Monday, July 9, 2018

The Power of Prayer ✡ "Bless Hashem, O My Soul. Hallelujah" - Israel365

May sinners disappear from the earth, and the wicked be no more. Bless Hashem, O my soul. Hallelujah.
Psalms 104:35 (The Israel Bible™)

יִתַּמּוּ חַטָּאִים מִן־הָאָרֶץ וּרְשָׁעִים עוֹד אֵינָם בָּרֲכִי נַפְשִׁי אֶת־יְהוָה הַלְלוּ־יָהּ
Hear the verse in Hebrew

yi-TA-mu kha-ta-EEM min ha-A-retz ur-sha-EEM OD ay-NAM ba-r’-KHEE naf-SHEE
et a-do-NAI ha-l’-lu-YAH

May Sinners Disappear From the Earth

Jewish tradition tells a story about a remarkable woman name Bruriah, who lived in the Land of Israel shortly after the second Temple period with her husband, the great sage Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Meir had been abused by vagrants, and prayed for their destruction. Bruriah quoted this psalm, and noted that the above verse should be understood as saying, "May sins disappear from the earth," and does not wish for the actual destruction of the sinners themselves. Once their evil behavior ends, they will no longer be sinners, for they will return to Hashem (God). Rabbi Meir accepted his wife's advice and prayed for his enemies to repent. Hashem accepted his prayers and the sinners returned from their evil ways. 
More on the power of prayer

Talking to God, Not About Him                                                       


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About The Israel Bible: The Five Books of Moses Chalice Boettcher says, "For the scholar, it means everything to go back to the original language."

Music Video: Give Thanks to God                                                 


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Todah Rabbah (thank you) to David Jankowski, Dennie Kyle, Colleen Smith


The Connection Between Shilo and Prayer                          


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Sunday, July 8, 2018

Guam is now abortion-free as no doctor is willing to commit abortions - Live Action News

Guam is now abortion-free as no doctor is willing to commit abortions
The last abortionist on the island of Guam has retired, leaving the island completely abortion-free. Read more



Ever since the announcement of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, discussion of Roe v. Wade has been reinvigorated. Read more

Two people getting married doesn’t normally make headlines. But for Lize and Ruben, the congratulations are rolling in from around the world. Read more

New Mexico Alliance for Life has released a series of emails it obtained, asserting a cover up in an autopsy report of a woman who died during a late-term abortion. Read more

Gallup has released a new poll which shows that support for Planned Parenthood has risen slightly since 2015, an indication that pro-lifers still have a lot of work to do to expose the ugly truth about this taxpayer-funded abortion corporation. Read more

“You’re so special!” If I had a dollar for every time my wife and I have been told that I would never have to work again. Read more

After playing a wide variety of music for 300 preborn babies, researchers from Spain released the results of their intriguing study in June. Read more

 Live Action News is the publishing arm of Live Action
Live Action   2200 Wilson Blvd.  Suite 102 PMB 111  Arlington  VA   22201  

James Goll: How to Activate Your Spiritual Senses - JAMES GOLL CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by David Pisnoy on Unsplash)

James Goll: How to Activate Your Spiritual Senses

When we surrender our senses to our Creator, He enhances them.
Each of us needs to become a discerner—no matter what our personal background or specific gift or function in the body of Messiah. Although some believers are especially gifted as prophets, every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment. And every believer needs to use them! In fact, without discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, we cannot progress in our use of any of the gifts and callings. But when we do, the sky is the limit!
As a kid growing up in a small town in Missouri, I loved watching programs on our little black-and-white television set. I would watch them for as long as I was allowed, and the picture never seemed dull, lifeless or lacking in clarity. But when we upgraded to a color TV, suddenly the programs came alive to me in a new way. We went from everything being black and white to omni-vision over night!
Early on my Christian life looked a lot like our old black-and-white television. The programming and reception were not too bad, and I thought things were going along fine. Then everything shifted unexpectedly, and I have never wanted to go back. It is actually rather exciting! Here is what happened.
For some time, I had been getting various brief mental snapshots, and I would notice for a millisecond and think, "Where did that come from? What was that?" It was as if my senses were waking up. Occasionally, I seemed to be able to look deep into a person's being and discern or know something that would never appear to my natural eye only.
I remember the first time it occurred. I met a particular church leader, and it was as if I could see diamonds glistening inside his mind, while at the same time I knew what that image meant. I thought about how we all have the mind of Messiah Jesus (see 1 Cor. 2:16), and I could tell that this man had God's spirit of wisdom to an exceptional degree. I also felt that this godly wisdom would be used to benefit both the church and secular government. Eventually as things unfolded in this man's life, it all became totally true. My knower knew and my feeler felt a measure of the destiny upon this man's life.
It was like beginning to see in color instead of in black and white. Or, to use the analogy from Hebrews 5:14, it was like growing out of being a baby who drinks only milk, and sampling solid food instead. I began to believe that God had more for me, and I started to paying more attention to the new "solid foods" He was sending my way—sampling their taste, smell, texture and appearance, and noticing how they made me feel. I compared my experiences to those of others whom I read about in the Bible or that I heard about in modern-day heroes and heroines of the faith. I wanted to know what was from God and what was from my own imagination or some other source.
Purposely Offer Your Senses
Each of us has been equipped with five natural senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. I believe there is also a sixth sense called "knowing," and as New Testament believers, that we can now have the very "mind of Christ." (There is also something called "common sense," of which I wish some of us would get more, but that is not what this teaching is about!)
The first step in beginning to discern God's communication with us entails purposely offering or presenting our senses to Him. Unless we do this—on an ongoing basis—we will not be able to grow into full maturity of Messiah Jesus. If we do not give ourselves to Him intentionally, it will be very difficult to know what He wants us to know and therefore difficult to follow Him obediently.
When we surrender our senses to our Creator, He enhances them. Divine input gets "downloaded" less sluggishly than before. As we practice connecting with Him, He increases our capacity for more. What used to seem impossible becomes achievable. More than that, it is just plain fun. Hearing from God is a perpetual source of pure joy.
Some people call this "activating your senses," and it is that. But you cannot activate your senses on your own; you must activate them by presenting them to the One who created them and activate them for His purposes, in love.
As your senses are activated, you might start receiving "snapshot visions" in your mind's eye, as I did. You might feel God's emotions of anger or compassion. A word or a phrase might come to your mind. Or you might sense or even smell that something is "off." Huh? you think. What could this mean?
The process of figuring out these communications from God consists of trial and error, just like learning to ride a bicycle. As a father, I remember helping all four of my kids learn to ride a bike, running alongside them with my hand on their back until they could stay up on their own for a few yards. They were so excited when they could finally do it, and when they fell down, I would help them back up.
Likewise, to practice using your senses to discern good and evil will involve some falls. You will not be able to get everything right every time. You might step out boldly, thinking that you are obeying God, only to lose your train of thought, make an incorrect assumption or get embarrassed. Just remember: God loves it every time you step out and practice. And practice pays off!
Even in their maturity, people who are spiritual giants and who move in a high level of anointing for healing make mistakes. They miss it, and that is okay because it keeps them humble. If they are the "real deal," they will never give up. They will keep practicing, and they will keep cooperating with the Holy Spirit, activating their senses and reaching for the next possibility.
Present Yourself to God
You can declare freedom to your own body, soul and spirit. You can speak to your sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell, saying, "Senses, become unlocked in the name of Jesus. I declare that you are no longer captive to the patterns of the past; instead, I present you to the one true and holy God for reclamation and purification."
Your physical sense of hearing will become enhanced with a spiritual sense of hearing, and you will begin to hear things from a divine dimension that you have never heard before. Your ordinary sense of sight will become enriched with a spiritual sight by which, as God directs, you will be enabled to see beyond the limits of human vision. Depending on your unique mix of God-given capabilities, your other senses will wake up and take notice of messages they could not perceive before. A whole new world will open up to you.
Prayer of a Discerning Heart
I invite you to join me in a prayer of surrender to the Holy Spirit as we expect our senses to become activated and sharpened for Jesus' sake: Here I am, Lord. All that I am and all that I hope to be, I surrender to You. I present to You my body, soul and spirit with all of their natural and supernatural senses. May they be useful to You as instruments for accomplishing Your will on earth.

