Dutch Sheets:
Let Only God Define Your Destiny
Throughout my life, I've had my fair lot of heart-wrenching situations, including the loss of loved ones, abandonment, rejection, and betrayal from those whom I thought were trustworthy friends. The list goes on and on. Each of those circumstances tried to paralyze me and imprison me, defining my destiny. But, each time, God broke in, offering me a way to freedom.
Every time you are faced with a giant of opposition, you must decide whether you will allow God—or the giant—define who you are and what you will become.
Life's giants expose our hearts and character, revealing who we are. When we face crisis, trials or opposition, those circumstances either reveal and amplify the greatness of God within us, or expose our weaknesses.
When God's greatness within you is revealed, run toward the giant with whatever stones God has placed in your hand.
And when your eyes are opened to the weaknesses that lie within, you are presented with great opportunity to be made strong in Him (2 Corinthians 12:9-11; Philippians 4:13).
When we position ourselves with the Lord, circumstances around us lose their power to paralyze and imprison us. His love and power strengthen us.
If we humbly yield to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, in time we can overcome our weaknesses, conquer our giant, and take hold of the inheritance provided by God (Hebrews 9:13-14;13:20-21).
Choose to be forward-focused and not past-possessed. Profit from the past, invest in the future.
Let those mountains of opposition become stepping stones toward your destiny.
Know that when the enemy had you pinned to the mat, and people were counting you out, God was making you into a Joseph, an Esther, a Paul—for such a time as this! Allow those heart-wrenching circumstances to shape you into who God has called you to be.
Let only God define you and your destiny.
Don't rob us of the amazing you God made! He deposited something in you we need. You are pre-destined by God to do amazing things. He is calling you to rise up out of the ashes of opposition, face your giants with bold faith, and cross over into your destiny!
How will you respond to that which is revealed when giants take the stage?
Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries
Dutch Sheets Ministries
Dutch Sheets is an internationally known speaker and was recently named the Executive Director of Christ for the Nations Institute. Dutch is a successful author who has written many books including the best-seller Intercessory Prayer and his recent book, Dream. Dutch travels extensively, empowering Believers for passionate prayer and world-changing revival. Dutch and his wife, Ceci, reside in Dallas, Texas.
Website: Elijah List
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA