Monday, February 1, 2016

Ancient Biblical Scholars’ Incredible Teachings Come to Life With Modern Invention of Lab-Grown Meat By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Alternative Technology

(Photo: Stracomm USIM/ Wiki Commons)

Ancient Biblical Scholars’ Incredible Teachings Come to Life With Modern Invention of Lab-Grown Meat

“And when Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house: ‘Bring the men into the house, and kill the beasts, and prepare the meat; for the men shall dine with me at noon.'” (Genesis 43:16)
While the astonishing high-tech process of creating laboratory-grown meat may solve the problems of vegetarians and animal rights activists forever, the new phenomenon might be problematic for a group of people whose dietary needs have never been exactly simple: the Jews.
Stem cell research has now advanced to the point where meat protein is being cultured in labs with the goal of developing commercially-viable methods of mass production. This new technology will bring enormous advantages for the environment and may help solve world hunger. It appeals to animal rights activists, who can eat lab-grown protein with a clear conscience.
But apart from the practical benefits or drawbacks, the new technology also brings religious and spiritual implications which could shape our pre-Messianic reality.
The project’s breakthrough came two years ago, when Mark Post, a Dutch tissue engineer, successfully cooked up a hamburger made from 100% laboratory-grown beef. Though prohibitively expensive, costing 250,000 euros to produce (paid for by Google co-founder Sergey Brin), it is the harbinger of menus to come.
The Modern Agricultural Foundation in Ramat Gan, Israel, has launched a similar project concentrating on culturing stem cells from chickens.
As science opens doors, this new and unanticipated technology raises a wide range of practical issues for Torah scholars. When the process becomes commercially practicable, rabbinic authorities will rule on the new product: Is it really meat?  Can it be considered kosher since it doesn’t have the traditional signs of a kosher animal (hooves, chewing cud, feathers, scales, fins)?
If so, can it be kosher since it cannot be slaughtered in the way described by the Torah (shechitah)? If it isn’t meat, can it be eaten with milk, which is forbidden? Is meat grown from pig stem cells kosher? Is taking the stem cells from a living animal considered ever min hachai, ripping a limb from a living creature, which is forbidden to Jews and non-Jews, according to the seven Noahide laws?
Incredibly, despite lab-grown meat being cutting-edge technology, Talmudic sages – influential Jewish scholars who wrote Biblical commentaries – dealt with similar questions hundreds of years ago. In tractate Sanhedrin 59b, the rabbis discuss “meat that descended from heaven”.
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They tell of Rabbi Shimeon ben Chalafta, who was walking on the road when lions came and roared at him. He quoted, “The young lions roar for prey and beg their food from God” (Psalms 104:21), and two lumps of meat fell from heaven. The lions ate one and left the other. Rabbi ben Chalafta brought a piece of this meat to the study hall and asked: Is this fit to eat or not? The scholar answered: “Nothing unfit descends from heaven.” Rabbi Zera asked Rabbi Abbahu: “What if something in the shape of a donkey were to descend?” He replied: “You howling bird, did they not say that no unfit thing descends from heaven?”
The same tractate, on page 65b, deals with a similar issue, reading: “Rabbi Chanina and Rabbi Oshaia would spend every Sabbath eve studying the Sefer Yetsirah (Book of Creation, one of the early books of Kabbala) by means of which they created a calf and ate it.”
Rabbi Yeshayah Halevi Horowitz, a 16th century rabbinic authority, ruled that meat created in an unnatural manner, such as by Kabbalistic methods,  is not considered a real animal and does not need ritual slaughtering.The Malbim, a 19th century Torah scholar,  commented that meat created this way is not considered meat and can be eaten with milk. He suggested that this is the type of meat Abraham offered the angels (Genesis 17:7-8), and was therefore able to serve them milk at the same time.
Today’s rabbinic authorities have speculated on the practical halacha (Torah law), but until the technique becomes commercially viable and available to the public, not official ruling can be given. Breaking Israel News turned to Rabbi Moshe Elefant, Chief Operating Officer of the Orthodox Union’s Kashrut Department – the world’s largest not-for-profit kosher certification agency – and asked him how he viewed this new development from a spiritual perspective.
“We believe that everything in the world is created as part of God’s grand plan. God is the source, he gave intelligence to scientists and if they come up with this, we certainly believe it is divinely inspired,” he said.
Rabbi Elefant explained that he does not normally see things in a geula, or redemptive, context, but this development could certainly be seen as an indication Moshiach is approaching.
“I certainly believe that this is a step towards geula. It is written that as we approach the geula a lot of chochma (wisdom) will come forth that wasn’t there previously,” he explained. “This is part of coming closer, as we discover this type of chochma. This is here for us to see the greatness of God and the incredible universe that Hashem created. We can see how great the universe is that meat can be made without an animal.”

South Carolina House Passes Bill Excluding Sharia Law From State Courts -

UK Sharia Courts

South Carolina House Passes Bill Excluding Sharia Law From State Courts Jan. 28, 20160

The South Carolina House has passed a bill blocking Islamic sharia law from being recognized or approved in the state, after years of debate over similar legislation.

The legislation voted upon was explained as “A bill to amend the code of laws of South Carolina … so as to prevent a court or other enforcement authority from enforcing foreign law including, but not limited to, Sharia Law in this state from a forum outside of the United States or its territories under certain circumstances.”
On Thursday, the legislation passed with 68 for the bill and 42 opposed.
Sharia law is the legal and political system mandated in the Koran and other Islamic texts. It include laws governing religious practice, such as praying and ritual washing. But sharia also rules what Westerners see as non-government social practices — divorce, child-rearing, free-speech, clothing or sexual behavior, for example — and it also rules government responses to crimes, such as theft and murder.
Sharia law relegates women and non-Muslims to a lesser status, and grants men enormous authority over wives, daughters and sons. It allows for the primitive treatment of women and non-Muslims, and allows fierce punishment — sometimes, “honor killings” by fathers — for refusing to complying with sharia mandates.
The bill was sponsored by Rep. Chip Limehouse. He told Breitbart News following the bill’s passage:
“This goes to demonstrate that the South Carolina House of Representatives is committed to preserving and protecting the American way of life here in South Carolina.”
“Sharia Law has been used as a defense in American courtrooms,” he adds. “We are working towards making that defense not an option for radical extremists from any country.”
“In South Carolina, we’ve had cases where people have tried to use [the rules of] Sharia Law as a defense, and we are speaking very clearly from the South Carolina House,” Limehouse said. “Shariah Law can not and will not be used as a legal defense in the state of South Carolina.”
Because the bill was passed at the beginning of the current legislative session, Rep. Limehouse said he was optimistic that the Senate would have enough time to pass the bill. In order for the bill to become law, it must now be passed by the South Carolina State Senate and signed by Governor Nikki Haley.
Tea Party and conservative grassroots organizations are credited with initiating the movement to ban sharia rules through the state legislatures. Conservative leaders Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann have publicly advocated for the need to enact nation-wide legislation against the threat of sharia.
Underground sharia courts operate in Muslim communities throughout Europe and alsoin the United States. Last year, Breitbart Texas reported that a “voluntary” sharia court had already been established in Texas.
Several countries in Europe, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have many underground sharia courts within migrant communities. In the U.K, the government has formally deputized at least one sharia court to decide non-criminal issues among people who agree to use the court, even as public concerns rise that immigrant women are socially pressured to accept the courts’ authority
U.S. opponents of sharia courts point to Europe for evidence that western democracies can gradually cede more de-facto legal authority to self-segregating Muslim communities, so enabling the self-segregation of Muslim communities into no-go zones within cities.
Several states–including Alabama, Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, North Carolina South Dakota, and Tennessee–have passed “foreign law” bans against sharia. More than a dozen other states are currently considering similar legislation.

