Wednesday, July 17, 2019

ROAR FROM ZION conference and concert - Paul Wilbur in Charlotte, NC/Fort Mill, SC - Oct. 2019


Roar from Zion conference & concert!

 · Hosted by Peter Wyns, Christians For Messiah Ministry
  • Speakers include Sid Roth, Michael Brown, Rick Joyner, Peter Wyns, Elizabeth Enns and Paul Wilbur(including Saturday night concert with full band from Nashville!)

  •             Oct 25 at 7 PM – Oct 27 at 1 PM
  • 453 Glynwood Forest Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715
  • Tickets are free but you must register. Limited seating. I repeat...
    Registration is free, but you must register. Limited seating.
  • Go here for your free tickets: Eventbrite

While Iran, US Go Head-to-Head, Iranians Are Turning Their Hearts to Jesus - CBN News Chris Mitchell

While Iran, US Go Head-to-Head, Iranians Are Turning Their Hearts to Jesus
CBN News Chris Mitchell

It may surprise you that the fastest growing church in the world is in Iran.  Yet that’s the assessment of those who have seen and heard the remarkable story of millions turning away from Shiite Islam and turning toward Jesus Christ. 
The image Iran presents to the world is large demonstrations with shouts of ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’. 
Those who have seen Iran from the inside, however, paint a very different picture.
“You can’t believe the images on TV.  Because for example, all the protests you see on the streets, those are mostly contrived.  They’re young people on the streets and they’ve told us if we don’t go to the streets, we won’t get our grades so we’re forced to go and protest,” one Iranian church worker said.
He spoke to CBN News on condition of anonymity.
He says there are two Irans.  The one you see on the news and the other hidden from the world.   
 “I would say there’s a 10 percent Iran and a 90 percent Iran.  Ten percent control the country in a more oppressive manner, hardline, religious manner and then the majority of the people, 90 percent of the people love America.  They don’t hate Americans.  I think that’s the message that Americans need to hear.  They tell us all the time, we don’t hate Americans, we love America.” 
He wants Americans to know that forty years after Iran’s Islamic revolution, there’s another spiritual revolution underway. 
“Awaken to the truth that we live in a time that’s very special.  More people have come to faith in Iran in the forty years than in the previous 1400 years.  So, there’s a once, not only in a lifetime, but in history where we have a moment where Iranians are coming to faith at such a rapid rate.”
Frontiers Alliance International (FAI) is producing a documentary called Sheep Among Wolves to introduce the Iranian church to Christians worldwide. 
“What’s taking place in Iran right now is spectacular,” says FAI founder and director Dalton Thomas.  “It’s the fastest growing church in the world that owns no buildings, has no 501c3’s, that owns no property, that has no bank accounts; that has no centralized leadership; that has no denominational leaning and yet it’s multiplying like crazy … What the Lord is doing there is staggering.” 
The evangelism results in intense persecution that Thomas says leads Iranian believers to seek prayer but not in a way you may think. 
“Typically, the way we pray is we expect that they want us to pray for the persecution to end and they say, no, no, don’t do that.  Persecution is growing the church.  When the persecution stops, the growth stops.  What we want is the Gospel to spread far and wide and deep in Iran.”
With Iran and the US on the brink of war, Thomas says it’s important to see what’s happening behind the Iranian veil. 
“When Muslims from Iran come in contact with the Man from Nazareth, something beautiful happens.  And when they realize that they have been bought and saved and purchased with Jewish blood; prophesized by Jewish prophets in a Jewish Bible something crazy happens; something beautiful happens and that’s what we’re seeing take place in Iran.” 
Thomas believes one day the world may wake up to find Iran’s church growth in the 21stcentury rivaling that in China and Korea in the last century. 

Watch here: Iranians Turning Towards Jesus

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Have You Spotted The Prophetic Pattern Hidden In Your Bible? | Dr. Lance Wallnau

Have You Spotted The Prophetic Pattern Hidden In Your Bible? | Dr. Lance Wallnau

Published on Jul 16, 2019
Join me tonight as we discover the prophetic pattern, hidden in the Bible, that explains the rise of Donald Trump... And What Is Coming Next! ------- Like what you see? Give us a like and subscribe to my channel here: Learn more about where I am, what I'm working on, and how you can be involved: Thanks for watching! "As One!"

"Always Turn the Cheek?" So What Do You Do? by Steve Martin

Always Turn the Cheek?
So What Do You Do?
Steve Martin

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'  But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” (Matthew 5:38-39, NKJV)

“Love, love, love. All you need is love” were popular song lyrics growing up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, made famous by a foursome who needs no introduction. So, I won’t. At one time they declared they were more popular than God. I wonder what some of them believe now.

In this edition of “So What Do You Do?” I want to write of another common thought that has been held by believers in the Living God for far too long. It is that false misconception that Christians are to simply allow others to walk over them, give out “love, love, love’, and all will be just dandy.

Jesus Himself did say, as quoted above, “whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” And yet when the Sadducees and the Pharisees spoke out loudly against Him in the public market, what did He do? In Matthew 12:34, He spoke right back at them, “You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.” (NASU) 

Jesus was no coward and did not walk in fear.

There are plenty of examples in the full Bible, including what we call the Old Testament, where God the Father, whom the Son of God revealed to us when He, Jesus, walked this earth, destroyed those who broke His laws and killed His people. Did He just “turn the other cheek” and let His everlasting love overrule His righteous acts of judgment? He certainly did not.

