Monday, December 3, 2018

Hamas Not Enamored By Pending Condemnation At The UN - ISRAEL TODAY

Hamas Not Enamored By Pending Condemnation At The UN

Monday, December 03, 2018 |  ISRAEL TODAY STAFF
This Thursday, November 6th, a United States resolution will be put to the vote in the UN General Assembly condemning Hamas rocket attacks on Israel and calling for an end to violence.
The United States has succeeded in winning over support from all 28 member states of the European Union to support the resolution, after incorporating other relevant UN resolutions, but without referring to a two-state solution.
US delegation leader Nikki Haley, who is leaving her position at the end of the year, said that the resolution was not in support of a specific peace plan. Any country would be free to vote for or against the activities of Hamas, as well as other terrorist groups such as Islamic Jihad, the US delegation said.
"If the United Nations fails to accept this resolution, they have no right to participate in any future peace negotiations," the delegation said.
Hamas is now trying to thwart the impending condemning vote. As early as last week, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah sent a letter to the General Assembly in which he complained about the planned vote. International law would allow all Palestinian organizations to use any means to fight against Israel until "Palestine from the River to the Sea is liberated" he stated.
Israel UN Ambassador Danny Danon sees the Thursday vote as a historic opportunity to condemn Hamas. "Any country voting against condemning Hamas should not later turn to the United Nations if they become victims of a terror attack," Danon said at the annual IAC conference, which took place this past weekend in Miami, Florida.
"We talked to Ambassadors from around the world and explained the importance of their support," Danon continued. "We have created a broad consensus in the United Nations regarding Hamas, and that is a great achievement for us."
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The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHING - Michael Snyder

Posted: 02 Dec 2018 Michael Snyder

They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare.  I wish that this was an exaggeration, but it isn’t.  Over the past couple of decades, the Internet has completely changed the way that we all communicate with one another.  At one time, all forms of mass communication were tightly controlled by the elite, but the Internet suddenly allowed us to communicate with one another on a massive scale without having to go through their gatekeepers. 

This radically altered the landscape, and at first the elite were unsure of how to respond to this growing threat.  There was no way that they could roll back time to an era before the Internet was invented, and so they have decided to use it for their own insidious purposes instead.

Today, the Internet has become the centerpiece of their “Big Brother surveillance grid”, and they are gathering information on all of us on a scale that has never been seen before in all of human history.  But of course it was never going to stop there.  Over the past couple of years we have started to watch the elite use all of this information to punish those that are doing or saying things that they do not like.

Perhaps the most extreme example of this phenomenon is what is going on in China.  The following comes from BuzzFeed
Chinese journalist Liu Hu always knew he’d have trouble with the authorities; he had been exposing corruption and wrongdoing for years. He was used to being hassled with regular fines and forced apologies imposed by his authoritarian government. He nevertheless persisted in truth-telling.
One day in 2017, Hu logged onto a travel site, but couldn’t book a flight because the site said he was “not qualified.” Soon he discovered he was blocked from buying property, using the high-speed train network, or getting a loan. And there was nothing he could do about it. His rights to essential goods and services were now circumscribed through an algorithm designed to discriminate against the 7.5 million people on China’s “Dishonest Persons Subject to Enforcement” list.
In China they call it a “social credit score”, but in reality it is nightmarish authoritarianism at its worst.

They are monitoring all that their citizens do and think – their political opinions, their shopping patterns, their travel history, their Internet behavior, etc. – and if they upset “the Beast system” then they could ultimately lose access to everything.

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment.

Just imagine a world in which you will no longer be able to buy, sell, open a bank account, get a loan, use public transportation or get a job.

Chinese authorities are even putting up surveillance cameras in the schools so that they can constantly monitor students
Here, the surveillance cameras took the data on individual facial expressions and used that information to create a running “score” on each student and class. If a score reached a predetermined point, the system triggered an alert. Teachers were expected to take action: to talk to a student perceived to be disengaged, for example, or overly moody.
You would think that the Chinese would rebel against such a system, but most are already too fearful to say anything about it.

And some are actually embracing the new system
In Beijing and throughout China, closed-circuit cameras and other surveillance devices are so ubiquitous that they’ve become part of the landscape. If facial recognition helps with public safety, some say, that’s a good thing.
“Perhaps people would behave themselves more,” said Xia Chuzi, a 19-year-old student interviewed in Beijing.
But we would never allow such a thing to happen here in the United States, right? Wrong.

While not yet as advanced as what the Chinese have done, our own version of “the Beast system” is expanding with each passing day.

If you use the Internet, the technocratic elite know virtually everything about you.  And as we have seen so frequently in recent months, they also have the power to “deplatform” those that they do not like
Independent Media readers are well aware of the multitude of ways big tech and social media platforms have been censoring conservatives, from demonetizing video channels, to blocking, banning and shadow banning conservatives, to limiting the reach of promotions and by “tweaking” algorithms so that search results push Independent Media sites so far down that they can rarely be found.
And restricting buying and selling is starting to happen too.  In fact, we have seen numerous online payment platforms ban individuals and organizations that hold “extreme views” recently.

Over time, the information that the elite have about all of us will continue to grow, as will their desire to punish those that think or act “offensively”.  But in the process of creating a “utopia”, they will actually be creating an authoritarian nightmare.  The following comes from Ethan Huff
Social media is arguably the greatest accomplishment thus far of the “deep state” in establishing a new world order. For one, it allows the various ministries of propaganda around the world to project their official narratives without impediment using authoritarian censorship tactics. It also creates a virtual echo chamber of leftism that, once all the conservatives are finally removed from all the tech platforms, will create the online liberal “utopia” that the social engineers are striving to achieve.
We live at a time when political correctness has become institutionalized.

One wrong opinion, and you can lose a social media account that you spent years building up.  And one wrong statement can cost you a career that you spent years training for.

Ultimately, we are heading down the exact same path that China has gone.  Their “social credit score” system is being hailed as the next great thing all over the world, and those that hate freedom of speech can’t wait to fully implement such a system in the western world.

About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is publisher of The Most Important News and the author of four books including The Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters.
The post The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Those That Dissent Could Lose EVERYTHINGappeared first on The Economic Collapse.

LoveMusic! - Amy Grant - Emmanuel God With Us - video

Amy Grant - Emmanuel God With Us

Dec. 3, 2018

Greetings LoveMusic! lovers of good music.

Amy Grant - what can I say? For several decades she has blessed us with her beautiful, contemporary Christian music. From her beginning as a young teenager singer at Belmont Church in Nashville, Tenessee, with Michael W. Smith, she has given the world the love of Jesus to share.

Thank you, Amy, for all the worshipful and uplifting songs you have brought us. Thank you especially for this song, Emmanuel God With Us. It is truly one of my all-time favorites, not only during the Christmas season but throughout the year. 

For indeed, our Savior, the Messiah Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, is always with us! He reigns on His everlasting heavenly throne and is coming back again to this world. Back to Jerusalem. Soon!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, NC USA

Published on May 6, 2013

Absolutely no copyright infringement is intended. All images, audio, and video clips are the sole property of their respective owners. This is only clipped for entertainment" Please come join me on Facebook and help me spread the word .

Prophecy: This Is a Year of Apostolic Authority and Liberty - RYAN LESTRANGE CHARISMA NEWS

(Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash)

Prophecy: This Is a Year of Apostolic Authority and Liberty

As I was spending some time with the Lord, He began to speak to me about prayer and the next wave of houses of presence. I have had a series of prophetic encounters recently about the houses of presence that the Lord is establishing to act as governmental centers for the kingdom of God on earth. There is a radical reform at hand as a new breed of apostolic hubs arise. These are places of divine pursuit and also glorious presence. The people of God are being drawn back to the place of pursuit and encounter.
"He said to them, 'It is written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer,' but you have made it 'a den of thieves'" (Matt. 21:13).
These hubs must have a strong engine! They are called to propel the body forward but it takes movement and momentum. As I was pondering what I have been sensing, the Lord began to speak to me: "I am restoring the engine. I always intended the engine of the ekklesia to be prayer. I birthed my church in the upper room. A prayer and seeking meeting turned into a glory outpouring. This is the model for local, regional and national transformation."
Ministries are being raised up to serve as hubs of revival, awakening and transformation in their region. A strong prayer movement is the engine that powers the entire operation. A new value system is being placed within the new breed. They understand the critical nature of prayer. There is a massive mantle of intimacy and seeking that is being released on a local and regional level.
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Many regions have not been cracked open effectively by an apostolic anointing due to the lack of strategic prayer. A new wave of planters is arising who will build new wineskin apostolic bases with strong prayer ministry at the core. It will become the centerpiece for all that is done.
As the engine is established, the momentum will break forth.
There is a return to the core, the essence of New Testament ministry. Strong regional hubs are arising with a breaker anointing to break down the walls that have held back heavenly plans of transformation. This is a year of apostolic authority and liberty: "The breaker goes up before them; They break out, pass through the gate and go out by it. So their king goes on before them, And the Lord at their head" (Mic. 2:13, NASB).
One of the words for "sent forth" is the Greek word apostello, meaning "set apart, set at liberty, to send out on a mission, and to send from one place to another for business or employment."
Apostles carry the spirit of the breaker. They are called to bring liberation. They have territorial mandates for regions. They break through long-standing walls and obstruction—they tear down that which is standing in the way. This is the picture of the apostolic momentum that is being unlocked, but it cannot and will not go forth effectively without the engine of prayer. The core of The Hub must be intact and revved up to release the spirit of the breaker. Apostles and apostolic ministries unlock an anointing of liberation. They come with a Holy Spirit bomb to annihilate the long-standing bondages and religious traditions that have choked out the Word of God. They break apart religious systems. They break apart ungodly barriers. They break apart evil words curses and regional strongholds. This anointing brings both personal and corporate breakthrough. This is why the powers of hell hate the one-two combo of apostolic and prophetic anointings. These graces will blast through restrictions to release kingdom power and authority.
Many are being given plans to establish and build an army of prayer. This season will bring a merge between apostolic ministries and prayer ministries. There have been prayer ministries solely focused on bridal love, but there is a transformational emphasis coming into the houses of prayer. They must shift into a more apostolic paradigm. The sound will change. The flow will change, and the operation will change. Many will be realigned, coming under apostolic authority in order to embrace the mandate of transformation. There will be divine merges as existing prayer ministries merge with an apostolic ministry to form an effective hub.
I hear the engine revving up in the spirit. The Lord says; "I am revving My engine of prayer, refocusing My people and preparing them for a fresh wave of building in the glory." 
Ryan LeStrange is an apostolic and prophetic revolutionary, laboring to see global awakening. He is the founder and apostolic leader of a global network of ministries known as TRIBE Apostolic Network. He is the senior leader of the iHub movement, planting and overseeing a network of governing churches, apostolic hubs and revival hubs. Ryan is also a real estate investor, active in the business arena, and an accomplished author. His latest release is titled Hell's Toxic Trio. Ryan and his wife, Joy, have one son, Joshua, and currently reside in Virginia.
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Hanukkah miracles - ONE FOR ISRAEL

