Showing posts with label Tage Mathisen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tage Mathisen. Show all posts

Monday, January 26, 2015

Prophetic Word for 2015 - Black Tornados and the Lion by Tage Mathisen

Prophetic Word for 2015 - Black Tornados and the Lion 

by Tage Mathisen

Identity Network

Dream 1: The Black Tornados and the Black Clouds

In the first dream, I was high up on a mountain. There were other people there too and we were all sitting down on green grass. I could see that we were very high up. We had a view on our left side. It was very steep down on that side.

Another special thing in the dream, was that it was totally silent. There was no wind and the silence was so tangible that you could feel it and it was strong. It felt supernatural, like something big was about to happen. It felt as a calm before the storm.

Then as I look up and see behind the people sitting down on the grass, I see that there are some black clouds hanging in the air behind them. The clouds begin forming into the shape of tornados. They start to come down, I cry out, "Tornados!" As I get up, some of the others also get up and we start moving away from the tornados.

I am now leading the other people who followed me and I see a road that goes down hill, but a person tells me to turn the opposite direction to go towards the top of the mountain. I can feel in the dream that my own understanding is saying no, but my spirit is telling me to do it. So I turn to go towards the top of the mountain.

Now, I see a sight that is really terrifying. I look up and what I see are huge black clouds hanging over the mountain. I know that they will turn into a monster tornado, only this tornado will be supernaturally huge, like nothing else seen before. The dream is ended as I am awakened by the alarm on the phone!

Dream 2: The Lion

I am in a big room that has a very high ceiling. I am there with other people. They seem to be younger than me. I have a lot of weapons in this dream (knives and some guns).

Then someone is saying a lion is coming to attack us and I give out weapons to all the others. As we are standing in a half circle in the back of the room we look towards the other side of the room and we can see the lion coming towards us. The Lion looks like it is 3 times bigger than a normal lion. IT IS HUGE!

Suddenly the lion comes to a veil. The veil is transparent and we had not even seen it there before. So the lion is pressing through the veil to get into the room we are in. First the head comes through and we can see how huge the lion is. Everyone is afraid of what is going to happen. We are thinking that we have to kill this lion. As the lion comes through with the rest of its body, it runs towards us, turns towards me and comes right over to me. This happens so fast that I cannot even think.

Then the Lion leans upon the side of me until I am down on the floor. Though he is on the side of me, he is so enormous that he is over the top of me. I am shocked that the Lion is not attacking me in any way, rather he is nuzzling my face and then he takes one arm and front paw and lays over and around my chest area.

Then I suddenly realized that the Lion was the Lord, Jesus Christ!

End of dream.

Hope and Light

First of all I want to say that it is not my intent to bring fear, but to bring hope and light!

Both dreams speak of how our perspective can be off. This is something that the Lord will change through revelation and understanding.

The first dream is showing us a company that is high up on the mountain of God, but not all the way up. It seems very peaceful as they sit in the green grass and rest. Then the two black tornados appear and we have to get away from there. I believe that as we enter 2015 there will be two black tornados that will appear. They will be severe to the world, but the believer who trusts in the Lord will have to arise and move with Him as He leads. The next year will be crucial in many ways.

In 2014 we have had numerous things happen in the world that have brought fear and unbelief. We have learned to watch Israel and watch what is happening to her. As Israel warred with Hamas this year, we can see that even more is building up. ISIS came like a tornado, Russia has come over the border of Ukraine. Ebola has spread throughout west of Africa and some outside. Other Jihadist groups have attacked all over Middle East and in Africa, some also in Asia. Another sign is that the price of oil has fallen down towards 65 USD per barrel. OPEC chose to keep production up as we enter 2015. Iran is in the scope together with Russia and China. Economic sanctions have been given and continues. In many ways it has been an economic war.  Yes the signs are evident that more war and economic trouble is coming.