Kansas Post Office Takes Down 'God Bless America' Banner - CBN NEWS

Kansas Post Office Takes Down 'God Bless America' Banner

CBN News 02-01-2016

Residents of Pittsburg, Kansas, are buying signs and banners proclaiming "God Bless America" after the local post office removed a banner over complaints that its message violated separation of church and state.
The Joplin Globe reports the post office removed the "God Bless America" banner this week after the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation filed complaints.
The foundation, which has more than 22,500 members, has also been trying to get Missouri sheriffs to remove "In God We Trust" bumper stickers from department vehicles and "In God We Trust" from U.S. coins and currency.
"It's a shame that 23,000 people can control the desires of millions of other Americans," Martin Dickson, Pittsburg resident, told Joplin Globe. "I recognize the separation and the reason for it. But I also realize that we need God's blessing more now than ever."
Madeline Ziegler, a legal fellow at the foundation, wrote that the First Amendment prohibits government sponsorship of religious messages. The group also noted that it had received complaints about the banner from a local resident.
But that is not stopping Pittsburg residents from raising their banners and signs.
Dickson, owner of Jayhawk Signs & Graphics, said he and his wife decided to cut prices on signs and banners saying "God Bless America" just a few hours after the banner was removed at the post office.
"We're not doing it for the business," said Dickinson, who is also a priest at All Saints Anglican in Chicopee. "We're doing this to promote America."
Pittsburg postal workers paid for the 12-foot-long vinyl banner after the 2001 terrorist attacks.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. Post Office says the postal service took the banner down because policy prohibits the placement of notices on postal property unless they're official government notices.
Resident Stephen Hipfl bought a banner he planned to put up.
"We're Americans," Hipfl said. "Soldiers."

European Parliament President Shows Steadfast Support for the Jewish Community - ECI.ORG STAFF CHARISMA NEWS

(From l to r) European Coalition for Israel Founding Director Tomas Sandell, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and ECI Chairman Rudolf Geigy

(From l to r) European Coalition for Israel Founding Director Tomas Sandell, European Parliament President Martin Schulz and ECI Chairman Rudolf Geigy (Photo courtesy of Tomas Sandell)

