Showing posts with label Pam Clark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pam Clark. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Shifting is Coming by Pam Clark - Identity Network

The Shifting is Coming by Pam Clark

Identity Network
The Shifting is Coming by Pam Clark
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By Dawna DeSilva
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People are talking about "the shift" as if it is the latest new fad, but it is seriously more than that. Many things have changed, and many have cried out in the past for a grace of "a little more time" and God has granted that. But others know that things have changed and in many places the foundations have already shifted and there is really more to come. Many have been crying out that structures are not what they used to be, nor what they should be.
We can take stories in the news for example, and that will change every week. We have government representation failures and clergy failures and even business people failures that do really affect the lives of others. 

There is a shift, a backsliding, especially when Godly people leave the scene and there is no one to replace them of the same stature or position.

If we see the world growing, it really becomes a concern as new strongholds take place that don't seem like what the good old world order used to be. But we need to realize that "the shift" is from God. He is allowing some of these things to happen so a regrouping can take place and some of the old righteous structures can be restored and rebuilt and serve Him better.

At first we are shocked by the changes, but then when we see the rotten cores, then we understand. And then we have to decide how we are going to respond to all this. Some with little foundation depth just freak out and scream in the streets. Many have shouted out the examples of the crumblings and then realized that there was no place to go but to God, but praise God if they have had the faith for that!

These are the ones who will lead the next move. Oh many will jump on the bandwagon, but where were they when the crimes were committed or the building post you needed to lean on wasn't there? This is what we need to understand about "the shift." There are those who said nothing and there are those who did say something. An alarm was heard. It wasn't comfortable, but it was heard. It was heard by those who heard.

The Chair was His Throne

Today I got a vision of God sitting in a chair. The chair was really His Throne, but it was a moveable one. The chair had been sitting in place for a long time and then He suddenly got up because He wanted to move the chair. He wanted to move the Throne. Can He do that? Well, He is God and He can do whatever He wants!

God was "tired" of sitting in one place. Things were in a rut and not in a good place as before. People had gotten used to the way things worked but indifference set in. When He moved, the things around Him moved, the things that had been placed upon Him moved (some of it fell off) and He was ready to get up and re-fresh.

He was still God, He still owned the chair or the Throne, but the old order was changing for a better one. He was "tired" of the same old songs and dances, yes, some were good, but a lot of it was "stale." It no longer brought Him pleasure. He still loved the people but callouses had developed and there was indifferences to many things.

I shared the other day about the Dove I saw in a vision flying around looking for a place to land. It went from one spot to another in the United States, and it was looking for a place to settle, a lot like when Noah let the dove out of the ark and it returned to him several times. It was time for a new order of things. Will God be at the center?

Will the winds and waves wash it around or will the new foundations hold steady? There are a lot of young ones who have sought for what worked. There are a lot of older ones who have hung in there, but felt their lives grow stale. There are a lot of middle-aged ones who have been doing the dance back and forth and who feel greatly frustrated.

There is a shift going on. There is a shaking now and one that is still coming for a season. Yesterday I felt an earthquake. I am still not certain how much of it was in the Spirit or the natural. I found that earthquakes had happened in other places, so I wondered if I felt a part of that underground shake as a result of if this or if it was just a spiritual shaking. But I came to realize that natural or spiritual, it didn't matter. The message was that things were changing.
A shift was taking place. A lot of old strongholds were being broken. Old paradigms were coming down because God is moving. Some things are going to be changed around. He is faithful but He is also new every morning.
There are people developing and who have been in the crucible of developing. There are people going through HARD circumstances but it's because God wants to use you. But He has to see if you can handle the shaking and "the shift." See, some old structures are being removed and this will cause what they were holding up to move around and shake.
Are Your Pillars Strong Enough to be a Foundation?
It does not matter what your ministry gifts are, He needs all of them!! God can go anywhere and still be the Center of the Universe. But He is moving His "chair" to a new location and He is "rearranging" some things.

We have seen some strong leaders leave the scene, but He has not forsaken the Church, especially in strength. A shift is taking place. Some of this He had to hide from the enemy but the test was for seeing those who had faith! A shift is taking place. Are you strong enough to hold the standard of the Lord? Those who are will be used mightily in the days ahead!

