Prophetic Word for 2016: "Global Warming of His Glory"by Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
This new word for the year will help you to "see" who you really are and Who is with you wherever you go.
Elaine Tavolacci shares:
"They are those who will not allow the enemy to quench this fire or rattle their faith. They are those who will be set ablaze to go forth to fan the flames and stoke the fire of revival in others. They won't allow anything to annihilate their zeal because they are strong in Me and they will go forth and do great exploits. As they stir themselves up in their faith, they will renew the passion that others once had in their hearts," says the Lord.
Yes...we walk by faith and not by sight!
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Prophetic Word for 2016: "Global Warming of His Glory"by Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY
For several months now we have been hearing a lot of discussions in the media concerning a global warming. Scientific evidence shows that the climate system is warming and some have even called this a greenhouse effect. This climate change will differ from region to region around the globe.
One night as I began to write, the Holy Spirit gave me this word for the New Year about a supernatural global warming of the presence of God that is beginning to heat up upon the earth. In the natural, the effects of global warming include a change in temperature, the rising of sea levels and a change in precipitation. As we come into the New Year, we are coming into a turning of the tide of the spiritual climate.
There are many negative reports and many people are in fear of the enemy who goes about like a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour, but then there are those who trust the lion of Judah (Jesus) and will experience His power and glory in a magnificent way. In the days ahead the lion of Judah will also present Himself as the Lamb who has been slain for us releasing healing and deliverance.
In the book of Luke 12:54-56, Jesus rebuked the people saying that they understood how to discern the weather patterns in the natural, but they could not spiritually discern the times that they were living in. In this season we have to take heed to what we hear. As we are listening to reports about wars and rumors of wars, we must understand our authority of which we have been given, and His anointing to change the atmosphere. As we stand in one accord, we will put multitudes of the kingdom of darkness to flight.
"Flames of Fire...Release My Glory!"
The Lord says, "I am sending My fire across this nation and around this world, and I am looking for those who will release My glory for such a time as this. They are those who will be willing to lay down their lives and take up their cross. They are those who do not fear what they see in the natural, but are sold out to My Kingdom. Those who have counted the cost and aligned their lives to My agenda will be used mightily in My end-time army.
"They are those who will not allow the enemy to quench this fire or rattle their faith. They are those who will be set ablaze to go forth to fan the flames and stoke the fire of revival in others. They won't allow anything to annihilate their zeal because they are strong in Me and they will go forth and do great exploits. As they stir themselves up in their faith, they will renew the passion that others once had in their hearts," says the Lord.
Then the Lord showed me that many of you who have been hidden in the secret place will begin to discern His voice, and know His ways which are essential in the days ahead. There will be many who will be as the sons of Issachar who understands the times and the seasons that we are living in. Be wise as a serpent, yet gentle as a dove. Ask the Lord for discernment, wisdom and direction in all that you do. Beware of any teaching that does not line up with the Word of God.
As you continue to speak words of faith, contrary to the negative reports, you will begin to take back everything that the enemy has stolen. As you rise up against the powers of darkness, everything that is rightfully yours will be restored. In the book of 2 Kings chapter 6, Elisha's servant was terrified when he saw the vast armies of Syria coming against them.
In the natural they were surrounded by their enemies but Elisha told him not to fear saying: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Elisha then went before the Lord and prayed, "Open his eyes Lord, so that he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. He spiritually saw the armies of protection around Elisha.
2 Kings 6:16-17, So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, and said, "Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
In this global warming, it may appear as if the enemy is gaining ground and many of you have been shaken to the core with sickness, but the Lord says, "This sickness is not unto death but for the glory of God. For those of you who have been through horrendous trials and floods of distress, I will use everything that you have endured to release others and set many free from the grip of the enemy.
As you see this global warming begin to heat up, I will ignite My ministers as flames of fire to release My anointing to this generation. They will be consumed by My glory as they allow My Word to penetrate their hearts as a fire shut up in their bones.
Psalm 104:4, "Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire."
"Do not allow weariness and defeat to overtake you, but resist any spiritual fatigue that tries to put out this fire. Do not be moved by adverse situations but fan the flames and stoke the fire once again. As you allow My fire to consume your life, it will soon become an inferno and you will become ablaze with My glory to advance My Kingdom on this earth," says the Lord.
Jeremiah 20: 9 Then I said, "I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name." But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season
A Word in Season
Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York. She has been a student of the Word for twenty-nine years. She has a prophetic gift as well as a ministry of encouragement, which teaches the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has called them to. She teaches others how to be overcomers in every area of their lives and understands the power and authority that Jesus has assigned to them.
Her ministry, "A Word in Season," has been an encouragement to others for nine years. She has learned the transforming power of the Word of God and encourages others that nothing is impossible with God.
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