Sunday, July 8, 2018

Jerusalem Dateline | IDF & A Christian Ministry Team Up To Help Syrians -

JULY 07, 2018SHARE →
See how the IDF and a Christian ministry are helping in the latest humanitarian crisis in the Middle East. Plus ancient seals bring to life the people of the Bible and a new novel transforms today's headlines on Israel into a thriller for a new generation.

The Seventh Day ✡ "On The Shabbat Day" - Israel365

On the Shabbat day: two yearling lambs without blemish, together with two-tenths of a measure of choice flour with oil mixed in as a meal offering, and with the proper libation.
Numbers 28:9 (The Israel Bible™)

וּבְיוֹם הַשַּׁבָּת שְׁנֵי־כְבָשִׂים בְּנֵי־שָׁנָה תְּמִימִם וּשְׁנֵי עֶשְׂרֹנִים סֹלֶת מִנְחָה בְּלוּלָה בַשֶּׁמֶן וְנִסְכּוֹ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

uv-YOM ha-sha-BAT sh’-nay kh’-va-SEEM b’-nay sha-NAH t’-mee-MIM u-sh’-NAY
es-ro-NEEM SO-let min-KHAH b’-lu-LAH va-SHE-men v’-nis-KO


What is Shabbat?

Shabbat, the seventh day of the week, is a reminder that God is the creator of the entire world. Just as He created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, we use our creative powers to work for six days, and rest on the seventh. By keeping the Shabbat, we affirm our belief in Hashem (God) as the Creator who is continuously responsible for everything that happens in the world. The Land of Israel also has a Shabbat of its own, once every seven years. By abandoning the fields during the Sabbatical year and putting our sustenance in the hands of the Lord, we affirm our belief that He is intimately involved in everything that happens in our lives. We owe all of our success to Him, and we believe that He will provide for us, even if we are not working the land.
Affirm your faith

This Week's Torah Portion: Pinchas                                             


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About the “Fear Not” Necklace, Marg Angel says, "Beautiful necklace! I bought it for my daughter from Israel365 and she loves it."

The Biblical Significance of Sabbatical and Jubilee


Our Latest Olive Tree Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to Robert J. Macioci, Veronica Motloutsi, Bozena Gawor


Who Were the Daughters of Zelophehad                 


Recent Holocaust Campaign Donors

Todah Rabbah (thank you) to Rhonda Miller from the USA, Susan Sabin from the USA, Cornelius Abraham Smit from South Africa
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Saturday, July 7, 2018

'Pray for 45': How Franklin Graham Is Striking Back at Walmart Anti-Trump Clothing Line - CBN News Alegra Hall

'Pray for 45': How Franklin Graham Is Striking Back at 
Walmart Anti-Trump Clothing Line
CBN News Alegra Hall
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association unveiled a "Pray for 45" t-shirt on their website earlier 
this week.

The 100 percent cotton, sports team style shirt includes the Bible reference 1 Timothy 2:2, which 
encourages the believer to pray for “all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable 
life in all godliness and reverence.”

The website describes the shirt as a visible “reminder to lift up our president in prayer.”
Check-Out Line Shelves

Walmart Employee Pays for Mom's Groceries, Says 'God Told Me to Do It'

Walmart Offers to Pay for Employees to Go to College

Evangelist Franklin Graham launched the shirt and its new messaging after Walmart came under fire 
for selling "Impeach 45" shirts, baby clothes and other items on their website.

Despite the fact that Walmart also sells pro-Trump items, such as Make America Great Again caps, 
Fortune magazine says the megastore received massive backlash from patrons who were threatening 
to boycott.

The hashtag #BoycottWalmart was trending on Twitter after a conservative commentator tweeted his 
unfortunate discovery.

What kind of message are you trying to send? The outcry prompted this statement from the retailer: 
“These items were sold by third-party sellers on our open marketplace and were not offered directly 
by Walmart. We’re removing these types of items pending review of our marketplace policies.”

But this isn’t the first time Walmart has been on the receiving end of bad PR due to items on their 

In 2017, the juggernaut came under fire for selling shirts through Teespring, which threatened violence 
against journalists.

The shirt, which was removed from the site, said “Rope. Tree. Journalist. SOME ASSEMBLY 

A Walmart representative told Fortune magazine that once they received word of this disturbing 
product, they pulled it and “kicked off a human sweep of the site to find and remove any similar 

Is the Pro-Abortion Left in Major Panic Mode? - ACLJ STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

Pro-abortion advocates are getting nervous about the next Supreme Court justice nominee. (American Life League via Flickr)

Is the Pro-Abortion Left in Major Panic Mode?

The Supreme Court landscape is about to once again shift with the selection of a new justice, and the pro-abortion left is in a complete panic.
When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, effective at the end of July, President Trump indicated that he would move fast to nominate a conservative replacement to fill the vacancy.
Justice Kennedy was often a swing vote, particularly in cases involving abortion, and the prospect of a consistent conservative to replace him sent the pro-abortion Left into a tailspin. We're not being dramatic. They're saying it themselves. Big Abortion and its advocates are beside themselves, screaming that the sky is falling.
Immediately after Justice Kennedy's announcement, the abortion machine took to social media, pumping out deceptive messages of fear and government control, and whipping their base into a frenzy.
Senator Kamala Harris, a Democrat from California, appeared on television and said if President Trump is able—which he is as president, as per the Constitution—to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice, "We're looking at a destruction of the Constitution of the United States."
The pro-abortion Senator also took to Twitter, tweeting incendiary accusations about any potential Supreme Court nomination by the president:
"Donald Trump wants to fill this SCOTUS vacancy with a justice who will overturn Roe v. Wade. Here's what this is really about: punishing women for wanting to control their bodies, their lives and their future."
That's right. The only thing that matters to the left is abortion. For all the euphemisms invented over the years, the reality is that it's all about abortion. It always has been, and the left is in full blown panic mode over the Supreme Court. And, surprise, it's all about abortion.
Shortly after the news of Justice Kennedy's retirement broke, Planned Parenthood released an official statement, calling the idea of another conservative justice "terrifying":
The significance of today's news cannot be overstated: The right to access abortion in this country is on the line. For more than 40 years, access to safe and legal abortion has been the law of the land and the right to control your body is an essential American liberty. With this vacancy, Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell hold the balance of the court in their hands—and with it, the legal right to access abortion in this country. President Trump has promised to only appoint justices who will overturn Roe v. Wade. The idea of Trump having his choice to fill another vacancy is terrifying for not only abortion rights, but for our ability to live free from discrimination in this country. Planned Parenthood and our 11 million supporters call on the Senate to reject any nominee who would strip people's individual rights and freedoms.
(Of note, it is Planned Parenthood that is currently suing for the right to permanently discriminate against babies with Down syndrome by aborting them.)
Planned Parenthood's official Twitter account also tweeted:
"Trump promised to overturn Roe v. Wade, and his lower court nominees are making this nightmare a reality. We can expect the next SCOTUS nominee to be no different."
"Make no mistake. We won't let @POTUS & @SenateMajLdr get their way without one hell of a fight. We control our bodies. #SaveSCOTUS"
Save SCOTUS? They're acting as though a new conservative justice will literally destroy the Supreme Court. Although these are the sort of people who we told you called abortion "sacred" and "a blessing" so it's apparent their perspective that may be distorted.
Shortly after, Planned Parenthood retweeted another Leftist, pro-abortion tweet that read:
"Let's be clear. A vote for anyone on Trump's shortlist of SCOTUS nominees is a vote to overturn #RoevWade, criminalize abortion and punish women. We are counting on the Senate to step up."
No one is interested in punishing women. It's dishonest, and it's irresponsible.
Pro-abortion group National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) whom we told youjust saw the law they helped create forcing pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion struck down at the Supreme Court tweeted:
"It's never been *just* about abortion. It's about controlling women's bodies and lives. @SethMillstein"
This is just more of their abortion distortion. Nobody is talking about controlling women. But to further incite the frantic behavior, the president of NARAL then tweeted:
"This week #SCOTUS attacked women, Muslims and working people. Trump and McConnell are pushing for a retirement and to fill another seat before Nov elections. This could happen at any time. We must prepare. Join the @naral #SCOTUS rapid response team."
More deception. More frenzied desperation. And it has continued from the Left since Justice Kennedy's initial announcement.
In fact, NARAL and other leftist groups have already launched ads (in the hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars) attacking the Supreme Court nominee—before anyone knows who it even is—and the focus is once again ... abortion.
But there is good reason for big abortion to be spiraling. Planned Parenthood is under investigation for the disgusting practice of selling aborted body parts. It's in danger of losing a significant chunk of its federal funding—a battle we're directly involved in to put an end to free, taxpayer funded abortion. It just lost its CEO, who led them to record profits and oversaw the murders of 3.5 million babies.
And in all this outcry, not one angry tweet from the left has mentioned the rights of those innocent babies.
Most recently, we reported Big Abortion took some major hits at the Supreme Court in favor of pro-life pregnancy centers—rulings the ACLJ played a part in.
It's no wonder Big Abortion is thrashing in the water, desperately biting at anything. America is no longer complacent to let it kill unlimited innocent babies while raking in billions in taxpayer funding.
While abortion advocates incoherently panic, we are calmly viewing Justice Kennedy's retirement as a valuable opportunity to ensure a consistently conservative, common-sense Supreme Court majority that will enforce the Constitution and uphold the rule of law. 
For the original article, visit

Cindy Jacobs: Will You Choose the Difficult Jobs in God's Kingdom? - THE ELIJAH LIST

Cindy & Mike Jacobs

July 6, 2018

"Be Refined: 'Would You Choose the Difficult Jobs in Life for My Kingdom?'"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Shultz
Folks, we are posting a couple of vitally important words today...this one by Cindy Jacobs and another by Chuck Pierce and his team.
We are living in crucial days of the Kingdom.

