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Aaron Hernandez Wrote John 3:16 Across HisForehead Before He Hung Himself
Former Patriots star and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez has died after committing suicide in his Massachusetts prison cell. H... |
 | | Will Smith: "God Placed The Best Things In Life On The Other Side Of Fear" Movie star Will Smith has given an inspirational speech about the power of fear, and how we should be motivated to overcome it in... |
 | | Christian Fox Commentator Bill O'Reilly Fired For Sexual Harassment Popular Fox News presented and 'The O'Reilly Factor' host Bill O'Reilly has been fired from his role at the news network over several a... |
 | | North Korea Propaganda Video Shows Missiles Hitting US, Burning Crosses And Flag A terrifying new propaganda video has emerged from North Korea, depicting the destruction of the US by nuclear missile attack. State... |
 | | If Jesus Died For My Sins, Why Do I Need To Ask For Forgiveness Every Time I Sin? It may look like a straightforward question, but a lot of Christians wrestle with this. If Jesus really died for my sins already, why am I req... |
 | | 'Faith-Healing' Pastor Won't Face Trial Over Granddaughter's Death A judge on Wednesday ruled that there is no chance a faith-healing pastor will be charged in the death of his 2-year-old granddaughter,... |
 | | Katy Perry Remembers Picketing Madonna Concerts As A Young Christian Mega popstar Katy Perry has opened up about her sheltered Christian upbringing, even revealing that she would go to picket Madonna a... |
 | | Franklin Graham: 'Mike Pence Needs Prayer For God's Wisdom In Meetings Over North Korea' Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has called on Christians across the US to pray for Vice President Mike Pence as the Christian politician... |
 | | ISIS Gunmen Open Fire At Moses 'Burning Bush' Holy Site In Egypt ISIS gunmen have opened fire on an Egyptian police checkpoint near the St. Catherine's monatery, killing one and wounding four others,... |
 | | Five Ways Pastors Can Reverse Negative Sentiments In A Church “There is so much negativity in our church. What can we do?” Some form of that question has come my way many times.... |
 | | 3 Effective Ways Christians Can Fight Depression Depression can affect anyone, Christian or not. Just as a broken leg would mean you require crutches, mental health issues will also often... |
 | | Abortion Activist Steals Pro-Life Sign And Runs Down Priest As She Drives Away An Ohio pro-life group has claimed that an abortion activist injured one of its volunteers after running them over following an alterca... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: Bursting Your Christian Bubble Are you living in a Christian bubble? Do all of your friends think the same, look the same and act the same? It’s so easy to find our... |
 | | Billy Graham Explains Why God Does Not Answer All Of Our Prayers Have you ever wondered why it seems God has failed to hear your prayers? It can be a bit frustrating, can't it? You may be earnestly... |
 | | 3 Hypocritical Ways Christians Hate The Sin In Others But Not Themselves We are all guilty of picking holes in the behavior of other people, whilst refusing to acknowledge our own shortcomings. This is such a serio... |
 | | Where Do Angels Fit Into The End-Times Drama? Angels don’t preach the gospel—at least not yet. But they are sending various messages to prophetic people in the body of... |
 | | What Happened To Holiness? Holiness means set apart, to be different. But as I scan the landscape of the church, so often I see sameness with our culture. The divo... |
 | | A Daughter Is Forced Out Of Her Home For Becoming A Christian ICC - A few decades ago, Nisa and Daniel wanted to get married, but there was major problem: Daniel was a Christian. Nisa’s fa... |
 | | 10 Things You Should Know About Eastern Orthodoxy News broke this past week that Hank Hannegraaf, of the Bible Answer Man radio program, was chrismated on Palm Sunday at Saint Ne... |
 | | Francis Chan: If You Think A Loving God Wouldn't Judge, Have You Even Read the Bible? The whole concept of divine judgement is seldom addressed in the modern evangelical Church - it makes people nervous. As a result, Unive... |
 | | Oldest Person In The World Is A Jamaican, Jesus-Loving Christian Aged 117 Violet Mosse-Brown, born March 10, 1900, is now the oldest living person, and she loves Jesus! 'I love the church,' Brown told th... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA