Showing posts with label foundational. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foundational. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5, 2014

THE UNSEEN - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

THE UNSEEN (c) Morris Ruddick

Note: This post was birthed as I was praying for the brethren in Benin, West Africa, where we are currently ministering. The ministry of SIGN has, from the beginning, been based on what I refer to as the Issachar context, of understanding the times and knowing what to do.

We have entered times of great change, yet times of even greater opportunity for God's kingdom. The truth described in this post is a critical requirement in fruitfully navigating in these times.

More than in any time in this last generation, there is a connection taking place globally within the Body, a convergence of God's alignments, as a new generation emerges to assume their mantles, as modern-day Josephs and Daniels. Please pray for us and for the Body in Africa, and for those we have been sent to minister to in Benin.

 (c) Morris Ruddick

"Do you hear the secret counsel of God, and limit wisdom to yourself?" Job 15:8

Throughout the Word of God, reference is given to a dimension described as "secret." The secret place is used to refer to God's presence. The secret things allude to God's wisdom. Job points to the secret counsel of God.

These dimensions are likewise described as the hidden and the unseen.

Jesus taught that prayer works effectively when we get alone and pray to our Father, who is in the secret place. The NIV version of this passage depicts the Father as the One who is "unseen."

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matt 6:6-7 NIV

Paul illuminated this nugget of truth in his letter to the Corinthians with his admonishment to give focus, not to the seen, but to the unseen.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:18 NIV

This dimension being referred to is the spiritual.

Despite being beyond the normal human perception of things, the "unseen" is foundational. It drives the reality we live in rather than the other way around. Our grasp of this dimension provides insight into the priorities we select in our pathway of life.

Applying the Unseen to the Seen

The unseen dimension is the distinguishing characteristic of those we characterize as the heroes of faith: ordinary people doing extraordinary things by means of applying the unseen to the seen, through God.

During his time in Egypt, Joseph bridged the seen with the unseen. In spite of his position as a slave in Potiphar's house, he made a significant difference. The scripture in Genesis 39 indicates that everyone recognized the difference operating through Joseph. They saw that the reality of God accompanied Joseph and made all that he did to prosper. Joseph effectively wielded the mantle of his great-grandfather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. The means toward this end has always been in bridging the seen with the unseen.

I like being around people who bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen. Yet, I have experienced backlash, just as Joseph innocently experienced spiritual repercussions with Potiphar's wife, as something beyond the seen challenges us operating in the unseen.

This process and what is unleashed challenges the focus which resides solely in the seen. It can trigger the forces of darkness, which seek to usurp and bypass the dimension of the unseen controlled by God. It can be deadly.

Within the unseen are the realms of the real and the counterfeit. Reaching for the unseen that is truly God extends beyond the natural and human realms. It involves a process. It is a process of unfolding dynamics which challenge both the counterfeit and the seen. The process begins with individuals, but evolves to be facilitated by the community. When this process is traversed according to God's standard, it releases God's glory. The process defiled or short-circuited triggers the counterfeit.

Operating in this domain, bears uniquely on the choice of being a God-pleaser rather one whose destiny conforms to the ways of man or to the trappings of power that sidestep the Lord.

The Dynamic Operating

2 Kings 6 describes the king of Syria being troubled, when it was recognized that on each occasion that he sent out his army against Israel, that they walked into an ambush. He surmised that there might be a spy in his inner circle. However, his advisors explained it was the prophet Elisha, who was discerning their secret plans and warning the king of Israel. Through God, Elisha penetrated the unseen realm.

This is one of the reasons intercessors need to prevail in unraveling the burdens they carry, to get past the seen, in order to gain a grasp of the unseen, in order to know what to do. Many years ago, I was in prayer. I kept having bad thoughts concerning a certain person. I initially thought I might have had a hidden attitude toward them and began praying in an effort to correct it. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me what I was sensing was that they were speaking against me.

I was skeptical about this premise and asked the Lord for a scripture to confirm that this was so. In the same hour, I began my regular Bible reading and came across the passage in Ecclesiastes 10:20 that admonishes: Curse not the king or the powerful in your bed-chamber, not even in your thoughts, for winged creatures will make the matter known.

The unseen realm is where both the angelic and the demonic operate. Those with backgrounds or encounters with the occult and witchcraft understand this reality. It explains why Jesus taught His followers to seek first God's Kingdom, along with His standard of righteousness. God's Kingdom has its foundations in the domain of the unseen.
"Bless the LORD, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word,
heeding the voice of His word. Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure. Bless the LORD, all His works, in all places of His dominion."  
Psalm 103:20-22

There's a reason that Paul, operating within his apostolic mantle, refers (1 Cor 13) to the two primary dimensions of tongues, as tongues of men and of angels.

The Entrance and Cost

Entrance into the unseen arena comes only at a cost. That cost requires a choice, an ongoing choice and a discipline to stay the course. Joseph's high calling carried a requirement beyond his already significant prophetic gifting. It necessitated a wisdom and authority beyond anything he had previously known.

It called for the harnessing of the resources of Egypt to avert the impact of the judgment triggered by his brothers. Joseph's brothers self-righteously, but deceitfully and dishonorably, broke covenant and sought revenge against Shechem for defiling their sister Dinah. Dishonor defiles what honor established in covenant.

The issue of honor is essential in navigating God's dimension of the unseen.  
"Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. So Jabez called upon the God of Israel."1 Chron 4:9 

The story of Job is a story of honor. Job, as God's emissary, begins with Job having only a superficial grasp of the honor needed as God's representative. Zeal is not enough. Personal accomplishment while acknowledging God is not enough.

Like Joseph, Job had to be stripped of his superficial exploits to be able to truly wield the mantle he bore. In that process, his spiritual eyes were opened to the unseen that he had never before grasped. It is a dimension requiring a total dependency on God.

The manner in which Joseph was so abruptly thrust into Egypt gave him every reason to give up. He had every reason in the natural, or the seen realm, to turn his back on God and the unseen, which had caused him to lose everything, including his freedom. Yet, Joseph chose to press into God more fully.

While yet a slave in Potiphar's house, Genesis 39 tells us, that everyone saw that the Lord was with Joseph and made ALL that he did to prosper. Joseph walked out the principle of "bringing every thought captive" to God's standard and will. Despite his circumstance, he put into practice the mantle of his great-grandfather Abraham in being blessed to be a blessing. Without position, he did so honorably and righteously.

These consistent choices of honor and the discipline they require are the mark of true Kingdom leaders.

Harnessing the Imagination

Taking every thought captive involves harnessing the imagination. Jesus gave extremely strong warnings about not allowing your anger or lusts to run rampant in your imagination. James alludes to the dangers of jealousies and selfish ambitions. The imagination holds great potency and is the bridge into the unseen dimension.

This taps the truth that James gave to be doers of the word and not hearers only, who deceive themselves. Living in the seen alone is not enough. It's more than personal exploits. Walking out a call of God requires the gap to be bridged into the unseen and then walked out in the seen.

Going onto the Offensive

Years ago, I served in a Marine combat unit that went deeply into enemy territory. Tactically, we were trained and disciplined to move about largely unseen. These real-life experiences imparted a wisdom that the Lord has revealed to me to apply in intercession, in spiritually navigating through enemy territory while remaining hidden.

When the unseen is fully embraced, the result will be a moving onto the offensive. It doesn't happen immediately, but takes time and faith. Yet, it will override the seen and the counterfeit. Jesus said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you (Matt 17:20).

The unseen also requires appropriate authority. By the time Joseph faced the baker and wine-taster when in prison, he possessed the know-how and authority that operated deeply in the hidden realm. Going into enemy territory, discerning and preempting the enemy's intentions, and setting the stage for God's counter-purposes sometimes call for obedience that only "sees" the next step. Yet, this dynamic is strategic to this hour, in preparing the way for those who follow.