When we clean a house we clean off and out a lot of dust. We will even move some things around for a fresh perspective. Rotten structures will be replaced.

Are there any "new songs" we are not hearing? Are there any fresh revelations that bring hope and inspirations? Have these gotten lost because of the old order?

There is a God who cares about "the least of these." There is a God who cares about the wounded. There is a God who really hears the cries of the lost souls in the highways and byways being tossed around like on the ocean waves with every wind and wave of false doctrine!

Yes, things are shaking, but there is a Foundation. There is a Church that He sees that IS alive and that wants to thrive!!! Yes, more is coming, there is more shaking and the shakings are causing shiftings, but His Word, even His Living Word is eternal. He can move His chair and still be God.

Pam Clark

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Christians Facing Evil by Pam Clark Identity Network

Christians Facing Evil by Pam Clark

Identity Network Oct. 26, 2017
Have you ever gone through a really bad situation and realized that witchcraft was at work against you? Well, if you have been walking in a sincere serious way with ministry, you have!  Several times, I have asked the Lord why would He allow His servants to go through this hell?
And today I got an answer in a way that I can share, in thinking about a situation of attack that I just went through. One of the BEST ways to come against witchcraft is to stand up to it. First, you have to discern it and many times it can take us by surprise. But for those advanced warriors here who choose to make themselves a threat to darkness, the solution is to just say NO to the devil and YES to Jesus!
And today as I was thinking about this and how the Lord delivered me again from those who wished evil for me, He said, "There is the answer to your question. I don't want to just deliver people but I want them to know the difference between who I Am, and who I am not!"
A Deeper Walk
It's a deeper walk, actually. It's a firmer foundation because you are not just standing on the Rock, you are dug into Him. Roots and soul and going deep, intermingling.  You receive deeper nourishment more than just a head knowledge.
When we "know" who He is more than just "recognizing" who He is, we are stronger. There is more intimacy, just like knowing the difference between an acquaintance, and a friend, and a lover. There are greater depths. And God will infuse greater power into us by the Holy Spirit.
God's will for us is from His Heart! He loves us deeply and wants to express that Love to us deeply, if we will allow Him in. He will minister to us spirit, soul and body!  When a bunch of hostility comes, do we give in to that, or do we work to find the One who loves us with a good and everlasting love? Do we say NO to the attacks and say YES to Jesus in our hearts and our minds?
Oh, no, it is not always easy, but many things do get easier as we develop this way.  We learn to resist in a way that makes the devil flee from us. We are not his victims, we are not his punching bag!
And as I often say, It's a learning thing!
Pam Clark

Identity Network Oct. 26, 2017
E-Book PDF Download
By Sandy Warner
Price: $8.00
Sale! $7.00
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Thursday, August 24, 2017

