Showing posts with label Adam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adam. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Coming into the Light! By James W. Goll - Identity Network

Coming into the Light! By James W. Goll

By James W. Goll

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Can you imagine, after Adam and Eve had known God, and He knew them, how quickly the spiritual climate changed? As a result of their disobedience, they experienced instantaneous barriers to their intimacy with Him. Walls shot up. After their sin, they plucked leaves off the nearest bush as quickly as they could and sewed coverings for themselves. They were hiding from the Lord their Creator for the first time in their lives.

But God, in His passionate pursuit, was still drawing close. A new reaction stirred within them as He drew near. Previously they had run toward the sound of His footsteps. Now they ran in the other direction. Before, their response had been joy: "Oh, wow, it's Father!" Now it was dread and fear: "Oh, no, it's Father!" They were guilt-ridden. Never had they had such an emotional reaction or even such a thought before! They had not known condemnation or fear or shame. Now, as a result of their disobedience, they ran and hid from the voice of God.

Obviously these were real leaves they picked and sewed together for their coverings, we pick and choose covers and hiding places as well. And the moment we hide behind our defensive "fig leaf" mindsets - from the revelatory voice of God, the heart of God, the acts of God and the power of God - it starts getting extremely complicated. We might not sew actual fig leaves, but the obstructions to fellowship over our hearts and souls shield us just as effectively (or ineffectively) from God's approaching presence.

May I point out some of the leaves we hide behind? They are progressive; hiding behind one set leads to our concealment behind the next as well.

The Ditch of Guilty Feelings

The first set of leaves that many hide behind is guilt. This hiding place is the breeding ground for condemnation, accusation and other ugly attitudes. But all these can be avoided through old-fashioned confession of sin and cleansing by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are various categories of guilt: real guilt due to real sin; exaggerated guilt due to the combination of real sin and the work of "the accuser of our brethren" (Revelation 12:10); and false guilt as a result of the voice of the destroyer, releasing condemning, lying spirits (1 Kings 22:21-23; John 8:44; 10:10). All these forms of guilt are very real in the realm of our emotions.

The cure is simple and direct. First John 1:7 gives us the remedy: "If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." Step into the light. That is where we find cleansing. So I have a "word from the Lord" for you; climb out of the ditch and run to the light of God's Word. "The truth will make you free" (John 8:32). Forgiveness, cleansing and healing love are waiting for you there.

The Masquerade of Hurts from the Past

The second layer of leaves that hides us from the love of God and keeps us from intimacy with Him is the religious masquerade, concealing deep-seated hurts from the past. Religious people wear masks quite well, pretending all is well with their souls while holding the Lord, the very Lover of their lives, at arm's length. We become pretenders, masquerading in the parade of hypocritical "churchianity".

But the real Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and set at liberty those who are bruised (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18-19). Jesus is our Healer. We must take off our masks and let Him dig deep at times, touching the very source of our pain. Let Him probe and even pierce through the festering wounds to allow the light of His unchanging love to penetrate your being. Expose it to the light. Surrender. Forgive. Sow blessings to others instead. This is the way out of the masquerade - remaining open-faced before God, releasing mercy and forgiveness for hurts from the past and letting Him do the same.

The Onlooker's Bench of Fear

Let's consider a third tier of camouflage. At times our woundedness-made more raw by the taunts of the enemy - keeps us on the bench looking on while others are enjoying being in the middle of the game. We become cautious observers afraid to run onto the playing field.

This is the area I have struggled with the most. What will I look like if I do this? What will others think of me? How well will I perform? But if we allow ourselves to be held back by the fear of rejection or the fear of authority or the opinions of others, eventually we will become people-pleasers, strangled by the anticipation of their opinions.

Hear me in this; if God can help me off the spectator's bench, He can help you, too. Fear can paralyze us while authentic faith propels us forward. So trade in those fears and exchange them at the cross (Isaiah 8:12-13). Be bold like a lion for Jesus' sake. Jump off the bench, tread on those spirits of intimidation (Luke 10:19), and be more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).

