Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Jerusalem “Walk With Me” videos – Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry


Jerusalem “Walk With Me” videos – Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

Top photo was taken in Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean Sea. The 2nd photo was taken on the Jerusalem Mount of Olives (L-) Steve & Laurie Martin, Theresa Harper, Pam & David Lauka, David & Luana Peterman, Mary & Bob Smith

April 30, 2023 Charlotte, North Carolina

Greetings once again.

Between April 21-29, members of our home group and friends (9 of us) journeyed to Israel to spend time with our friends there and bless the Land of Yeshua. While there I recorded the following 6 “Walk With Me” videos. This was a sharp drop from the 84 videos I recorded on my previous trip in Oct/Nov. 2022 (see here:

I felt this time to focus on the people I was with and the ones we spent time with while we were there.

I hope you enjoy walking with me!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

Steve Martin

Are These The End Times? Why Most Americans BELIEVE In Jesus’ Return | The Rosenberg Report on TBN


Are These The End Times? Why Most Americans BELIEVE In Jesus’ Return | The Rosenberg Report on TBN

May 3, 2023 Joel Rosenberg on TBN 8.37K subscribers

Apr 27, 2023 Bible Prophecy | The Rosenberg Report on TBNOn The Rosenberg Report, host Joel Rosenberg shares insight of what Americans believe about the end times and Jesus’ second coming. What does the Bible say we should be looking for, and how should we pray?

Don’t miss this episode of The Rosenberg Report on TBN! SUBSCRIBE:    / @therosenbergreport  

View full episodes of The Rosenberg Report for FREE on the TBN App:…

Steve Martin

Christ Church in Jerusalem, where Derek & Ruth Prince went to services. Walk with me, Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry


Christ Church in Jerusalem, where Derek & Ruth Prince went to services. Walk with me, Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

April 30, 2023 Love For His People Ministry in Charlotte, North Carolina

Come walk with me inside Christ Church, in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel, where Derek and Ruth Prince were members. Christ Chruch is the oldest church int he city. Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People

Steve Martin

STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (married 45 years), founded Love For His People Ministry in 2010. This work gives love and support to our friends in Israel and other nations with friendship and humanitarian aid. Through social media, Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel, the ministry is a growing, effective outreach. Steve has also authored and published 36 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area and have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids. Ahava and shalom with blessings on ye head!

We Will Carry Them On Our Shoulders – Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry


We Will Carry Them On Our Shoulders – Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry

May 1, 2023 Charlotte, North Carolina

Greetings to my family and friends of Love For His People Ministry.

We are back! Having returned April 29, 2023 from another Ahava Adventure to Israel (my 27th trip) I am able to send you this update. I hope you will take the time to read my message, “Carry Them On Your Shoulders” as written below.

With 9 of us journeying to the holy and promised land of Israel for 10 days, we encountered “marker” moments along the way, as we spent time with our friends in the Land and increased the bonds of fellowship among us, for the ongoing eternal support we give.

I have included two photos of the group – David and Luana Peterman, Bob and Mary Smith, David and Pam Lauka, and Theresa Harper – who joined Laurie and me on another wonderful, memorable adventure.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People Ministry

P.S. If you are interested in going with us on a future Ahava Adventure, please contact me. Todah!

P.S.S. The photo below was taken near Haifa, Israel on April 23, 2023, as Nissim and Hadassah Lerner took us to a Druze restaurant near their congregation of Kehilat HaCarmel in Isfiya.

Carry Them On Your Shoulders by Steve Martin

“Adonai Elohim answers: “I am beckoning to the nations, raising my banner for the peoples. They will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22, Complete Jewish Bible  

In April of 2023 nine of us from our home group and other friends, all from North and South Carolina, journeyed on another Ahava Adventures with Love For His People Ministry, to again bless the people and land of Israel. Along with my good wife Laurie and I, the others who traveled with us were David and Luana Peterman, Bob and Mary Smith, David and Pam Lauka, and Theresa Harper. Our main purpose was to encourage the believers in the Land, given to them by the Lord, and to share the love of Messiah Yeshua, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) as we were granted the opportunity to do so. 