Since the Lord showed me 2 black tornados coming, I believe there will be two very specific events that will occur, and they will be severe, but not too wide in impact on the earth. A key here will be to watch for Israel and the situation with Iran, and the continuation of building their nuclear weapons. Also, the neighboring states of Israel with Hezbollah, Hamas and ISIS (Islamic State) on the move.

Go to the Top

In the last part of the dream I was told by a person to turn and go up towards the top of the mountain.  The person was an angel of the Lord. We will see much more activity from the angels of the Lord in the next year. Also, God will direct us like Moses to come up to Him on the top of the mountain. He knows that only in Him are we able to get His perspective of current situations. He will also give us more clear understanding and revelation of what is coming. He always tells His friends the prophets.

Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

What I saw as I turned to go up to the top of the mountain was terrifying. Imagine you look up and you see totally black clouds and that they are tremendous in size. The two black tornados that came first were insignificant and very small in comparison. The clouds I now saw were starting to come together to make a supernatural monster tornado. Only this tornado will be different from the two other smaller tornados. This one is God coming down on the mountain, like He did with Moses.

The Lord showed me that He will come down to meet with those who have been called by Him to meet with Him at the top of the mountain. Those that are called will see Him in all His majesty. Like Moses was given clear instruction, so will these be given clear instruction and it will come with wisdom and revelatory understanding. They will see His glory and they will forever be changed, never to be the same again.

The other part He showed me is that He will come down to set things straight and to put order in many areas. Much of what will happen in 2015 will be an attack on the economy of the world. God will make it clear that you cannot trust Mammon. The downfall of 2008 will be small in comparison to what will happen in 2015. Those who trust in the Lord will be standing firm as they move with Him. He will come down to judge the enemy of His kingdom. Those who encounter Him on the top of the mountain will be filled with His holy jealousy.

Exodus 34:14 For you shall not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

The glory of the Lord will be upon them as well as within them. Like Moses' face was shining, so will these be the shining ones. Exodus 34:29 It came about when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses' hand as he was coming down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him. Only they will not cover it like Moses did. The fire of God will ignite them in a way that will change the spiritual atmosphere. Their purpose will be to prepare the way for the Lord, to prepare His people, His bride. The Lord will have His harvest!

Exodus 19:18-20 Now Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain quaked violently. 19 When the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him with thunder. 20 The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, to the top of the mountain; and the Lord called Moses to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up.

Exodus 24:15-18 Then Moses went up to the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. 16 The glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days; and on the seventh day He called to Moses from the midst of the cloud. 17 And to the eyes of the sons of Israel the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the mountaintop. 18 Moses entered the midst of the cloud [n]as he went up to the mountain; and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

The Lion

The second dream is very interesting as it shows us more of what the Lord is about to do.
Many have cried out to Him to see Him face to face (so have I) and we long to see Him as He is. We know that He is the whole reward for our lives, there is nothing else that can bring such a fulfillment than to be with Him and become like Him. But, as many times before, when He comes it can be in a way you do not expect or recognize Him to come.

When the lion came through the veil, it was the head that came through first. This represents the authority of the Lion of Judah. That the veil was transparent, in fact, we could not even see it was there before the Lion started to press through it, makes it clear that He is about to break through the veil of our understanding. He wants us to see Him as the King of His Kingdom and to know Him as The Supreme Ruler. His authority is based upon truth and righteousness, but it all will flow out of His perfect love. 

This was revealed to me as He came right at me and it was His love that overtook me. It is His love that is the greatest weapon of all times, our weapons had no use or function against His amazing powerful love.
So these two will come forth in 2015, His Authority and His Love! They will be paired so that you will not have His true authority without love, and you will not have true love without His authority.

God is fighting for us. He will push back the enemy. His Kingdom is unshakable, and it will be more clear in the next year than ever that what can be shaken will be shaken. God has shaken His house for many years now, to cleanse and purify and now He will come down to shake what is not of Him or where He is rejected. His heart is to draw all to repentance
As 2015 will draw to an end and we tip over into 2016, huge changes will have occurred through the whole earth.

Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth

The Lord will deal with idolatry. What is not of Him will be revealed. He will reveal what are only traditions of men, or own agendas, what is of our soul instead of by the Spirit. Those who worship Him with their whole heart and in His light will be overcome by His goodness. TRUE favor and blessings will start to manifest on those who worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Psalm 97 The Lord reigns; Let the earth rejoice; Let the multitude of isles be glad!

2 Clouds and darkness surround Him; Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. 3 A fire goes before Him, And burns up His enemies round about. 4 His lightnings light the world; The earth sees and trembles. 5 The mountains melt like wax at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory.

Stay on the path with the Lord. Choose Him and trust Him. Do not give up! The Lord is about to bring huge changes and He will look for those who are faithful to Him.

Be blessed and stay blessed.

Much love and grace.

Tage and Dana Mathisen

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Monday, September 29, 2014

The Dream About the Golden Apples and the Glory of the Lord

Golden Apples and the Glory of God 

Part 1 by Tage and Dana Mathisen

Identity Network

The Dream About the Golden Apples and the Glory of the Lord
In the dream I was with my wife Dana and we were in an open place. It was like it was outside but also inside. There were very few people with us. It felt like a remnant.
Then suddenly some small items were covered in gold. One of the items was taken to a bank that appraised gold. The value of the item was so high that all our debts were cancelled and we now had the resources for the journey ahead and the purpose of God.
There was a very big apple tree where we were. This tree had hundreds of apples on it. The apples were still small, like an inch in size. Suddenly ALL the apples were covered in gold. When this happened the dream shifted and I could feel that my understanding of what just happened increased a lot. I knew that the apples covered in gold were like the glory of God. It all became so precious and holy.
I knew then that we had to protect this and that many would come to try to steal the apples.
An older woman in the dream tried to lay something over one of the apples to hide it and steal it. Suddenly something came upon her and she was diminished and disappeared right in front of us.
Then a large man in stature was seen in the distance with a lasso. We knew that this person was very powerful and he came at us with his lasso to steal the golden apples.
I was behind a wall that looked like a hallway. Then the lasso came towards me to catch me. I grabbed the lasso and saw that the big powerful person came towards me. I told the person that if he touched us or the apples he would be destroyed. He said to me that he was very powerful, but I said to him, that He that is with us is far more powerful. He then sat down and started to cry.
We all felt the peace of God take over the whole area and the presence of Gods love was very heavy, very weighty. - End of dream
True Peacemakers
This dream clearly gives us an indication that God is about to finish a work in His people. Those that have yielded to Him, obeyed Him and also have let Him do His work to prepare a body to be His bride will see that He will let His peace reign in and through them. It will be the start of what it says in Isaiah 9 and it will never end.
Isaiah 9:6-7 For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.  There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom, To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.
While we pray, asking the Father "Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven." We are asking Him to establish His Kingdom to rule in and through us. God wants to give us His Kingdom, but He will make sure He can give it to those who are one with Him.  Jesus said in Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. It is to the sons/daughters of Him that He will entrust the Kingdom.
Remember that His Kingdom is the opposite of the kingdom of this world. We see that when Jesus is talking to His disciples in Matthew 5:3-12
3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 5 "Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. 6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 7 "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. 8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. 10 "Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
The apples that were hanging on the tree were suddenly covered by pure gold. The Lord has called each one to let His Holy Spirit do a work of sanctification to make Him a people that is one with Him. This has been a work where only by taking up your own cross and following His will can lead to the fullness of Him in you. Those who have rejected His calling for this will not see the grain of wheat die and it will not bare much fruit.
John 12:24-26 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. 26 If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
God started speaking to me about the difference of leaving everything and losing everything. To leave everything is often the external things such as a job, house, car, family and so on. While losing everything is when the grain falls into the ground to die so it can bare much fruit. That is when you start on the path that is narrow with Him. It is also when you have chosen to lay down your own life and choose to see your own agenda being buried for good. In this process we are learning to not lean on our own understanding but learning to trust the Lord more and more.  Trusting in our own ways is futile, so the goal is to fully trust in Him.
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not lean on your own understanding.
The Tree of Life
On the narrow path our mind becomes more clear. There is an attack from the enemy but as we learn to hear His voice and to set our life to have our mind renewed we will see things clearer. It is like when you look at something from a great distance, you will see it blurry, but when you get in very close, it all becomes very clear. When the Lord becomes the main thing, we are able to stay in His truth and are able to get to know His ways.
Psalms 86:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name.
As we embrace the truth of the Lord and put His truth higher than other "truths" or traditions of men, we will walk closer to His light and become changed into His likeness. This is the main purpose for a disciple of Christ Jesus, to become like your master. Who or what you make your master is what you become like. Another way to say this would be, what you magnify will manifest. We cannot think for a moment that we can be undetermined and not willing to make a choice and think that everything will be alright. Today as the darkness is growing in all areas of the world, it is clear that choosing to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil only leads to death. Nations are turning away from God, that have been blessed by Him. Nations that were set aside unto God are now causing strongholds of the enemy. Prophet after prophet are calling forth people and nations to turn back to God. The scripture is given in 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
As watchmen we have to stand up and by His will stand in the gap like Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Moses, Nehemiah, Phinehas, Paul, Peter and Jesus Himself. God is looking to the earth and seeking who is willing to stand in the gap for Him. Today if He calls you, answer Him.
Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
It cost to say yes to walk the narrow path that leads to life. To the world, it can seems like those who walk on this path are weak, but the opposite is true. In fearing the Lord more than they fear man they have gained wisdom and revelation that they are dead in Christ and that they now live for Christ.
Phil 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
What you fear will master you. The fear of the Lord is not to be afraid of Him like we think of fear, but it is when you set His truth and His way above your own. It is when you trust Him more than you trust yourself or anyone else.
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
To be continued.
Much love and grace.
Tage and Dana Mathisen