Truly, the remedy is our Father's great love. Bask in the light of His unfathomable devotion - what the King James Version calls lovingkindness. Soak in the reality that "if God is for us, who is against us?" (Romans 8:31). He does not just tolerate you. You were created in His image and for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11). You are the object of His consuming love.

Negative Criticism

There is a fourth layer of fig leaves that we can use to protect our image. Before you know it, you are not only a spectator sitting on the bench, you are the umpire of the games. First you develop an old wrinkled-up prune face, then you begin operating out of a religious spirit called criticism. You have your ten points by which you judge everything around you. Like the judges at the Olympics, you even give scores to the participants of the games. You leave a particular gathering or event and say, "Well, it could have been better, if only. . . ."

Sorry, but these are the has-beens of yesterday's moves of God. They stopped moving forward and now they hold the job of negative, critical overseers of the playing field of today.

Ouch! Those are some tough words, but it takes the penetrating light of truth to blast away our protective shields. Truth may hurt for the moment, but when it is prayed and spoken with the motivation of love, it cleanses and sets us free.

The Stronghold of Imposed Limitations

This brings us to the fifth layer of leaves we hide behind; that of imposed limitations. In this stage we start believing the ridiculous lies of the devil about ourselves, and those lies become negative strongholds of the mind (2 Corinthians 10:4-6). Words not in alignment with the will and Word of God are transmitted from the enemy's camp to attack our minds. Their effect is to confine us in spaces with low ceilings and false expectations. As we believe those evil reports or actual word curses spoken against us as "the way it will always be," we are shut into cramped, dark boxes.

A spiritual stronghold is "a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept as unchangeable situations that we know are contrary to the will of God." (Rev. Ed Silvosa)

As we acknowledge as hopeless what God declares is changeable, we have come into alignment, at least in part, with the devils thought processes and plans for us. In this fifth stage, we go way past the realms of guilt, woundedness, fear, and criticism. We no longer want to step out into the light. We flat-out don't even think He accepts us, loves us or has any plan for us; not even a Plan B.

But this is simply not true. God loves you and He loves a fighter. You need to know that there are times you will have to wage war with the name and blood of Jesus to break out of your box of imposed limitations. But there is a way out. The gateway is the cross of our lovely Lord Jesus!

Opportunities and Temptations

As we back up in the book of Genesis, we hear the serpent telling Adam and Eve, "God knows that in the day you eat from [the fruit] your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God…."(Genesis 3:5). So what did Eve do? "When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise"(verse 6), she partook.

There are three statements here that represent both opportunities and temptations: the forbidden tree was good for food; it was a delight to the eyes; and it was desirable to make one wise.

We find similar enticements in 1 John 2:16-17: "All that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever." The original temptation is still centered in these very things: the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life.

The Lust of the Eyes

God wants our vision to be clear and single. He wants His eyes to burn brightly through our own (Ephesians 1:17-19; Revelation 1:14). But when we give our eyes away to the enemy's camp, we are allowing tainted filters and visual obstacles to block the prophetic presence. We are hiding, and the revelatory seer dimension in which the Lord wants us to walk becomes hindered. As we give ourselves to the lust of the eyes, the seer realm starts getting cloudy.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God," Jesus taught in the Sermon of the Mount (Matthew 5:8). This is why it is imperative that we guard the "eye gate" and keep the eyes of our heart clean and pure. This is why the god of this world (John 14:30; 2 Corinthians 4:4) is sending a barrage of filth for the eyes of the world to behold. A battle is raging, the battle of passions. Will we let our eyes get filled with junk and poke out the prophetic gift of the seer in our midst? But if we keep pure eyes, a realm of visionary revelation will open up with greater clarity for us.

I am not trying to advocate earning God's grace and gifts. We cannot earn a present. But we must keep ourselves clean from the lust of the eyes in order to gracefully receive what the Father has to offer.

The Lust of the Flesh

The second tempter mentioned is the lust of the flesh. Oh, the impulses and temptations that this body creeps up and speaks to each of us! We must go through the cleansing and crucifying of the lust of the flesh. Do you know why? Because God wants His power to move through human vessels. He wants our hands to be clean and our hearts to be pure, as Psalm 24:3-4 describes: "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart...."

Romans 6:13 exhorts us not to "go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God." The issue becomes one of presentation. To whom you present your members, they become a slave. If unto the Lord, then they become a slave to the Holy Spirit; if unto sin, they become slaves to sin. What a promise! What a warning!

Yes, what a promise. God wants to use our little hands to impart the power of His great presence. Isn't that crazy?  Your hands and mine used to release the power of His presence!

As we present, He sanctifies. What He sanctifies, He empowers. Then, like Isaiah, as we are touched by authentic fire, He will touch others through our lives with His miraculous fire. It doesn't get much better than that.

The Boastful Pride of Life

Then there is the boastful pride of life. Who gets the credit? Who receives the glory? Eve saw that the fruit was desirable to make one wise. But wise in whose eyes? Wise in comparison to ourselves, yes, and wise in comparison to others, but not wise in comparison to God.

If you are walking in the boastful pride of life, ultimately it is an issue of self-exaltation. The basic meaning of worship in the Hebrew language means "to bow down in prostration before." Pride is the antithesis of worship. Worship exalts another, while pride sits on its own self-appointed throne.

The act of worship is one of our most powerful tools of spiritual warfare. It builds a throne in the heavenlies where Jesus' rule can be released and the demonic powers of darkness dismissed. Worship displaces darkness. So when you are walking in extravagant, passionate worship, guess what happens? Your passionate praise of our Lord pushes the throne of pride out of the way, and He comes to take His seat of honor. He draws near. Worship is prophetic action that releases the spirit opposite to the boastful pride of life.

Praise and worship has a whole lot to do, therefore, with a prophetic lifestyle of intimacy and ministry. It is connected with our giving God His rightful place in our lives, in our congregations and even in whole cities. In fact, extravagant praise is a key that unlocks His presence with us.

Take and Eat

As we close today's reading, let's return to Genesis, where the first "take-and eat" is given in the Bible. "Take and eat" was first spoken by the enemy to Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-5). They disobeyed God and did as the sly serpent connived them into doing. Sin came, and with it, barriers to intimacy. But the next "take-and-eat" in the Bible is the remedy for us all: Jesus is talking with His disciples.

Jesus said, giving them the bread, "Take it; this is my body" (Mark 14:22). The one great cure for all the barriers we hide behind is the take-and-eat of the cross of Jesus. It is "Take and eat" of the life of God's only Son. "Take and eat" of this glorious Man, Christ Jesus. He has already done it all. He gave His blood to purchase us all. As we revel in who Jesus is, God the Father wraps His arms around us, and we have this warm presence called passion within our hearts, and this thing called revelation that starts bubbling up and happening.

Jesus' friends will draw close to His chest to hear His very heart beat. The lifestyle of a prophet is marked with intimacy, and an intimate life with Christ is available to you.

Jesus is looking for new recruits who will hear the passionate sound of His love beating through their beings. Do you want to lean your ear His way?

Devotional Prayer

Dear Father, I desire to lean in with eager anticipation when I sense You are drawing near to me by Your Holy Spirit. I have covered myself in the past with my own version of fig leaves. I am now coming into Your light-the gracious light of Your countenance that shines upon me. I confess that I have been enticed by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. Forgive me. In response I praise You and thank You for the body and blood of Jesus that have been given for me so that I can walk in newness of life for the glory of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

James W. Goll

The Seer
The Prophetic Power of Vision, Dreams, and Open Heavens
E-Book-PDF Download
By Jim W. Goll
Price: $16.99
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Click HERE to order. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - “Marriage – His Plan. His Purpose. His Way” (Steve Martin)

“Marriage – His Plan. 
His Purpose. 
His Way.” 
“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.” 
(Gen. 1:27-28 Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

I want to share some principles that have been established by the Lord, in regards to marriage. These are not subject to any current mood of the people on earth or any government ruling in any nation. These are God’s ordinances. If followed, His loving Hand’s blessings follow. If rejected…mankind will reap the work of his own hands.

In the beginning, the Father of all created all, including man in His image. Having this solid foundational stone in place, all else is then built on it. Next, He ordained that man should not be alone. He created a woman. Her name was Eve. (Sorry. Not Steve.)

Not only did He create a female helpmate for Adam, out of Adam’s own flesh, but at the same time He was creating the beginning of a Bride for His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach). Eternity had always been in His mind. He knew the beginning and He knows the end. He has His perfect plan, knowing all. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, had this set in place.

His purpose for Adam and Eve, now as husband and wife, would be to begin the foundation of the family. This family unit, having been established by our Father God, had begun. Male and female, having the ability to procreate after themselves, in His image, were commanded to fill the earth. These were the mainstay of His beautiful creation, sharing in His pleasure, and would enjoy fellowship with Him. They would be joined together, in spirit, soul and body, to flourish in His truth and peace. Ahava (love in Hebrew) would be the blessed results.

From this eternal plan, His joy in bringing forth nations, filling the earth, would reflect His heavenly Kingdom. Life would be shared among the various tribes and cultures that grew from the union of the first man and woman in marriage. The Father God would share His eternal love with His creation. Men, women, children, beasts of the field, birds of the air, fish in the sea would reflect His Father’s heart’s desire to bless.

As we know, having been given a freedom to choose right from wrong, the nations of the earth have turned to wicked ways, separating themselves from the Lord. They have replaced His plan with theirs. They have reaped the results, with the notion that anything is allowed, and whatever can be, will be, an ok path to walk down. They have certainly missed the mark along the way.

But out of His compassionate love, and having the utmost desire to have an eternal Bride for His Son Jesus, God the Father is bringing a people together that will be without spot or wrinkle, to present to His Son, and sit down with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Nothing or no one will prevent His complete purposes and eternal plan from coming into fruition. He is the Eternal God. There will be no other way, as much as the Enemy or his followers would have us think and believe.

The Church, made up of the One New Man, consisting of Jews and Gentiles who have trusted in the Groom for their salvation, will be the fulfillment of the Father God’s eternal heart’s desire for Yeshua (Jesus) to have a Bride. Redemption will have reached its full mark. The Son will be married to Her, His Eternal Bride.

My ongoing prayer is that ordained, godly marriages, that of one man and one woman, intended to be a foreshadow of the coming Marriage, will stand strong and reflect His eternal love here on earth. We will then sit down and share the meal at the table with our Lord, the Groomsman, for all eternity.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

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Ahava Love Letter #80   “Marriage. His Plan. His Purpose. His Way.”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (10/06/13 Sunday at 3:00 am in Charlotte, NC)

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All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:

Here are the last few:

Israel Support – Household of Faith (#79)
Explosion of Love (#77)
Beautiful Bride (#76)
What Do You Want (#75)
The Hiding Place (#74)
Why Is A Gentile Like You Celebrating the Feasts of the Jews? (#73)
They Are Loved Too (#72)
Oskars Needed Again? (#71)
Little Orphan Chuckie (#70)
Demons & Fire Trucks (#69)
I Like Mike (#68)
Disappointed with Small Beginnings? (#67)
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (#64)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - "The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III" - Karla Shrake (Mantles of Glory Ministries)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake

July, 2013 - Vol. 21

And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters  His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III

(*Note from author Karla Shrake: Below are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory." This section received and penned in 1999, published 2001.) 
The wise and loving Father of all is preparing His beloved children for the greatest challenges and the greatest battle of all time. Does not an earthly father instruct, train and even admonish his children in order to equip them for the challenges of life? In anticipation of a great war is it not the wise and caring general who presses his troops to the maximum, training them for the rigors of the battlefield ahead and preparing them not just for survival, but for victory?

Mothers and Fathers Speak Truth

The Father-General is now raising up mothers and fathers who will speak His truth for the purpose of maturing and preparing the Body for the great battle ahead. We must put aside milk and diapers "and grow up into Him who is the head." This battlefield is only for those who are spiritually strong and developed. It is time to go into the gyms of daily life to exercise God's truths and to develop strength and stamina. 

We cannot wait until the heat of the great battle to begin exercising and learning the weapons of our warfare for it will be too late and we will be overcome. His voice to the Body in this hour is the voice of preparation, instruction and exhortation and of loving admonishment. "The time is short," warns the Father-General, "and there is much to learn and overcome in order to be ready for what lies ahead."

It is imperative that you follow the Lamb-Lion wherever He goes in this critical hour, obeying Him as your Commanding General not only when you understand but even when you do not. You must follow Him not only when you feel good and rested but also when you are battle-worn and weary for the time of preparation is shorter than you realize. 

Remember you will be able to stand in this rigorous and challenging latter day only in the Lord's strength that has been deposited within you from the beginning.

"He (Eleazar) arose and attacked the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to plunder." II Sam. 23:10

The Warrior-Eagle Makes Resolution

America you must resolve to seek your Father as never before. You must resolve to grasp Him even as the warrior-Eleazar of David's three mighty men. This mighty warrior stood alone defying the entire Philistine army that had gathered for battle while the men of Israel retreated. Alone and in his weariness he continued to stand against all odds. He grasped his sword until his hand 'stuck' to it. 

 It is imperative that you grasp Him Warrior-Eagle as Eleazar grasped his sword. You must grasp His Word, His anointing, and even His very own heart in this late hour until you are 'stuck' to them, becoming one with them.

"Even as I used Eleazar to stand against many bringing about a great victory for Israel," says the Lord, "so will I use you in this late day My courageous Warrior-Eagle. You will indeed stand against the very hordes of hell itself to bring about great last-day victory as I manifest the triumph of Calvary through you."

New Winds are Blowing

"Even as I blew into Adam's nostrils the breath of life in the beginning so am I now as the Father of all again blowing My eternal life-breath deeply into the hearts of men in this late hour. As I commanded My servant Ezekiel to prophesy to the dead bones in the midst of the valley so am I now commanding life into the dead bones of the valleys of America in this urgent hour:

" 'Oh dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. Come from the four winds, Oh breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.' " Ezekiel 37:4-5, 9

The Spirit of Elijah Will Resurrect the Eagle

Beloved Eagle-America allow the Lord of Glory once again to be intimate with you to overshadow you and to blow His eternal life-breath deeply into you. He will resurrect you even as He resurrected the son of the widow of Zarepheth and the son of the Shunamite woman. Even as He sent his prophets to them so is He now sending His spirit of Elijah/Elisha, His prophetic spirit of restoration, to resurrect that which has died within you.

Both these prophets stretched themselves out laying their own bodies upon the bodies of the dead sons as they prayed. Even so the Lord is now stretching Himself out upon that which is dead within you Eagle-America, laying His Spirit of resurrection upon you, breathing His very own life-breath into you once again until you are warmed and restored. 

Yes He did lay His presence upon you in the beginning when He conceived and formed you but know that He is now coming to you a second time.

"I hear the cries of My faithful children across this land welcoming Me in this day," says your Father, "even as the widow and the Shunamite who welcomed Me into their homes long ago. This is truly your appointed day to rise again My beloved Eagle-America," commands your Father.