Among those we had fellowship with, and meals together included Nissim and Hadassah Lerner (His Lighthouse, Inc.) whom we have known for over 12 years, Richard and Carolyn Hyde (Heart of G_d Ministry), Chaim and Deanna Malespin (Aliyah Return Center), and Kokeb Gedamu (House of Israel International Ministries). We also enjoyed the “tour” with my good friend Nouri Hawa. We again brought His love to our longtime friend Avraham Saidan. Of course, we always support the shops of our friends on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem – Danny Boy, Uri Shkalim (Shkalim Fashions), and Dahlia Saidan (Golden Jerusalem). 

Those on this team have learned over the years to bless Israel, as the Bible instructs us to do in Genesis 12:3. “And I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” NASU 

On this journey of 10 days, I believe the connections between us increased in His favor, not only among ourselves but with those who have made aliyah (immigrated) to Israel and are walking in His ordained purposes given to them by our Lord. It was indeed another eye-opening journey, as one had earlier prophesied over us before we left. We each will remember the “markers” or altars we experienced during this trip, where the Lord touched us and strengthened our bonds together for future endeavors together. 

As Christians, joining together as the One New Man, we continue to build upon the biblical debt to Israel that we have, by participating in the words of Isaiah 49:22, “Adonai Elohim answers: “I am beckoning to the nations, raising my banner for the peoples. They will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” 

I personally will forever be indebted to the great Bible teacher Derek Prince, on whose ministry I served for eight years, as he brought to light the command of the Lord to all believers, to support the Jews as He brings them back to the Land, as a shining light amid ever-growing darkness. (As a side note: We appreciated Meir Aron, Messianic Jew, who was a housekeeper and administrator serving Derek and Ruth Prince in the 1980s and 90s, and now the caretaker of 8 cemeteries in the Jerusalem area, for giving us his time in Jerusalem in the German Colony to visit the Prince’s gravesites in the Alliance Cemetery.) 

Having used the Jews to bring us the Bible (Torah and more, along with the New Testament), the prophets, and most important of all the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), we owe a debt to the Jews, both spiritually and materially. Our goal as a believing ministry is to continue to do our part in lifting the arms of the Jewish people and participating in this great mission of bringing them back to Israel. 

I challenge each of you to discover your part in this call from the Lord as He brings His people back to the Promised Land. Support the ministries in the Land who are providing the needed comfort and facilities for those arriving.

Come with us on an Ahava Adventure to meet and connect with them in person. It will bring an eternal thanksgiving in your heart, and theirs. 

Ahava and shalom, 

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People 

P.S. On our Ahava Adventures we also see many of the Holy Land historical sites throughout Israel. 

Message #138 in this series – in the year of our Lord 05.01.23 – “Carry Them On Your Shoulders”  Monday, 11:30 am in Charlotte, North Carolina

Christ Church, Jerusalem, Israel where Derek& Ruth Prince were members. Walk With Me, Steve Martin
Watch video here:

Love For His People Ministry. is a charitable, USA humanitarian ministry started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations, especially to and within Israel. If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry.  Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards, Zelle, or PayPal 

Contribution checks can be sent to:  Love For His People Ministry 12120 Woodside Falls Rd.  Pineville, NC 28134Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share this encouraging message with your friends. 


Full website: Love For His People Ministry

YouTube: Steve Martin/Love For His People           

You can sign up for my email messages: Love For His People. The sign-up form is on our ministry website: ministry newsletter

Why Support Israel?
Love For His People Ministry12120 Woodside Falls Rd.Pineville, NC 28134 USA
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Love For His People Ministry | 12120 Woodside Rd., Pineville, NC 28134

Steve Martin

STEVE & LAURIE MARTIN - LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE FOUNDERS My good wife Laurie and I (married 45 years), founded Love For His People Ministry in 2010. This work gives love and support to our friends in Israel and other nations with friendship and humanitarian aid. Through social media, Steve's messages, and our Ahava Adventures trips to Israel, the ministry is a growing, effective outreach. Steve has also authored and published 36 books. We live in the Charlotte, NC area and have four adult children, spouses, and eight grandkids. Ahava and shalom with blessings on ye head!