Friday, July 28, 2017

Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

July 28, 2017J
Here are Today's Elijah List Ministry's Featured Video Messages...

This week's Prophetic TV e-blast includes videos from:

1. Kim Clement: Is This 12-Year-Old Kim Clement Prophecy Coming to Pass Before Our Very Eyes?

2. Hank Kunneman: It's Time That We Get Our Voice Back

3. Lance Wallnau: Urgent: Pray for the President and His Family!

4. Patricia King & Robert Hotchkin: Blessed or Cursed

5. Shawn Bolz: We Have to Master Evil with Good

6. Ryan LeStrange: It's Time for You to Go Up!

7. Nate Johnston: Impossibilities, Today You Bow!

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Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders

"Is This 12-Year-Old Kim Clement Prophecy Coming to Pass Before Our Very Eyes?"

Kim Clement's daughter Donne Petruska recently posted 12-year-old video footage of her father releasing a powerful prophetic word about the Jezebel spirit falling to its knees while America experiences a four-year period of grace.

Clement, who died last year, says: "The Babylonian spirit shall be brought to nothing, and Jezebel herself shall be down on her knees says the Lord ... 'For I have tolerated enough,' and now God says 'Allow Me to give you a four-year period of an extension of grace.'"

By Kim Clement... Watch It Now

Visit Kim Clement's Facebook page: HERE
"It's Time That We Get Our Voice Back"

It's time for the Church to speak up in the United States. It's time that you get your voice back and that you begin to express yourself... the devil wants you quiet.

When you see the Church that was born in the book of Acts chapter 2 and continued on, these are the ACTS of the Holy Spirit. The Church was never quiet... the Church was never to be quiet... the Church was to be a place where the people gathered.

By Hank Kunneman... Watch It Now

Visit Hank Kunneman's Facebook page: HERE
"Urgent: Pray for the President and His Family!"

"Whatsoever you bind on earth, will be bound in Heaven..." — Matthew 18:18

The Apostle Paul said to pray for rulers, and those that are in authority... so right now we pray for a supernatural grace over President Trump and his family. We veto every missile, every arrow, every vex, every spell, every jinx, and every curse brought against him... Father, I pray that You would go to the sources of these things and that You would break them up and convert them to Your call and to the Kingdom of God.

By Lance Wallnau... Watch It Now

Visit Lance Wallnau's Facebook page: HERE

"Blessed or Cursed"

God wants us to live abundantly blessed lives. And He has made it all available to us in Christ. So why aren't more Christians living in the fullness of blessing? Why aren't you seeing blessing in every area of your life?

Robert Hotchkin joins Patricia King to answer this question. Watch and discover how simple it is to shift your life into the Blessing Zone!

By Patricia King & Robert Hotchkin... Watch It Now

Visit Patricia King's Facebook page: HERE
Visit Robert Hotchkin's Facebook page: HERE
"We Have to Master Evil with Good"

We have God who teaches us how to master evil with good. Which means that we have a God who not only works all things for our good, but He actually makes evil look defeated compared to goodness.

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." — Romans 12:21

By Shawn Bolz... Watch It Now

Visit Shawn Bolz's Facebook page: HERE
"It's Time for You to Go Up!"

The Lord said, "It's time to move up, tell My people it's time to move to go up."

The Lord is bringing you up into His glory—up into His plans—up into His insight. Be encouraged and move up. The Lord is stirring purpose, destiny and vision... but you've got rise up!

By Ryan LeStrange... Watch It Now

Visit Ryan LeStrange's Facebook page: HERE
"Impossibilities, Today You Bow!"

This is the week that the impossibilities bow... this is the week that you see those things that you've been going through bow in the name of Jesus.

He wants you to step into agreement and He wants you to surrender to what He's already made way for in your life. I just hear the Lord saying to you, "Let go, surrender your impossibilities to the name that is Jesus."

