Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Love For His People - Pakistan, with Moses Julius and Shalom Today Ministry - UPDATE PHOTOS

Love For His People - Pakistan, 
with Moses Julius 
and Shalom Today Ministry
- Photos from phone call Aug. 29, 2017

Aug. 30, 2017

Greetings friends of Love For His People,

It was a joy speaking with, and seeing the kids with our Love For His People - Pakistan director Moses Julius yesterday. I didn't know that you can take photos of what you are seeing while on the phone through Messenger/FaceBook, but hey! You learn something new everyday! (The Lord loves to share His creative ideas of new technology!)

Thanks Moses for your work to teach them the love of Yeshua (Jesus) and to love the people and Land of Israel!

And I want to thank the ones here in the USA who help us to bless them - Laurie, Ben, Andrew and Christen, Mary, Jan, Hannah, Josh, Kevin, Sandra...

Your gifts make a difference. With no paid staff or overhead costs here in Charlotte, North Carolina for this ministry, we are able to send 100% of your gifts to share the love for the Lord with those who are living in Muslim lands.

If you would like to be a part of the blessing too, please send a check (address below) or use the secure, online DONATE buttons on the side column of our Love For His People blog.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin

Love For His People
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

P.S. We are still raising funds for a Canon PowerShot camera, with accessories, for Moses to film and share videos. It will cost $450 to purchase and ship. That will save him the $50-$100 he has to spend to rent one for each event. Will you help?

 School bags for the kids, 
who learn about Jesus (Yeshua) 
and to love Israel

Moses Julius
Love For His People - Pakistan Director

Contribution checks of love can be sent to:

Love For His People
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Or you can use the DONATE buttons now on our Love For His People to give online.

Todah Rabah! (Thank you very much in Hebrew)

Unprecedented Disaster: Hurricane Harvey Has Shattered The Rainfall Record For The Continental United States - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 29 Aug 2017 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Never before have we seen a storm dump more than 50 inches of rain on a single location in the continental United States. The previous record for rainfall in the continental United States occurred when Tropical Storm Amelia dumped 48 inches of rain on Medina, Texas in 1978. But now one spot in southeast Texas has already received 52 inches of rain, and the rain continues to fall. And overall, 14 different spots in the Houston area have already gotten more than 40 inches of rain. Authorities are telling us that this will easily be the most costly disaster in all of U.S. history, but nobody will be able to truly assess the total damage that has been done until the rain finally stops.

Sadly, meteorologists say that some parts of Texas will continue to get more rain all the way through Thursday. By that time, some areas may receive an additional 20 inches of rain on top of what they already have…

Wide swaths of southeast Texas have been devastated by Tropical Storm Harvey, with some areas drowning in nearly 40 inches of water — and Lone Star State residents are bracing for another beating with up to 20 more inches of rain.

If you have seen video of the flooding that is taking place in Houston, it is hard to imagine that things could get much worse. As I mentioned above, many areas already have more than 40 inches of rain, and one spot in southeast Texas has actually gotten 52 inches of rain

A preliminary report from a rain gauge on the Cedar Bayou, east of Highlands, Texas, reported 51.88 inches of rain as of 3 p.m. Tuesday, according to the National Weather Service.

Earlier in the day, a weather station southeast of Houston at Mary’s Creek at Winding Road, reported 49.32 inches of rain, the weather service said.

Both reports break the previous continental U.S. record of 48 inches set in 1978 in Medina, Texas, by Tropical Storm Amelia.

In addition to all of the rainfall, a major problem is the fact that river levels are rising to extremely dangerous levels. One levee has already been breached, and water has gone over the top of the 108 foot spillway for the Addicks Reservoir for the first time in history

An already-swollen reservoir west of downtown Houston overtopped its spillway Tuesday, sending an “uncontrolled release” of Harvey’s floodwaters into nearby neighborhoods, as a separate levee breach south of the city prompted an urgent warning for residents to leave immediately.

Floodwaters in the the Addicks Reservoir, located about 19 miles west of downtown, went over the top of the 108-foot spillway for the first time in history, threatening immediate surrounding subdivisions.

Unfortunately, disasters such as this tend to bring out the worst in people. As I mentioned yesterday, police have been busy rounding up looters, and some businesses have been caught engaging in extreme price gouging

Over the weekend, more than 500 complaints of price gouging were lodged with the Texas attorney general’s office, according to CNBC—including $99 cases of bottled water, gas at $10 a gallon and hotels tripled or quadrupled in price.

I suppose that it is just human nature to do that, but to me that is utterly shameful.

It is during times of testing that our character is truly revealed. So many down in Houston have been absolutely incredible throughout this entire crisis, while others have shown all of us who they really and truly are.

Our fourth largest city is in the process of literally being destroyed, and I am so thankful for everyone that is working to rescue, house and feed those that are in desperate need. Sadly, there are others that are not stepping up to the plate, and they are being greatly criticized for it.

According to former FEMA Director Michael Brown, the economic damage being done by this storm will ultimately make it “the most expensive natural disaster in American history”

“There are several factors that make it worse than Katrina. For one, there is the scope of the flooding. Harris County and the surrounding areas are so saturated,” Brown told the Houston Chronicle.

“Also, the amount of damages will continue to grow. There will be mold and structural damages adding up.” Brown said when Tropical Storm Harvey finally goes away, it will leave an incredible bill for taxpayers to pick up.

“This will be unfathomably expensive for both the private sector and taxpayers,” Brown said. “This will be easily the most expensive natural disaster in American history.”

Please pray for southeast Texas and for all of the people that have had their lives turned completely upside down by this storm. We have never seen anything like this before in the history of our country, and this crisis is still far from over.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Chuck Pierce: "A Time for Breakthrough and A Time for Cycles to Change" and "Pray for Texas!" - THE ELIJAH LIST


Chuck Pierce: "A Time for Breakthrough and A Time for Cycles to Change" and "Pray for Texas!"

THE ELIJAH LIST Aug 30, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
We are hearing more and more prophetic voices saying that we are in a time of "breakthrough" unlike we've experienced before...and that word is both individually and corporately for the Church Body.
When my friend Chuck Pierce speaks, I simply listen and take heed. He is a true Issachar prophet who understands the times and season...and I always look forward to his insight!
Chuck Pierce shares this prophetic exhortation he received just this week from the Lord:
On Monday morning I woke up thinking about breakthrough. So many people need a spiritual breakthrough – in healing, finances and favor...
"If you are willing to submit, your light will BREAK FORTH like the morning and your HEALING will break forth speedily. Your righteousness will go before you and I will come behind you. Do not fear your past any longer. I am preparing a way of escape for you and I will rearguard you."
Now that's a good word! As Chuck Pierce also lives in Texas, he admonishes us to keep praying for the Houston and coastal areas! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

A Time for Breakthrough! 
On Monday morning I woke up thinking about breakthrough. So many people need a spiritual breakthrough – in healing, finances and favor. I started reading in Isaiah from chapters 55 - 58. Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord begins to invite us to an abundant life. Here is a prophetic word the Lord gave me from these chapters:
"Seek Me while I may be found, call upon Me while I am near. I am thinking beyond you! My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways. I have thoughts to interject into your circumstance. There are thought patterns within you that I need to change.
"I will send signs and wonders to help point you on the path ahead. As the rain comes down and waters the earth, seed will come forth for those who are willing to sow. My word shall not return void! I sent the word to accomplish something and from that word you shall prosper.
"I will raise you up and make you joyful in your 'House of Prayer.' I will heal any backsliding that has occurred in your life. You will need to fast, but only fast the way that I instruct you. This will be of great benefit to you. I am longing to break you out of old religious patterns!
"If you are willing to submit, your light will BREAK FORTH like the morning and your HEALING will break forth speedily. Your righteousness will go before you and I will come behind you. Do not fear your past any longer. I am preparing a way of escape for you and I will rearguard you." (Photo via Pixabay)
A Time for Cycles to Change!
Here is a word that was released by James Vincent and Tobias Lyons at our Firstfruits gathering. This word is very important. Look at every old cycle in your life – especially those that have been in place the last 10 years. Then allow the Spirit of God to speak to you.
"The Lord showed me a picture of a round, turning cycle. As this cycle continued, the Lord suddenly came and made a BREAK, or disruption, in that cycle. There was a breech created, and the people who were previously held within this cycle had the opportunity to jump into the breech, freeing themselves from the cycle.
"This picture the Lord showed me represented TEN-YEAR CYCLES. Because the cycle was round, the beginning was indiscernible from the end. As the Lord BROKE the cycle, He said: 'I am bringing the END of these ten-year cycles into TODAY.'
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"Ten year processes are suddenly coming to an end, although ten years have not necessarily been completed. Another way to word it would be that the finishing of these processes are being brought into today in defiance of the cycle. Death processes are being disrupted by healing and deliverance TODAY and dry bones are experiencing resurrection TODAY!
"This disruption is throwing the plans and movement of the enemy against you into complete disarray. The things he had waiting at the end of ten years are now in confusion. There are things the enemy had planned that depended on the cycle running its course, but the Lord has now disrupted it and brought the end of that cycle into TODAY. We agree with His word and jump into the way of escape that He has created for us!"
"God says:
"'This is a month when I am going to deal with blunt-force trauma to the Body. I have come up from My throne to address that fear that has kept your success pinned down, and I am there to meet you. This is a month of success. Although the enemy swung and hit you and pinned you down in trauma, I have unseated Myself from My throne.
"'My resurrection power and life-giving glory is coming to meet you and cause success to come where there is death, and life to come where there is death. My perfect love casts out all fear. Where the swelling from the trauma has caused a bruising reproach, I am causing the manifested power of My love to open up and make new what has swollen shut.(Photo via eyesright)
"'So enter the field that I am calling you into. Know that I have empowered your hands this month to cause what has pinned you down and created trauma in past seasons, to now turn to success.'"
Praying for those Impacted by Hurricane Harvey
I (Chuck) have many connections and friends in Houston. With the impact of Hurricane Harvey, please pray for that city and all those affected in the entire coastal region.
Dutch Sheets and I have chosen "Houston" as one of our 22 gatherings for "Changing a Nation from City to City!" Some of you might want to fly in for that meeting hosted by New Life Church on Wednesday, September 27 at 7pm as we release "healing" back into that city! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.
To receive more words like this in YOUR inbox, subscribe FREE to the Elijah List at this link

