Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Trump Given Friends of Zion Award: No American President Has Done More to Defend Jews - CBN NEWS

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Trump Embassy Banner (Friends of Zion)

Trump Given Friends of Zion Award: No American President Has Done More to Defend Jews

Standing With Israel
President Donald Trump has often called himself a "friend of Israel." Now he is being recognized for that stance.
The Friends of Zion Museum presented President Trump with its Friends of Zion Award at the White House Monday.
The award is given to those who have defended Israel without compromise.
"This award was commissioned by the ninth president of the state of Israel, Shimon Peres, to recognize a global leader with courage to stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people," explained Dr. Mike Evans, founder of the Friends of Zion Museum.
"We believe no American president in history has done more to defend the Jewish people in the United Nations," Evans said of Trump.
Evangelical faith leaders in attendance also sang the president's praises.
"We were so thankful for the open door that our president has granted us to have very open dialogue," said Paula White, a member of the president's faith advisory council and senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Orlando, Florida.
They also pointed to Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. They say it's just one more example of his advocacy for the Jewish people.
"This president is an anomaly. He is an anomaly because he keeps his promises. Evangelicals, conservatives across this country are grateful for the fact that he has actually done exactly what he campaigned on," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council.
The Friends of Zion Museum is located in the heart of Jerusalem and dedicated to celebrating the story of the Jewish people and the non-Jews that work to defend them.
It also works as a conduit for fighting the boycott, divest and sanctions political movement against Israel.
Past recipients include President George W. Bush and Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev. 
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Monday, December 11, 2017

250 Israeli Rabbis to Trump: 'You're Fulfilling Biblical Prophecies'; Horrific Footage: Palestinian Stabs Israeli Guard in Jerusalem - United with Israel

Trump is Following US Law with Embassy Move; CLICK HERE for Latest from Israel!
United with IsraelCzech President Mocks European ‘Cowards’ over Jerusalem; Netanyahu: ‘Trump Inscribed Himself in the Annals of Our Capital’; Muslims at London Protest Celebrate Massacre of Jews 
250 Israeli Rabbis Tell Trump: ‘You are Fulfilling Biblical Prophecies’
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Netanyahu: ‘Trump Has Inscribed Himself in the Annals of Our Capital’
WATCH: Trump is Following US Law with Embassy Move
Czech President Ridicules European ‘Cowards’ Over Jerusalem Stance
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Trump Urged to Allow Americans Born in Jerusalem to Say ‘Israel’ on US Passport
WATCH: Muslims at London Anti-Israel Protest Celebrate Massacre of Jews

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Prophetic Word: Wind of Change Coming Early by Doug Addison - Identity Network

Prophetic Word: Wind of Change Coming Early 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network  Dec. 11, 2017
Revelation Coming at Christmas
Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth. Ezekiel 3:3 NIV
In a heavenly encounter last month, I saw the Lord giving spiritual scrolls of revelation. They contained plans, strategies, wisdom and insight that we will need for the coming year.
God told me to expect to see this begin in December and flow through the New Year. And just as in Ezekiel 3:3, it will taste sweet as honey. God is going to bring good things to you!
Wind of Change Early
Every year since 2012, I have been observing a powerful angel that comes right around March or April. When the Wind of Change angel comes (not Winds of Change—that is a different angel), it reveals things that have been hidden (Psalm 104:4).
Things that may have been holding you back will become much clearer. The Wind of Change also blows things into place and what might look uncertain and chaotic right now will soon be much more orderly.
Regarding the angels, he says, "He sends his angels like the winds, his servants like flames of fire." Hebrews 1:7 NLT
The Lord spoke to me that the reason the Wind of Change angel is coming early this year is because there is such a strong attack of discouragement and hopelessness.
God is moving to balance the scales of justice because the enemy has been over-attacking people everywhere. We are about to experience an amazing new revival and Satan wants to distract us from what God is bringing.
Attack of Discouragement
There has been a heavy attack of hopelessness and many people have been tempted to give in to discouragement. I saw a huge attack from the enemy that was intended to get people to believe they are worthless and not able to change. This was so strong that some people were becoming depressed and suicidal.
Do not back down, as this time of resistance will not last long. A greater revelation into your calling and divine assignment from God will come from this, starting this month. Do not give up hope and remember that the greatest storms usually come just before the greatest breakthroughs!
Prophetic Dream and the Wind of Change 2012
I had a dream in 2012 of a strong spiritual (not literal) wind that started blowing from the ocean onto land. As it approached, it blew up debris so strongly that it was nearly blinding. Then a huge battleship crashed into the land, hitting buildings. God spoke to me that this is the "Wind of Change" and it is coming upon the Earth now.
The meaning of the dream is that there is a massive "Wind of Change" coming from the Lord. This spiritual climate shift is happening in order to blow away the things in our lives that have held us back. It will remove things we have "battled" with in the past. God is blowing away debris and preparing us now for a dramatic change.
We need to embrace the changes that are coming and not be afraid. Fight the discouragement, because over the next few months there will be several waves of turn around. It's time to be encouraged, not discouraged!
Wounded Warriors Being Revived
I had a spiritual encounter in November 2017 where I was taken to a place where many wounded people were laying on a battlefield. There were a number of wounded warriors and those who had been taken out.
Then he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.'" Ezekiel 37:9 NIV
I saw the Lord blow the wind from Ezekiel 37 upon those lying on the battlefield. God spoke to me that the Wind of Change is similar to the four winds and breath of God in Ezekiel 37.
As the Wind of Change begins to blow, it will revive many people who have been wounded by negative Christians and church experiences. Many wounded warriors have been taken out of action in the Kingdom of God by "friendly fire," or attacks from other Christians.
These wounded warriors will play a strong role in this next move of God. I saw many of them lying on the Kingdom battlefield with no one to attend to them. Then the Wind of Change blew life into them and they were strengthened and began to rise up with new vision.
I would encourage you to let God's Wind of Change blow into any area of your life that needs it. The Wind of Change is coming early this year, so get ready for amazing Christmas gifts from your Father in Heaven!
Doug Addison