Prevailing in the unseen world means discerning, from God, the path to be taken from what is discerned. God always imparts strategy to those willing to pay the cost and prevail in this dimension of reality.
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them."  
Ps 34:7 

God's purpose is for the community of his people to be restored to operating in this dimension. This will be the result from what Jesus referred to as being a light to the world, a community set of a hill.

The Community Dimension

Moses wasn't just speaking to an elite inner-circle when he gave the instruction to listen carefully to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in His eyes. He was speaking to the entire community.

When the community begins bridging the seen with the unseen, God's glory is released. When that dynamic prevails, the first evidence will be the spiritual climate changing.

As this dimension of reality gains momentum, then God's converging purposes and priorities will align. The consciousness of God will become evident to even non-believers. What we call revival then begins manifesting.

When revival manifests, the unseen has penetrated the seen. As this spiritual dynamic gains increase, it ignites a high-level flow of unity driven by a broad obedience and flow of the Spirit. This release of God's glory, orchestrated by the Spirit, overcomes evil with good, with the common ground of His glory manifesting and the supernatural becoming natural

When the Life of God within a community truly manifests, it goes beyond a warm feeling or a pristine doctrinal focus. It is Life itself and cannot be stopped.

The Bible is full of stories of prophets, priests, kings, apostles and everyday people who penetrated the unseen and refused to turn loose, and by prevailing they changed the course of history for God's people, setting the stage for eternity.

Abraham staked all on bringing the unseen into the seen. Joseph restored the promises to God's heritage and blessed Egypt in the process. Moses made the connection and infused the truths of his insights into all future generations of God's people. David did all the Lord expected of him and connected the seen and the unseen and in so doing, brought God's people into kingdom unity. Jesus bridged the gap, giving His life as an example to those who would grasp this dimension, establishing the foundation that will restore God's original reality for all eternity.
"The secret things belong to the Lord, but those that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever." Deut 29:29

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.  

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from and other popular outlets.  

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or email us for access information on our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your congregation on the state of the persecuted church and how you can more effectively pray for them.  

2014 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Standing in the Storm by Tage and Dana Mathisen

Standing in the Storm 

by Tage and Dana Mathisen

Identity Network
Deeper Roots

We have seen that when a heat and drought occur, the trees will dig their roots deeper and deeper to get to water. It is the same as with trees in areas with much high winds, they spread their roots widely and deep to stand in the storms. 

As we now see a shaking in many nations, we as Christians are to go deeper in Christ than ever. God has a purpose for this. He wants us to embrace His Kingdom which is unshakable. All that is of the natural or temporal is being shaken. There is a huge transition going on which leads to confusion unless you are deeply grounded in Jesus as THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life! 

The transition is leading from church age into Kingdom age. As Jesus preached and taught the Kingdom of His Father, He also demonstrated it in power and authority. God`s plan is to present a glorious and spotless bride to His Son. Today there is more essential than ever to yield to the Holy Spirit. Everything outside Christ Jesus will fall short. God will raise up His people in such a manner that governments and leaders of corporations and businesses will seek wise counsel from the sons and daughters of God.

Choices and Unity

I saw a line in the sand in a vision yesterday and it is clear that the choices we make today will be of huge impact in the days ahead. In that I have seen that much of what worked before will not work anymore. God is upgrading now, and it is all by His Spirit. In the transition now He is searching for a pure and willing heart. 

As the people have demanded their kings like Saul, God is preparing His Davids. It is a preparation of the heart that happens when our heart is becoming one with the heart of the Father. It will be a oneness and unity between the Father and those who have His heart, not seen before. These vessels will only do what the Father is doing and speak what He is speaking. Many are in a preparation for this today. They do not follow the ways of man, but are led by His Spirit.

Upgrades in Transition

God is calling on us for upgrades! There will be a lot of upgrades in this transition for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. There is also a release of His Spirit of excellence like what happened with Daniel. Much will be in apprehension of Christ in us and the revelation of who He is in us. There is a purging going on now that will sift the dross out of the gold.  

God will give wisdom and revelation so amazing that when it is spoken it will be like a wonder. The oneness with the Father will be so tangible that when we speak, it will be created. We will call forth into existence what was not there. Wisdom will flow like a river of life in and through His people.
Unity with the Father will create a unity between His people that brings the body in alignment with Jesus (The Head). This will result in even greater works than Jesus did. As Moses face was shining of God`s glory, Christ in us will shine through us in a way that all people will recognize that we are one with Him. When we speak, our heavenly dialect will reveal that we belong and are one with Him. Just as Peters dialect revealed he had been with Jesus.

Stand in the Coming Storms!

The basics Jesus taught will be foundational in the time ahead. It will not only be words, but it will be our lives as testimonies. I see that our vision will be much more focused and the focal point will be of who Jesus is in us. More and more will come alive, as the revelation of that we are seated with Him in heavenly places is more real than what we see in the natural. 

When God pours out His glory on earth, we have to be rooted strong in Christ and Him only, or else we will not be able to stand and minister. God wants His people to stand in the storms coming. 
In a dream I had this night, I saw many people in a forest area. They seemed worried and anxious. Then in the dream I prepared a weapon, it was a spear. I knew there was a boar (hog) that was going to attack us. Suddenly the people sounded the alarm that the bore was attacking, and I was ready with the spear. It came straight towards me and I pointed the spear towards the boar as it attacked and it was killed. 

Then all the people screamed out that a big bear was coming to attack and kill us. Everyone was terrified and screamed. Suddenly the big bear came straight towards me, then a person ran towards the bear and jumped up into the arms of the bear, as the person had no fear of this evil attacking us. My spear as I looked at it, was now bent on the tip in a 30 degree angle. I ran towards the bear and was able to spear it from many different angles while this other person was fighting it from the front. It was a team work and after about 20 hits by the spear, the bear was dead.
The Lord showed me that the boar is an unclean and deceiving attack of the enemy on the body of Christ. I sense strong in my spirit that the enemy wants to rob every follower of Jesus of their divine purpose and identity in Christ. This match was the easy one as it only took one hit with the spear and the enemy was out.
The second attack by the big bear is different. It is to those who choose to follow Jesus no matter what and in faith step against the whole system of the enemy. The bear is attacking in finances and blocking people and ministries to get in position. It is even hindering the birth of purposes. When the big bear attacks it tries to put a weight of fear in anxiety and unbelief that many will fall under.
The weapon as a spear is revealed to me to be our declarations made in the spirit out from the authority in Christ seated with Him in heavenly places. Arise by His Spirit into your rightful place with Christ in the heavenly places, far above any second heaven evil authority. The person attacking the bear is revealed to me to be angels of God who partner with us. When we declare the word and will of God by His Spirit the angels are assigned to fulfill those declarations. Even attacking and removing enemies.

Victory in His Blood

In Revelation 12:11 it says: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Proclaim victory in His blood and keep standing!
There is no greater foundation to stand on in this time than proclaiming the ultimate victory of His blood and His word. Even when we face great tribulation we will endure it with constant statement of the overcoming power of the blood of the Lamb and the word of the transforming faith in Christ. When Satan is attacking in a most vicious and personal way against us, we will stand. It is all because of a faith that is unwavering, resulting from an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
Declare your abiding faith in the accomplished work of the Cross, and constantly participate in Jesus` ultimate victory, overcoming Satan by the power of the Cross. God`s grace will empower you to step into this faith to overcome in Christ.
God bless every one of you as you read this. Grace, grace to any mountain that arise against you by the enemy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Love and much grace.
Tage and Dana Mathisen

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - “Marriage – His Plan. His Purpose. His Way” (Steve Martin)

“Marriage – His Plan. 
His Purpose. 
His Way.” 
“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.” 
(Gen. 1:27-28 Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

I want to share some principles that have been established by the Lord, in regards to marriage. These are not subject to any current mood of the people on earth or any government ruling in any nation. These are God’s ordinances. If followed, His loving Hand’s blessings follow. If rejected…mankind will reap the work of his own hands.

