Monday, February 18, 2019

Paul Wilbur - Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019 10 am Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC


Paul Wilbur - Sunday, Feb. 24, 2019 10 am 
Antioch International Church, Fort Mill, SC
(Charlotte, North Carolina area)

Also, Paul Wilbur will be leading worship and speaking 
at the Friday and Saturday sessions.

Women register for the day sessions (cost includes lunch.)

Men free to come to the evening sessions!

 Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC
8400 Regent Parkway
Fort Mill, SC 29715

Paul Wilbur

Watch him here at a previous meeting: 
Paul Wilbur at Antioch International Church May 2018

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Daughters of Zion - Paul Wilbur and others - CFM Women's Conference Feb. 22-24, 2019 (Men welcome at night!)


CFM Women's Conference 2019

Event Information


This year's CFM Women's Conference promises to be the best yet. Our keynote speaker is the renowned musician and songwriter Paul Wilbur, who will be ministering in both music and sharing the word of the Lord. 

Annabelle Wallnau will be joining us again this year to facilitate a creative workshop. Dr. Elizabeth Enns will also speak and there will be incredible times of anointed worship and prophetic ministry. 

Register to reserve your spot today! Friday begins at 7pm. Saturday sessions are at 10am, lunch and afternoon workshop and evening session at 7pm.

Paul Wilbur will also be speaking Sunday morning, Feb. 24, 2019 at the 10:00 am ET service. It will be "live streamed" on FaceBook on the Antioch International Church page.

Evening sessions are open to men also. (Free!)

Register here now: Daughters of Zion conference

Paul Wilbur 

Elizabeth Enns

All Together Now - For His Purposes & Plans The latest book by Steve Martin (my 20th) Paperback $12.95 Buy Now

All Together Now - For His Purposes & Plans 
The latest book by Steve Martin (my 20th)

Paperback $12.95: Buy Now

Kindle ebook $1.99* - Available now.

This is the 20th book by Steve Martin.

ISBN:  9781797020716

Printed in the United States of America

All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author.

The views expressed in this book are those of the author and publisher, Martin Lighthouse Publishing.

Some chapters included in this book were previously printed in earlier books by Steve Martin. They have been added here as also they are messages of hope.

Photos and graphic artwork in this book were taken/designed by Steve Martin unless noted otherwise. Photo cover – Jerusalem store display. Taken by Steve Martin October 2018 in Israel.

Bible quotations are taken from the following versions:

The New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The New American Standard Version, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

The Complete Jewish Bible, and English Version of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) by Jewish New Testament Publications, Inc., Clarksville, Maryland USA.

The Message. Copyright ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Dedication                                                       Page  4
Introduction                                                     Page  5

1. Gathering Together                                                 Page 7
2. How About Some New Wine                                 Page 11
3. Intimate                                                                   Page 13
4. The Knots on the Rope                                           Page 15
5. Kill It So It Can Live Again. Part 1.                       Page 17
6. Kill It So It Can Live Again. Part 2.                       Page 19
7. It’s A Faith Walk                                                    Page 24
8. Entitlement & Commitment                                   Page 27
9. The Grief, Pain & Sorrow of the Holidays             Page 30
10. Open Door                                                             Page 34
11. The Red Scarf                                                       Page 37
12. With Even More Resolve                                     Page 41
13. Us 4 and No More                                                 Page 43
14. Be Happy                                                              Page 46
15. Ugly Toads                                                           Page 49
16. Power of Your Love                                             Page 52
17. Reconnections. They Are Happening.                  Page 55
18. I Understand Schindler                                         Page 58
19. Acceleration                                                          Page 62
20. Hi Ho Silvers! The Silvers Are Back!                  Page 64
21. What Say You?                                                     Page 85
22. The Little Foxes                                                    Page 88
23. The Lord Is My Shepherd                                     Page 90

ABOUT THE AUTHOR                                                      Page 91

CONTACT INFORMATION                                             Page 93

THE OTHER 19 BOOKS                                                    Page 95
  BY STEVE MARTIN                               


My heart appreciates those among us who have strived to “get it together” with others. I think of Cathy Hargett, Founder of Highway To Zion in Charlotte, North Carolina. There is Curtis Loftin of Beit Yeshua in Lincolnton, North Carolina. Both of these long-time friends have made valiant efforts in bringing together the One New Man, which the Jewish Bible writer Paul said would happen in our day.

Another I know of, seeking to walk in the Lord’s work of unity, is Dr. Peter Wyns, founder of Christians For Messiah Ministries and Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. He too, in walking out his apostolic calling and anointing, has brought people, churches, and international ministries under His wings, teaching and preaching the Word.

As I mentioned in my introduction following this page is the ministry of Lance Wallnau, who I really enjoy listening to both in public meetings and on his YouTube messages. He currently directs the Lance Learning Group, a strategic teaching and consulting company based in Dallas, Texas.

Many seen and unseen are being raised up around the world, by God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, in our day, working to bring the restoration of His Church into one Body, and take the Good News Yeshua brought the first time He walked the earth, to all the nations.

To the aforementioned, and to these laboring all around the globe, I dedicate this book.

Steve Martin
Charlotte, North Carolina USA
Feb. 16, 2019


I am a man who likes to see people connected. If I meet one person here, who can help another person over there, I enjoy putting them in contact with each other. If they are in Jerusalem, and I know someone in Iowa that can meet a need they clearly have, I will “reach out” (overworked words I know, but you understand it) for the benefit of both. Makes common sense to me.

The Lord’s heart is certainly for that too. He is all about connecting, to having those He has created to get together and fulfill His purposes and plans for each. For that matter, He has intended it to be this way for us to use what each has been given, to “bring it to the table”, and fulfill the big picture that He has, not us.

It is not about me doing my thing and you doing yours. Separately. It is about coming together and building together. When that happens, then the world will see the Lord’s body of believers as we were meant to be seen. Until now, the world thinks very little of Christians and Jews. In many cases, we are both despised people. And no wonder. Most often all they see is fighting, arguments, name calling, and rejection of what the other “church” or “synagogue congregation” is doing. I don’t blame them. If I was in the “unbeliever’s camp”, so would I.

Guess what? Our God, the same One Who is bringing back the Jews to their Promised Land of Israel, right now, even more so than what He has been in the last 70 years, is also speaking clearly to the other group, “the grafted in ones”, Christians, to come back to His plan, and start working together, in unity, as one.

I like what Lance Wallnau, a popular America speaker, has been saying for years now. “As one!” At first, I thought it was a bit corny. Not so much anymore. Thanks, Lance. You were ahead of many of us!

This being my 20th book, I pray that you will be encouraged as you read these pages, seeking Him and finding your place in the Body; to be fit together and joined with the others, functioning as one.

I am very grateful to the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) that He is putting together His people for the final run – both in Israel and the Church, that make up His Body of Christ, the One New Man.

All together now!

Steve Martin
Charlotte, North Carolina
Feb. 16, 2019

P.S. As a side note: In the later afternoon of Friday, Feb. 15, 2019, the day after St. Valentine’s Day, I started putting together this book for publication, praying as to what the Lord would have me entitle it. He gave me the words, “all together now.” I thought to myself, “Yes, that is what it will be.” I liked those words for the book title.

A few hours later, once my good wife Laurie got home from work, we sat down to “close out” the busy week on a Friday night. Going through the recorded list of TV programs was the singing show called “The Masked Singer”. (It wouldn’t be classified as one of my favorites, but hey, I wasn’t wanting anything heavy to watch either.)

As I read the title of the show’s episode, it read “All Together Now.” Wow! I told Laurie how the Lord had just given me that as the title of this book!

Yes, I like confirmations. And the Lord can, and does, use all ways and means to let us know!

May He encourage you as you read these messages – inspired and giving hope in these days.

Kindle ebook $1.99

All Together Now: - For His Purposes and Plans by [Martin, Steve]
Kindle ebook $1.99

Amazon Smile: All Together Now - KINDLE version

Other books by Steve Martin.
All available on Amazon 
in paperback and Kindle ebook.

Thank you, Lord Jesus (Yeshua)!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Rick Joyner's Word for the Week: The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 7 - MorningStar Ministries

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 7

Printer-friendly version
Week 7, 2019
  MorningStar Ministries

The ultimate issue of both the Revolutionary and Civil Wars can be summed up in one word—LIBERTY. True freedom requires liberty and justice for all. We are still fighting for these, and this war will not be over until they are realized as fully as they can be on this earth. To pursue this is the calling and destiny of the American Republic.

The Divine wisdom given to our American Founding Fathers that became our Constitution and Bill of Rights was for a government structure that contained built in relief valves—ones that enabled the peaceful settling of injustices and infringement on our freedoms. Departure from the wisdom in these founding documents is the reason for virtually every conflict and crisis we are now facing as a nation. These will not be resolved without reconnecting to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. For this reason, the ultimately successful strategy in the Second American Revolutionary/Civil War will be to fight for their restoration as “the supreme law of the land.”

Both major American political parties, the left and the right, are guilty of failing to keep their vows to defend the Constitution. Neither party is now capable of recovering what has been lost in our “constitutional republic.” A new movement is coming that will restore the Constitution to its rightful place so that we can become the nation we are called to be. The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War will be to complete what was begun by the first ones.

As stated previously, the First and Second Great Awakenings preceded the Revolutionary and Civil Wars respectively. The messages that came out of those Awakenings caused those wars. They also presented an even higher way for those wars to be avoided. If the political leaders of the time had truly embraced the truths of those Awakenings and had the courage to obey them, both of those wars could have been avoided and the trajectory of our nation toward our calling and destiny would have been much easier and cleaner. As we see from the beginning of history until now, men rarely choose the easy way.  

Great Britain, which lost the American colonies to a large degree because of the hardliners in Parliament, learned their lesson. While led by some of the same people whose hardline response to the grievances of the colonies caused the Revolutionary War, they softened to the message raise by Wilberforce about the evils of slavery and eradicated it in the Empire without a great war.

That which can be accomplished without war is always preferable. However, when the political leadership is not capable of this, then war is preferable to allowing evil to prevail. We must come to grips with this truth once again.

We can expect the voices that arise calling for the New American Revolution to be blamed for the rising discord, just as Elijah was called the one who troubled Israel. Yet, sin and corruption are the true cause of the trouble, not what exposes them. Unity is a wonderful thing, but not when it comes at the cost of tolerating or allowing evil to subjugate the people. There is a point when it is no longer possible to avoid conflict. When that line has been crossed, our strategy must change from keeping the peace to winning the war. That line has now been crossed in “The American Republic.” It may take a while for others to see this, but it will soon be obvious.

When it is settled that the “Second American Revolutionary/Civil War isinevitable, right, and will be successful,” the next step in our preparation is to determine what is “right” about it, and what “successful” looks like from heaven’s perspective.  

According to I Corinthians 13 we see in part, we know in part, and we prophesy in part. All I have is part of the picture. I will present all that I have in this series, but I understand that this is just part of the whole picture. When I inquired of The Lord about His vision and purpose for our nation, His response was that He gave it to our leaders in the beginning.  It was articulated in our founding documents, and it is in them that we must see them.

About two decades ago I began a study to see if I could find a special covenant or mandate that God had given to our country. My prayer for this was Psalm 90:16-17: “Let Your work appear to Your servants and Your majesty to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands; yes, confirm the work of our hands.” I asked to see His hand and guidance in the founding of our nation, and by this understand His purpose so that our work and prayers for the country would be toward the fulfillment of His purpose, not just certain political goals.

In my study, I was surprised by how obvious His handiwork could be seen in our nation’s founding. It was also easy to see the serious trouble we suffered as we deviated from His purpose for us. We are now entering the worst crises in our history when it will be determined if we will live or die as the Republic we have been called to be. If there is anything worth fighting for in our life, it is God’s purpose. If there is anything worth fighting for in our nation, it is God’s purpose for our nation.

Israel! - Here we come again! More Ahava Adventures!

Israel! - Here we come again! More Ahava Adventures!
May & October 2019

We like Israeli camels! - Steve & Laurie Martin

Feb. 16, 2019

Love For His People's Ahava Adventures!, our bi-annual ministry trips to Israel, will again be happening this May and October 2019.

Those joining Laurie and I will be visiting the Aliyah Return Center in Tiberias in the Galilee, the new location where Yeshua (Jesus) was baptized near Jericho, Masada, the Dead Sea, and of course the Israeli capital city of Jerusalem.

The baptismal site near Jericho, where Yeshua was most likely immersed. (Photo by Steve Martin, 2013)

Our main purpose in travel is to always encourage and spend time with friends, families, and ministries that Love For His People supports monthly with financial and spiritual support.

Up front, you need to know that we don't do the "typical" 30-40 people bus tour, though I have recommendations if you ever want to. Our friends here in Charlotte, NC, and the Fort Mill, SC area do annual tourist bus tours, which I highly recommended for the 1st time tourist.

Our Ahava Adventures (ahava is love in Hebrew) take you for 8-9 days on the very same ground that Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and above all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, walked. We will get you connected to His Land, but even more importantly with His people. Each and every believer needs to have, at least once in their lifetime, a connection to the People of Israel, personally.

The Lord is bringing back (making aliyah) the Jews of the nations to their Promised Land. Come spend time with the ones who have already done so.

If ever you want to join us, let us know!

For further information:

Ahava Adventures
Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Come along!

Steve & Laurie Martin

P.S. These two this year will be Steve's 20th and 21st times of travel to Israel. I know some places you have never gone before. Or might not ever will, unless...

(Below photos by Steve Martin - October 2018)

Hostel staff on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem

The Golden Gate (Eastern Gate)
Gathering together in Jerusalem

Ben Yehuda Street entertainer