Kathie Walters
Within days of each other, both Jeff Jansen and Kathie Walters received similar types of revelations about open doors, heavenly ladders, and tables. God is at work, all over the earth, at SEEMINGLY an accelerated pace to provide these same things...open doors and "tables prepared for you".
Just as we are witnessing a confirmation of the Open Doors and Ladders from both Jeff and Kathie at almost the same time, you too can have confirmation that these articles today will bring to you.
I know many of you are getting this same type of revelation and these words will serve as a confirmation to you from the Lord.
Read and be encouraged as Kathie lays before you a number of angelic visitations and God encounters, both in history and in the present time! Understand the vision on the earth today from the Lord...and then run with it!
Steve Shultz
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Kathie Walters:
Heavenly Ladders and Tables
I just returned from a trip to Wales, England, and Scotland – three conferences and a group tour of Wales. It was wonderful, as any God adventure is.
While I was traveling, every day I kept having dreams of "ladders and tables". They were painted lovely colors - purple, red, blue, green, lilac, etc.
While doing a conference in Bedford, England with "His Fragrance Ministry", I again saw a ladder (over Bedford). I was still wondering what was going in the spirit and what God was saying with the ladders and tables.
On Friday night at the end of the meeting, I was talking to someone, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge angel standing to the side of the room.
I mentioned it to a few women standing nearby and one of them who was with our tour group, Carol, went over to that place at the side. Next thing I saw was Carol totally taken up in the spirit and she was "gone" from us.
We eventually helped carry her back to the bus. Later she told us that she had an encounter with an angel from William Wilberforce's ministry. Someone else, separately, had a vision of slaves in the hold of a ship. I was still seeing the ladder with angels going up and down it over Bedford, England.
It was in Bedford also that John Bunyan wrote "The Pilgrim's Progress" and many other books when he was in prison there. (Photo: William Wilberforce)
So then, after that conference in Bedford, I saw many ladders and tables being put in place. What does that mean?
Well, William Wilberforce, John Newton and John Bunyan were all proponents of grace – they all disengaged from organized religion where people were controlled by a hierarchy. Bunyan was put in prison twice for preaching that ordinary people could read the Bible for themselves.
Galatians 5:1 "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."
There is a mighty move being stirred – many great callings being released.
But God is sending a great spirit of LIBERTY because we have to hear God for ourselves. It's a wake up call for people who already think they are awake.
It's a new calling for many people who think they have nothing much to offer. God wants to break that box you have put yourself in or you have allowed others to put you in.
But there are ladders and places where people have been praying and getting rid of the enemy in the gates and opening up many heavenly portals.
That's part of the churches ministry – to take the enemy from the gates in the Name of Jesus.
When I was in New Zealand last year, we discovered an ancient spirit guarding the coastline near Ohope. When the pastor and Margaret Knight and I kicked it out, a huge angel came into NZ to call the intercessors to pray for certain things.
Just like Daniel, the angels of God do get held up sometimes. That's why we have to live in the spirit realm.
By the way, there is nothing hard in that – every one of us can live in the spirit realm. It's our inheritance in Christ. You don't have to qualify – Jesus died and rose again and qualified you forever and He lives and is always making intercession for YOU.
Maybe you are one of the groups who have been praying, allowing God's ladders to be set up where the angels of God can bring the things God has prepared for you and others.
In these places I've discovered what I call "Table-layers". These are people who lay a table and provide food for others to come and eat. In different areas there are those who make available the tables of God.
They invite the various ministries to come and then they open the table for others to come and eat. These are going to be tables and ladders to bring great freedom to the Body of Christ.
That is why angels like the one in Bedford, who helped Wilberforce bring the freedom to the slaves, are involved in this move of liberty. We must be free from our concepts and boxes and listen to what He is saying in this time.
I know there are many surprises for all of us and open doors.
Do you remember the angel from New Zealand who came to my house a few years ago and sang me the whole song from Aladdin, "A Whole new world"? It starts off with an invitation. Remember, the prince says to Jasmine, "Do you trust me?" and she replies, "Yes," and the she takes his hand and he takes her on a wonderful ride where she sees things from a whole new perspective.
We seem to think sometimes that for God to bring a move to our place (house or church or meeting place) we sometimes have to do something to "qualify". Well yes, you do – you have to just believe. He is a covenant keeper and He will do as He says.
In the Hebrides Revival (see my book "Bright and Shining Revival") the pastor on the Isle of Lewis (Hebrides Islands) and six men from his church got together in a barn and called out to God for a visitation. Guess what? God heard them because He said, "When you call I will answer."
When He said, "If you call on Me, if you seek Me... I will heal the land." They did what He said (seek Him) and then started to declare what He said. They believed Him and told people, "God is coming, He is healing the land." They didn't keep praying because they got the answer when He said it the first time.
I spoke to people myself who told me that when the presence of God came down they packed up and left the Islands and went to live on the mainland until it was over. They told me, "If we stayed, God would get us."
They didn't qualify for a spiritual ladder – they just prayed and believed. God sent a ladder, an open Heaven, and they laid a table for people to comer and dine.
Maybe you are praying and believing – maybe you are a table-layer. You don't have to qualify for that either. You have to step out in faith as you are led by the Spirit to do what He tells you to do, go where He tells you to go, and say what He tells you to say.
Come on, let's run after Him. Jesus died and rose again to purchase your freedom, not your religious mindsets.
Don't miss the beautiful setting that has your name on it already. There's not another you – you're it.
God didn't make a spare one of you in case you don't work out.
This is a note from Carol Bengele, who had the initial encounter with the angel from William Wilberforce's ministry:
"I am not sure what the total significance of that encounter is but I know it was monumental. Keys are being given to those who have been crying out to see the religious slavery broken off of God's children. Keys to set the captives free, both saved and unsaved.
The new Abolitionists are arising who will do whatever is necessary to loose the bound and oppressed
"As for Moggerhanger (the meeting place in Bedford where the conference was held) I believe it will become a place where freedom will be ministered at every level and to every level of society.
People will come to breathe in the atmosphere and receive a key to influence the lives of those in their own nations. It will be known as "The Freedom Center". Cast off the shackles that keep you bound to anything but Christ. Freely you have received now freely give."
God is sending "cows" (a continual means of provision) – small businesses, to help you to prosper.
We all have things to do and places to go. I just returned from a wonderful trip to the U.K. Now I am headed for Australia and New Zealand next week. I would love to see you.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Good News Ministries
Email: kathiewalters@mindspring.com
Website: kathiewaltersministry.com
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA