Always Turn the Cheek?
So What Do You Do?
Steve Martin
"You have heard that
it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you not to resist an evil person.
But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.”
(Matthew 5:38-39, NKJV)
“Love, love, love. All you need is love” were popular song
lyrics growing up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, made famous by a foursome who needs no
introduction. So, I won’t. At one time they declared they were more popular
than God. I wonder what some of them believe now.
In this edition of “So What Do You Do?” I want to write of
another common thought that has been held by believers in the Living God for
far too long. It is that false misconception that Christians are to simply allow
others to walk over them, give out “love, love, love’, and all will be just

Jesus was no coward and did not walk in fear.
There are plenty of examples in the full Bible, including what
we call the Old Testament, where God the Father, whom the Son of God revealed
to us when He, Jesus, walked this earth, destroyed those who broke His laws and
killed His people. Did He just “turn the other cheek” and let His everlasting
love overrule His righteous acts of judgment? He certainly did not.
God the Father and Yeshua
(Jesus) are the same. “I and the Father are one," Jesus said. (John 10:30, NASU)
We are to take the whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation,
as the roadmap to life. One verse doesn’t give the entire picture of the Lord’s
heart. If we are to know Him and follow after Him, we must understand Him and
His ways.
When people and nations resist, reject, and seek to remove
the eternal laws that the God of the Universe has put in place, for our
protection and well-being, we also are not just to turn the other cheek and let
them have their way. While we are certainly to pray against the forces of
darkness that envelope the hearts and minds of people, at the same time we must
take proper and righteous stands to uphold what we know to be right.
Am I calling for civil war? No. Am I seeking to speak the truth
and be heard? Yes.
We are called to speak out against those who seek to murder
unborn babies; steal and destroy the lives of innocent children for sexual
pleasure; and force on us ungodly social media propaganda as “rights” people
We are called to stand against anti-Semitism and racism.
When we allow “whatever will be to be”, we continue to lose
the solid ground founded on true freedom, of living within safeguards in place for
both ourselves and our children. When we let the ungodly take over our schools,
government, and religious institutions in the name of “tolerance” and unholy “love”,
we face the reality that our choice in seeking and obeying the heavenly Father will
no longer be allowed, as it will “inhibit the freedom” of others, or so they
will have us to believe.
When we let down our guard, and not give any resistance to
those who seek to take away what we have been given by God to us, we will have
no one to blame but ourselves.
There are times when we are to turn the cheek and take what
comes as being believers in the Lord. They hated Him. They will and do hate us.

Our American founding fathers fought the good fight – literally
behind the pulpit and on the front lines. So did our grandfathers,
grandmothers, fathers, and mothers give their lives to stop evil from taking
over other nations.
Martyrs throughout history gave their lives speaking out
against those siding with the devil, who was killing, stealing, and destroying
I expect to be martyred someday. Many of our fellow
brothers and sisters in other nations are already giving their lives even now
as they have lived for the Lord and now die in His arms. But until that day
comes, I will not go down, sitting around, letting our world go to hell,
without putting up the glorious fight of faith.
Be one wanting to know His full ways, always, and then share
them with the world He has put us in.
Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina
P.S. If you think I am stopping my regular messages, Now
Think On This, have no fear! I certainly am continuing those,
and they will appear on our current website, Love
For His People, and our new one that will be in the
works this summer, for its fall debut.
These messages will also be posted on our Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Yeah!
I ask for your support so we can continue, and reach more.
Please donate online safely through our website, using PayPal or Givelify. Or you can use
the DONATE buttons on the Love
For His People website.
Contribution checks can be sent to:
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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“Always Turn the Cheek?”, #4 - in the year of our Lord 07.16.19 – Tuesday, 6:45