In Cindy Jacobs' latest word of the Lord she shares:
Many of you have been feeling like you are in a pressure cooker, a crucible. The Lord would say to you, "My child, you are going to come out of this as pure gold, for this is a season of refining. This is a season where I am asking people: Would you choose the difficult jobs in life for My Kingdom? Would you be willing to go to the high places rather than to walk in low places where you just get by and you just take care of yourself and a few others?

Now that's a potent word from the Lord! Many are being refined to take on the greatest challenges in our day and bring Godly solutions to them.

Be encouraged and enjoy this awesome word from Cindy Jacobs! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Be Refined: 'Would You Choose the Difficult Jobs in Life for My Kingdom?'"
Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

Many of you have been feeling like you are in a pressure cooker, a crucible. The Lord would say to you, "My child, you are going to come out of this as pure gold, for this is a season of refining. This is a season where I am asking people: Would you choose the difficult jobs in life for My Kingdom? Would you be willing to go to the high places rather than to walk in low places where you just get by and you just take care of yourself and a few others?

Don't be Content with the Small Life

"Ask Me for nations; ask Me for large things. Don't be content with living a small life. I want you to live a large life, for I have plans for you. I have destinies for you!

"I want you to be willing to step up to a higher level. It's time to go higher, not lower. I will let you choose what you want to do, but you will not fulfill the highest on your own. You might do My good will or My acceptable will, but you will not come to the perfect will that I have set for your life," says the Lord.

The Lord says, "If you have run with the horsemen and you are weary, then what will you do with the flooding of the Jordan? In the crucible time, in this time, My eyes are running to and fro. My eyes are searching to see those who I can use, those who I can trust, those who I can call upon to change situations that are difficult. I'm going to pour out an anointing upon the Jeremiahs of this generation, but it's going to take strength. It's going to take courage. It's going to take more than you have.
Intentionally Being a Person of Presence

"It's a time to pull into Me," says the Lord. "It's a time to crawl into My presence if you have to. It's a time to be intentional about being a person of presence, a person who spends time with Me, a person of intimacy; because if you do not crawl into that place in the cleft of the rock and let Me cover you with My hand, many of you will not be able to do what you could do.

"Don't whine and don't pity yourself when the crucible time comes," the Lord says, "for I promise you, only the wheat, the hay, and the chaff will burn off you. It will not be those things that are lasting. As the fires of opposition come know this: if you were not going the right way, there would be no fires of opposition. Take it as a challenge. Rise up and say, 'No. the greater One lives in me. This will not take me under. I'm going over. I'm going to be a champion in life. I am called to be victorious. I am called to triumph.'"

Come Up to a Higher Place

The Lord would say to you, "Come up to Me. Come up to a higher place. Don't live in the low place, the weeds, the places of opposition where satan wants you to be. Come up to Me in the throne room. Come up to Me in the heavenly places. Come and sit beside Me, My son and daughter. If you will do that, you will begin to look down from that high place onto this opposition that is only temporary. It is not an eternal thing.You are an eternal being. You are not meant just to go under the things of the world. You are called to be an overcomer.

"I am releasing a comforting anointing right now to you. Even as you listen to this, there is a power of comfort. I am the God of all comfort. I am the Good Shepherd. I am the God who loves you. I am the God who leads you beside still waters and green pastures. I will cause you to come to a place where you say, 'Surely my cup is overflowing. Surely You are good. Surely goodness and mercy follow me all the days in my life.' You will dwell in My house one day."

But the Lord would say, "I want to say, 'Good and faithful servant.' I want to say, 'Yes, you did everything I called you to do.' Do not lose heart in the crucible times, for you will come out of this as pure gold." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

God bless you.
Cindy Jacobs
Generals International


Mike and Cindy Jacobs co-founded Generals International in 1985. Mike and Cindy co-host a weekly television program called God Knows that airs in more than 200 nations. Mike and Cindy also provide leadership for the Reformation Prayer Network (RPN), an organization with representatives in each of the fifty United States, working to support and uphold Biblical values through prayer and local action. 

Cindy is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Mike and Cindy love to travel and speak, but perhaps their favorite past time is spending time with their children, along with their six adorable grandchildren. The Jacobs make their home just outside of Dallas.