This week we are celebrating the eight-day festival of Hanukkah. It's a special time of lighting candles, telling stories of miracles in the temple, and Jewish heroes of old. There are also chocolate coins, spinning tops, and donuts! As a child, it's unlikely Jesus had the same Hanukkah experience as Jewish children today, but we know that He did celebrate Hanukkah, also known as the Feast of Dedication.

"At that time the Feast of Dedication took place at Jerusalem. It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple..." (John 10:22)
Dr. Erez Soref, President
What was the great miracle?

The story told is that in 165 BC, the Jewish Maccabees rose up against the Greeks who had banned all Jewish practice, defiled the temple, and even put their own idols in it. When the Maccabees finally reclaimed (rededicated) the temple, there was only a day's supply of lamp oil for the temple menorah, but it supernaturally lasted for 8 days! I heard someone say it's like having your phone battery down to 10%, but it somehow keeps going for 8 days!

In Jewish communities around the world today, the oil miracle is celebrated with lots of oily food like donuts (sufganiot) and fried potato latkes, and children play games with a spinning top (called a dreidel) with the first letters of the words “A great miracle happened there” on each side: נ-ג-ה-ש (Ness Gadol Hiya Sham). In Israel, however, the dreidel’s letters spell נ-ג-ה-פ (Ness Gadol Hiya Po) “A great miracle happened HERE”. There are many great themes in the Feast of Dedication for those who love Yeshua.
"I needed answers and God visited me!"
Do You Need A Miracle?

Whether it was Moses with his staff or the little boy with a picnic lunch of five loaves and two fish, somehow God likes to start with the little that we’ve got in our hands; practically, materially, emotionally, and spiritually. He wants us to join in with the miracle-making, to work with him, and to contribute to the process. It would require great faith to sacrifice the only thing she had left in her house – a single jar of oil – along with some physical action (not to mention a degree of humility) to go and ask around for all those jars. 

“Go borrow for yourself vessels from all your neighbors—empty jars—not just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and behind your sons, and pour into all those vessels, setting aside what is full.” Elisha’s instructions contain one sentence that seems a little strange. “Go inside and shut the door behind you and behind your sons.” Why?
Are Miracles Possible?

ONE FOR ISRAEL | Headquarters located in Israel, North American Office: 300 State Street, P.O. Box 93000, Southlake, TX 76092

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Joy to the World - Antioch International Church worship team. Trista Smith - lead

Joy to the World - Antioch International Church worship team. Trista Smith - lead, Katie WYns - vocals, Toni Bogart - keyboard
Dr. Peter Wyns - greeting

Published on Dec 2, 2018
Joy to the World - Antioch International Church worship team. Trista Smith, lead vocal, Katie Wyns - vocals. Followed by Dr. Peter Wyns greeting and prayer. Dec. 2, 2018, Sunday 10 am. Dr. Peter Wyns Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.