Mary Dorian: "We Are in an Epic Transition" - THE ELIJAH LIST

Mary Dorian: "We Are in an Epic Transition"

THE ELIJAH LIST Dec 11, 2017

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many are feeling that we are in a day and time of the Great Harvest with many miracles happening in our midst. There is much to look forward to in this new year...even as we continue to see things shake around us globally.
Mary Dorian shares an exciting word about us being in a time of "epic transition" and I know many of you are also sensing that too.
Mary shares here: A few days ago while visiting with someone in the hospital, I saw a sign which said, "We are in epic transition. Pardon us as we transition. Pardon our dust." The facility was obviously in the midst of expansion and so it is with us, God's people. Things are going to be different than they were. Transition can be messy, but the end result is that the new thing we have been waited for is becoming a reality.
I pray that in this new year, many of the promises you have been waiting for will become reality.
Be encouraged and enjoy this word! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to: elijahshopper.com.

A Vision of the Heavenly Realm
I saw a vision of the heavenly realm—so much activity. There were many angels in various array of dress with blueprints in hand. Many things were being readied and available for our use. I heard a voice say, "What are they waiting for?" I realized it was angelic hosts speaking to one another. They were speaking of what was available to break open on the earth and wanting the Body of Christ ready to act and move forward.
Psalm 16:6 Amplified says, "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good heritage." The shift we have anticipated has happened and we have been positioned for Kingdom use. Our willingness and boldness to move out is all that need be activated. God has done what only He could do.
Epic Transition
"I believe that the prophetic will not only be deeper and richer in revelation and accuracy with astounding details, but weightier
in love.
A few days ago while visiting with someone in the hospital, I saw a sign which said, "We are in epic transition. Pardon us as we transition. Pardon our dust." The facility was obviously in the midst of expansion and so it is with us, God's people. Things are going to be different than they were. Transition can be messy, but the end result is that the new thing we have been waited for is becoming a reality.
Think for a moment of how it might feel if you had been born and raised in a dark cave. Then one day, you were brought out of that cave and were able to stand in the full light of the sun. Your eyes would have to transition to see things in the light.
Colossians 1:13 Amplified version says, "The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself, out of the control and dominion of darkness and has transferred and transitioned us into the Kingdom of the Son of His love."
We need to get used to seeing things differently. We need to get used to seeing multitudes healed by the laying on of our hands and the gift of healing being used by all those who love God and are in the family. It won't be just a few people healing the sick, but all of God's people doing this.
We need to get used to seeing demons subject to us in Jesus' name and people being set free from brokenness by the words of our mouth. We need to get used to our voices being heard in the halls of our government (Capitol, White House, Supreme Court, United Nations, etc.) as we prepare the way of the Lord, speaking the intent of His heart for the future.
We need to get used to being able to give to every good work. That whatever we put our hands to will prosper. We will see a sevenfold return for what has been stolen. No more dress rehearsals, my brothers and sisters. Lights, Camera, Action! The Holy Spirit is walking right with you. The lines have already fallen into those pleasant places. (Photo via Unsplash)
Great Gatherings and Miracles!
I saw the winds blowing from the North, South, East and West...gathering together the people of God from all over the world. I was seeing the manifestation of the stadium vision coming into its season where many miracles will happen. Many pioneers of the faith like Paul Cain, Bob Jones, Reinhard Bonnke, and Billy Graham as well as others, have spoken and moved in this, opening the way for what is to come: huge gatherings of people coming together to experience God.
As God's people gather together in worship, the Holy Spirit will bring in those multitudes who need healing, deliverance and resurrection from the dead. Resurrections will become more numerous than in the past. I can see a time when multiple resurrections will happen all at once.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
2018 The Year of Unconditional Love