God the Father and Yeshua (Jesus) are the same. “I and the Father are one," Jesus said. (John 10:30, NASU)

We are to take the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, as the roadmap to life. One verse doesn’t give the entire picture of the Lord’s heart. If we are to know Him and follow after Him, we must understand Him and His ways.

When people and nations resist, reject, and seek to remove the eternal laws that the God of the Universe has put in place, for our protection and well-being, we also are not just to turn the other cheek and let them have their way. While we are certainly to pray against the forces of darkness that envelope the hearts and minds of people, at the same time we must take proper and righteous stands to uphold what we know to be right.

Am I calling for civil war? No. Am I seeking to speak the truth and be heard? Yes.

We are called to speak out against those who seek to murder unborn babies; steal and destroy the lives of innocent children for sexual pleasure; and force on us ungodly social media propaganda as “rights” people have.

We are called to stand against anti-Semitism and racism.

When we allow “whatever will be to be”, we continue to lose the solid ground founded on true freedom, of living within safeguards in place for both ourselves and our children. When we let the ungodly take over our schools, government, and religious institutions in the name of “tolerance” and unholy “love”, we face the reality that our choice in seeking and obeying the heavenly Father will no longer be allowed, as it will “inhibit the freedom” of others, or so they will have us to believe.

When we let down our guard, and not give any resistance to those who seek to take away what we have been given by God to us, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.

There are times when we are to turn the cheek and take what comes as being believers in the Lord. They hated Him. They will and do hate us.

There are also times when He will direct us to stand up, declare the truth, and not back down when the enemy comes at us. I wouldn’t let someone come into my house and kill my family without putting up a fight. Neither should you.

Our American founding fathers fought the good fight – literally behind the pulpit and on the front lines. So did our grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, and mothers give their lives to stop evil from taking over other nations.

Martyrs throughout history gave their lives speaking out against those siding with the devil, who was killing, stealing, and destroying lives.

I expect to be martyred someday. Many of our fellow brothers and sisters in other nations are already giving their lives even now as they have lived for the Lord and now die in His arms. But until that day comes, I will not go down, sitting around, letting our world go to hell, without putting up the glorious fight of faith.

Be one wanting to know His full ways, always, and then share them with the world He has put us in.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina

P.S. If you think I am stopping my regular messages, Now Think On This, have no fear! I certainly am continuing those, and they will appear on our current website, Love For His Peopleand our new one that will be in the works this summer, for its fall debut.

These messages will also be posted on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Yeah!

I ask for your support so we can continue, and reach more. Please donate online safely through our website, using PayPal or Givelify.  Or you can use the DONATE  buttons on the Love For His People website.

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share So What Do You Do? with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

“Always Turn the Cheek?”, #4 - in the year of our Lord 07.16.19 – Tuesday, 6:45 pm

New Doors Require New Keys by Elaine Tavolacci, Identity Network

New Doors Require New Keys by Elaine Tavolacci

New Doors Require New Keys by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network  July 16, 2019
Ebook PDF Download
By Naim Collins
Price: $16.99
Sale! $11.99
Click HERE to order.
Jesus asked His disciples, saying, "Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?" They replied, some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets." Then He asked them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Then as Jesus answered Peter, He was actually saying (paraphrased) Peter, you have received this answer not by natural knowledge but by revelation from My father in heaven and upon this rock (revelation) I will build My church, and the gates of hell (imprisonment from the enemy through the kingdom of darkness) will not prevail against it. Then Jesus went on to say, "And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Jesus was speaking metaphorically of spiritual keys. He has given these keys to us, the body of Christ. He has given us authority in His name, power to bind the works of the devil, and loose people from bondage. He has given us keys to heal others from sickness, unshackle those who are bound, unlock and set people free from religious traditions and tear down strongholds. Keys are small and may seem insignificant but they could open huge doors. Small keys are used to open huge vaults that contain valuable possessions, but also lock them to keep thieves out. The apostle Paul said: For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. We need new keys when the Lord opens new doors because the old keys will no longer fit.
These Keys
The Lord says, I have given you the keys to My kingdom and the authority to use My name. These keys will unlock the doors and deliver people from every kind of bondage. These keys will unlock shackles, set people free from all demonic oppression and release many from every affliction and stronghold. These are the keys that will set the captives free who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and pornography. They are keys to open the tombs and deliver those who need to be set free from religious mindsets and those who are in bondage to religious rituals. They will open the prison doors and deliver those from occult practices, powers of darkness, and from all the power of the enemy. I have given you the keys that will open the portals of heaven and bring revelation. These keys will also release My Glory on this earth as it is in heaven.
These are keys to the Spiritual gifts, which will be used in miracles, signs and wonders in a greater dimension than you have known before. These keys will unlock the door to your destiny and as you receive My gift of the keys to the Kingdom, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. I am releasing keys in prayer and intercession that will unlock the hidden mysteries of My word. I Am He who holds the Key of David. When I open a door no man can shut it and when I shut a door no man could open it. I will open the eyes of your understanding on a new level as I reveal the secrets of ancient mysteries. So come before Me and receive these keys which is your inheritance as a child of God as I release them into your hands; says the Lord.
Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.
Matthew 16:19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
1 Corinthians 16:9 For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
Elaine Tavolacci