European Parliament President Shows Steadfast Support for the Jewish Community

European Parliament President Martin Schulz once more expressed his steadfast support for the Jewish communities in Europe by hosting the International Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony in the European Parliament last week and by speaking out publicly against the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe today.
After the official event he gladly accepted the European Coalition for Israel (ECI) challenge to have his picture taken, wearing a kippah to show his solidarity with the Jewish communities in Europe.
"There is a specific responsibility... to fight for NEVER AGAIN," President Schulz said in his speech. "It saddens me deeply when young Jewish people doubt whether they can raise their children in Europe, whether it is right to stay. Some consider leaving Europe for good, because they no longer feel safe. Jewish life is a part of our culture and our identity, without the Jewish people Europe would not be Europe, but to our shame some have not learned the lessons of the past.
Many other EU leaders, among them Vice-President Antonio Tajani from Italy and Vice-President Ryszard Czarnecki from Poland, also put on a kippah in honor of the victims of the Holocaust and to raise awareness about the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe.
The EU leaders were joined by members of national parliaments across Europe who enthusiastically accepted the challenge. In Sweden, which is currently under a diplomatic blockade by Israel, all the men in the Christian Democratic Party group put on a kippah on Wednesday to show solidarity with the Jewish communities in Sweden and across Europe. In an opinion editorial in the Swedish newspaper Dagen, Swedish MP Mikael Oscarsson and Party Chairman MP Ebba Busch-Thor challenged the other political parties in the parliament to do the same.
Meanwhile some ECI grassroots activists reported incidents where they had been verbally abused for simply wearing the Jewish kippah.
"This is an important experience for those of us who are not Jewish. It helps us to identify with our Jewish friends", ECI Chairman Rudolf Geigy said after the Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony in the European Parliament, which he was attending as an official guest of Schulz.  "It is shocking that after more than a thousand years of a Jewish presence in Europe some people still cannot seem to accept these communities," he said.
For the last ten years ECI has provided educational resources for faith communities in Europe in order for them to commemorate the Holocaust Remembrance Day and raise awareness of the concrete challenges that many Jews are facing in Europe still today. In Brussels, the capital of the EU institutions, many Jews avoid wearing their kippahs in public today in fear of being physically assaulted. Four Jews were gunned down at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on the eve of the European elections in May 2014, sending shockwaves throughout Europe. Jews were also singled out and killed at the terrorist attacks in Paris in January and November.
"Holocaust Remembrance Day loses its meaning if we fail to identify and address the problems that the surviving Jewish communities are facing in Europe today," ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell said. He praised the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls for standing up for the Jewish communities in France and the French government for taking firm action to protect their Jewish citizens. He pointed out, however, that police protection alone will not solve the problem. Europe urgently needs to learn once again the lessons from the Holocaust.
"We have to invest more resources in preventive measures and education in order to teach a new generation of Europeans about the Holocaust. Many young people today belong to families which have migrated to Europe and do not share the same sense of historical responsibility as older generations," Tomas Sandell said.
He welcomed the decision of the EU Commission in December of last year to appoint a coordinator to combat anti-Semitism, but called for sufficient resources to be allocated to this important post in order to take on the massive challenge that Europe is facing. "One coordinator alone will not be sufficient to stand up against these dark forces of the past. The EU needs a whole task force to engage in this battle for the soul of Europe. If the Jewish communities no longer feel safe in Europe, the European project has failed," Sandell said.
Dr. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, echoed these thoughts at the official ceremony in the European Parliament when he spoke about the tensions, which the EU labelling of Israeli products has caused among European Jewry.
"We identify this as a new type of anti-Semitism," he said. "It is dangerous for all, for Jews, for the State of Israel and for Europe itself. ... This is very similar to using yellow stars again. Never again should mean never again."
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Glenn Beck Instructs Staff to Prepare for End-of-Days Move to Jerusalem - by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

TV and radio personality Glenn Beck. (Photo: Luke X. Martin/Wikimedia Commons)

TV and radio personality Glenn Beck. (Photo: Luke X. Martin/Wikimedia Commons)

Glenn Beck Instructs Staff to Prepare for End-of-Days Move to Jerusalem

“But go thou thy way till the end be; and thou shalt rest, and shalt stand up to thy lot, at the end of the days.’” (Daniel 12:13)
Glenn Beck, the popular TV and radio personality, announced on his television show “The Blaze” last Thursday that his studio’s next location may be Jerusalem. He said that, due to a conviction that the end-of-days is imminent, his show would need to find a place outside the United States from which to broadcast when its current location, Texas, inevitably became inhospitable.
He related how he had recently instructed his staff, “We have to pick up our pace on finding another place to broadcast.” Beck told them, “I need to know if I can get to Jerusalem, where they won’t shut this down and we can be able to broadcast into the United States. This could end quickly.”
He said that when his young daughter, who was in the room, heard him propose the move to the Holy Land, she was a bit shocked. Beck tried to reassure her by saying, “Jerusalem is a suburb, next to Fort Worth.” Nonetheless, he said he did not regret her overhearing, as the burden of repairing the damaged world would fall on the next generation. “[The kids] are the giants that are going to fix this. They have to know,” he said.
Read Pinchas Winston's newest book
The startling announcement came after a question from a woman in Beck’s studio audience. The woman had relocated from California to Texas in response to Beck’s dire warnings of social collapse. Beck’s announcement comes as a result of his conviction that we are nearing the end of days, and many of his listeners have taken his warnings seriously and relocated. He maintains his claims, saying he has been advised by several experts that social and economic conditions are on the verge of failing.
Beck is a strong supporter of Senator Ted Cruz in his bid for the Republican nomination, purportedly because of his end-of-days convictions.
His desire to move operations to Jerusalem doesn’t come from a hypothetical concept of the Biblical city; he is an active supporter of Israel and her capital.  In 2011, he headlined his “Restoring the Courage” events in Jerusalem, at which he encouraged more than 1,000 of his supporters to “Stand with the Jewish people”. Apparently, the feeling is mutual as that year, Beck received the first Zionist Organization of America’s “Defender of Israel Award”.

Glenn Beck Considers Moving Studio to Israel

Devotional: Sow in Tears; Reap in Joy - DEREK PRINCE MINISTRIES


February 1, 2016

Sow in Tears; Reap in Joy

Psalm 126:5–6
Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.     NIV

     The Bible is so accurate, so faithful to life. It doesn’t give us a rosy, false picture of what life is like. It shows us both the dark and the light, the evil and the good, the hard and the enjoyable, the bitter and the sweet.

     And it says that, in effect, if we want to reap we are going to have to sow. That’s a law of life; it’s a law of the universe. It says that sowing will be done with tears, but reaping will come with joy. That’s faith, you see. You’ve got to go out with your seed even in tears, to scatter the seed and be willing to wait, and to wait upon God and let Him bring forth the harvest which He’s promised. But the promise is so beautiful, “He that goes out weeping carrying seed to sow will return with songs of joy carrying sheaves with him.”

     Let this be a message to you. If you are feeling discouraged, if you are feeling that somehow things aren’t going the way you want them to, that you are working and seeing so few and such indeterminate results, just be prepared to weep. But go on sowing, because God has promised that if you sow the good seed, even weeping, there’ll come a day when you’ll carry back your arms full of sheaves with songs of joy. Don’t be afraid to sow even in tears, you’ll reap with songs of joy.

—Derek Prince

To listen to Derek's original audio on our website click here.

Hebrew Music Monday ✡ "Like the Stars of the Heavens" - ISRAEL365

You multiplied their children like the stars of
the heavens, and You brought them to the Land.


וּבְנֵיהֶם הִרְבִּיתָ כְּכֹכְבֵי הַשָּׁמָיִם וַתְּבִיאֵם אֶל הָאָרֶץ

נְחֶמְיָה ט:כג

u-v'-nay-hem hir-bee-ta  k'-kho-kh'-vay ha-sha-mai-yim
va-t'-vee-aym el ha-ah-retz

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse comparing the Children of Israel to the "stars in the heavens" is not meant to be taken literally, for the Jewish people are far from the largest religion or people in the world. Our Sages explain that the comparison to the stars refers to the permanence of the heavenly bodies. As the stars never cease, so too the Jewish people and the connection to the Land never waivers. Strengthen your connection with a beautiful Jerusalem Sky Necklace, handcrafted by Maor Saadya of Rafael Jewelers, made of fine sterling silver with a genuine fragment of ancient Roman glass.

Hebrew Music Monday: "Heaven and Earth"

Listen and sing along to Psalm 121 in Hebrew with Neshama Carlebach and the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir!

Rebbe Predicted Incredible Discovery of Rare Precious Gems in Israel

Back in 1988, the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that the depth of the sea near Haifa “is suitable for precious stones and gems... and God created a miracle and buried them deep inside the earth.” An exploration company was founded solely based on the Rebbe's predictions and has finally hit paydirt.

Songs of Comfort CD

Daniel Zamir brings an eclectic mix of high quality jazz and ethnic and world music to these songs of comfort, including wordless niggunim, and tunes with words. He is joined by world superstar Matisyahu, and together, they sing the listener to comfort. This CD is Zamir’s latest release and his first on the High Fidelity label.
12 songs.

Today's Israel Photo

A paraglider at sunset by Yehoshua Halevi. Paragliding is becoming one of the most popular extreme sports in Israel and gives one an incredible new perspective on the beautiful Land and seas of Israel. 

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Robin Sussman in memory of her parents Sigmund and Barbara Beer. Todah rabah!

“Whenever I Need Something Uplifting, I Open Your Emails”

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Whenever I need something uplifting, I open your emails. Thanks! ... Its what keeps me going.  your mails also keep me focused on what is important. They are just great for us who have been raised Christian and who turn to Judaism for the answer to life's questions. Thanks again, Gabriele Klein Gesendet.