My dear family, we have given each new year a name of what would be important and emphasized during that year. I felt compelled by God's Spirit to call 2018, "The Year of Unconditional Love." This is what the Word tells us will never fail or grow out of style. In Revelation 5:10, the Word tells us we have been made a Kingdom (royal race) and priests to our God and that we would reign as kings over the Earth. I felt like we are destined to be kings yes, but servant kings.
We have position and authority, but we must have a heart to serve people. Jesus demonstrated this during His ministry. He demonstrated unconditional love and compassion for the people of the world. We must do the same—extending ourselves to see people made whole and connected to our loving Father.This is the only way the world will change, by our love for God and for one another. Nothing is greater.
"The shift we have anticipated has happened and we have been positioned for Kingdom use."
Things that can be shaken will be shaken. I saw in the spirit the Capitol Building in Washington, DC not just shake, but it rocked as the ground moved underneath it. It was very strong, like an earthquake. So it feels like the turmoil will increase as the year ends and the new year begins. The Lord is with our nation during this tumultuous time. Fear Not! Our God is Mighty!
I heard the word "Trillions" spoken in the spirit. A trillion is a number equal to 1,000 times one billion or 10 to the 12th power. The Lord has reserved all the wealth and money needed in anticipation of the Great Harvest that will go forth all over the world. Ministries small and large will be supplied. Speaking to all of my brethren who have a mandate from God to bring the Gospel and make disciples: You have been discouraged and worried as to how you will continue but the Lord says, "Don't downsize. Make room to expand!"
Money will not be your problem. Any previous great move of God has always prospered. What is in short supply, though, are laborers. A new apostolic anointing is coming. Itinerant ministers, this is your season. Your labor has not been in vain. Many new doors and new places will open up for you and nations that have been closed will open. You will establish new works and watch them thrive as you return again and again.
Weighter Prophetic Revelation
I love the prophetic. I have seen how one word from God changes everything. It is my passion. I believe that the prophetic will not only be deeper and richer in revelation and accuracy with astounding details, but weightier in love.
It is the love that changes the heart of those who receive a word from God. The words that God speaks from His heart through His people will indeed be sharper than any sword. They will go to the heart of the matter and set people free. (Photo James Goll)
There are words of prophecy that will be spoken over nations that will deliver a nation in a day. It will be said of these prophetic words as it was said of the Prophet Samuel: Not one of these prophetic words will fall to the ground. Disasters will be stopped, atmospheres will change and lives will be saved. Treasures hidden in darkness will be revealed.
It is not just the accuracy of the prophetic word that will be important, but the revealing of God's heart to the person, church, work place, government, or nation. There will be no other agenda except to let people know that the Father knows them, cares for them and that they have purpose. The words spoken will be living words, breathing life back into dry bones. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Mary Dorian
Glorybound Ministries Center

Email: Asstpas@aol.com
Website: www.gloryboundministries.com
Mary Dorian absolutely loves – eats, drinks, and sleeps – the prophetic. She has a passion and a gift to help people see themselves from God's point of view. She ministers whenever and wherever possible, teaching and building up the Body of Christ with and in the utilization of the gifts of the Spirit and dream interpretation. Originally from the south side of Chicago, Mary has been the Assistant Pastor of Glorybound Ministries Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, for the past 25 years. She has been married to her husband, Tim, for more than 40 years, and is the mother of Jennifer, William, and Justin, and grandmother of Avery.
To recei

IDF Demolishes Second Cross-Border Terror Tunnel From Gaza - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

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Dec. 10, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Jerusalem Stabbing: Palestinian Terrorist Leaves Guard in Critical Condition

IDF Demolishes Second Cross-Border Terror Tunnel From Gaza

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Why Trump Is Right in Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital

By Alan Dershowitz
It was President Obama who changed the status quo and made peace more difficult, by handing the Palestinians enormous leverage in future negotiations and disincentivizing them from making a compromised peace.
By Daniel Pipes
By Ira Sharkansky
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