You will Live Again Eagle-America!

"Your heart will beat again with the fervor and the passion of your first love toward Me. You will rise up stretching and exercising your great wings, again catching the winds of My Spirit and purpose, becoming airborne. As you fellowship with Me in the heights of My Spirit your eyes will again become clear as you 'come to yourself' remembering who you are and for what great purpose you were conceived."

"You will be strengthened," promises your faithful Father. "You will endure and overcome, accomplishing all that I have ordained for you from the beginning. Long ago My last day servant Joel prophesied last-day restoration:

"Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust...." Joel 2:25

"Receive My resurrection life-breath even now My beloved Eagle for your latter days will be much more glorious than your former. It is time now to hoist up your welcome banners toward Heaven beseeching My precious Holy Spirit to invade your deepest hearts, lives and families. Welcome My eternal life-breath into all that has been dead to Me and you will receive My resurrection power. Rejoice for your hour of deliverance, vindication and commissioning has come...your restoration is truly at hand!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Messianic Commentary: Prophecy Through Jewish Eyes

Messianic Commentary: Prophecy Through Jewish Eyes
Messianic Commentary: Prophecy Through Jewish Eyes
Strange as it may sound, such cardinal beliefs as resurrection from the dead and the Messiah are not to be found in a literal reading of the Bible. Despite this, both are so essential in Judaism and Christianity that negation of either is regarded as heresy.

The fact that the Messiah does not appear literally in the Bible means that he can be perceived only through interpretation. The genre known as “messianic prophecies” therefore essentially consists of drawing messianic significance out of biblical verses.

In contrast to Christianity, which engages in messianic prophecies in order to prove Jesus’ messiahship, Judaism regards them merely as plausible interpretations concerning the Messiah. Unfortunately, this disparity frequently leads to the use of messianic prophecies as a tool to prove the other tradition wrong, both Jews and Christians attempting to claim the truth to be on their side.

This column rejects this form of polemics, seeking instead to examine the many Jewish interpretations of messianic prophecies as a way of enriching one's faith rather than justifying it.

Our first "messianic prophecy" comes from “These are the generations of the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 2:4).

The messianic clue in this verse requires a brief explanation. The scribes who copied the biblical text are called sofrim in Hebrew because they “counted” the letters, words, and verses in each book in order to ensure a faultless manuscript. This process revealed numerous irregularities, particularly between plene (full) and defective (short) spellings, Hebrew allowing words to be written with or without vowels.

For example, the word toledot (generations) in this verse can be spelled with or without the letter vav so that it can look like toledot, tledot, toledt, or tledt. These divergences were meticulously copied, not being considered “scribal errors” but intentional spellings hinting at possible hidden meanings.

The plene spelling toledot (generations) in Genesis 2:4 appears only here and Ruth 4:18, the latter verse stating “this is the genealogy (toledot) of Perez.” According to Jewish commentators, this unique spelling is that which links the two genealogies and juxtaposes Adam with the Messiah, the son of Perez.

The Midrash explains why these two are the only places in the Bible which use the plene spelling: “R. Judan said in R. Abun's name: The six [the letter vav, which equals six] corresponds to the six things which were taken away from Adam: his lustre, his immortality, his height, the fruit of the earth, the fruit of trees, and the luminaries … R. Berekiah said in the name of R. Samuel b. Nahman: Though these things were created in their fullness, yet when Adam sinned they were spoiled, and they will not again return to their perfection until the son of Perez [Messiah] comes; [because] ‘… toledot (generations) of Perez’ … is spelled fully, with a vav. These are they: his lustre, his immortality, his height, the fruit of the earth and the fruit of trees, and the luminaries" (Gen. Rabbah 12:6).

This interpretation asserts that Adam's perfect state of being has been lacking in all succeeding generations and will only be restored by the Messiah, who will give man back his primordial splendor. According to this midrash, therefore, the Messiah is the second, perfect Adam.