"A Sizzling Summer of Liberty and Justice" Johnny Enlow The Elijah List

July 7, 2018

"A Sizzling Summer of Liberty and Justice"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzWe've been receiving quite a few words about the Justice of God coming on a grand scale...for our nation and the nations of the earth.

Johnny Enlow is one that when he speaks, I listen. He truly speaks from the heartbeat of God into important matters in our day.
People are saying this is going to be shifting summer with many changes to come...just as Johnny Enlow shares here:

We have entered into a sizzling, summer season where Liberty and Justice will be warred over and where Liberty and Justice will win... There is a renewed battle for the soul of America and it is time to agree with God over our nation's identity and destiny. Yes, the Kingdom agenda is greater than "patriotism" but our King's agenda is for every nation to find its God-designed identity and destiny.

God's Justice will prevail and we will see it pouring out in mighty ways! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"A Sizzling Summer of Liberty and Justice"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA

Agreeing with God and Overcoming Evil with Good

We have entered into a sizzling, summer season where Liberty and Justice will be warred over and where Liberty and Justice will win. Devious, demonic forces have targeted unhealed wounds in many otherwise decent people and people groups and have manipulated them into being part of a misinformed initiative to sabotage roots of Justice and Liberty in the United States of America.

Twisted narratives have been spun inciting even violent responses, and the enemy has desired and purposed to stir up a de facto civil war. He will ultimately fail in his objectives, but it becomes important for those called by His name to agree with God and overcome evil with good.

It's Time to Seek Our God-designed Identity and Destiny

As revolutionary winds blow through the land, it becomes important to know how to respond. One wrong response would be to rise up angrily and divisively. The political spirit would have us demonizing flesh and blood when that is not where our battlefield lies.

Another wrong response would be to just remain passive and hope that qualifies as loving. This is not a time for ANY kind of passivity. There may be instances where it is in fact important to show up in the streets and be a visible evidence of light. As this takes place, it becomes equally important to not be antagonistic or violent, but to show up in strength of numbers and resolve. Insulting and mocking is out, but firm resilience is in.

There is a renewed battle for the soul of America and it is time to agree with God over our nation's identity and destiny. Yes, the Kingdom agenda is greater than "patriotism" but our King's agenda is for every nation to find its God-designed identity and destiny.

We can be so quick to decry patriotism that we reject the concept itself of a nation having its unique identity and destiny. We are to seek the well-being of the nations where we have been placed because that is why we were put there (Jer. 29:7). As God sweeps through the nations, He is in fact looking for those who would feel His love for their nation's well-being and not just dismiss it as "patriotism". While it is possible to be "patriotic" and yet blind to the Kingdom, when you are in-tune with the Kingdom you will find yourself feeling a patriotic love for your nation while viewing it through a proper Kingdom lens.

Heaven Will Move as We Move

For some time now there has been unprecedented, angelic/hosts-of-Heaven activity over us, and many of these have been advancing on heavenly orders given to them. Many more are waiting to be released as we, the saints, arise and shine with a correct representation and understanding of our Father's heart at this time.

There is a great cleansing and a great clarifying that is presently taking place in our land and we have significant surprises yet before us. This summer will be much like the horse Justify running the third leg of the Triple Crown at the Belmont Stakes. The rain, the mud and the fog will be lifted and a great clarity will come.

Liberty and Justice have been greatly challenged—even in many named Liberty or Justice—but Liberty and Justice are going to greatly triumph. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)

Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth


Johnny Enlow is a social reformer, international speaker, spiritual mentor, and author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy, The Seven Mountain Mantle, and Rainbow God. He and his wife Elizabeth are focused on awakening individuals to their call to provide practical solutions from the heart of God for every problem in society – until the real God of all of life is displayed in the seven primary areas of culture in all nations: Media, Arts and Entertainment, Government, Family, Religion, Economy, and Education.