Jeremiah describes the return of the Jewish people
to the Land of Israel in two ways. They will come from
certain places and they will return as families. Today
"Israel Returns" is helping to fulfill Jeremiah's words
by bringing families of lost Jews back to Israel, after
Relive the excitement and emotions of an Aliyah flight
from North America arriving at Ben Gurion Airport.
The immigrants step off the place and become the
Despite numerous assertions that he is an Anti-Semite,
polarizing Hobby Lobby president Steve Green has
donated his collection of ancient Codex Climaci
Rescriptus to the Jerusalem Bible Land Museum.
Check out this line of cool Jerusalem t-shirts. These
lightweight shirts sent directly from Israel are great to
Today's Jerusalem picture courtesy of Nefesh B'nefesh
features new immigrants from the United States and
sponsored by Tine Van der Meer of Brazil in honor
of her sister's birthday. Sponsor a Day »“Someone Out There With the Same Dream as Mine”
2005 to visit Jerusalem, and I always thought it
would be impossible. But the Holy One of Israel
is in charge and He made it possible so I am visiting
Jerusalem/Israel next year. Then I will see with my
eyes your beautiful city and country. Thank you for
your wonderful photos and news you share every
day with us. If there is someone out there with the
same dream as mine, just keep faith the Holy One
will provide in His perfect time. Baruch HaShem!
Erika, South Africa
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz Copyright © 2013 Jerusalem365, All rights reserved. Thank You for Signing Up for the Jerusalem365 emails. Our mailing address is: Jerusalem365 36 Ein GediRamat Beit Shemesh 99000 Israel
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA