Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Prophet Shares Urgent End-Times Message to the Church - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Prophet R. Loren Sandford shares with Jennifer LeClaire an urgent prophetic message from his new book. Watch the video to learn what the church must know in this hour.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. She is author of over 25 books. Find her online at or email her at
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Lana Vawser: "United States, Get Ready to Birth! The Spirit of Mockery is Coming Down!" - The Elijah List

Lana Vawser: "United States, Get Ready to Birth! The Spirit of Mockery is Coming Down!"

The Elijah List Apr 2, 2019

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
We've received so many key words, even in the past week, of God preparing us and giving us deep insight for RIGHT NOW.
Lana Vawser is a trusted prophet I've come to know and she always has incredible revelation, especially for the United States.
Lana just sent this word out days ago and shared this:
The Lord showed me that He is about to deal with a spirit of mockery in the United States with great power and vengeance. I heard Galatians 6:7 all around me: "Do not be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant." In this mighty birthing that the hand of God is bringing forth, in this mighty demonstration of His power and delivery, the Lord will deal with this spirit of mockery through a major manifestation of His victory.
We are going to see the mighty hand of God at work in this hour...on the Church's and our nations' behalf! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way, if you haven't heard, we have a new TV show called "Elijah Streams" which airs on GOD TV, DIRECTV and Faith USA. We interview many of the prophetic voices featured right here on the Elijah List. You can watch our latest episodes On Demand too right here
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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Recently I had a dream where I saw the United States had been in a large womb, but now the nation was being pushed out of the birth canal. I watched as the nation was about to "come out" and the sense of "DELIVERY" was so strong. As I have sat with the Lord on this dream, I've been surrounded by a sense of "BIRTHING." There is an incredible birthing upon the United States right now. Much of what the nation has been enduring are the labor pains of what the Lord has been growing and is about to bring forth. The words, "The nation of the United States is about to be DELIVERED!" have been surrounding me.
As I sought the Lord's heart on this dream, I heard Isaiah 66:9:
"'Would I ever bring this nation to the point of birth and then not deliver it?' asks the Lord. 'No! I would never keep this nation from being born,' says your God."(New Living Translation)
"'Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?' says the Lord; 'shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?' says your God." (English Standard Version)
This mighty birthing of the Lord's plans and purposes is going to bring forth a great move of His Spirit in the nation, where all things that are not built in the Lord and founded in Him will not stand. Things not built upon the Lord will be found wanting.
The labor pains and the warfare have been loud and relentless, but the Lord is proclaiming that what He has decreed to come forth will come forth in great power, signs and wonders. The Lord is causing delivery! The Lord is causing the birthing of the divine purposes and plans of His heart to COME FORTH. In the "coming forth" and the "birthing" there will be great shaking and turbulence, but the Lord WILL prevail. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Ready or Not, Here I Come!"
As I sought the Lord regarding this dream I heard Him say, "READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" This decree of the Lord wasn't resounding just within the Church, but it was resounding in the entire nation. There has been major warfare against the birthing of God's purposes and plans, but the demonstration of His power and revelation of Him as the God of breakthrough, the Mighty Deliverer, is going to be revealed in a way the United States has never seen before.
There is a call upon the people of God to make themselves ready for the birthing. The Lord is calling His people to "make room" for this birthing. The Lord is calling His people to remain deep in the secret place, asking the Holy Spirit to lead them and prepare them for the new that is about to come bursting through. New life is coming to the United States of America. The Lord is going to demonstrate that no one stands against the Lord Almighty.
The Mocking "Goliaths" Are Coming Down
The Lord showed me that He is about to deal with a spirit of mockery in the United States with great power and vengeance. I heard Galatians 6:7 all around me: "Do not be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant." In this mighty birthing that the hand of God is bringing forth, in this mighty demonstration of His power and delivery, the Lord will deal with this spirit of mockery through a major manifestation of His victory.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
Definitive Deliverance
Over the last week or so, the Lord has been speaking to me about "DEFINITIVE DELIVERANCE." Definitive definition: "(of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority." Definitive synonyms: "conclusive, final, ultimate, absolute."
There are about to be mighty demonstrations of the power of God in the nation in this new era, bringing forth MIGHTY deliverances of areas the enemy has occupied. There is going to be a powerful presentation of the Lord's victory in His deliverance.
He is rallying the troops, He is rallying His army, to stand together in a loud shout of praise and victory in faith KNOWING that the walls are going to come down. I heard the Lord saying that generational walls are going to come tumbling down! They will come down at the sound of the praise of God's people declaring the faithfulness of the Lord, His Word, and the POWER and STRENGTH of God to save and deliver.
The enemy has been and is working hard to stop this new and mighty birthing in the United States of America, but a prevailing and unveiling of the Lord is coming!
The Enemy's Attempts to Blind Will Be Blindsided
The Lord spoke to me and said that the enemy and those operating under his influence who have attempted to "blindfold" to "hide" and to "deceive," will now be blindsided by the power of God and the revealing of truth, and their attempts to deceive will be overturned. I heard the Lord saying over and over, "Haman will be hung on his own gallow (Esther 7:10)." (Photo via Unsplash)
The mighty demonstration of God's power, His truth, and His justice will be so profound and come unexpectedly to those who've been attempting to "blindfold" and "cover-up." They will be blindsided by His power. Their attempts will be steamrolled and overturned by the hand of God as the mighty, glorious birthing of God's purposes and plans manifest like never before in the nation.
The sound of Psalm 89:8-10 will be heard LOUDLY in the nation and cause it to shake:
"O Lord God of hosts, who is like You, O mighty Lord? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the swelling of the sea; when its waves rise, You still them. You Yourself crushed Rehab like one who is slain; You scattered Your enemies with Your mighty arm." (New American Standard Bible)
"So awesome are You, O Yahweh, Lord God of Angel Armies! Where could we find anyone as glorious as You? Your faithfulness shines all around You! You rule over oceans and the swelling seas. When their stormy waves rise, You speak, and they lie still. You crushed the strongholds of Egypt and all Your enemies were scattered at the mighty display of Your glory-power." (The Passion Translation) 
(To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with their family.
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Johnny Enlow: God Speaks through Signs and Wonders -THE ELIJAH LIST