In the beginning, the Father of all created all, including man in His image. Having this solid foundational stone in place, all else is then built on it. Next, He ordained that man should not be alone. He created a woman. Her name was Eve. (Sorry. Not Steve.)

Not only did He create a female helpmate for Adam, out of Adam’s own flesh, but at the same time He was creating the beginning of a Bride for His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach). Eternity had always been in His mind. He knew the beginning and He knows the end. He has His perfect plan, knowing all. The Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, had this set in place.

His purpose for Adam and Eve, now as husband and wife, would be to begin the foundation of the family. This family unit, having been established by our Father God, had begun. Male and female, having the ability to procreate after themselves, in His image, were commanded to fill the earth. These were the mainstay of His beautiful creation, sharing in His pleasure, and would enjoy fellowship with Him. They would be joined together, in spirit, soul and body, to flourish in His truth and peace. Ahava (love in Hebrew) would be the blessed results.

From this eternal plan, His joy in bringing forth nations, filling the earth, would reflect His heavenly Kingdom. Life would be shared among the various tribes and cultures that grew from the union of the first man and woman in marriage. The Father God would share His eternal love with His creation. Men, women, children, beasts of the field, birds of the air, fish in the sea would reflect His Father’s heart’s desire to bless.

As we know, having been given a freedom to choose right from wrong, the nations of the earth have turned to wicked ways, separating themselves from the Lord. They have replaced His plan with theirs. They have reaped the results, with the notion that anything is allowed, and whatever can be, will be, an ok path to walk down. They have certainly missed the mark along the way.

But out of His compassionate love, and having the utmost desire to have an eternal Bride for His Son Jesus, God the Father is bringing a people together that will be without spot or wrinkle, to present to His Son, and sit down with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Nothing or no one will prevent His complete purposes and eternal plan from coming into fruition. He is the Eternal God. There will be no other way, as much as the Enemy or his followers would have us think and believe.

The Church, made up of the One New Man, consisting of Jews and Gentiles who have trusted in the Groom for their salvation, will be the fulfillment of the Father God’s eternal heart’s desire for Yeshua (Jesus) to have a Bride. Redemption will have reached its full mark. The Son will be married to Her, His Eternal Bride.

My ongoing prayer is that ordained, godly marriages, that of one man and one woman, intended to be a foreshadow of the coming Marriage, will stand strong and reflect His eternal love here on earth. We will then sit down and share the meal at the table with our Lord, the Groomsman, for all eternity.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
I hope you purchase my two books, The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon, 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both are available through, Xulon, Barnes and Noble, plus other retail channels.
Or…you can also order both books, The Promise and Ahava Love Letters direct from our office for a total of $24, which includes S/H costs. Please send your check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
Ahava Love Letter #80   “Marriage. His Plan. His Purpose. His Way.”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (10/06/13 Sunday at 3:00 am in Charlotte, NC)

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All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:

Here are the last few:

Israel Support – Household of Faith (#79)
Explosion of Love (#77)
Beautiful Bride (#76)
What Do You Want (#75)
The Hiding Place (#74)
Why Is A Gentile Like You Celebrating the Feasts of the Jews? (#73)
They Are Loved Too (#72)
Oskars Needed Again? (#71)
Little Orphan Chuckie (#70)
Demons & Fire Trucks (#69)
I Like Mike (#68)
Disappointed with Small Beginnings? (#67)
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (#64)