"Supernatural Doors - An Invitation to Heavenly Realms"
Kathie Walters, Macon, GA
The Elijah List
Supernatural Doors At the Airport
The first supernatural door was at the airport in Sydney, Australia. And the second one, well, I want to show you a picture of a door where something supernatural happened just recently.
Two years ago, I arrived at Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport. I fly in and out of Sydney quite often, so I know the airport well – like I know Atlanta. I had three large cases, two of them with books and CDs for my conference. When you bring books and CDs into another country, it sometimes takes 20 minutes (after standing in the line for 40 minutes) to explain what the books are for and that you are not part of a weird cult.
As I had flown all the way from Atlanta, I felt tired and didn't feel like getting in the long line or trying to give an explanation to the customs guy.
As I said, I know the airport well, and I had never noticed a door there before. I thought, "They are waiting for me, and they are going to give me a hard time because I have three cases." I walked with my cart over to the corner and through the door expecting to see some stern-faced man waiting there.
To my surprise, I was suddenly in the main terminal. I totally bypassed all the security! "Thank You, Lord!" I said. I was so happy!
Again... Another Airport Door Appears
I had meetings that week and the following week; I went to New Zealand as I always do. I had a great time in New Zealand, and returned to Sydney a couple of weeks later. I flew into the same international terminal and baggage claim. I was feeling happy, because although I had three cases (someone in New Zealand makes CDs for me), I knew which door to head for. Easy.
I went through the initial customs where they check your passport and then went to the baggage claim and gathered my three cases.
I wheeled my cart toward the corner to go through the door I had been through two weeks before. When I got to the corner, to my dismay, there was NO DOOR THERE at all.
I had no choice but to go and get at the end of a very long line of people going through the security, but I was not a happy camper at all. I complained to the Lord about it. "I don't know about that, making doors and then taking them away again. Now I have to get in this big, long line."
Afterwards I said to the Lord, "Why did You take away the first door and then make another door?" He didn't give me any great theological answer, "I am the door, I can do what I like," is all He said.
But I thought about it afterwards: He can do what He likes and what He desires – He is the door, He is the key, He is the beginning and the end...He can make a way where there is no way, and make a door where there is no door! Simple really. Just need a bit of faith, which we have already been given. "To every man [is given] the measure of [God's] faith" (Romans 12:3).
It's a Heavenly Door and Invitation
I had just returned from Wales and England. We had a great time. I take a group to Ireland and Scotland every April, and Wales and England every October.
So, I just returned from the October tour. While we were visiting Bedford area, we went to the church where John Newton (author of the famous hymn "Amazing Grace") preached and is now buried – Olney Parish Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. John Bunyan, author of The Pilgrim's Progress, was imprisoned in Bedford for preaching without being "ordained." The famous politician and slave trade abolitionist, William Wilberforce, went to rest often at Moggerhanger estate in Bedford, too. Quite a grace history in Bedford.
While we were at the Olney Church, we had sung "Amazing Grace" around John Newton's grave. I walked back to the front gate, and I passed a side door into the church. The door was a muddy brown color and surrounded by the grey stone arch design around the door. I stopped and took a picture of the door because I noticed a pattern on the door, but the door was not very attractive really. We got back on the little bus and went on with Michele Grandfield to the next place. Michele has a great ministry in Bedford called "His Fragrance Ministries."
I was totally amazed when I saw the brown painted door. It was an amazing blue color (right), and the grey stone around it was now pretty hues.
I did not do anything to the picture in the way of color or anything like that. None of the other pictures I took had color apart from the actual color they were at the time. It was a cloudy day, so none of the pictures were bright. It's a heavenly door, and I believe it's an invitation to the heavenly realms – and a reminder that Jesus is supernatural, and the supernatural realm of the Holy Spirit is our inheritance. (Photo by Kathie Walters)
Come on in through the Heavenly Door (Jesus), and remember that He can make a door where there seems to be no door to go through, and He is the Way and the Truth and Life, nothing is too hard for Him. He loves you.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries
Good News Ministries
Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.
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