Today's Elijah List Ministries Featured Video Messages...

 From the desk of Steve Shultz:
 Does God speak to you through signs?
 Yes, yes He does! Johnny Enlow is one who has a deep understanding of hearing God's voice — through signs!
 You're going to love watching this Elijah Streams episode with Johnny Enlow as you'll discover:

  • The different ways God speaks to you. 
  • How to distinguish between God's voice, your own, and satanic counterfeits.
  • How fun and creative God really is!
  • And you'll receive an impartation from Johnny to get activated in your prophetic gifts!
Get ready to arise and shine in every area of society as sons and daughters who can hear God's voice wherever you go!
 Then, I encourage you to order these powerful prophetic resources from Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow just below… they'll equip you in a much higher way to hear God's voice!

 Steve and Derene Shultz
 Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries

Why love and power go hand-in-hand...

Johnny Enlow with Steve Shultz...

CLICK HERE to watch this episode on demand NOW on

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Do YOU want to Hear God's voice and grow in YOUR prophetic gifts? Are you doubting that you REALLY hear Him?
 Well, doubt no more!
 Call 866-967-3665 to order an exciting teaching package from Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow called: Hearing God: Growing in the Prophetic—made available to you, our Elijah Streams viewer.
 This package includes a 9-session DVD series along with a hands-on workbook by Elizabeth Enlow which takes you through a 9-week in-depth study of—how to recognize God's voice in your life and use it to encourage others!
 In this series:
 Johnny Enlow lays a Biblical foundation on "Hearing God" and proves that God does indeed speak to you—today!
 Johnny addresses the "uncertainties of the prophetic" while providing guidelines to help you accurately hear the voice of the Lord AND distinguish between God's voice, your own, and satanic counterfeits.
 This is no ordinary message where you walk away—unequipped!
 In the step-by-step workbook included, you'll receive a weekly challenge, activation exercises, along with a 30-day challenge to help you continue the learning process of hearing God.
 If you want to hear God's Voice, prophesy and share His message of love with others, you won't want to miss out on Johnny and Elizabeth Enlow's OFFER called: "Hearing God: Growing in the Prophetic" made exclusively just for you—our Elijah Streams viewer.
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P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.

Thank you!

Steve and Derene Shultz


Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321

Strength For Israel - 1st Friday of the month gathering. Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC

Strength For Israel
1st Friday of the month gathering

This Friday 7 pm April 5, 2019
Put on your calendar now.

Antioch International Church
453 Glynwood Forest Drive*
 Fort Mill, SC 29715

(*street name was changed from 8400 Regent Pkwy.)

Led by David Peterman

Strength For Israel - first Friday of the month gathering. Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC
7 pm each First Friday of the month in the AIC Fireside Room Led by David and Luanna Peterman. Messianic worship team includes Steve Martin (guitar and lead vocal)

Jonathan Cahn Announces 'The Oracle' Release - CHARISMA HOUSE

Jonathan Cahn
Jonathan Cahn (Jonathan Cahn (official Site)/Facebook)

Jonathan Cahn Announces 'The Oracle' Release

New York Times' best-selling author Jonathan Cahn is releasing his newest book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiledon Sept. 3.
Over the years, Cahn, the subject of a New York Times feature article last month, has written several smash hits, and devoted readers clamor for his work.
The Oracle will help readers know what the future holds and what the past is hiding, as well as open their eyes to groundbreaking mysteries that will impact not only how they understand the past, but also how they can be ready for the future.
In The Oracle, Cahn, author of the New York Times' best-sellers The HarbingerThe Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries and The Paradigm, opens up the jubilean prophecies and a mystery so big that it has determined everything from the rise and fall of world empires to two world wars, the current events of our day, the future, end‐time prophecy and much more. Ultimately, The Oracle will reveal the secret that lies behind end‐time prophecy and the mystery of the end of the age.
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As with The Harbinger and The Book of Mysteries, Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative; a traveler is given seven keys, each for the opening of one of seven doors. Behind each door lies one of the seven streams of the jubilean mysteries. Readers are taken on a journey through each door and vision to uncover the ancient secrets that lie behind the world‐changing events of modern times.
And as with Cahn's other works, readers will find that the mysteries revealed within the pages of The Oracle are absolutely real, amazing, life‐changing and mind‐blowing, as they build upon Cahn's vast knowledge of prophecy.
Cahn's earthshattering book The Harbinger became an instant New York Times' best-seller and brought him to national and international prominence, followed by three more best-sellers. Long before writing these books, he was known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism and compassion projects for the needy. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City, in Wayne, New Jersey. He is a much sought‐after speaker and has been called the prophetic voice of our generation. He has spoken at the United Nations, on Capitol Hill and to millions of people around the world.
For more information on The Oracle, visit TheOracleIsComing.comThe Oracle is published by Front Line, an imprint of Charisma House.
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Great Resources to help you excel in 2019! #1 John Eckhardt's "Prayers That..." 6-Book Bundle. Prayer helps you overcome anything life throws at you. Get a FREE Bonus with this bundle. #2 Learn to walk in the fullness of your purpose and destiny by living each day with Holy Spirit. Buy a set of Life in the Spirit, get a second set FREE.

Monday, April 1, 2019

How To Mow Your Yard - Special Edition of Now Think On This by Steve Martin

How To Mow Your Yard
Steve Martin
(A Special Edition - April Fool's Day!)

During the late winter/early spring days of 2019, I belonged to a group of men who met every other Tuesday night. This was a time of personal and team uplifting. At the end of each hour and a half, we were given a “heartwork” (homework) assignment, to help us grow in the creativity the Lord had given us, and to share it with the other men at the next meeting.

My writing was completed on April Fool’s Day, after the request was made the week before to develop a procedure for the best way to mow a lawn. The assignment stated that the best processes are to be clear, simple, efficient, and produce a consistently good result. Then we were to share our writing at the next session, and see how many different ways people came up with, to do the same thing.

All as part of how this relates to God always accomplishing His plan, while allowing variation in how some parts of it are completed.

Read it and enjoy. But don’t think about it too much, as I used some creative freedom in my writing. (Unless you want to give it a try later, providing you have a yard to mow!)

How To Mow Your Yard

1.      Have on hand or buy a front wheel drive mower. If you are over 60, and haven’t depleted your bank account as yet, buy a rider. That way you can race it during NASCAR season and pick up extra bucks.

2.      The wider the cutting blade on your rider the less time will be consumed during your total pleasurable procedure. And you can still count those 10 calories you will burn by just climbing up into the seat, if you are on Weight Watchers.

3.      Prior to the mow, fill the gas tank as needed. Be sure to use non-leaded gas, and not diesel. Diesel will smoke up your whole yard and the neighbors will call the fire department.

4.      Check the oil stick to make sure it is at the “Full” level before operation. Do not overflow, should you think you need to pour more in. That too will produce heavy black smoke, with a very putrid smell, if lit by the spark plug. Should that occur, go buy a new mower. You will need it.

If you have a “pull start” mower, hold down on the starter handlebar, while pulling quickly back with
the white rope. Be sure to do this in one smooth motion, as you do when pulling in a largemouth bass, with the beautiful boat sitting in your front drive, making your neighbor Greg jealous. But be sure not to overextend yourself when pulling, so as not to waste too much energy. The bass are said to be bigger this year, and you will need your full strength.

6.      At most, one or two pulls should start the engine, engaging the blades below deck in a rapid, clockwise motion. Do not attempt to check the speed of the blade rotation, as this could result in serious arm damage. Then your bass season is really shot.

7.      If there is a front and back yard, do the front one first, in case it begins to rain, or you are forced to stop due to severe exhaustion (if you don’t have a rider.) Completing the front yard ahead of the rest of the grass (or weeds, whichever case you have) will help your yard look nice enough to beat the annual competitive neighbor named Jim Jones.

It will also keep the HOA (Home Owners Association) off your back, when they drive through the development with their Polaroid camera, checking for grass height.  You don’t want yours to be over the allowed 1.68” maximum height level permitted allowance.

8.      Mow in a back and forth motion, while keeping your turn around radius to 1.34 ft. Again, this will impress your neighbors with the fine curves of your turns and make your grass extra pretty. Much like the stroke of an artist’s paintbrush.

9.     Be sure to have the blade low enough to clip all dandelions at the proper height. Though they look absolutely gorgeous in the spring, the wine you make from the yellow flowers tastes better when correctly cut. Don’t wait until the dandelions go to seed. These tend to get caught between your teeth when sipping on your wine. They ladies won’t like that.

10.  Upon completing your full three-hour task, note the 258 calories you burned off in your summer calorie-keeping journal. Then sit down on your back wooden deck, the one that needs a new paint job (next summer is fine), and have a nice glass of Southern home-brewed pink lemonade, or an Arnold Palmer (half lemondade and half sweet tea), depending on your style. You deserve it! But if you rode a rider, then you are only permitted a half glass. Your calorie burn count would have only been 129, due to the foot action on the gas pedal.

Steve Martin
Now Think On This #405
April Fools Day (04.01.19)

(originally for my “heartwork” for Men’s Group at church