By Nate Johnston... Watch It Now

Visit Nate Johnston's Facebook page: HERE
Thank you for your donation today to help keep Elijah List Ministries/Prophetic.TV ON THE AIR

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Steve and Derene Shultz
President, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List Ministries, 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321

Lance Wallnau Issues an Urgent Prayer Alert for the First Family - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Dr. Lance Wallnau

The last couple of weeks have been particularly difficult on President Donald Trump, but even more so for his family and those who work with him, and that was the focus of the latest call to prayer Dr. Lance Wallnau made Thursday during a Facebook Live video, which you can see above.
"Witches have been releasing tens of thousands of curses against Trump," he said. "I found something out. People were praying for me, you know, at the inauguration. I got out of a vehicle before it got jumped by the goofball Antifa crowd, who destroyed windows, looted property, had a hundred people put in jail and had a lawyer who then got arrested with them.
"This is a machine, my friends, a demonic machine is out there. Before they could torch my limo, burn it to the ground and injure my driver, we got dropped off. So, I'm thankful for the prayers at the inauguration that kept my wife and me from harm."
But, Wallnau noted, most of the prayers had been directed only at his safety, not also for those around him. And, later, his wife fell and injured her wrist. He took that message to heart and shared with his online audience that we shouldn't just pray for the president, but also for his family—and given the current headlines, that's probably not a bad idea.
"As you watch this machine, this vicious machine that—basically, politics is all about destruction of your opponents," he said. "It's not about the debate of ideas anymore. It's about annihilating your opposition.
"[The president]'s watching his kids get torn apart. So, he needs his family. What's wrong with family? Any Christian should say the family should be together, especially when the father leaves the business world to go save a nation and to go lead it. He needs all the family he can have because he's got so many ideological enemies out there."
Wallnau prayed for the president, his wife, the president's sons, daughter and son-in-law, and he even prayed for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and for Sen. John McCain. Having heard another prophet suggest the president may suffer a stroke, he made another intercessory prayer to "veto that stroke in Jesus' name."
His video was eventually cut off due to technical difficulties—or perhaps the devil was unhappy with his message—but not before he shared some tough love for Pentecostals who have not yet taken action in the spiritual warfare that surrounds the Trump presidency. He said a number of them have lamented, "Why didn't we get a goodie-two-shoes president?"
Wallnau, following through on an earlier promise to say something "terribly controversial," said it's because Christians didn't deserve one, and even if they had gotten one, they probably wouldn't have shown up for him.
"We're out in spiritual la-la land thinking the world is going to change because we're having another prayer meeting with a prophecy over it. Not gonna happen," he said. "There's a deception in the church. The deception is this: The spiritual realm is somehow separated from the earthly realm.
"God took Adam and breathed the breath of life in him. Man functions as a physical being with a spiritual authority. Christians who keep going off to Spirit land and doing whatever there on a spiritual vacation and take their lobotomy out of the natural realm and say that everything is spiritual and say all they got to do is get more spiritual—now they're up in the courts of heaven teaching, and all thinking it's all going to resolve itself.
"I tell you what. You win a battle in the courts of heaven and don't go through the action on earth, opening your mouth and advocating your cause, and speaking the truth, and proclaiming the truth, then you are vetoed. Not because you didn't do your job in spiritual warfare, but because you didn't follow it up with corresponding action. It means nothing for you to do a sacrifice to God before battle and then not show up and go into battle.
"Joshua would not have taken a single mountain if he had followed today's Pentecostal theology about everything's in the spirit realm and nothing is in the natural realm. Well, at some point, you've got to walk over into the natural realm." 
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

Do You Love Israel and Desire to Grow Deeper in Your Faith? - Love Israel with Baruch Korman

Will your congregation be ready for the End Times?