Hebrew Music Monday: “Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel” - Very moving and inspirational. Thank you. May GOD continue to Bless The Land of Israel and the IDF. - Jim Lawrence
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Netanyahu rejects French ultimatum on Palestinian statehood - TRUNEWS


Netanyahu rejects French ultimatum on Palestinian statehood

Jan. 31, 2016  Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on Sunday for a more “sober” approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in dismissing a French peace initiative as only encouraging Palestinians to shun compromise.

The proposal on Friday by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius for an international peace conference was the latest sign of Western frustration over the absence of movement toward a two-state solution since the collapse of U.S.-brokered negotiations in 2014.

Fabius said that if the French plan did not break the deadlock, Paris would recognize a Palestinian state.

Such a step would raise concern in Israel that other European countries, also long opposed to its settlement-building in occupied territory, would follow suit.

In public remarks to his cabinet, Netanyahu did not explicitly reject the notion of an international conference – an aide said Israel would examine such a request once it was received – but he made clear that reported details of the plan made it a non-starter.

Netanyahu said a “threat” to recognize a Palestinian state if France’s peace efforts did not succeed, constituted “an incentive to the Palestinians to come along and not compromise”.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem   May 10, 2015. REUTERS/Sebastian Scheiner

“I assess that there will be a sobering up regarding this matter,” Netanyahu added. “In any event, we will make effort so that there is a sobering up here, and our position is very clear: We are prepared to enter direct negotiation without preconditions and without dictated terms.”

On Saturday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the French proposal, telling an African summit in Ethiopia that “the status quo cannot continue”.

But Washington responded with caution to the French move, saying it continued to prefer that Israel and the Palestinians reach an agreement on final-status issues through direct talks.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called Abbas and the two discussed the French initiative and “the tense political situation in the region,” WAFA, the official Palestinian news agency reported on Sunday.

While aware the initiative may struggle to get off the ground, French officials said Paris had a responsibility to act now in the face of Israeli settlement activity and the prospect of continued diplomatic inaction as the United States focuses on a presidential election in November.

And, the officials said, Netanyahu had gone a step too far in accusing U.N. Secretary of State Ban Ki-moon of giving a “tailwind to terrorism” by laying some of the blame for four months of stabbings and car rammings by Palestinians at Israel’s door. Ban angered Israel by saying last week that it is “human nature to react to occupation”.

The United States, European Union – Israel’s closest allies – have also issued unusually stern criticism of Israel in recent weeks, reflecting their own frustration with the policies of Netanyahu’s right-wing government.

The criticism, particularly about the settlements, where some 550,000 Jews live in around 250 communities scattered across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, has raised Palestinian hopes that world powers might finally be minded to support a U.N. resolution condemning Israel’s policy outright.


Since October, Palestinian attacks, partly fueled by tensions over the freeze in peace talks, have killed 26 Israelis and a U.S. citizen.

In an incident on Sunday, a Palestinian gunman wounded three Israelis near the West Bank settlement of Beit El and was then shot dead by soldiers, the Israeli army said. Palestinian officials said he worked as a bodyguard for a Palestinian prosecutor in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Shortly after that attack, a Palestinian motorist was shot and wounded when he tried to run down soldiers at a military checkpoint in the West Bank, the army said.

Over the past four months, Israeli forces have killed at least 152 Palestinians, 98 of them assailants according to authorities. Most the others have died in violent protests.

“I don’t see anything that warrants living as long as the occupation smothers us and kills our brothers and sisters … You were first and I am following you,” the Beit El assailant, Amjad Abu Omar, wrote on Facebook.

Palestinians seek a state in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, parts of which have been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East war. Palestine has non-member observer status at the United Nations and its flag flies with those of member states at UN headquarters in New York.

Sweden became the first EU member nation to recognize the Palestinian state in 2014. A total of 136 U.N.-member countries, mostly in Africa, Latin America and Asia, now do so.

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