Chuck Pierce: God Declares, 'Your New Path Is Forming'
Dear Advancing Ones:
This is our week to pass over! There is so much stirring in the heavenlies, and on Sunday morning we saw an outpouring of revelation. In this week of new beginnings, the Spirit of God is declaring, "Your new path is forming!" Don't resist the stops He inserts in your week to set you in His perfect timing. Be sure to read below a portion of Sunday's prophetic release that will help you come out on the waters and cause your faith to arise!
Come Out! Faith Will Rise! Key Prophecy for the Week Ahead!
"I'm calling you to walk on the waters! Come, walk on the waters with Me. I'm extending My hand to you! I am extending My hand to You; come, go ahead and take a step! Come walk upon the waters! You will not go under the wave.
"This is the beginning of a new week. You are going to make amazing progress and be propelled ahead because this is the time that you will start moving in My faith. You will start moving in My faith—don't get your eyes on your own faith! This is where your faith and the fear of Me will mix. You will uncover secrets. As you release faith and begin to worship, you will begin to see secrets uncovered.
"For there have been many of My people who have been found within the boundaries of their own borders. You are coming with the sound of your own roar, but I am coming from outside your borders to release a roar that will encapsulate you and transform you into the sound of My image. I'm going to lead you in a direction that you're not used to going. For you have determined to go on one path, but a new path is forming. I will put key stops in your path that set you in My perfect timing. Be sure to heed the stops in the week ahead.
"If you will be in My timing I will give you an unusual positioning in your life. From that positioning, I will surprise you with My roar. You think the roar is coming through you, but I'm going to surprise you how I show up and display Myself to you! So move in a different way, as I am structuring you. The roar you need to cause the enemy around you to disperse will come forth and will cause all of those around you to see that I am favoring you. I will surprise you with the display of who I AM.
"You are going to have to step out of the boat and come see if it's Me in the water. Lean not on your own understanding! You are in a place where I am pursuing you right now. I'm coming after you right now. Keep moving in the direction I have caused you to move in, and don't just move in the way you want it go. I have sent you to a new side. I am sending you to a new place. Keep moving in that direction and I will find, establish and show you what you're to do on the other side."
A Week of Settlement
"Many of My people have been waiting, and they've been saying, 'If I can only get to this place,' or, 'If I can only do this thing,' or, 'If I can just have a reprieve.' But this is not a time to ask for a reprieve—this is a time to go in for settlement. This is a week of settlement. Seek My face, hear My voice and listen for the roar of the lion of Judah.
"This is My week that I am bringing settlements to those things that concern you. Come up here and begin to prophesy that those settlements are coming out of the very highest heaven, down through the enemy's second heaven and into the earth realm. Reach out and you bring that in this week!
"This is a week when I settled things with the gods of Egypt. This is a week when it was finally over, said and done. I emerged as the One who sits as Judge over all the gods of Egypt. Let Me judge and pronounce My settlements, settle issues and release the final word over the things that have been contending with you. This is a week of the final settlement."
Break Forth in a New Way
"If you will rise up and worship Me then you will spot the needle in the haystack that you've been looking for. The needle is there and you'll never find it from the place that you're searching. But if you will come up you will see the needle. And not only will you see the needle, but you will see the garment that I'm going to make for you to put on.
"I am sending some revelation that is going to cause your head to shake. You are thinking in one way, but I'm about to shake up some things so you will think in a different way. Don't try to put a false covering that you've been under back on top of that which I am messing up for you! If you choose the false covering, you will end up vainly searching for power and not listening to what I have to say that would cause power to come in and empower you. Let Me mess you up so a new glory emanates from you. Don't try to cover over the 'new' that I am causing to cover you.
"This is the time of breaking forth in a new way. What has seemed so hard, so difficult, so impenetrable, know that I'm coming with a new power in My people. No longer will My people bow down under what's tried to hold them back. I'm loosing a new voice in My people. The ecclesia is rising up with a new voice that is empowered by My Spirit.
"Now is the time to allow My voice to be released through you. This new sound is going to cause My people to rise up in a new way. What has tried to defeat you in days past no longer has the power. My voice is stronger and more powerful than the voice of the enemy, the voice of intimidation and the voice that would try to hold you back. Open wide your mouth and cause My word to come forth, even as a sharp sword that will penetrate and release you into a new place.
I Am the God Who Wins the War
"Do not fear the circumstances around you. In the war you are in, I am the God who wins the war. The enemy is powerless against My Spirit. I am not waiting for the world to release its voice. I am looking to My church to rise up and be the church I created her to be. Let the voice of the Lord come forth, and I shall silence the voice of the enemy.
"I am preparing to send a wind this week that has thunder and lightning on it. Where the second heaven has grown static, when I hit the wires, the sound of the wind will release a melodious sound that will come down from heaven and go back from Earth. There is a song in the heavens I am ready to bring to Earth, and I'm ready for Earth to release her song back to Me. Although the static electricity is a hindrance, the wind of My breath will hit those wires and pluck a sound.
"Those who have kingdom ears will hear this sound and echo back My sound. This is going be a stormy week. Get ready, for I am clearing out the static that's keeping you from being connected into what you need to hear and say." 
(Prophetic words spoken by: Chuck D. Pierce, John Dickson, Anne Tate, Tobias Lyons, Diane Roussel, Brian Kooiman, Marty Cassady, Linda Heidler, Penny Jackson, Barbara Wentroble and Keith Pierce)
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as president of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping triumphant reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time and Time to Defeat the Devil.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA