Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Law of the Messiah - V'ahavta (...and you shall love...") - Hadassah from Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel
וְאָהַבְתָּ    ‘…And you shall love…’ 

The Law of the Messiah
Hadassah from Jerusalem, Israel

To know and to do God’s will. This seems to be the question on most true Believer’s hearts: LORD what is your will? God has made His will clear in the Word that He has given us- His commandments, His Laws. But especially through His Son Y’shua’s words and example did He reveal Himself and His heart towards us and His will.

With so many decrees and laws to know and follow we can get bogged down- overwhelmed. Even in His day, an observant Jewish man asked Y’shua which Law is the greatest. Recorded in three of the Gospels (Mt 22:37, Mk 12:30, Lk 10:27), Y’shua quotes to him from the well-known daily prayer the Sh’ma (Deut. 6:5): “And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”

In Mark, Y’shua continues: "The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

The second commandment is actually the ‘how to’ live out the first commandment. How do we love God so completely- by loving the Family of Faith.

“If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (I John 4:20)

And the LORD tells us that the world will know we are His- by our love for one another!

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so also you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” 
(John 13:34,35)

In Galatians 6:2 we read a practical application: "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."

 In this verse we see the specific fulfilling of the Law of Christ is done by bearing each other’s burdens. How do we show this love for one another in the Body of Messiah? Taking care of the widows and orphans, praying for those who are hurt and sick, sharing physical provision…. The list is endless.

When a Body member is going thru a major illness or crisis- one that seems to have no solution or end in sight- can we come to them in their suffering and walk with them? Can we listen without judgement and unasked-for advice? Will we ‘carry’ them on our shoulders in prayer? Are we able to lay down our lives for them in acts of loving kindness and service?

To bear one another’s burdens IS to FULFILL the Law of our Messiah. It is the maximum of His example when He came and ultimately carried our burden of sin and suffering.

It is not easy to consistently walk with someone who is suffering. To keep them encouraged. To hold them in your heart before the Throne. To not get weary in well-doing. We must remember- that we are yoked with the Messiah in this walk and He says that His burden is easy (Mt 11:30)

Continually go to Him and ask for the Grace to endure WITH your Brother. To weep with your Sister. Being very realistic about your personal limitations- do not let those be and excuse to not be ‘present’. We each have a part we can play and with the Grace of Y’shua we can answer His passionate garden question:  ‘Will you not tarry with me one hour?

We can choose to love one another and ‘tarry’ with one another and so fulfill the Law of our Messiah. 
Nissim & Hadassah
Jerusalem, Israel

 Hadassah and Nissim, her accountant husband, live in a settlement just outside Jerusalem with their dog Molly. After making Aliyah (immigrating) from the U.S. with their five children in 1989, they are now semi-retired and open their home to guests and those wishing to make Aliyah. When not busy with their 16 'GrandWonders', they enjoy a quiet life of study, prayer and learning to serve the LORD.

#6  08.24.31

From Powerless to Power Filled by Pam Clark, Identity Network

From Powerless to Power Filled by Pam Clark

Identity Network  Aug. 22, 2017

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By Simon Bailey
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I and others have been crying out about the over sheltered self-celebrating church of today that is naive and unprepared and VULNERABLE!  When we do not go out into the world and share the good news reality and joy about God, we only set ourselves up for the other agenda.
Our children matter, but so do YOU!  It's not about putting the whole burden on YOUR shoulders but finding your place and position in the Body - and no it's not all easy, but it can be FUNCTIONAL!
Don't let "the church" or any other minister tell you that it's all on you. We need to learn how to be Spirit led so that we can do His agenda with the gifts He has given and wants to equip us in.
What many proclaim does not work all the way.  Many times it is just on the surface and then people acquiesce to the status quo of mediocrity.
The burden is on His Shoulders but we need to want to do our part if we are really identifying with Christ. God cared enough to give, Jesus cared enough to give and MANY of us care enough to give, we just need to learn how to do it the best and right way.
Joy is the Strength
Many are lethargic because they are not being given the equipping and tools that WORK!!!  It's not the temporary buzz of just "a high" like a drug. It will make you happy, but the joy is the strength you need to engage in the MISSION! And the mission is NOT politics for Christ!  We don't run from politics, but we discern them.
Doing God's will is not just signing up for someone else's ministry, even though there are good ones out there that need help. There are many ministers today who are called who are not doing THEIR calling, because they are sucked in under other people and they feel a tension and a consternation at times, and it's because God is wanting more of them!
They are told to deny their self, but in some places what is being denied is their calling! It's easier to be corralled than to take the steps to become strong in your own life and calling.  You feel the pain, you put on the band-aid but you still feel the pain and the blood seeping out and wonder why it's not working.
It's because it's YOUR ministry calling! Someone needs to help. We obviously learn our ministry by serving others and we need to learn how to do that well and respect them, for many reasons. But the Vision is really one big Vision and it is HIS.  When giving money is not enough, when doing works is not enough, there is something else at work that needs to be taken to prayer.
A Mission Set Up by God
I have been under a lot of different ministries by God's design and they all have been a blessing in many ways. Some people ARE good at holding the fort where they are. We need them, and should appreciate them.  But many are hungry and are called to do more. In this day and time with the access to ministry helps in abundance out there, even for free so much of it, there is a greater equipping taking place.
It is the testimonies that mean so much, and you learn which ones are real and not, after you learn the Word. You will easily get deceived if you don't know the Scriptures. But once you DO know them, the whole world is open to you, but you have to hear His Voice.
When you are serious about God, you don't have to go searching for prophetic words, they come to you! And then you have to discern which ones of those are right for you.
There is a FORCE of God, a good Spirit, coming towards you to fill you, if you want to be filled by the holy and Living God. And there are hindering forces (believe me) that want to stop it, but God is greater.  You just have to learn how to navigate it!
My biggest tears have been over false brethren to me, but you have to overcome even that, like the other saints did.  When you start reading the Bible like it's a diary, you have graduated a bit!  The characters become more real to you - and then you have to think about and observe what God did with those individuals.
We are not just victims in the hand of God dodging the devil too. We are on a MISSION, set up by God to overcome the world!  If you cower in fear, you will never fulfill your calling.  We have to gird up our loins and take on strength.  He is there to help us.  Read the Diary of your friends (the Holy Bible) and learn.  Pray and find His equipping opening up to YOU.  It's teamwork with Him!
Pam Clark

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Aliyah Prophecy Fulfilled as N. American Jews Move to Israel, U.S. Ambassador's Daughter Among Them - CBN News Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell

Aliyah Prophecy Fulfilled as N. American Jews Move to Israel, U.S. Ambassador's Daughter Among Them
CBN News Julie Stahl,
TEL AVIV, Israel – Despite troubles in the Middle East, immigration to Israel continues as Jewish people from around the world are making aliyah, which is the term Israelis use for this return to the Holy Land.
This week, joy and excitement filled the air at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport, when 233 Americans and Canadians, young and old landed in Israel.
"This is the only place I want my kids growing up. Land of the Jewish people, land of our ancestors," said Shmuel Modes from Richmond, Virginia. He arrived with his wife, Tzipora, and children Tamima, two-and-a-half, and Eliahu, eight months.
"For thousands of years Jews have been wanting to come here and they weren't able and now we have this opportunity and it's amazing. And I wouldn't just say 'thanks God, but no thanks,'" Tzipora told CBN News. "I just want to take the opportunity that I'm given and live the dream and make the most of it."
Newly retired Pinhas and Toby Fader arrived from Baltimore, fulfilling a decades-long dream.
"I couldn't be happier," Pinhas said.
"I'm very, very excited, and a little nervous, a little apprehensive," said Toby. "We have left five children and five grandchildren behind. That's a tough one. But we've been looking forward to this for a very, very long time."
One of the newcomers is Talia Friedman, the 24-year-old daughter of David Friedman, the new U.S. ambassador to Israel.
"I'm celebrating my daughter Talia realizing her dream of being part of the State of Israel," Friedman told CBN News. "My beautiful daughter made aliyah today. We love her very much. She's realizing a dream and we just couldn't be happier."
"I am so happy to be here, so grateful for everyone here, Nefesh B'Nefesh, my amazing parents, all my friends, all my family," Talia said. "It's amazing."
Sixty of the new arrivals are joining the Israel Defense Forces. IDF soldiers were on hand to welcome them.
"I was actually born in Israel and moved to California and my older sister did it – made aliyah – four years ago," said 18-year-old Ron Cohen. "It was something that I felt was in me. I always wanted to come back here.  So, I just felt like it was time."
"Because I really wanted to be part of my nation and my country and like help build the future here and have a say in what it looks like," said Tzipora Gluck, 19, from Brooklyn.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Levine family – David, Melissa, Nate, 12, and Joan, 8.  About 70 friends and relatives all dressed in the same blue T-shirt greeting them at the airport.
"We had a lot of people meet us. We're very lucky we have a lot of friends and family in Israel," said Melissa.
"I think it's good. I'm going to miss a ton of people in America but otherwise I think it's a very good opportunity for our family," said Nate.
Nefesh B'Nefesh chartered the flight, adding to the more than 50,000 North American and British immigrants they've helped bring to Israel since 2002.  
"This is the 57th Aliyah flight. I've been here for 10 years and every time it's so emotional. It's just amazing," said Nefesh B'Nefesh Executive Vice President Zev Gershinsky.
Gershinsky said his organization helps the new immigrants deal with the bureaucracy and any other potential issues.
"Many, many Jews in North America want to immigrate to Israel and to make Aliyah, but there are different hurdles along the way and what we do is we try to remove those hurdles and those barriers and help streamline everything so they can fulfill their dreams," Gershinsky told CBN News.
It will be a big adjustment for most of the newcomers. But they're fulfilling prophecy about the Jewish people returning to Israel, as well as pursuing their dreams and the hope of generations.
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Terrorism Strikes Israel's Bee Farms ✡ "A Land Flowing With Milk And Honey" - Israel365

And I have declared: I will take you out of the misery of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, to a land flowing with milk and honey.

וָאֹמַר אַעֲלֶה אֶתְכֶם מֵעֳנִי מִצְרַיִם אֶל־אֶרֶץ הַכְּנַעֲנִי וְהַחִתִּי וְהָאֱמֹרִי וְהַפְּרִזִּי וְהַחִוִּי וְהַיְבוּסִי אֶל־אֶרֶץ זָבַת חָלָב וּדְבָשׁ

שמות ג:יז
va-o-MAR a-a-LEH et-KHEM may-o-NEE mitz-RA-yim el E-retz ha-k’-na-a-NEE v’-ha-khee-TEE v’-ha-e-mo-REE v’-ha-p’-ree-ZEE v’-ha-khi-VEE v’-hai-vu-SEE el E-retz za-VAT kha-LAV ud-VASH

Today's Israel Inspiration

Hashem describes the Land of Israel to Moses as "a land flowing with milk and honey.” Milk and honey share a paradoxical quality. Milk, which is kosher and permitted to be consumed by Jews, is produced by cows, whose meat is also kosher and permitted to be eaten by Jews. On the other hand, honey which is a kosher food, is produced by honey-bees which are non-kosher insects and forbidden to be consumed by Jews. The bounty of the Land of Israel will come from a cow, a kosher animal, and a honey-bee a non-kosher insect! From this we can learn that the goodness of Israel will often come from places where is least expected. Today, we see the words of the Bible coming to life as the Land of Israel is indeed flowing with milk and honey. Israel is home to many thriving bee farms that produce delicious and award-winning honey. Unfortunately, these bee farms have not been spared from Arab terrorism. Two weeks ago, Arab terrorists ransacked an award-wining bee farm and honey factory in Samaria stealing its equipment and killing every bee on the farm. The Israel365 Charity Fund is working to restore the bee farm to its former glory in time for the Jewish New Year. Partner with us in helping the devastated owners ensure that the Land continues to flow with milk and honey.

Watch: A Golden-Era of Jewish Christian Relations

Rabbi Tuly makes an appearance on live Israeli television to discusses the changing relationship between Christians and Jews.

Arab Thieves Destroy Jewish Honey Farm

One woman’s dream to bring to life Israel’s blessing as a land flowing with honey came crashing to the ground two weeks ago when local Arabs broke into her factory, stealing an entire season’s supply of honey.

Free Shipping of The Israel Bible SETS

The Israel Bible includes many unique and special features to heighten your Bible study experience. One of these fantastic features is the Hebrew letter chart. This chart will introduce you to and teach you the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. With some practice, you will be able to read the verses from the Bible in their original Hebrew. Moreover, many of the verses in the Bible are transliterated to help you read along in Hebrew! In comparison to other editions of the Bible, the Israel Bible will help and teach you what you need to know to get to the original Biblical text. Check it out for yourself!
Free Shipping on sets of The Israel Bible- Shop Now! »

“And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.” Psalms 1:3


Today's Israel Photo

Boruch Len's great photograph of a bee hovering over a cactus flower in the Land of Israel.
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Plant Vineyards in Samaria »

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"Todah Rabbah" to Debra and Jeremy G. from Michigan; Peter C. from the UK; Carmin R. from Washington; Arnold R. from the UK.
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Shalom, Israel speaks to your spirit and always theres an awareness of  G-ds presence and His power. I call Israel home - Debbie Brant - Maryland, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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