From Powerless to Power Filled by Pam Clark, Identity Network

From Powerless to Power Filled by Pam Clark

Identity Network  Aug. 22, 2017

EBook PDF Download
By Simon Bailey
Price: $14.99
Sale! $10.29 
Click HERE to order.
I and others have been crying out about the over sheltered self-celebrating church of today that is naive and unprepared and VULNERABLE!  When we do not go out into the world and share the good news reality and joy about God, we only set ourselves up for the other agenda.
Our children matter, but so do YOU!  It's not about putting the whole burden on YOUR shoulders but finding your place and position in the Body - and no it's not all easy, but it can be FUNCTIONAL!
Don't let "the church" or any other minister tell you that it's all on you. We need to learn how to be Spirit led so that we can do His agenda with the gifts He has given and wants to equip us in.
What many proclaim does not work all the way.  Many times it is just on the surface and then people acquiesce to the status quo of mediocrity.
The burden is on His Shoulders but we need to want to do our part if we are really identifying with Christ. God cared enough to give, Jesus cared enough to give and MANY of us care enough to give, we just need to learn how to do it the best and right way.
Joy is the Strength
Many are lethargic because they are not being given the equipping and tools that WORK!!!  It's not the temporary buzz of just "a high" like a drug. It will make you happy, but the joy is the strength you need to engage in the MISSION! And the mission is NOT politics for Christ!  We don't run from politics, but we discern them.
Doing God's will is not just signing up for someone else's ministry, even though there are good ones out there that need help. There are many ministers today who are called who are not doing THEIR calling, because they are sucked in under other people and they feel a tension and a consternation at times, and it's because God is wanting more of them!
They are told to deny their self, but in some places what is being denied is their calling! It's easier to be corralled than to take the steps to become strong in your own life and calling.  You feel the pain, you put on the band-aid but you still feel the pain and the blood seeping out and wonder why it's not working.
It's because it's YOUR ministry calling! Someone needs to help. We obviously learn our ministry by serving others and we need to learn how to do that well and respect them, for many reasons. But the Vision is really one big Vision and it is HIS.  When giving money is not enough, when doing works is not enough, there is something else at work that needs to be taken to prayer.
A Mission Set Up by God
I have been under a lot of different ministries by God's design and they all have been a blessing in many ways. Some people ARE good at holding the fort where they are. We need them, and should appreciate them.  But many are hungry and are called to do more. In this day and time with the access to ministry helps in abundance out there, even for free so much of it, there is a greater equipping taking place.
It is the testimonies that mean so much, and you learn which ones are real and not, after you learn the Word. You will easily get deceived if you don't know the Scriptures. But once you DO know them, the whole world is open to you, but you have to hear His Voice.
When you are serious about God, you don't have to go searching for prophetic words, they come to you! And then you have to discern which ones of those are right for you.
There is a FORCE of God, a good Spirit, coming towards you to fill you, if you want to be filled by the holy and Living God. And there are hindering forces (believe me) that want to stop it, but God is greater.  You just have to learn how to navigate it!
My biggest tears have been over false brethren to me, but you have to overcome even that, like the other saints did.  When you start reading the Bible like it's a diary, you have graduated a bit!  The characters become more real to you - and then you have to think about and observe what God did with those individuals.
We are not just victims in the hand of God dodging the devil too. We are on a MISSION, set up by God to overcome the world!  If you cower in fear, you will never fulfill your calling.  We have to gird up our loins and take on strength.  He is there to help us.  Read the Diary of your friends (the Holy Bible) and learn.  Pray and find His equipping opening up to YOU.  It's teamwork with Him!
Pam Clark

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Year of the Horses by Pam Clark

The Year of the Horses by Pam Clark

Infinity Network

The word "year" there can really mean "a season," but what a glorious season it will be!

The Lord gave me a message this morning that He is kindling the fire of the prophets. Prophets are strange creatures anyway because while they are like everyone else, they are also not like everyone else in that another force is active in their lives, an unseen force, and it is one they have to deal with and it gives them an extra "sense" as some call it.

Not all know what to do with this, but it has to be trained to come under the leading of the Spirit. Otherwise they are just "weird" people. What affects prophets is that God is wanting to deal with not just them but others and they have to learn the right way to go about it.

Some get very ego centric - wanting it to be all about them or to revolve all around them - but servants will be glad for the breaks they get that allow them to regroup and refresh so they can go at it and work once again with more clarity. There is a cycle, like a wave. These waves can come at different times as God develops His ministry people, but coming soon is a "common wave" where as a group, the prophets are stirred up together.

Activating the Spiritual Gifts

From this "wave" will be a voice/Voice that will send forth a strong message and people will have to deal with it. Those who want to resist God will resist Him still, but those who want to go forward in Him will work to hear this for themselves in a way that will benefit the common cause of Christianity which is knowing Him more. This revelation will activate the Spiritual gifts and people will go forward in those, and God will be pleased, and then later offer "course corrections" as needed.

The extra "sense" is an extra sensitivity, not always wanted, but once assimilated properly is seen as a gift. Just because someone can paint well or sculpt well or do some other skill well, makes them remarkable, but not different than other people. They are still human but have something that they can offer other people.

And it can be packaged in different ways and be a blessing to other people, but the true gifts point to Jesus Christ. For those who are hungry in heart, the truth will not be denied them, no matter what their circumstances are. For all, some must strive harder than others for certain things but other things will come easy. God is just and fair.

When the Spirit of God moves across the land (the people), there will be a response and a stirring. Some will want to make it "about them," but those who are truly "in Him" will know their servant hearts. They will learn to be wise, yet gifted.

The "giftedness" is really the anointing. And there is an anointing to make all things work and function. But there are times that God will call an alert, or a focus, of something He wants to say.

In the Ark of the Covenant, there was wood overlaid with gold. This is symbolic of how the anointing works. There is a covering that makes it glorious. If you strip it of its glory, it is just wood.

Prophets and Prophetic

We learn how to handle the things of God, and when we do, the fear of the Lord can come into the land or return to it. A prophet is an intercessor between God and man, sometimes pleading to the people for God, and sometimes pleading to God for the people! That is why it is said that not all intercessors are prophets, but all prophets are intercessors.

What I am going to say next will bother some people, but I know its truth. Some people are prophetic, but are not prophets. Those who are prophetic will like the prophetic, will have a sense for it and even understand a lot of it. They will love to serve it and bless it and they will be blessed by it. But an office called prophet has an assignment - and it's not something they always wish they had as it is often challenging and difficult, but it has a purpose in the Kingdom. And they are just servants, not to be idolized or worshipped. So there is a challenge because of that.

Some people who are prophets are not necessarily in with the "in crowd." They live a life of their own because of what is working on them, yet they will be given enough freedom in the spirit to still be human as who they are. We really can take this to all the gift ministries, but God will do the unusual at times through His prophets.

Mostly because He wants to get peoples' attention. But they can't start taking over for God. I harp on this because it's so important to learn. Prophets are not God's "side buddies." They are His friends, but do not have a special ranking over other ministries or people. But "friends" is a pretty great place to be, and you can be one of His, no matter your calling.

You can go from servant to friend, but you must start humble, like a servant. That is a teachable spirit, and one who can deny self to please another. But when God sees a kindred spirit, He will lift them up. But then the process starts all over again in the new realm.

A Move of God is Coming On

But back to what the Lord was showing me, He is kindling a fire, and when the prophets get stirred up together, a move of God is coming on! God showed me a vision of a baby prophet this morning (it was a dream). She was a young girl and she was discerning something that others didn't see. When you are a kid like that, you think everyone sees the same things you do. She was kind of shy, but that is often the kind that God kindles a fire or a force in. Because when they do speak, it comes across as different or unusual and it will get people's attention.

Sometimes they get rebuked. That's no fun, it's spiritual warfare. The "other side" does not like it. But they are learning in God. He has to teach us how to respond. I think many prophets go through that.

But the bells on the horses say "Holiness to the Lord!" You can discern that!  They are ringing out a message.

It's sometimes easier to stay alone close to God, but you also have to get along with people. You have to be challenged for character development.

I don't know everything on this, but I do know that office gifts hold function. They are like the priests in the Temple, they do service. Someone can be more active in Spiritual life and not hold an office but be closer in with the Lord. The offices can perform duties - like performing marriages or administering rites. It's part of the government of Heaven, just like we have a government on earth. Not all government is operating well, but it's still the government. It's there for our good.

But some are impostors. God confirms His Word with signs and wonders following. But you have to know the Word. It is the Word that the Holy Spirit will bring to mind to show you about a matter.

The Spirit will Endorse His Word

I had a dream, but I do not hold that dream above the Word of God. People can have great dreams but we are not subject to dreams - that we have or that others have about us. They are helps, and tools, and God will give revelation through them but it all must balance with His Word. The Spirit will endorse His Word.

That is teaching mode I went into there, but I am hearing the thundering hoof beats of horses! A mighty army is coming, it is the Army of the Lord! Peace, Shalom. When you are where you are supposed to be, you will be okay. If you resist, it will pass you by. If you rebel, you will be lost. If you are indifferent, you will be ignored.

But if you ride, you will go with the Lord! We had the year of the camels; I am prophesying the year of the horses! That means we run with the Lord. Remember what God said to Jeremiah?

Jeremiah 12:5 "If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain of the Jordan?"

The horsemen (and women) are coming! It means strong prophetic declarations are coming. Group declarations. It will change things. The true word will be endorsed by the Lord.

Because of the apostasy, the backslidings, many may not understand what you say because they have not been taught.  Always be patient because once they learn, they may want to ride with you!  God is calling forth a people and a nation, and they will ride and reign with Him!

Pam Clark
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