to be poured out in a greater way than ever before."
As I have been seeking the Lord, the Holy Spirit spoke to me very clearly on the 4th of July, "Kevin, it is Psalm 4 for this Fourth of July for the nation of America."
Let me share a little bit of that psalm with you. It's a psalm of King David. It says in verse 1"Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer."
Answered Prayer
As I have been traveling recently – most recently in New York City – I have seen in heavenly places the windows of Heaven opening and closing over cities and regions in America (Malachi 3:10). 
I believe with all of my heart that America is in a season when the windows of Heaven are opening up over this land. God is not only hearing our prayer but He is answering our prayers as well. 
If you are an intercessor you need to press into your prayer room and pray for our nation at this hour. Pray like never before!
In verse 2 of Psalm 4 it says: "How long, O you sons of men, Will you turn My glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness And seek falsehood?"
I believe the tide has turned in our nation. In America we will see the Lord raise up a group of people who will stand on the Word of God. The Lord is raising up a remnant who will call those things that are good, good, and call those things that are evil, evil (Isaiah 5:20). God is going to raise up a holy priesthood, a royal priesthood, in the nation of America. These overcomers will be pivotal in bringing the Lord's plans to pass in our nation today. They will be instrumental in turning the spiritual tide in America and beyond through their throne room intercession. We are on the cusp of turning the spiritual corner in America. Right now, the windows of Heaven are open and we can step into this dynamic of answered prayer.
In verse 3 of Psalm 4 it says: "But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The LORD will hear when I call to Him."
God is raising up an element, a remnant in America, who will live godly lives and holy lifestyles. These set-apart ones will learn to walk upon the highway of holiness. It's a key moment in the history of the nation of America. Now is the time for us to cry out to God. Because the Lord is listening and He will answer our prayers when we call out and pray to Him for our nation with clean hands and pure hearts – no matter who you are, no matter what position you hold! (Photo via Unsplash)
Verse 4 says: "Be angry, and do not sin. Meditate within your heart on your bed, and be still." I've been doing that: resting in the Lord and waiting for Him to speak to me. I've been meditating about the different things that are unfolding at this hour in America. I believe that it is time for America and God will bless us again. 
America is now moving into a new season of fruitfulness and prosperity.
Don't allow petty mindsets, petty things, petty people, and fake news to pull you out of the presence and glory of the Lord. The Lord is transforming His people into overcomers. As we learn to wait upon Jesus to work in our lives and circumstances, He will release transformation into our lives and into our spheres of influence.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
A New Season: Trusting in God
Psalm 4, verse 5 tells us: "Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD."
It is time for America to put our trust in the Lord. Our currency says, "In God we trust." We need to turn back to God and put our trust in God Almighty again! Supernatural transformation manifests in our lives as we learn to fully trust in the Lord!
Verse 6 says: "There are many who say, 'Who will show us any good?' LORD, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us."
America is entering into a new season when God is going to shine His face upon America. The Lord is going to look upon us with favor and grace. The Lord will release fruitfulness and favor upon our nation and into our families if we can believe to receive it. We need to begin to call those things into full manifestation according to Romans 4:17. We need to intercede and pray for America. We need to decree that the Light of the Lord will shine upon our nation (Job 22:28).
Prosperity for America
Verse 7 says: "You have put gladness in my heart, more than in the season that their grain and wine increased."
This verse speaks of true prosperity. Not financial wealth, but peace of mind. As we learn to truly put our trust in the Lord, not only will the Lord restore the missing peace, but He will also release a season of financial prosperity for America. 
Look for amazing testimonies of bumper crops and wine harvests.
"As we learn to wait upon Jesus to work in our lives and circumstances He will release transformation into our lives and into our spheres of influence."
Expect to experience outbreaks of the spirit of joy in the people of God. Look for new wine to be poured out in a greater way than ever before. Look for revival to visit the Church in the USA. Pray that we will have wisdom to steward the coming outpourings of the Lord in Christ-like humility and nobility. Look for salvation to pour out upon young people like America experienced in the 1970's during the Jesus Movement.
Expect to see God raise up radical preachers endued with the power of the Holy Spirit who will spark a move of God across this nation. The Lord will begin the process of raising up young radical ministers similar to Lonnie Frisbee, who came out of Calvary Chapel in the early 1970's. His ministry impacted a whole generation for Jesus Christ and continues to bear fruit even today.
Shining Times
Verse 8 says: "I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety."
The Lord is going to shine upon America again. And for those who are really trusting in God, we are going to see the Lord protect us and keep us. God will make His face to shine upon us (Numbers 6:25). He is going to hear our prayer when we call to Him, and He is going to answer us. The Lord will be gracious to America. 
God alone can keep us in safety and peace. God alone is well able to keep America in safety and in peace.
I believe that the Lord will lift up His countenance upon this land and God will bless America again. The Lord is going to hear our prayers as we pray to Him. The Lord will release grace and favor and answered prayers into various regions of America at this hour. Some people call this supernatural favor and heavenly grace transformation. Transformation will overtake America.
A Spiritual Shift is Here - Pray for Our Nation!
I want to encourage you to pray for our nation. I want to encourage you to pray for our president, Donald Trump. He will continue to be instrumental in making this spiritual shift possible in our nation. Prayer was instrumental in placing Donald Trump in office and the prayers of the American people were answered. (Photo via Unsplash)
Many news media outlets incorrectly predicted the winner of our last presidential election. Most of the news media spun the news to report that the expected outcome of the presidential election was settled before American's votes were even cast. And it was not going to be Donald Trump whom they predicted to win the election.
Many people woke up the day after Election Day to a surprise. It does no matter which political party that you belong to, please know your source and your only real peace is found in the Lord. The election of President Donald J. Trump is a great example of the power of answered prayer in America at this hour! So continue to pray!
Pray for our president, pray for your region, pray for your city. Pray for God's will to be done. The Lord God Almighty is leaning over the golden banister of Heaven and He is listening to the prayers of the American people right now. I want to encourage you as you read this to also pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). Pray for America like never before! And be assured that God is listening to YOUR PRAYERS at this hour.
On July 4th, I heard it's "Psalm 4" over America. So, again, I want to encourage you to pray for this supernatural season to manifest in the nation of America. So until next time, "May the Lord of glory bless you and make His face to shine upon you today." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Kevin Basconi
King of Glory Ministries International

Kevin and Kathy Basconi are ordinary people who love an extraordinary God. They co-founded King of Glory Ministries International and have a heart to share the Gospel with the poor and the love of the Father to widows and orphans. They have visited 36 nations preaching the Gospel and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in churches, conferences, and crusade meetings. The ministry is punctuated by many miracles, healings, and signs and wonders that confirm the Word of God. Kevin and Kathy recently established the new International Ministry Apostolic Equipping Center (iMAEC) and the Moravian Falls School of Higher Learning in the very heart of Moravian Falls, North Carolina, to empower, and equip the Body of Christ to do the greater works of Jesus Christ! They live in the mountains of North Carolina where they pursue a lifestyle of intimacy and communion with Jesus. Kevin is an internationally published author of the books "The Sword of the Lord" and the new Seer Trilogy "Unlocking the Hidden Mysteries of the Seer Anointing #1, #2 & #3."
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Ancient Jugs Unearthed at Shiloh Could Reveal Precise Location of Tabernacle - Breaking Israel News

Ancient Jugs Unearthed at Shiloh Could Reveal Precise Location of Tabernacle

BIN Header
July 16, 2017

Religious Rescue ZAKA Consulted Jewish Law on Handling Temple Mount Terrorists’ Bodies

Divine Protection Over the Doorways of Your Home

A mezuzah case acts as a holder for a piece of genuine parchment which includes the blessings of the Shema. Every Jewish doorway has a mezuzah, which consciously declares God’s presence under that roof. Finely etched with the image of ancient Jerusalem, this beautiful mezuzah case is sure to earn a prominent place in your home. Welcome guests into your home with this stunning piece from our mezuzah collection.
15% off All Mezuzahs! »

WATCH: Ambassador Friedman Throws First Pitch in Maccabiah Baseball Final

ICYMI: Is Underground Construction Under Jerusalem Preparing for Third Temple? No, But…

UNESCO Reflects Not the Nations’
Anti-Semitism, But Our Own Self-Hatred

By Dr. Michael Laitman
Israel, which was supposed to be a role model melting pot, has become a cesspool that emits nothing but hatred of our coreligionists.
Why Bibi?
By Ira Sharkansky
By Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
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