The purpose of is to provide sound Bible teaching, going through books of the Bible verse by verse. This teaching utilizes the original languages of Scripture, as well as the cultural backgrounds for the settings of each Biblical passage. The teacher is Baruch Korman Ph.D. His teaching (Name of program: Love Israel with Baruch Korman) can be seen in the United States and internationally on the DayStar Television Network. Baruch also teaches a similar television program in Hebrew which is broadcast on the Middle East Television Network (METV) in nearly every home in Israel. METV also shows the English version of the program to over 20 nations in the Middle East and Asia. Throughout Africa and Europe, in addition to Daystar, his program is on the Faith Broadcasting Network. This same program is dubbed into Russian and Ukrainian and is seen in both Russia and the Ukraine on CNL Network. For Romanian speakers, Credo TV also broadcasts this program in Romania with Romanian sub-titles.

For those who prefer to watch online, has channels on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Google TV, iTunes, Android TV, One Place, Lightsource, LightCast, Cross TV, Vimeo, and Youtube. 

Baruch Korman ministering in Kentucky, USA  July 2017

The ministry has been based in Israel for more than 15 years, where Baruch teaches at the Zera Avraham Institute and also on Both of these venues offer teaching only in the Hebrew language. conducts conferences in Israel, Europe, the United States, and Asia numerous times each year. These conferences are provided free of charge. For additional information please visit

For additional information - Click Here

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Songs of the Bible ✡ "The Favorite Of The Songs Of Yisrael" - Israel365

These are the last words of David: The utterance of David son of Yishai, The utterance of the man set on high, The anointed of the God of Yaakov, The favorite of the songsof Yisrael:

וְאֵלֶּה דִּבְרֵי דָוִד הָאַחֲרֹנִים נְאֻם דָּוִד בֶּן־יִשַׁי וּנְאֻם הַגֶּבֶר הֻקַם עָל מְשִׁיחַ אֱלֹהֵי יַעֲקֹב וּנְעִים זְמִרוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל

שמואל ב כג:א
v’-AY-leh div-RAY da-VID ha-a-kha-ro-NEEM n’-UM da-VID ben yi-SHAI un-UM ha-GE-ver hu-KAM AL m’-SHEE-akh e-lo-HAY ya-a-KOV u-n’-EEM z’-mi-ROT

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Hebrew words n’eem zemirot yisrael (נעים זמרות ישראל),‘ the favorite of the songs of Yisrael’ or ‘ the sweet singer of Israel,’ are a reference to King David. Though much of this chapter focuses on his worldly accomplishments, King David is an intensely spiritual person who strives with every ounce of his being to serve Hashem.  In addition to being a scholar, King David is the author of most of Sefer Tehillim, excelling not only in Torah study but also in prayer.   Though his wish to build God’s Holy Temple is not granted, he is able to make many of its preparations. King David serves as the quintessential leader who uses all of his talents, and all aspects of his personality, to serve Hashem and His people.

From Novice to Expert: How Teaching Biblical Hebrew Has Changed Lives

Have you ever wondered exactly how the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies successfully teaches thousands of people Biblical Hebrew each and every month? Learn the techniques and the methods right here!

Will the Messiah Arrive During the Current Month of 'Av'?

One of the basic tenets of Judaism is the belief that the messiah can arrive at any moment.

Put Your Name on The Land

By wearing this map of Israel you can hold that promised inheritance near to your heart. Moreover, with the inscription of your name on the Land, you will solidify your love and connection to Israel.
Shop and Save 24% Now! »

Mark the birth of a new family member by planting a tree in Israel!


Today's Israel Photo

Ruins of Old Caesarea at Caesarea Harbor by Noam Chen. In incredible fulfillment of prophecies, the ruins of the mighty Romans are left behind as the Jewish people return "as dreamers" to the Land of Israel!

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I am just another Christian who loves the Jewish people. My greatest wish is to visit Israel someday. Just know that there are thousands of Baptist Christians who support Israel. I wish I could afford to do more. --Robert Reverski
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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