Friday, August 18, 2017

When Will Messiah Come? It Depends on the Jews - Breaking Israel News

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When Will Messiah Come?
It Depends on the Jews

WATCH: Introduction to Judaism for Non-Jews

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Archaeological Proofs of the Validity of the Bible

For many years, it seemed as if there were no archaeological remains from the period when the Israelite nation entered the Land of Israel as recorded in the book of Joshua. Recent investigations have revealed hundreds of priorly unknown Israelite sites from this historical period. Watch now to witness breathtaking discoveries of archaeological evidence of the Jewish Nation entering the Promised Land.
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Thursday, August 17, 2017

Shalom Today Ministry in Pakistan with Moses Julius - Independence Day

Moses Julius - Independence Day Aug. 11, 2017
Shalom Today Ministry in Pakistan


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Anne Graham Lotz Issues an Urgent Warning About the Upcoming Solar Eclipse - ANNE GRAHAM LOTZ CHARISMA NEWS

(Anne Graham Lotz/Facebook)

Anne Graham Lotz Issues an Urgent Warning About the Upcoming Solar Eclipse

The sun will be turned to darkness ... before the great and awe-inspiring day of the Lord comes" (Joel 2:31).
A few years ago, I was teaching through the book of Joel when the ancient words of his prophecy came up off the page. I knew with hair-raising certainty that God's severe judgment was coming on America! I have taught Joel several times since. Each time has served to confirm with deep conviction that God is warning America of impending disaster and destruction.
In light of Ezekiel 33:1-6 that commands a watchman to be faithful to warn others of the danger coming against the land, I feel compelled to issue the warning once again. The warning is triggered by the total solar eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, nicknamed "America's Eclipse." For the first time in almost 100 years, a total solar eclipse will be seen from coast to coast in our nation. People are preparing to mark this significant event with viewing parties at exclusive prime sites. The celebratory nature regarding the eclipse brings to my mind the Babylonian King Belshazzar, who threw a drunken feast the night the Medes and Persians crept under the city gate. While Belshazzar and his friends partied, they were oblivious to the impending danger. Belshazzar wound up dead the next day, and the Babylonian empire was destroyed.
Jewish rabbis have historically viewed solar eclipses as warnings from God to Gentile nations. Therefore, my perspective on the upcoming phenomenon is not celebratory. While no one can know for sure if judgment is coming on America, it does seem that God is signaling us about something. Time will tell what that something is.
Please view the following video posted by Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti. Pastor Steve articulates the warning in a very clear, undeniable, yet undogmatic way based on his understanding of biblical truth.
Please be assured that balancing God's warning is His plea for us to return to Him and rend our hearts in sincere, heartfelt repentance. I can almost hear the tears in Joel's voice as he pleads for us to repent and return to God, because "Who knows? He might turn aside and relent, and He might leave behind a blessing" (Joel 2:14a).
Regardless of whether or not the conjecture regarding America's eclipse is accurate, we know our nation and our world is in turmoil. Without doubt, this is the time for God's people to get right with God. To repent of our own sin. To share the gospel with our neighbors. And to pray that in the midst of His coming wrath, God would remember mercy (Hab. 3:2).
Anne Graham Lotzsecond child of Billy and Ruth Graham, is the founder of AnGeL Ministries and chairman for the National Day of Prayer Task Force. She has authored 15 books, including her latest, The Daniel Prayer.
This article originally appeared on
Love For His People Editor: We'd love to keep in touch with you. 

Is God’s Judgment Coming on America?
August 7, 2017  Source: Anne Graham Lotz website
The sun will be turned to darkness…before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.Joel 2:31
A few years ago I was teaching through the book of Joel when the ancient words of his prophecy came up off the page. I knew with hair-raising certainty that God’s severe judgment was coming on America! I have taught Joel several times since.  Each time has served to confirm with deep conviction that God is warning America of impending disaster and destruction.
Please view the following video posted by Australian pastor Steve Cioccolanti.  Pastor Steve articulates the warning in a very clear, undeniable, yet undogmatic way based on his understanding of Biblical truth:
Please be assured that balancing God’s warning is His plea for us to return to Him and rend our hearts in sincere, heartfelt repentance.  I can almost hear the tears in Joel’s voice as he pleads for us to repent and return to God, because “Who knows? He may return and have pity and leave behind a blessing.” (Joel 2:13-14)
For the glory of His great name.

Thank you to all that have participated in this discussion. We appreciate all of your comments. –Blessings from the AnGeL Ministries Team

Jonathan Cahn Speaks on the Solar Eclipse - Aug. 16, 2017

Jonathan Cahn 
Speaks on the Solar Eclipse (08.21.17)
Aug. 16, 2017

Love For His People Editor: We'd love to keep in touch with you. 

South Africa's Push to Boycott Israel Fails; Israel’s Underground Wall Saves Jewish and Arab Lives - United with Israel

The U.S. Military Will Be Conducting ‘A Major Military Exercise’ On The Korean Peninsula During The Solar Eclipse - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 16 Aug 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

On August 21st, approximately 25,000 U.S. troops will join “tens of thousands” from the South Korean military to conduct a “major military exercise” that is already triggering threats from North Korea.  Considering the fact that any sort of provocation could cause a nuclear war to erupt on the Korean peninsula, is this really a wise thing to do?

The more research that I do on this upcoming solar eclipse, the stranger things become.  When I first started hearing about this eclipse many months ago, I didn’t pay too much attention, but now after looking into it extensively I do believe that it is going to be quite significant.

And I didn’t even know about this major military exercise that will happen during the eclipse until today.  The following comes from MSN
The U.S. military is preparing to launch a major military exercise with South Korea in coming days, and faces a dangerous balancing act: How do you reassure allies in the region that you are ready for a war with North Korea without provoking an actual conflict in the process?
The annual Ulchi-Freedom Guardian exercise is scheduled for 10 days beginning Aug. 21, and will include about 25,000 U.S. troops along with tens of thousands of South Koreans. The exercise focuses on defending South Korea against an attack from the north, and each year triggers threats and rebukes from North Korea. But it comes at an especially sensitive time now, following the exchange of a series of threats between President Trump and North Korea.
Another thing that we just found out is that meteorologists are warning that a major hurricane could potentially start approaching the east coast of the United States during the time of the solar eclipse.  It has been almost 12 years since a major hurricane made landfall in this country, and so it is very odd that this would be happening all of a sudden.

As I have discussed previously, many believe that the upcoming solar eclipse and the 40 day period that follows may be some type of “warning” for America.  And traditionally, this 40 day period has been a time of repentance for the people of Israel
On August 21, a total solar eclipse will mark a trail from the Northwest US to the Southeast Atlantic Seaboard. The eclipse will occur on the last day of the Hebrew month Av, a day known as Yom Kippur Katan, the “small day of repentance.” The morning after the eclipse, Jews will  begin blowing the shofar every morning for a 40-day period of profound repentance leading up to Yom Kippur. This corresponds to the 40 days Moses was on Mount Sinai atoning for the Jewish people.
It is also very interesting to note that this eclipse comes exactly 33 days before the “Revelation 12 sign” that will appear in the heavens on September 23rd.  The first state that the solar eclipse of August 21st will cross will be Oregon, and many have noted that Oregon is our 33rd state.  And the solar eclipse will finish crossing the nation on the 33rd parallel in the state of South Carolina.

So is that just a coincidence?

It might be.

Another extremely interesting fact is that the very first large city that the path of the eclipse will cross is Salem, Oregon.  Of course Salem is short for Jerusalem, and it turns out that the path of the eclipse will reach Salem at just about the same time that the sun is setting in Jerusalem.

Another coincidence?


Seven years after the eclipse on August 21st, another one will cross our nation in 2024.  Together, the paths of those two eclipses will mark a giant “X” directly over the middle part of the country.  And amazingly, the combined time of the totality of those two eclipses will be seven minutes.

And this eclipse is just the beginning.  Over the subsequent 40 days there are quite a few critical events that people are buzzing about.  The following list comes from one of my previous articles

August 23 – A FEMA exercise known as “EarthEX2017” will simulate “catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks”
An exercise sponsored by FEMA and the U.S. Department of Energy set to take place on August 23 called EarthEX2017 will wargame responses to catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks.
The exercise will simulate a “subcontinent-scale, long duration power outage, with cascading failures of all other infrastructures,” according to the official Earth Ex website.
“Black sky events” are defined as, “Catastrophic occurrences caused by man or nature that bring society to its knees.”
September 1 – This marks the start of FEMA’s annual “National Preparedness Month“.

September 1 – The U.S. State Department’s ban on U.S. citizens traveling into North Korea goes into effect.  Many are concerned that this is yet another sign that we are moving toward war with North Korea.

September 11 – This will be the 16th anniversary of 9/11.

September 20 – Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset.

September 21 – The UN International Day Of Peace

September 23 – This is the date of what has become known as “the Revelation 12 sign”.  If you are not familiar with this alignment yet, the following is a very brief summary
On September 23rd a unique astronomical alignment of the Sun, Moon, constellation Virgo, constellation Leo, and planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus is going to fulfill this passage from the book of Revelation:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.
September 24 – Very important national elections will be held in Germany.

September 29 – Yom Kippur begins at sunset, and it concludes on September 30th.  Of course September 30th will be the end of a 40 day period that began back on the day of the Great American Eclipse on August 21st.

September 29 – U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that the debt ceiling will be breached on this day if Congress does not raise it by then.

September 30 – If Congress does not pass a budget by the end of this day, there will be a government shutdown just like we witnessed in 2013.

And all of this comes at a time when anger, hatred and racial tension are reaching a fever pitch in this country.

Let us pray for peace both at home and abroad, because at this moment we are rapidly approaching a boiling point.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on