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Standing in the Storm by Tage and Dana Mathisen

Standing in the Storm 

by Tage and Dana Mathisen

Identity Network
Deeper Roots

We have seen that when a heat and drought occur, the trees will dig their roots deeper and deeper to get to water. It is the same as with trees in areas with much high winds, they spread their roots widely and deep to stand in the storms. 

As we now see a shaking in many nations, we as Christians are to go deeper in Christ than ever. God has a purpose for this. He wants us to embrace His Kingdom which is unshakable. All that is of the natural or temporal is being shaken. There is a huge transition going on which leads to confusion unless you are deeply grounded in Jesus as THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life! 

The transition is leading from church age into Kingdom age. As Jesus preached and taught the Kingdom of His Father, He also demonstrated it in power and authority. God`s plan is to present a glorious and spotless bride to His Son. Today there is more essential than ever to yield to the Holy Spirit. Everything outside Christ Jesus will fall short. God will raise up His people in such a manner that governments and leaders of corporations and businesses will seek wise counsel from the sons and daughters of God.

Choices and Unity

I saw a line in the sand in a vision yesterday and it is clear that the choices we make today will be of huge impact in the days ahead. In that I have seen that much of what worked before will not work anymore. God is upgrading now, and it is all by His Spirit. In the transition now He is searching for a pure and willing heart. 

As the people have demanded their kings like Saul, God is preparing His Davids. It is a preparation of the heart that happens when our heart is becoming one with the heart of the Father. It will be a oneness and unity between the Father and those who have His heart, not seen before. These vessels will only do what the Father is doing and speak what He is speaking. Many are in a preparation for this today. They do not follow the ways of man, but are led by His Spirit.

Upgrades in Transition

God is calling on us for upgrades! There will be a lot of upgrades in this transition for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. There is also a release of His Spirit of excellence like what happened with Daniel. Much will be in apprehension of Christ in us and the revelation of who He is in us. There is a purging going on now that will sift the dross out of the gold.  

God will give wisdom and revelation so amazing that when it is spoken it will be like a wonder. The oneness with the Father will be so tangible that when we speak, it will be created. We will call forth into existence what was not there. Wisdom will flow like a river of life in and through His people.
Unity with the Father will create a unity between His people that brings the body in alignment with Jesus (The Head). This will result in even greater works than Jesus did. As Moses face was shining of God`s glory, Christ in us will shine through us in a way that all people will recognize that we are one with Him. When we speak, our heavenly dialect will reveal that we belong and are one with Him. Just as Peters dialect revealed he had been with Jesus.

Stand in the Coming Storms!

The basics Jesus taught will be foundational in the time ahead. It will not only be words, but it will be our lives as testimonies. I see that our vision will be much more focused and the focal point will be of who Jesus is in us. More and more will come alive, as the revelation of that we are seated with Him in heavenly places is more real than what we see in the natural. 

When God pours out His glory on earth, we have to be rooted strong in Christ and Him only, or else we will not be able to stand and minister. God wants His people to stand in the storms coming. 
In a dream I had this night, I saw many people in a forest area. They seemed worried and anxious. Then in the dream I prepared a weapon, it was a spear. I knew there was a boar (hog) that was going to attack us. Suddenly the people sounded the alarm that the bore was attacking, and I was ready with the spear. It came straight towards me and I pointed the spear towards the boar as it attacked and it was killed. 

Then all the people screamed out that a big bear was coming to attack and kill us. Everyone was terrified and screamed. Suddenly the big bear came straight towards me, then a person ran towards the bear and jumped up into the arms of the bear, as the person had no fear of this evil attacking us. My spear as I looked at it, was now bent on the tip in a 30 degree angle. I ran towards the bear and was able to spear it from many different angles while this other person was fighting it from the front. It was a team work and after about 20 hits by the spear, the bear was dead.
The Lord showed me that the boar is an unclean and deceiving attack of the enemy on the body of Christ. I sense strong in my spirit that the enemy wants to rob every follower of Jesus of their divine purpose and identity in Christ. This match was the easy one as it only took one hit with the spear and the enemy was out.
The second attack by the big bear is different. It is to those who choose to follow Jesus no matter what and in faith step against the whole system of the enemy. The bear is attacking in finances and blocking people and ministries to get in position. It is even hindering the birth of purposes. When the big bear attacks it tries to put a weight of fear in anxiety and unbelief that many will fall under.
The weapon as a spear is revealed to me to be our declarations made in the spirit out from the authority in Christ seated with Him in heavenly places. Arise by His Spirit into your rightful place with Christ in the heavenly places, far above any second heaven evil authority. The person attacking the bear is revealed to me to be angels of God who partner with us. When we declare the word and will of God by His Spirit the angels are assigned to fulfill those declarations. Even attacking and removing enemies.

Victory in His Blood

In Revelation 12:11 it says: And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Proclaim victory in His blood and keep standing!
There is no greater foundation to stand on in this time than proclaiming the ultimate victory of His blood and His word. Even when we face great tribulation we will endure it with constant statement of the overcoming power of the blood of the Lamb and the word of the transforming faith in Christ. When Satan is attacking in a most vicious and personal way against us, we will stand. It is all because of a faith that is unwavering, resulting from an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
Declare your abiding faith in the accomplished work of the Cross, and constantly participate in Jesus` ultimate victory, overcoming Satan by the power of the Cross. God`s grace will empower you to step into this faith to overcome in Christ.
God bless every one of you as you read this. Grace, grace to any mountain that arise against you by the enemy. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
Love and much grace.
Tage and Dana Mathisen

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