There is Great Breakthrough Upon the Writers by Lana Vawser
May 12, 2017 Identity Network
I had a vision and I watched as the Lord released these winds of acceleration and His angelic hosts to minister to you, and cause these manuscripts to come forth faster than you could imagine. Anything that has been attempting to block this manuscript, any warfare, is falling to the wayside as the winds of acceleration fall upon you and the Lord continues to breathe upon His message in your manuscript.
There is a greater ease that you will find as the anointing upon you to write is significantly increasing. There is a breakthrough anointing over you as you write to move past the hindrances and move into the final stages of birthing.
The Lord Showed Me the Destiny Room of Heaven Again
Yesterday, I released a word on the Destiny Room of heaven. As I pondered this word for the writers the Lord showed me the destiny room in heaven again. He showed me the encounters that are going to open up for the writers as He opens up and reveals the destiny room and for some in new ways.
In a vision I saw the Lord taking many into this destiny room through visions, visitations and prophetic dreams and as He led them in, I saw big screens all around the walls of the room. As the writers went in one by one, He pressed play on a remote and a "trailer" began to play. It was a trailer for their manuscript, but this trailer was not how THEY saw their book, it was how HE saw their book. It showed His excitement,
His vision that was so beautifully crafted and displayed within these manuscripts. It also showed what HE was going to do THROUGH the manuscripts.
I watched as the writers wept and wept, being shown a "glimpse" of His heart contained in their manuscript and the people that were going to be saved, healed, set free, delivered, encouraged and brought to life through their writings. I watched as the writers fell at His feet weeping and out of their mouth came the words "I praise you Jesus! I praise you! It's SO MUCH BIGGER than I imagined! It's SO MUCH BIGGER than I ever dreamed."
The Lord bent down and grabbed their hands and with tear filled eyes, full of joy, full of love, His face beaming with such delight and His eyes shouting how proud He was of them, He spoke: "THANK YOU for pressing through, THANK YOU for continuing to steward the message that I have given you and lean into Me to write all I asked you to. Through the fire, through the storm, through the darkness, you did not give up.
You continued to remain faithful to the assignment I gave you in this writing. I am breathing My spirit upon this manuscript and many shall come to life, come to know Me, be set free, healed and delivered by My love and My Spirit. I am going to do MORE through this manuscript than you could ever imagine. Great joy shall fill your heart as you see what I am about to do. You will see the process has been all worth it."
This is Your Time
I then saw manuscripts laid out on tables in this room of destiny. They were perfectly placed in frames, and I noticed the words written all along the frames. The words were purity, humility, surrender, integrity. As I looked at them instantly the atmosphere was filled with the sense that these books were framed by the purity, humility, surrender and integrity of the writers. These manuscripts were written by writers who have kept the, "main thing, the main thing." They have stayed true to the message He gave them, and their eyes have been upon Him and such deep surrender and reliance on Him, worshiping Him all the way through the process.
I watched as Jesus walked along these tables and He had a scepter in His hand. He placed the tip of the scepter upon each manuscript and it came ALIVE with favor. As I looked at each manuscript I saw a quick glimpse of networks, doors and connections of favor that the Lord had drawn up with His hand.
He turned to each of the writers and He spoke, "Be at rest, be at peace with this manuscript. I have already decreed the exact strategic places, networks, doors that need to be opened and hands these manuscripts need to fall into. I have taken care of it all. Rest, trust Me. I am going to get My messages out far and wide. Great unprecedented, radical favor is being decreed over these manuscripts. Don't try and strive and make anything happen. What I am going to do with these manuscripts will leave you in awe of what I can do!"
"The process of these assignments I have given you with these manuscripts has increased your anointing to write. You will see an increase in revelation, clarity and insight upon you to hear Me and for further writing assignments. You have transitioned to a whole new level.
Multiple births are upon many of you and the supernatural ease and anointing I am releasing will see you write even more books than you imagined. It may not make sense in the natural and for many of you look impossible, but through the empowerment of My Spirit, you will do what you thought you could not do. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit will be your testimony!"
"Writers, this is your time!"
Lana Vawser
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA