Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Showing our love, respect and support for the Jews and the people of Israel, four ministries - Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Chuck Anthong), Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries Ze'ev Nevo) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) came together for the annual event in Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA. Led by Curtis Loftin (founder of Beith Yeshua) this gathering of Gentiles and Jews join together to bless the nation of Israel, being we are strong friends and love to let the world know that we stand strong for the Jewish people in their Promised Land. In the midst of recent activity within the USA, and the increasing anti-Semitic activity worldwide, and even in the eastern USA in Virginia, as committed Christian and Messianic Jews, we want our cities, our states, our nation and the world to know that the Jews will always have our support, love and commitment to stand with them against all who seek to steal, kill and destroy. We love our brethren the Jews! We love Israel! Blessings on ye head! With ahava (love) and shalom (peace) of Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ, we share our faith, hope and love.
Steve Martin Love For His People, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Chuck Anthony and Wane Daroux
Cathy Hargett, Highway To Zion Founder
Charlotte, NC
Ze'ev Nevo, Israel Media Ministries Founder, main speaker
Help Love For His People keep sending teaching materials free of charge to international pastors, by supporting this ministry. We also send financial support for families in Jerusalem, Belfast, UK and Lahore, Pakistan monthly. Even a gift of $10 helps. Thank you.
Help Love For His People continue to keep bringing you these
ministry videos, by supporting this ministry. We also give monthly funds to pastors
in international lands with free teaching materials. Regular financial support
for families in Jerusalem, Belfast, UK and Lahore, Pakistan goes out monthly.
Even a gift of $10 helps. Thank you.
being printed in the first "non-English" language.
July 20, 2017
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Dear friends (and I call you friends who share in the love for the Lord Jesus, His people the Jews, and the nation of Israel),
We are so thankful and excited that work continues in the publication of my book "Arms of Love" in our first non-English language. We hope it will not only encourage believers in these lands, but also touch the heart of Muslims with the love of Yeshua (Jesus), for Whom this is all about.
I am so thankful for Moses, who has led the charge is seeing this through. He has pressed on, and we will see the completion of it soon.
We appreciate your help as we are touching the nations with the love of the Lord Jesus, Adonai.
Be blessed in your blessing today,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.S. The photos of the Urdu language book were taken with a phone camera and emailed to me today.
Love For His People, Inc. is a 501(c)3 ministry in the USA.
Shalom Today Ministries and Love For His People, with Moses as Director in his land.
Front cover - English version
Available here on Amazon & Kindle. Click link here.
SPECIAL UPDATE: My 11th book, "Arms of Love", will be published in Pakistan in the Urdu language, by MIK Publishing. The funds were sent this morning, Dec. 30, 2016. This is the first foreign publication of any of my 13 books.
Moses Julius, of Shalom Today Ministries and our Love For His People Director in Lahore, is heading up this project.
Thank you Lord!
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
(Below is the original post when first published in 2015.)
Greetings friends.
My 11th book, Arms of Love, was published last month in December, 2015.
This one is a small book - 14 messages - purposely written that way so that it would be read and not laid aside on a table. Knowing that many of you either don't read books, or believing that there are too many chapters in books and not enough hours in the day - thus too big and time consuming, well, I have the solution. This book is not that book! It is the Twitter generation after all.
So have some joy and be at peace. This book is only 86 total pages (including all the extra stuff that is usually put in books), 5" x 8" in size so that it fits nicely in a women's purse (sorry men), and can be read in one sitting, or 14, whichever you prefer.
You can order now on Amazon in either paperback or Kindle versions.
Or, if you are so moved, you can mail a check for $7.00 (includes S/H), made out to LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE, to our address:
Love For His People Attn: Steve Martin P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
(I like to think of Pineville as the NC little town of Bethlehem, similar to the actual town of Jesus/Yeshua's birth, which is just south of Jerusalem, Israel. We are just south of Charlotte, NC.)
Blessings on ye head,
Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Arms of Love: That's What It Is All About
Steve Martin's Latest Book
December, 2015
In 2010 the Lord God of Israel, my Savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach), led me to start the ministry we call Love For His People. Its primary purpose is to share the love of the Lord with the nation of Israel, Jews around the world, and the people in all the nations as we can. For that end, through social media, writing and distributing books, and in person ministry, we are seeing the love of Jesus spread. We are grateful that He has given us much love in order to do just that.
We often hear the word “love” spoken out loud, and written about, in many ways. It has contrasting meanings to the wide range of people that exist, as it is expressed in different methods through people. When it has all been said and done, there is an eternal love that will stand the test of fire. Because the biblical expression of love, laying down one’s life for his friends, has eternal value, this love from God the Father to His creation is the type that I most seek after and try to share.
In these short chapters of Arms of Love, which is also the title of a song Laurie and I sang while leading various church worship meetings, and as the lead singers in our Ahava Love Band, I share some aspects of how I believe the Bible speaks of love.
For you who are about to read this, my prayer is that your heart will be enlarged with His, and you too will become one, even more, to give love for His people, both Jew and Gentile, both saved and unsaved. I hope that as you read these chapters, you will become more inspired to spend time with the Lord, experience His heart of love, and share it with our fellow man. The world needs to know the love of God.
Steve Martin served with three Christian ministries from 1987-2010, all having a national and international outreach focus. During that time he made 14 ministry trips to Israel, China, India, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Kingdom. On his overseas journeys Steve enjoyed sharing written journal entries with family and friends back home, through Internet media.
His light-hearted stories gave an up close and personal touch for those reading along. Many could imagine being there themselves. His extensive collection of photos taken during these trips, of both local scenery and common people on the streets, has touched thousands through their varied images.
Since 1994, Steve and his good wife Laurie have lived in the Charlotte, NC area, after having homes in Illinois, Michigan and Florida. Now married for more than 38 years, they enjoy their four adult children and spouses (Josh and Chelsie, Ben, Hannah and Jonathan, Christen and Andrew), along with our seven additional grandchildren – Daniel, Logan, Dylan, Jensen, Payton, Jack and Levi. While continuing to serve organizations with his accounting skills, he enjoys writing, photography and growing the ministry of Love For His People, Inc.
Christians Under Fire for Recognizing Five-Fold Apostle-Prophet
This flier invited Christians to participate in a memorial ceremony on Aug. 16 to commemorate the late Pastor Fazal Masih, referred to as the one 'who was given the title of an apostle.' The flier also carries pictures of 15 office-bearers of the "Biblical Church of God," a small, little-known Protestant group in Gujrat. (World Watch Monitor)
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Pakistani police have charged 15 Christians with blasphemy in the religiously conservative city of Gujrat for publishing a flier that described a Christian pastor, who died 20 years ago, as one "who was given the title of an apostle."
The word "apostle" is translated in the Urdu Bible as "rasool." Although the title "prophet" is usually translated into Urdu by the Arabic-root "nabi," "rasool" can also carry the same meaning.
The claim of "apostleship" or "prophet-hood" is perceived as an open insult and challenge to the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Muslims believe he is Allah's last and final apostle and prophet, after whom prophecy ceased. Therefore any countering claim is considered blasphemous and, according to Pakistan's blasphemy law, may be punishable with death.
The Catholic news agency, Fides, reported that during the recent Ramadan, in early July, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif approved a summary prohibiting the English translation of Islamic terms. Sacred Arabic names and words like "Allah," "masjid," "sala'at" and "rasool," it reported, "are now forbidden to be translated into English as 'God,' 'mosque,' 'prayer' and 'prophet' ... The Prime Minister's announcement came a day before the anniversary of the coup of General Zia ul Haq in 1977, when a number of laws were issued to Islamize the country."
In Gujrat, which is in the Punjab region, the flier, an invitation to Christians to participate in a memorial ceremony on Aug. 16 to commemorate the late Pastor Fazal Masih, carried pictures of 15 office-bearers of the "Biblical Church of God," a small, little-known Protestant group working in Gujrat city.
A Pakistani commentator explained to World Watch Monitor: "The flier's language looks like it's been copied from the Internet. It's language that may be more acceptable in countries where Christianity has more freedom. It suggests that the late pastor practiced the gifts of the Holy Spirit and had a prophetic gift. However this is a concept that does not translate easily in an Islamic context."
The flyers were placed across the city in the areas where Christians are in a higher number, such as Mughal Colony, where the dead man's son, Younatan Fazal Gill, lived. He was one of the organizers of the program.
"There are about 200 households of Christians who have reasonable means of earning, and also have their own houses," Mukhtar Mughal Khan, a Christian political leader and former local councilor, told World Watch Monitor.
"Only three days before the announced date of the program, first a Muslim woman and then Umar Butt, a shopkeeper, noticed that the flier used the word 'apostle' for a Christian.
"There are people who say Umar Butt enquired of Younatan's brother-in-law, Imran Masih, about the title of 'apostle.' Imran told him that Christians could use this "biblical" description, after which the situation escalated.
"On Aug. 15, it was announced from the loudspeaker of a local mosque that all Muslims should gather to discuss this issue. The police of the Civil Lines were also called in.
"After the meeting, the police searched Christian neighbourhoods and removed all the fliers. And when the organizers of the program were preparing to gather the next day, the police arrested some of them."
The police of Civil Lines registered a case (numbered 972/15) under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. This was an unusual move because it did not allow for a local citizen to lodge the application, nor was the case registered under the blasphemy laws of Pakistan.
"The situation got tense, even though there was no untoward incident, so Christians started to leave the area," said Khan.
A Christian health visitor, Roseanna Masih, told World Watch Monitor that two women living across the street from her started name-calling: "They said Christians had blasphemed the Holy Prophet and that they should be punished for it. I told them that anyone who had done wrong should be punished, but why should all of us be treated with contempt?"
"On Friday, Aug. 21, Christians were expecting that after Friday prayers extremist Muslims would attack their houses, so almost all their women and children were sent away while only men were left their to guard their houses," said Khan. He said that there were about 500 houses in the Mughal Colony and about 200 households were of Christians.
"The police cordoned off the area and the Deputy Police Officer, Ghulam Mustafa, and Civil Lines Police Station House Officer, Shahid Tanveer, played a wonderful role and did not let any unpleasant incident take place," said Khan.
Police Officer Tanveer later told World Watch Monitor that the situation was under control and that there was no law and order situation in the area.
"However, the police arrested Pastor Aftab Gill, another son of the deceased pastor, and three others, while Younatan has obtained bail," said Khan.
Similar Cases
This is not the first time a Christian has been accused of blasphemy because of biblical interpretation or translation. Almost exactly a year ago, on Aug. 23 in Bahawalpur, about 450 kilometres from Lahore, 60-year-old Naja Masih was sitting outside his home with his neighbour, Shahid Mehmood, discussing similarities between the Bible and the Quran, after which Masih was charged and immediately handed to the police.
In his First Information Report (FIR), submitted in the Civil Lines Police Station, Mehmood stated that Masih told him "God Himself took human form—God forbid—and appeared to Lot, and told him to leave his village." Mehmood further alleged that Masih had injured his religious feelings, by saying that when Lot had fled Sodom along with his daughters, his daughters "intoxicated" him and slept with him to continue their father's lineage.
In another case, a Christian man named Anwar Kenneth was arrested and charged under the blasphemy law. He claimed he was one of the two promised witnesses to Jesus (interpreted as Elijah and Moses) in the last book of the Bible (Rev. 11) but was believed to be mentally ill. However, he was sentenced to death in 2002 and since then his appeal has not been heard by the Supreme Court.