Anticipation! - Israel Today


Wednesday, August 30, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
"Mom, when is Rosh Hashana?", a little boy asked his mother, still a bit sleepy, as she woke him. "I am looking forward to Erev Chag (New Year's Eve)!"
While Rosh Hashana is still a few weeks away, most children are looking forward to the approaching festivities, the festive family meal and, of course, the short school break.
There is one little problem. The summer vacation isn't over yet!! Kids will be going back to school this Friday, September 1st after a 2 month break.
And during all this excitement there are children that are poor and needy that only look forward to surviving today not knowing what tomorrow will bring!
Do you have a heart for children?

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Netanyahu Declares Judea & Samaria Israel's Forever; Israeli Lawmakers Return to Temple Mount! - United with Israel

US Journalist Exposes Human Side of Israeli ‘Settlers'; CLICK HERE for Latest Israel News!
United with IsraelBritish Actress Defends Israel in 32 Seconds! Arab-Israeli Lawmaker Fumes Over Jewish Colleagues' Visit to Temple Mount; Bloggers with Millions of Followers Experience the Real Israel
Aug, 29, 2017
Israeli Lawmakers Visit Temple Mount for First Time Since 2015
Netanyahu Declares: Judea and Samaria Forever Belong to Israel
WATCH: US Journalist Exposes Human Side of Israeli ‘Settlers’ Seeking Security
Arab-Israeli Lawmaker Fumes Over Jewish Colleagues' Visit to Temple Mount 
WATCH: British Actress Helen Mirren Defends Israel with Grace - in 32 Seconds! 
Bloggers with Millions of Followers Experience the Real Israel, Expose the Truth 
WATCH: Will the UN Turn a New Page in Its Relationship with Israel? 
‘Jews Know What it Takes to Survive,’ Proclaim Kurds Waving Israeli Flags 
Israeli Leaders Confront UN Chief About Biased Agenda 
WATCH: Arabs ‘Living in Dark Ages,’ Says Libyan Politician 
Conan O’Brien Jokes His Way Through Journey in Holy Land 
WATCH: World’s Biggest Klezmer Music Festival Celebrated in Mystical Safed 
Jewish Group ‘Concerned’ About Canada’s Funding of Anti-Israel UN Agency 
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Growing Number of Christians Now Celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - TIMES OF ISRAEL

Shofar in Rosh Hashanah (Wikimedia Commons)

Growing Number of Christians Now Celebrate Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

Standing With Israel

On the night of Rosh Hashanah, thousands of people will leave work, gather in congregations across the globe and worship God, the ruler of the world.
Ten days later they will begin a fast and gather again to pray, this time atoning for their sins. On both occasions, they will praise Jesus Christ and pray for his return. They are not Jews, nor are they Jews for Jesus. Rather, these congregants are members of an evangelical Christian movement called the Living Church of God.
On the days Jews know as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, these Christians celebrate what they call the Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement. "We're not trying to be Jewish," said Dexter Wakefield, a Living Church minister and the church's spokesman. "We're obeying God's commandments. The holy days have great meaning for the Christians who keep them."
To read the rest of this article, visit
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